Having looked at a news story, I had a look at some of the others and found this shocking one:
The poor woman was forced to pay the UK £15,000 to stay and to boot, she has just got over cancer. Scandalous! Mrs B Mk II had cancer, so I know how debilitating the treatment can be.
Then I read the story properly: a woman with five children arrives in the UK, pops out yet another one to stay here, is diagnosed with cancer, has free treatment on the NHS, a lifetime of free prescriptions and child care provided for six children, not to mention the housing, and is presented a bill by immigration.
Surely this bill is going to be paid from the fucking money we are giving her.
Nominated by lord benny
Another little leech sucking on the goodwill of the British people an hoovering up health care an benefits.
Chemotherapy didnt effect her sex drive did it?
Cancer? She certainly is.
You can imagine them out and about in East London, like a squad of ninjas.
I’m sure we would get reciprocal rights in her country of origin. Not!
Another drain on my Army pension pot. Welcome, welcome!
Fucking hell! Six daughters! Imagine how many mini bombers these bitches are going to be churning out. Talk about signing your own death warrant. Fucking madness.
Take your fucking brood of Salman Abedis and your cancer and fuck off back to Pakistan.
Why is it Britain’s problem? It’s Alläh’s problem, isn’t it? She mustn’t have been praying hard enough. Too much rutting and not enough praying.
As long as our government keeps letting them in,it will happen again and again and again.
The indigenous population of these Islands is being let down on a massive scale .
Good morning.
No UK Citizenship?
Health Insurance or no treatment, just like every other Country in the World.
Random one but I have had my calculator out and been doing some research, hard work as certain organisations do not want us to know the truth – we are owed a fortune in health treatment given to EU Nationals which their Countries have not repaid us, it is EU Law we get this back, but absolutely nobody is chasing this!
The European International Bank owes us a fortune in money and assets which are OURS and they pulled a dirty little trick by changing the name from the European Central Bank, therefore claiming the new organisation is a different entity and owes us nothing, but absolutely nobody is chasing this!
I did a lot of boring number crunching and the result is – the EU owe US money!
I have a vision of the future – Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! “I understand you are not happy Mr Verhofstadt but unless you pay this debt we will be taking Lithuania and selling it at public auction”..
“But I only get 600,00 Euros a Year, can I pay a fiver a week”?
“Clamp Lithuania”!
That’s the hammer, charge the free loading cockroaches,, except it needs to be more and monthly until they take their family back to the shit holes they came from…..?
My husband treats me badly so I came to the UK because everything is free, OK she gets a bill, we all get fucking bills.
There is something strange about this story.. ‘she is the sole carer for her daughters aged between 9 and 22, what the fuck! So she is carer for a 22 year old and how many others are adult!
She failed her asylum claim, ship the fucking lot back to Pakistan and let the Pakistani government take care of them.
Fuck Off Cunts!
Surely nobody believes this bitch is actually going to pay that bill? What are they going to do? Put her in prison? Deport the whore? Can you imagine the weeping and screaming from the libtards, the fucking Labour MPs queuing up to express their outrage at such blatant raaay-sism? Stormzy will probably “write” a “song” about it. God help us because Allah fucking won’t.
Not just labour MP’S Freddie. Lib dem,
Tory, Green, Plaid, SNP.
The whole political system is infested with traitorous do gooders and active fifth columnists, undermining what was, on the whole, a fairly decent society.
Old Albion is going down the toilet quicker than a greased turd.
Get To Fuck.
Good Morning
It is the NATIONAL Health Service not the fucking International Health Service. Of course they should pay and if they can’t divvie up then the bill should be given to their embassy and diplomatic privileges removed until it is paid.
Some 4 eyed spekky son if a punkah waller just approached me in Tesco with a Guardian T-shirt. He had some voubchers and muttered something about buying the Jew hating, UK hating,White hating ,Ali Snack bar arse kissing bankrupt shite excuse for balanced journalism. On a zero hours contract at minimum wage are you,Gungadin?
The cunt nearly cried….
I live in a constituency where you could stick a blue rossete on a stuffed cat and it would win.
Go and munch some rice….
Thanks lord that really got my weekend off to a great start.
Talk about boiling my piss!? My bladder is scalded .
So many utter cunts just using us. Oh but no we have a moral obligation.
Fuck off
Let’s face it, who needs six children? Nobody, wherever they’re from. Then we get the problem dumped on us, and we have to subsidize the irresponsible cunts. We’re the softest touch in the fucking world. No wonder they’re crossing continents to get here. The conservatives are in power, not labour. What are they doing to stop this?
Fuck all ……….
Next !
Cultural problem here, the husband and his family want sons if the poor old wifey cannot oblige he just keeps banging away until wifey produces son. Women in this situation ie not producing sons often treated badly by spouse and his family, especially the mother in law. Some non male producers have been murdered for their inability to produce male children. What always makes me cry with frustration when I discover another case of wife no make sons is that it is the male who controls the sex of the child, these cunts are too fucking spazzed to understand that simple medical fact. Never hear many feminazis pointing out that fact or sticking up for abused peaceful women. Funny old World.
The UK has a moral obligation to look after it’s own people and stop being f*cking apologists and funders for the Worlds trash, good luck with that one!
Just soaking meself in a bath of tea, then on with the pyjamas and wrap a towel round my head – after that off out for my free house, car, etc etc, although I look like I am in my thirties I am actually a 16 Year old gimmegrant with a piece of bacon on my head, my name is ham head, and I will be taking my Brother along because he has two pieces of bacon on his head – isn’t that right “Mo’ ham Head”? ?
Lovely idea. Send her back to Pakistan and see how many cricket balls Imran Khan can stuff up her well stressed cunt and pop them back out Thai ping pong style.
The government could solve this overnight. Turn up at our ports or airports from a country that does not provide reciprocal healthcare, and without valid health insurance – turn around and fuck off.
Simples. Freeloading cunts.
Paul that’s too much like common sense. Since when did governments have any real savvy?
That would be ok if it were for places that Briton go to in large numbers, as then there may be some balance. Most of the problem countries that these health tourists come from are never going to be desirable holiday destinations. Fuck them.
Migrants are beneficial to the nation a wide variety of loons assure us so I would like to see a profit and loss account for each immigrant and those who do not bring more to the party than they take are shown the door. Get a job ,stay out of trouble, pay your taxes and make sure your children behave; it’s not too much to ask is it. If you don’t like those rules then stay where you are.
When I moved to Switzerland, first thing we had in the post was a letter in accordance with the LAMAL – Loi assurance – maladie.
Sign up and send us proof within a fortnight, or the rottweilers will be round to remove your limbs.
We can learn so much from people who aren’t in the Fourth Reich.
I wonder how many times you can multiply this story by, to get some idea of how many similar tales there are? I would imagine that this is the tip of a very large iceberg. I was told that there are many immigrants that get prescribed medication for ailments they don’t have, specifically to send back to the country of origin where they have relatives that need them because it is cheaper (free in a lot of cases) or those drugs aren’t available there. Again, question this and you will undoubtedly be called a racist. The shallow gene pool caused by inter family marriage practiced by certain faiths and cultures is responsible for many life long illnesses, and their urge to produce large families means there will never be a shortage of customers for our international health service.
More stories from the wretched brown tidal wave of human garbage that the cunts that run this country wave in.
A disgraceful state of affairs that will be our complete downfall.
Fuck off.
Super cunting also.
Excellent summary Unkle Terry. Uncontrollable / uncontrolled massive immigration, basically of scum. Borders exist for a reason and they ought to be, must be upheld. Not even Boris the Brave with his massive majority is doing anything about it. I heard him speaking in the week to the “African Nations” saying that we would be welcoming more of them in. I do like Boris the Brave but I reject welcoming anyone into the UK, and especially non-whites.
It takes a politician with backbone to deal with this enormous problem.
I haven’t seen nor heard of one for quite some time..
Another excellent topic, another excellent cunting. Personally I have zero “white guilt”, and, I have no sympathy for sob stories.
If Enoch Powell had been heeded then we would not be in this tremendous pickle, we would have HARD border control, we would have not imported the great unwashed 1946-2020.
99% of migrants are opportunistic migrants. Even the supposed bastion of humanity the great Dalai Lama says that “not all the worlds poor can move to rich countries”.
Nowadays you have bigtime movers and shakers e.g. the EU, Merkel, Soros, the open societies foundation, Soros ~£30BN, NGOs, NGO boats, etc. etc. all facilitating the rising tide of the great unwashed.
Conditions “over there” are not particularly any worse than they have been for the last 2,000+ years, in fact conditions “over there” are probably the same or even better as they have been last few millennia. It’s just these people are being facilitated to move to Europe, UK, US, etc.
Leftists and normies may claim that the Kalergi plan and the Great Replacement are “conspiracy theories” but the fact present themselves as true.
If Enoch was right had been heeded (and the BUF beforehand) we could have saved ourselves.
Nowadays there are plenty of traditional Britain, Britain first, Patriotic Alternative (see Google), but I fear they’re not going to do any good.
The Conservatives willfully miss their own immigration targets year after year, with no apology and no consequences. By 2065 approx. the native British are set to become a minority in their own country. This is already the case in London, Leicester, Bradford, Birmingham. The gimmiegrants breed like randy rabbits, regularly popping out 6 babies whilst a woman is in her 20’s. And maybe even having 3 or 4 wives.
Also it’s the gimmiegrants that have been doing all the underage chicken shop raping over the last 40 years, which bizarrely the establishment police and government even tried to cover up??????
It was incumbent upon the politicians as far back as 1950s and 1960s to utilise its’ own people, original white British men and women, to fill the roles in: NHS nurses, doctors, police, public sector workers, any advance country should fill its own roles. It is preposterous to say that “we had to” import NHS staff from Africa and Asia. There are millions of 16 year old and 18 year olds finishing school, some of which could have been directed towards glorious careers in the NHS and other public sector roles.
Nowadays with political correctness it is very difficult to write about this on open normal social media, Facebook and twitter.
Amongst civilised advanced nations, it is only Japan that remains as 98.5% approx. ethnostate. Whereas in Britain in less than 50 years we are set to drop below 50%.
I would certainly not accept that it’s “skin pigmentation” as these people have a different everything else, different ideas about health and hygiene, different education, different values system, different beliefs on family and sexual relationships, etc. People from outside of the continent of Europe have different ideas and moral and ethical codes in every single respect.
The absolute state of Britain by 2100 and 2500 is quite unimaginable. “May you live in interesting times”. I am only due to be around until circa 2050, but I would very much love to observe the next ~500 years.
I would have liked to have seen Britain with a smaller population, and only a naturalised population, and remain as an Ethnostate as it was before WW2.
Australia did try to protect themselves and for a long time they allowed only “European immigration” until they also started letting the Asians, Africans, Muslims in.
“It is now 100 seconds to midnight”
It may come to pass that global populations might end up being reduced from circa 8 billion to under 1 billion, whether through global warming, climate change, wars, plagues, or other means, etc. I think the world is massively overpopulated, would happily see it down to circa 500 million persons total.
Excellent post, cunt. Couldn’t have put it better myself.
Thanks Mecha-rigsby, nice one, top cunt.
Shit-hot cunting, but, sorry to be pedantic, it’s ‘Maths’.
One things for sure, they know how to dial ‘999’. One cheeky cunt called it, we got sent as she mentioned shortness of breath, CAT 2 (blue light) response, saucy fucker just wanted to get to her hospital appointment. Told us that we’d take her if we were in Romania, which, as we have (very good) Eastern European paramedics in our service I know to be shite. ‘You’re not in Romania, now’ was my retort as we opened the door to leave.
Excellent response DCI! Timewasters and p*ss takers on emergency calls should be fined, named and shamed, every time – how the hell can we run a health service on these terms where every drunk, needy entitled narcissist or “tinted” chancer demands an ambulance for no reason?
When f*cking idiots go to A&E with a headache or a cold?
Too many, mate, and, I hate to say it, but, the vast majority aren’t immigrants but the ‘indigenous’ population. Some drugged up cunt tried to assault me on Christmas day, (he came second), the woman that laid into him about respect? A Somalian, I think, muslim. Absolutely went to town on him.
Once had a lefty, smarmy know it all cunt as my supervisor. Mentioned that the NHS cannot afford to treat these health tourists and his reply was ‘“we can because we have much needed foreign workers employed in the NHS, do some research because without them the NHS couldn’t function” my reply was “the NHS wouldn’t need these foreign workers if we didn’t treat thousand of healthcare tourists on the NHS”. Same with all lefty pricks all I got was a disgusted look on his face and he stormed off for a sulk the cunt. I thank god for this site. You can let off steam with like minded sensible people.
Mean me dont you Bob?
“The invaluable contribution to our NHS from foreign workers”?
This claim needs picking apart a bit – why are we importing staff from all over the World when we have our own people who are trained,experienced and qualified? (and unemployed).
Why are we paying employment agencies up to £96 an hour for foreign staff rather than using our own?
When Teflon Tony was elected he said “education, education, education, – so why do we have one of the biggest skills shortages in the Western World when it appears everyone and their dog has been to University since 1997? What the hell degrees have these people been getting?
Wait, just a minute – I heard an “ugly rumour” that there is some sort of dirty deal going on – on the lines of “cough some money to our party and we will look the other way with regard to tax, and you employment agencies can strip the NHS of money all you want with this ridiculous white elephant”, yeay!
Detective Fox is currently researching and investigating this one.
Certainly do MNC.
I’d feel more sympathy for this fucking parasite if she named her daughter Sarah rather than Zoya, hopeful her children would at least grow up British even if she’s not. People moving here leeching off the state should be required to Anglicise themselves. Paying your own way? Fine. But if the taxpayer is funding your whole fucking life, then do as we say or fuck off.
‘People’ registered with GP’s has risen something like 7% in 15 years, while funding has reduced 3.5% because the people moving here are not paying as much tax as the people already here. And in this story is the clear explanation why. This woman is the destruction of this country.
We need Fat Bastard from that Austin Powers film. He eats babies. Witches do, as well.
No they dont!
With spellery.
The Witch from that recent film about a witch did. Which one? You know, “The Witch”. That’s which one.
Cuntan, that reminds me of that book, Which Witch Is Which?, and those Meg and Mog books. Haha 😀
Bern has an excellent statue of the Kindlifresser – “The Child-Eater”
I miss that cuntry.
Any money this Pakistani whore receives should be taken from the £13bn foreign aid budget. She’s a foreigner, she receives aid, it’s foreign fucking aid! Stop letting devil-worshipers steal our fucking money!
I much preferred Repo Man about a radioactive alien in the boot of a car that makes it fly.
I am willing to bet my collection of Paul Walker DVD’s (no money, as I have fuck all of it) that this woman KNEW she had cancer when she came over here.
Believe me, it happens. Frequently.
They know that the care they will receive in the shithole they reside in will be a pile of turd, so what to do? Oh yeah, get it free in the jolly old UK. The land of milk and honey for all, open door policy, “come in and get your expensive treatment here, and all when you haven’t paid a fucking penny in NI”.
No matter. A UK resident from birth can wither away from breast cancer because she lives in the wrong postcode to get Herceptin, but you are welcome to fly over with your brood and your sob story, and no problem at all.
This is the kind of shit that got me running from the NHS. It is soul-destroying. Utterly soul-destroying.
That’s the problem. We only exist to provide services for half the world, but we’re not to avail ourselves of them.
All the while those same people claim how evil we are for not giving them more, how it’s their right because we somehow stole all their wealth during colonial times. Exactly what wealth they’re a bit vague about.
Health tourism – a massive problem, but never investigated because it’s waaycist.
2 Million more NI Numbers than UK Citizens? (scary – how many people have multiple identities and what is this costing us in benefit fraud, what are the security implications?) – and no investigation because it’s waaycist.
What is difficult about this one – all visitors to the UK must have health insurance purchased BEFORE arrival from a UK provider and must carry this with them all the time they are in the UK – no proof of health insurance, no treatment.
The clue’s in the title – it’s a National Health Service NOT an International Health Service!
Ooh, I’m sooo mean
China needs to not miss a trick, and spray their new coronavirus all over the Middle East.
In 2018 a doctor told me if I didn’t have a major operation, I’d got about a year, then I’d be in serious trouble. They operated on me eleven months later, which in my opinion is cutting it a bit fine. I’m doing ok but I don’t think I, or thousands of other British people should have to wait that long to be admitted into hospital.
As the average age of the population is growing it makes sense that the NHS needs additional funding. It also makes sense to prevent immigrants who haven’t and probably won’t contribute anything to be allowed to jump the queue.
I would say incomers and offspring should undergo indentured servitude for several generations but I don’t want any incomers so I’ll shut up.
Not too long ago the issue of NHS tourism came up and the left immediately tried to play down the figures.
“Can’t be more than a few million” was quickly revised to “Possibly around £30m”, which was then very quietly revised to over £300m per year spaffed up the wall on illegal gimmegrants and health tourists, which will never be reclaimed.
And people wonder why it is impossible to get a doctor’s appointment, or to be seen by a doctor in A&E in under four hours.
Well trained with verifiable qualifications who want to work Ok.. Some goat mechanic with four wives, twenty kids eight of whom have debilitating genetic conditions costing thousands to treat cause he married his first cousins. Fuck off. Problem is our leaders appear to class both examples as worthy of living in UK and of equal merit. I leave it to you good cunters to work out which example of cultural enrichment is the best for the people of the UK