Modern Warfare

In the Middle Ages there was what was called the Truce of God. This was to have areas of the country where warfare was banned. Also, days and weeks where battle was forbidden.

‘There’s a little bit of Harry in the air’ when he walks round the camp the night before the Battle of Agincourt. Yes, they all got a night’s sleep before the battle commenced at the specified time in the morning. And it was all hand to hand combat where the military virtues of courage and fortitude were to the fore.

What have we got now? Someone presses a button on a battleship and a cruise missile rockets to its intended target thousands of miles away. Or drone attacks operated from the Pentagon with no personal risk whatsoever. There’s just something obscene about it for me.

Nominated by Miles Plastic

To assist your understanding.


now to make you shit your pants.

115 thoughts on “Modern Warfare

  1. I don’t like Modern Warfare either or for that matter Infinite Warfare, in fact if the truth be known all the COD series except WW2 are a bit pants. I like Ghost Recon.

  2. All warfare is a cunt. War is War and a nasty, ugly business by default, however you seek to dress it up. Any half decent human being who imagines otherwise needs to remove their rose coloured spectacles.

    I’ll get my WWII greatcoat.

  3. All joking aside what’s Thunderbird’s take on warfare? Seeing as her and her mob want us back in the stone age, I wouldn’t think there’s any room in her dystopia for machines of war? Can’t imagine those Challenger 2s get very good MPG
    PS good nom MP

    • Gretas all for it!
      Keeps overpopulation down a bit so therefore a revolutionary green action.

    • Why do people keep saying that I’ve got to reduce my greenhouse gas emissions..?

      I haven’t got a fucking greenhouse….

  4. In the words of Edwin Starr . . . . . . .

    War, huh, yeah
    What is it good for
    Absolutely nothing
    War, huh, yeah
    What is it good for
    Absolutely nothing
    Say it again, why’all
    War, huh, good god
    What is it good for
    Absolutely nothing, listen to me
    Oh, war, I despise
    ‘Cause it means destruction of innocent lives. ?

  5. Were they not operating US drones from an airfield in England? By all accounts they have the controls set up in containers which can be shipped to where ever they are needed.

    Fucking Pussies if you ask me.

  6. You could argue that something like the English longbow was built, feared, and such a huge factor in our comparatively tiny nation’s military might for that very same reason. To be able to kill the enemy from a distance at which they cant kill you. Sure it’s not 1000’s of miles away, but it was the long-range ballistic missile of its time and it was used to full effect extensively.

    I might argue though that sending a drone or missile over to precision strike a target is much more favourable than sending in troops to fight a drawn out campaign, inevitably resulting in vastly more lives lost on both sides. Let’s face it, so would have Henry or Charles or any other military leader if they had the technology to do so too, as was proven all too well when it was obtained. I think this idea of honour was always a bit romanticised, it was still just killing people as productively as possible given the means available to them in their respective time.

    I guess the ultimate goal of your battle will always be to defeat your enemy with as few of your own people killed as possible. If you can do that in 1 shot with minimal casualties, that’s got to be better than a million shots fired and however many casualties that inevitably produces.

    • Romanticised by the ruling class to galvanise the masses.

      Great post FlipperLips.

    • Yes the long bow was used for killing from a distance but it would still be a big decision sending people out on the battle field to accompany the artillery.

      Drone strikes make the decision to attack a bit too easy to take in my book.

  7. The hardware/software in video one needs to be used to take out the cunts In video two.

    Have a nice day!

    Old Attenborough all over the news today, it looks like we are on the verge of becoming ground zero, not tomorrow….. TODAY, we need action NOW.

    The UK should take the lead, ban all flights into and out of the UK, shut down all fossil fuel power stations, close all petrol stations and turn off the gas…. that should sort it!!!

    • Attenbugger actually had the gall to gently infer that unless China gets real, progress is unlikely to be made. I doubt that comment went down too well in Extinction Rebellion circles.

  8. War and humanity go hand in hand.
    Weve always had wars.
    From Inter tribal conflicts to world wars.
    It wont ever stop. Fact.
    Some people are pacifists, decry all violence not just war,
    Like Gandhi & john Lennon although Gandhi was a wife beater an Lennon mentally ill,
    Jeremy Corbyn Is a pacifist and therefore a potential wife beater,

    ‘Pacifists, what are they good for? ‘
    Sang a belligerent Edwin Starr, an he had a point!

    • “Jeremy Corbyn Is a pacifist and therefore a potential wife beater,”

      I beg to differ, the man is a total Cunt!

      • Lennon raised his clawed hand to his wife, Cynthia, on a number of occasions, the nasally, Scouse, lanky, beak-nosed, dead, wrong-un sympathising cunt.

      • There you go then, my scientific theory was right!
        Pacifists love beating women.

        Never trust a hippy.
        2nd commandment

      • God’s a funny fella. In his Ten Commandments, killing doesn’t even get a look-in till No.5.

        1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any strange gods before Me.
        2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
        3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
        4. Honour thy father and mother.
        5. Thou shalt not kill. (Except in my name of course).

        Insecure, narcissistic little fukka, ain’t he?

      • That dozy cunt Moses brought down the earlier draft!
        Its this-
        1 Thou shalt not water the ale, it is sacred
        2 never trust a hippy
        3 never give a sucker a even break
        4 eat yer greens an yer meat
        5 dont covert yer neighbours arse
        6 dont eat yellow snow
        7 dont turn the other cheek, pick up a rock
        8 dont buy anything made in china
        9 dont be naughty
        10 honour thy landlord an chippy owner

      • Funny thing is though, the punishment for not obeying the Ten Commandments is death.

      • Only fair.
        Should just be “do as yer told or else”
        Stone tablet? Weighs what?
        Same as 2 bricks?
        Carried it down a mountain, must of been fit! In sandals too!
        Tough bloke, his real name was Charlton Heston.
        Moses was his nickname.

  9. Greatest modern warfare weapon that would leave the western world devastated, would be turning off social media!

    A simplistic view I know, but imagine it if all social media providers were taken offline forever! How the fuck would we cope, especially the millennials?

    • As 99% of social media is crap it wouldn’t be long before most people wouldn’t miss it at all.

    • I think it would trigger mass suicide, imagine a computer virus that would delete peoples like’s and friends tally that would be fantastic!

  10. To be correct automatic weapons revolutionised war, if you take into account the weight and kick of the old muskets, or sword ect the modern assault weapon brought forward the child soldier.
    Kids are great, they do not eat much they have no social conscience so are excellent exterminators and the country’s that use them normally have a surplus.
    Now contrary to your thoughts most military’s do not teach unarmed combat ( Trust me as a tank soldier I never had one lesson) simply because there is more chance of you getting hurt, and probably loosing, so you want to keep the enemy as far away as possible.
    (on topic but to help you understand, the science of war is to overwhelm the industry/ infrastructure of your enemy, one of the resources is medical aid, so you dont want to kill them, you want to hurt them. tally is for each person down another two is required to care for them on the field as the medical facilities become overwhelmed treatment stops and people are discouraged from getting hurt so they surrender).
    The modern warfare remote control concept is a PR win, no friendly body bags, no chance of being captured and paraded on TV and no injuries.
    However as a ground soldier it is rather boring, in Gulf war 1 I came out with the same ammunition tally as I went in (Not a shot fired every cunt was more than happy to surrender) (you will note I did not get killed either, BONUS!)

    • Ah yes, the simple beauty of the “toe popper”or that Italian mine that looks like a pebble, just for the river/stream crossings.

      • mines, the toy that just keeps giving, love them have two crippled mates from them (the other managed to get hit by a fucking tank shell, hats off to that (and legs)).
        I am not that fond of them.
        I recall crawling through a maize field and finding a sign thrown in the middle ” Pazi Mine” (careful mines!) .
        Bit shit that was, we were in a bad place in a valley between two hills so , overlooked and a random “Mine” notice chucked in the field.
        Where mine? in front or behind? we crawled through it and came back via a frozen river bed with bayonets on,
        Sounds really heroic docent it! .
        But the logic was the river had receded from the frozen banks so were unlikely to be mined, the fixed bayonets were to be used as ice axes should we slip down the banks into the river that would take us into the land of no return.

  11. It’s hard to believe Barry McGuire’s – The Eve of Destruction was written 55 years ago as the lyrics are just as relevant today as they were then.
    I therefore make no apology for showing them in full.

    The eastern world, it is explodin’,
    Violence flarin’, bullets loadin’,
    You’re old enough to kill but not for votin’,
    You don’t believe in war, but what’s that gun you’re totin’,
    And even the Jordan river has bodies floatin’,
    But you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
    Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.
    Don’t you understand, what I’m trying to say?
    And can’t you feel the fears I’m feeling today?
    If the button is pushed, there’s no running away,
    There’ll be no one to save with the world in a grave,
    Take a look around you, boy, it’s bound to scare you, boy,
    And you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
    Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.
    Yeah, my blood’s so mad, feels like coagulatin’,
    I’m sittin’ here, just contemplatin’,
    I can’t twist the truth, it knows no regulation,
    Handful of Senators don’t pass legislation,
    And marches alone can’t bring integration,
    When human respect is disintegratin’,
    This whole crazy world is just too frustratin’,
    And you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
    Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.
    Think of all the hate there is in Red China!
    Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama!
    Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space,
    But when your return, it’s the same old place,
    The poundin’ of the drums, the pride and disgrace,
    You can bury your dead, but don’t leave a trace,
    Hate your next door neighbor, but don’t forget to say grace,
    And you tell me over and over and over and over again my friend,
    You don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.
    No, no, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.

    • 1960s peaceniks who could only write protest songs due to the sacrifices of their fathers and grand fathers. Only by implementing a world government can we stop wars but the price of peace is likely to be tyranny.

      One side singing about peace whilst the other builds an aggressive military isn’t going to end well. As things stand we will only find eternal peace in death.

      • This was my era. I was no hippie but like many kids of my time, most could see the futility of war and in particular, the Vietnam War. Harold Wilson was certainly determined not to be the States poodle and refused to offer military aid.

      • Watched an interesting clip about the Vietnam war being all but over, the north was beaten and the US was going to pull out and had agreed to replace arms and ammunition for the south on a one to one basis. Then Nixon resigns and the dems go back on the arms promise, the north was able to rebuild and the dems left the south to the commies.

        A pointless war? A similar situation to Korea but the war in Korea was won and the South Koreans are prosperous and free with China within striking distance.

        Much like the woke cunts now the hippies only saw the results of taking action but had no grasp of the consequences of inaction.

      • About the only sensible thing he did although I believe the Aussies were sent in as our proxies to fly the flag.

  12. America! USA! Self proclaimed land of the brave!
    You see it’s very easy to be brave when your flying a drone from the armchair of your military base control room in San Diego to drop a bomb on an Iranian General on an airfield in Baghdad!!

      • When Trump asked the French for help bombing ISIS, Macron e-mailed back a curt “Non” and a turd emoji.

      • Modern warfare is tosh – I would have liked nothing better than standing in a field with a sword hacking bits out of people just as poor, diseased and toothless as I would have been but wearing slightly different coloured outfits – a couple of days of that and I would have been a King!

        Or crow food.


    Sandi Toksvig is LEAVING The Great British Bake Off! ?

    This country is finished.

    • They should check to make sure she hasn’t smuggled any Bakewell tarts out up her fanny.

      • Oh NO! Not Sandy!
        I liked him!
        He knew his cakes from his buns that bloke!
        He was the last of the ordinary blokes on telly, sensible haircut, stubble, deep voice, eye for the birds,
        Proper bloke!?

    • Never have and never will see it Cuntflap. It’s not compulsory to tune in to such dross, you know.

    • Ruff one – that should only have been revealed on a ‘knead to know’ basis.

      • That joke book from Amazon is proving to be excellent value for money Bertie! ?

      • Yes, it is, isn’t it! Someone from IsAC bought me it as a secret Santa gift. I don’t think it was that Miserable fella!

      • No wasnt me Bertie!
        I drew BWC, got him mouth wash an some trebor extra strong mints .

      • It came in candy didn’t it Blunty, your baking new ground and on a roll?. Batter of wits between you and JR, a game of cat and mousse.

  14. The object of war, whether modern or medieval, was always the same, and that’s to kill the other cunts by any method available. If you don’t and they get half a chance they’ll kill you first. That’s just human nature whether we like it or not. If you can’t trust the cunt who lives next door to you, how are you going to trust cunts who run other countries? If the whole world signed a disarmament pact, there would always be at least one cunt who would secretly carry on stockpiling arms. Satellite reconnaissance isn’t always going to spot everything a potential enemy does. Would you trust Putin, or that cunt in North Korea or any of the mad bastards in the Middle East? Of course you wouldn’t.
    It isn’t about being honourable, it’s about being effective. If you want peace you have to prepare for war.

  15. Sorry to go off topic. But today and yesterday, every time I visit I get a message from Norton Antivirus that an intrusion attempt has been blocked from

    Has the site been hacked, Admin ?

    (Even tried a different browser and a fresh but same alert comes up)

    • Hello Seymour.
      I have been getting that for the last couple of days on my pc. Used 3 browsers and got the same message from my anti-virus software. Don’t know if it is a Google thing does not come up on Android devices.
      Sent an email to isac.

      • I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that it might be a flash player extension that is causing the issue. Would explain why you are not seeing it on google devices or chrome as flash is disabled by default with those.

        If you can, try disabling flash in your browser/extension settings and see if that solves it.

    • I wouldn’t know about that Seymour with using a tablet and not a computer.
      Our site, however, does show a message that it “ is not secure.”
      I would advise you to take out a VPN subscription to make your online presence anonymous.

    • Cheers chaps ! Not just me then…

      Doesn’t happen when I visit mamma’ or aunty-gertie’ Or the bank’s website… ahem !

      I’ll have a stab at disabling Flash Gordon

  16. Medieval warfare more civilised? Getting your head stoved in by a mace or club sounds lovely. Or chopped up slowly by a load of cunt. Or even getting a tiny flesh wound and dying a miserable death from a now easily treated infection.
    General Patton said it best. I can’t remember the quote word for word but I goes something like “The objective is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his”

  17. True story.
    1990 sitting on the start line on the roof of a landrover, Thunder and lighting behind me and a pyramid of stars goes over head, just watching them, they were pretty then the horizon flashing alight and the thunder rolling towards us it was great.
    1991 in a cellar in Nustar Croatia, You did not hear them coming in because you were the target.
    The earth was shaking, the explosions were constant, we played the who will break first game, They clutched their rifles and looked at me, a bit of national pride going on, to see who would break first.
    That was the first time I was hit by MRLS or orkan the Jugoslav version.
    Each morning we would have to clear our perimeter, to post guards under those salvos would be suicide no one was coming in, so the deeper we were the more chance of survival.
    The cellar had a thin steel door that was outside what was left of the building always a danger something would collapse on it and we become entombed, but it was a good day.
    I went out that morning and the garden was remarkably tidy, when I say garden think of frozen mud, all the debris had gone and the cover from our tanks sight was missing, the force of the explosions had ripped off the wielded shroud and glass from the turret, The tank had not been hit though.
    Looking at the garden I found that the dead pit was empty, the dead pit was a hole we had dug in the frozen ground and put all the domestic animals in, people we would have bused back to a hospital where the obvious deceleration was made.
    The contents of the dead pit were now caught in the the baton of some of the houses waiting for the defrost and stink to come.
    You know what used to hurt the most? I used to clear houses, Kicking through doors checking a room for shit and trampling through peoples lives, burnt dolls, little trinkets that meant so much to someone.
    War would be better if all the participants were voluntary and no civilians.
    Any way as you can tell I am pissed, cant take happy tabs with PAD,S so alcohol makes a good substitute (also thins the blood win win)

    I expect NC will have something medical to say about this/

      • I would say never, I had a number of choices when I retired.
        to continue (shit paid work) but food, fags and accommodation thrown in.
        There was also the “could you move a boat for me offer” from Suriname to the Netherlands, running coke.
        or the BIH to Marseilles gun run.
        However much like yourself I am a normal bloke, and have yearned for the white picket fence and 3 kids (one of each) so I just walked away from it, I did not run away from it, I walked away from it.
        Mrs B mkI was the reason, someone who loved me, first time I had ever been loved, so the rest is history.

    • My mate came back from that Yugo adventure a changed man. The photos he brought back are burnt into my memory, the atrocities he saw. All civilians, a whole village wiped out. I’m glad I never had to see it first hand, and I salute everyone who has so we didn’t have to.

      • I am a member of USDDR and occasionally talk to some of the players in a charitable nature, perhaps a surname? we here mostly osijek, Vinkovci and then the HVO 108 adventure I am intrigued.
        I also wonder why he carried a camera.

      • My mate joined the army two days before Iraq invaded Kuwait, ended up going to the gulf straight from basic training. After that finished, he had a couple of weeks leave, then out to Bosnia under the UN peacekeeping flag. He was a medic, and was never in action, but had to go where it had just been, so saw the aftermath of it. The camera was carried quite innocently, he wasn’t a gore hound. The pictures started out your normal squaddie stuff, sitting on the warriors in their blue helmets, posing with confiscated weapons. Then they had to go to a village where It was reported that a war crime had been committed. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, and took a couple of pictures and he didn’t know why. They weren’t souvenirs, and i doubt he still has them. We lost touch a long time ago, but I think he left and became a paramedic.

    • Lord Benny@
      The PADS condition you mention,
      The lad who works for me has just had a operation for this I think?
      A blockage in his artery stopping bloodflow, they put a balloon in to open it up again.
      He was having pain in his legs walking etc.
      He said he can feel the improvement straight away.
      Dunno if this is same thing? Or helps?
      But its worked for him.?

      • depends on the area if its lower leg you are fucked.
        it also depends on where you live too as to weather the the NHS gives a fuck or not.

      • He fell lucky.
        GP fucked him off.
        One of my customers is a vasculat surgeon, he pulled some strings an got this lad seen to.
        Surgeons a massive Deep Purple fan, the guy who works for me was a guitarist in a band,
        So the customer liked him.

  18. Good nom, Miles but armed forces will always need boots on the ground in order to gain and hold ground. These remotely controlled airborne assets are very useful but, hopefully, the rules of war still apply in the future of robotics – i.e. you need a positive ID of the target, e.g. is it an enemy aircraft or a civilian jet? – to prevent the suffering of civilians.
    Only the number 1 eyeball and our humanity can effectively determine what is lawful warfare and what is not.

    I’ve learnt from my experiences that all war is pointless. Better to talk than cause all that misery. Sadly, we have to be able to wield that big stick. Iran, take note.

  19. Being invaded used to mean a stand to arms. Today pointless wars when the enemy is raping children as an act of war in Manchester’s elected gaulieter Burnham province just makes you a cunt.

  20. Anyone who runs is a VC. Anyone who stands still, is a well disciplined VC. Ain’t war hell……….

    • Gulf war 1,
      we had an obligation to casualties, I cant explain the reasoning an Iraqi tried to attack a challenger the gunner took him down with the coaxial,
      He survived we picked him up and chucked him in the 432, the man was a legend pouring from the core, as soon as one was patched he started to bleed out from the next wound ect ect.
      The medic was an 18 year old kid, (I was two years older) he received the MC for what he did in those 3 days (Medicine) about 3 months later he fruit looped,
      Ended up in the funny farm, no VC for him look at the history, you need to die for one, sorry you need to be well behaved and then die for one.,

  21. 4.5 billion years of evolution have ensured that the survival of our individual and closely-related DNA is the purpose and priority of existence. The survival of its vectors – us – is largely irrelevant as long as some are left to pass on the double helix. Pack animals, and we are pack animals, have evolved to favour related, rather than individual, DNA’s propagation. If another, less related, pack is competing with us for limited resources, we will fight it. This is a hardwired response, much as it gets modified by different civilisations. We are very good at rationalising what we do, but at base our behaviour is not too different from a chimpanzee’s and rather worse than a wolf’s; and for excellent evolutionary reasons.

    I don’t think war will be going away any time soon, disgusting as it is.

    • And that is also why every single person is racist – it’s in our very DNA! Even die-hard, Guardian reading lefties have this unconscious bias.

      • Racism is partly nature, partly nurture. However, it can be seriously exaggerated on the nurture side, by one’s early environment, upbringing /indoctrination.

    • Guardian reading lefties make a song an dance about racism but treat white working class people like 1930s deep south racists treated black people(obviously without the violence, murder etc)
      They never consider a workman might need to use a toilet in a 8hr period,
      Or a drink on the hottest day in summer, a brew when snows on the ground,
      They never consider you might have a family, feelings, a sense of pride and personal dignity.
      They snigger at working class people assuming we are thick, ill read,
      Incapable of informed opinions.
      Then when a working class person as enough, sees his arse an has a go back theyre shocked.
      I hate middle class leftie types,
      And take no shit off them.
      Theyll be weeping soon, not europeans anymore!?

  22. Not related MNC but just seen Dead Man’s Shoes is on Film 4 tonight! Will be recording that to watch (again)

    • Evening mate, its a cracking film that isnt it?
      In my top 3 films.
      Like everything about it!

      • Gary stretch “the lads have this ridiculous idea..”
        Paddy considine “Yeah it was me.”
        Great acting, great story, great dialogue, great scenery (im bias.)
        Best of British.

      • Yeah it’s a good un alright. Funny as well as nasty, hard balance to get right (like American Werewolf In London), them daft cunts bezzing about in the 2CV always makes me chuckle

  23. Been watching a but of Ainsley Harriot in Australia…I thought they were all racists down there down under.
    It seems I was wrong, I might go down there.
    Oh almost forgot.
    Go fuck yourselves.
    G’day mate.

      • He might well have got a bit carried away dancing whilst cooking MNC and started them…the daft cunt.

      • He must have confused the fuck out of the Australians, a 6ft 3 brick shithouse who is the campest black man going, apart from Andi Peters.

      • Is he a good cook Ainsley?
        Never watch cooking shows.
        Hes always laughing isnt he?
        Nearly pissing his pants with good humour!
        Nice to be that happy all the time eh?
        Unless hes mental or something?
        Bet his missus gets annoyed after awhile though, once a month shes got tummy pains and Ainsleys laughing his cock off?

      • I don’t know Miserable, been going a long time so must be doing something right. Very jolly and always seems like anything could be an innuendo like “drizzling his special sauce” or “pounding his meat” and the like.

  24. I just watched the Russian war film “Come and see “
    The most thought provoking realistic war film I have ever seen. There’s no Hollywood hero’s , just full on horrors of War.

  25. Should have entitled the Nom ‘Modern Technological Warfare’.
    I’m no pacifist. Salute people who join up.
    Obama was fond of the drone strike. That what I don’t like. ‘low level’ war where the whole thing is conducted from the air and…isn’t that where we are heading? When there will be no longer a battle ‘field’. Anywhere can be hit. No ‘theatre’ of war.
    Fought between computer geeks.
    Trump’s talk of ‘beautiful equipment’.
    ‘Taking people out’ not killing the enemy. ‘Strategic strikes’.
    Endless low level war not a decisive battle. ‘The war machine keeps turning’.
    If War is not declared how can there ‘rules of war’?
    Am no pacifist.
    We need a new Geneva Convention to oversee these new military technologies.

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