Mary-Ann Ochota

A prolonged and relentless Cunting for anthropologist, Mary-Ann Ochota.

For some reason, she’s on Sky News reviewing the papers, but rather than actually doing that, she turns her place in the spotlight into an anti-Tory, anti-British, pro-Stormzy, rant.

“Britain is racist!!!”, she blubs.

Too fucking right, luv. I see immigrants queue jumping and receiving all the benefits under the sun, whilst indigenous working folk struggle to keep their heads above water. If anything, Britain is soft in the head.

Typical privileged, liberal snowflake.
She needs a visit from that Naughty Boy, B+WC.

The stupid cow.

Nominated by Jack The Cunter

83 thoughts on “Mary-Ann Ochota

  1. Why do the broadcasting companies give so much credence to these moaning minnies?. To think they get paid for repeating the same old tripe day in day out – a load of interchangeable gobshites. Fuck the cunts (if you have to)

    • Id stick BWCs tongue up her arsehole.
      Thats Mystic Britian (the show she co hosts) now banned here at miserables , like history programs,hate snowflakes.
      Nice one Jack?

      • Morning Miserable, I like history programmes too, especially medieval stuff with the Black Death and wars with the frogs (nowt changes does it?) Like Chez Miserable it gets turned off here once the presenters start twisting or interpreting events and facts to suit a leftie agenda.

        As for this cunt, a product of Indian/Polish immigrants who then went on to attend Cambridge so obviously a victim of Blighty’s racism.

      • Morning LL, yes weve obviously badly mistreated her and her family,
        Suffering in poverty on the mean streets of Oxford.
        I know im ashamed of my racism,
        Feel that guilty i can barely look at myself in the mirror when putting on my klan robes an hood.
        Mary Ann, stick to talking about old bones as you dont have a clue regarding anything else.

      • She probably voted remain and labour / libdem, and cannot accept democratic results if they don’t go the way she wants.
        Growing up, it would probably have been ” Yes Mary-Ann, certainly Mary -Ann, three bags full Mary – Ann ”
        She will have never heard the word no..
        Well, this is ISAC Mary – Ann, and the words are “Fuck Off “.
        Good morning.

      • It’s a pity there isn’t a ISAC “Tongue up the Arsehole” annual award alongside the usual ISAC Cunts of the Year awards.

      • Good thinking, LL. And perhaps we could add the iconic tongue image from the Rolling Stones to the statue!

    • Why are they “paid for repeating the same old tripe day in day out”?

      Repetition WCB. Repetition.

      Repetition, repetition, repetition, it’s the only way to get things through to people. Repetition.

      Britain is a racist country. White people are racist. The UK is 100% racist. White privilage is rampant. Britain is racist. Only whites can be racist. BRITAIN IS RACIST!

      Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination…

      • You are exactly right, RTC. It’s playing on that old psychological trick…if you’re told the same thing (or variations of it) over and over again you naturally start to believe there must be something to it. The weak minded and sheep like among us will start to believe it. May I present – Man Made Climate Change?

    • What I’d like to ask this fucking Mong is if Britain is such a racist country why is it so many Dark Keys cross continents specifically with the intention of claiming asylum in our once Great country?

      Why is it that even the EU says we’ve got the most successful rates of racial integration across the continent?

      And finally as you clearly think you’re an expert on these matters what exactly is your experience of racial integration, what schools did you go to and where have you lived you useless piece of shit.

  2. I hope an enraged chimp bums her right up the Congo.
    Now be quiet and fuck off you dizzy cunt.

  3. Britain racist? If only it were. We wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now if we weren’t so tolerant.

    I often wonder how many immos we have in the country. You come across them in every walk of life these days. Everyone of these low paid immos is a net beneficiary of the tax payer. Cunts.

  4. If Britain really was as “racist” as this bint/Stormze etc. reckon,why are so many immigrants so fucking desperate to get here and so determined not to leave when they do?

    I genuinely believe that Britain is one of the least “racist’ Countries in the World. We have always accepted immigrants in genuine need and allowed them to live their lives pretty much free of discrimination….however there comes a saturation point and we have reached it. I still believe that immigration for this Country is a good thing,but not when so many of the huge number of immigrants bring nothing but trouble.

    Mary-Anne can suck my winkle and then Fuck Off.

    • I’m still waiting for some of these Labour-loving and LibDumb-loving celeb luvvies to fuck off when they declared before the election that if the Conservatives won they would be leaving this “racist xenophobic bigoted ignorant” country!

      Come on chaps, its getting on for almost a month now! Surely you don’t have too many more suitcases to pack!?

    • You don’t have to believe it Dick, it’s factually true that Britain is one of the least racist countries in the world.

      Anti-Semitism (born of jealousy) and Islamaphobia (born of a very real and rational fear) are often incorrectly conflated as racism, they are not.

      It always annoys me when the likes of David Mammy, Yazmin Brown and Professor Kehinde Andrews immediately play the race card whenever they appear on TV.

      I don’t know why the host or panel in question never asks this but I’d immediately say this to the cunts: is your life better for being in this country, or would you have been better off if you, or your parents, had decided to stay in the fucking shithole they came from? And if you think the latter, and given that you are all minted and hold notable positions in society – courtesy of waycist Britain – then please feel free to exercise your democratic right to fuck off back there then!

      No? Didn’t think so.

      Oh, and by the way, you’re welcome!


  5. Well we must be the least racist country in the EU otherwise there wouldn’t be hundreds of cunts trying to cross the Channel in rubber dinghies in the middle of winter. You can bet your life this posh bitch is a remoaner so she is welcome to fuck off over there and see if they are willing to put her on the telly spouting her inflammatory bullshit. The sooner she fucks off the better and she can take that massive fake, Stormzy (aka Ali G) with her.

  6. Typically with empty headed cunts like her she can’t think of a really verbose argument, and neither can she really back up her claims with empirical evidence. Instead, she goes with the libtard default position and declares that the UK is completely racist, only because her opinions are not being endorsed by the great Unwashed!

    So utterly tiresome, especially when they moan and moan about hating this country, and yet still choose to live here.

    • Lib dem loon Layla Moran just come out as pansexual?!!
      Not sure what this is, but im opposed to it on principle!
      Sounds weird, shes weird, its gonna be weird!
      Chip pansexual?
      My gosh, those cattle trucks will be full when Miserables reign of terror comes to pass.

      • Pansexual?…means that she’d fuck anything…animal,mineral or far as I’m aware.

        Dirty Mare.

        Morning, MNC,Techno.
        Morning All.

      • “Pansexual” – I always thought that was some pervy cunt with a fetish for Morphy Richards frying pans!

      • She probably would if all the Pikeys weren’t being held as sex-slaves by Mr. Bercow’s voracious wife…..she likes a bit of diddycoy cock,apparently.

      • She is having it off with some woman official in the LibDems. Funny how these political types always fall for somebody who might further their careers. Why didn’t she fall for Doris the dyke who cleans the bogs at the House of Commons?

      • Give it a couple more years and all this “I’m a pansexual/transexual/omnisexual etc etc” will have lost its novelty and people just won’t give a shit any more.

        Transgender politics is all the rage at the moment, especially over in Hollywoke where film studios are falling over themselves to produce films with trannies headlining. But I have read that the backlash against all things Woke is finally starting to materialise, and not just at the box office either.

      • I think Pansexual means you only fuck people who like playing the flute and are half goat.

      • Well she’s announced that she’s got a girlfriend called Rosy Cobb. Personally I’m very happy for her.

      • Why come out with any statement about your sexuality?

        I see the ‘look at me me me’ mentality is still alive and well in the new decade.

      • After a few pints, my mate Big Mick once admitted that he was a coprophiliac. I reckon he was just talking a load of shit.

  7. Morning All,
    Perhaps she is pansexual?
    This is today’s latest fad for the usual attention seekers in the media, parliament, sport etc

  8. This has been a well desereved cunting for this silly cow, who is one of the most annoying lefty twats that Sly news employ on their press preview.
    ‘You’re all racists’ they shout. Fucking yawn.

  9. An absolute non-entity cunt. Pity she was not not born and raised in Saudi, Somalia or Yemen as a female.
    She would soon envy and crave all the privelages, luxuries, security and above all freedoms she is saying that do not exist in the UK.
    Can only hope B+WC’s cousin gets his tongue on/up her back doors.

  10. Meanwhile, another major Islamist terrorist bites the dust. Nice shot Donny.

    We know, we received this message from republican senator Ted Deutch, wrong fucking admin though.

    Rep. Ted Deutch

    Replying to @RepTedDeutch
    We should prepare for potential retaliatory attacks by Iran & its proxies. We must ensure the security of US personnel in the region. The Admin must inform Congress of next steps and clarify legal basis for military action. Reminder that Congress has not authorized war with Iran.

    2:51 AM – Jan 3, 2020

      • Oh Christ. Prepare yourself for a statement from Nicola Sturgeon telling us independence just moved a step closer.

      • Modification of term if I may, and without impugning your good self:

        Just fucking carpet-bomb the country and let god sort it out ??☮️ etc.

    • Well said RTC – evil murdering savages only respect and understand brutality, DT got rid of some “human” sewage when he took this rat out – and America appears to be the only Country in the World prepared to fight fire with fire, the Iranians were warned, and if you prod a big dog you get bitten.

      And Aunty Jeremy has condemned it of course – apparently the blast debris shot a hole through his portrait of Karl Marx at Jezza’s Syrian holiday home!

      Final thought – Layla (nonentity desperate for a headline) Moron is identifying as pansexual. Layla, NOBODY CARES! Have you done it because Wimminz are easier to assault than Men?

      Anyway, back to work – these F15’s won’t arm themselves!

      • It’s about fuckin’ time the Saudis got involved in all this instead of relying on the Septics all the time. Do they even have an army? As one of the biggest instigators of terrorism, they deserve some payback. I want to see all out war between the Shits and the Sunnis with the resultant

      • How fucking desperate for attention does a cunt have to be to ‘announce’ the sexuality? What happened to a private life being private you anti-British benders? And what fucking concern is it actually supposed to be to the general public, who are complete fucking strangers to this fanny gobbler, what any fucking MP likes to do in their spare fucking time!? Do your job you fucking cunt, or if you’ve got nothing to do then get a real job, something where you actually have to produce something and add some fucking value to this country!

      • Moron wants to be leader of the LibDumbs. She’s virtue signalling to the membership, that’s what it is.

  11. Britain is racist ! No it isnt. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about the silly foreign cunt .

  12. Who really gives a flying rat’s scrotum precisely what Layla Moron likes to shove up her front bottom, be this cock, vibrator, marrow, trans-micro cock, KD fucking Lang or King fucking Kong?

    This toothy bint with errant hair is nothing more than a wannabee celeb, who seems to be under the misunderstanding that people like us want talentless arseholes like her in positions of power when they would be much better suited to appearing on reality TV wank like Love Island.

    Piss off you silly grinning tart and take your overused meatbag with you.

  13. I’m afraid another misguided intellectual brainwashed by Corbyn and his Communist Labour manifesto.
    She’s certainly a looker just a pity she’s bittten into we are all equal just some are just a little bit more equal than others mentality.Stormzy seems the new recruiting poster for Communist Labour another stupid Dark Key with far too much money and attitude stick to your rubbish music and keep out of politics ?

  14. Polish/Indian. I suppose the parents were immigrants so were given the opportunity to better themselves here, the opportunity to establish themselves and start a family. They produced a daughter who seems to have had every opportunity the country can offer (even the opportunity of going to Cambridge). So what an opportunity to thank Great Britain (on national television) for all the opportunities that her and her family have received. The opportunity of a lifetime! And she took it- Britain is racist.

    • You wonder what sort of life they would have had if the family had settled in either Poland or India. I think they might have found out what racism really is in either country.

  15. A soundly smacked bottom and an early bedtime would resolve this issue toot sweet.

    Not enough discpline (yes it’s spelt rong) in this day and age.

  16. Everybody is racist, it’s normal (John Barnes one question time)

    Most people are happy to see tourists (in all countries) but we don’t want the fuckers living next door

    • They had an hour long phone in on 5 Live this morning about this momentous ‘announcement’. I mean what sort of an utter cunt, other than the obvious alphabet activists, could be in the least bit interested? Some days I feel like I must have landed from a different planet!

  17. ‘Britain is racist’? Does she live in the same Britain that we do, or some other Britain in an alternate universe?

    That is the trouble though. Britain as a country IS NOT RACIST. That is why we throw open the doors and let every fucker from every scummy, mud hut shitter of a country come here and welcome them with open arms and open wallets. If racism exists in Britain’s born and bred white population, maybe the above is the very reason why. They are thoroughly sick and tired of having their needs, traditions and way of life usurped by cunts who have been here five minutes, not to mention the ones who have been here longer and think that now gives them the right to change the place into one that fits their lifestyle and beliefs.

    This twat needs to shut her libtard mouth. Like all of these lefties, she is privileged and therefore buffered from the reality of immigration and multiculturalism. She can espouse these views that we should all be one big happy, slappy family and tolerant to others, as nothing impacts on her…..ever.

    I am so tired of these high profile (not that I have ever actually heard of the cunt) soap-boxing, megaphone gobs coming out of the woodwork.

    Just fuck off, woman.

    • I think Black and White Cunt should have a ‘Tongue up the arsehole corner’ feature on here.

      A bit like how Viz used to have an ‘Up the arse corner’.

      Every month he nominates someone for a tonguing.

  18. I wonder if she has a shaky hand…


    The Who?

    A Quick One (While He’s Away)?

    I’ll get my parka.

    • RTC & WC Boggs: Hey guys….great news. Remember back to the Christmas TV thread on December 24? Well, I did another search for that radio play Waters of the Moon. I found it! Some kind soul has put up an archive website of old radio plays and it’s listed. Here’s the link:

      The recording is not pristine. High levels of background noise (the usual hissing sound) and the dialogue is a bit quiet, but you can clean it up pretty effectively using some software called Audacity. It’s free to download and use and there are videos on YT which show you how to reduce noise and boost vocal frequencies. Enjoy!

      Happy New Year!

      • Congratulations IY! Your persistence has paid off. I will be recommending you for the ISAC Medal of Honour!

        Happy New Year.

  19. Never heard of this tart, but one look tells me she’s high maintenance.

    Some women (and men to be fair) just have a look which says trouble.

    I wonder how long it will be before a sense of decorum returns to public discourse.

    I’m so bored of the ‘We’re right and you’re 100% wrong about everything’ countered with ‘That’s crap, we’re right and you’re totally wrong about everything’. Or more accurately these days, ‘I think we should do this about that situation’ countered with ‘Your voting record stinks, plus you had sex while at university and we’ve got witnesses which say it wasn’t consensual, and you don’t have any people of colour on your staff so you’re a racist and you’ve visited London on many occasions almost always after a terror attack so you’re hiding something’ and on and on and on. Change the fucking record!

    • Afternoon IY or morning, Limp Dumb Layla Moran has come out as ‘pansexual’ (eh?), is a woman and of Palestinian descent, it seems since they only have about ten MP’s she is on a one woman mission to tick all diversity boxes in one fell swoop.

      • Morning/Afternoon LL.

        Pan-fucking-sexual. I mean, really? Still, the multi-box ticking makes her very efficient, but still mental.

      • I can’t imagine any living thing wanting to fuck her, the speccy toothy cunt. I have never seen anything so ugly with only one head.

  20. Pan sexual can be either shoving the handle up your hole or getting botty smacked by the pan end, evidently a very naughty young lady

  21. I’d like to see that Moran tart announce her sexuality in gaza, she might last two seconds before getting thrown in prison and raped a thousand times, or more likely, strung up from the nearest lampost.

  22. I’ve never heard of this tiresome old bag either, but I’ve reliable informed Diane Abbotts son that she wants to meet him, as she likes being slapped in the face with black cock. No problem for him, he can’t wait to get it out.

  23. I only remember her as the stupid cunt that killed Time Team stone dead because it wasn’t gay, black or retarded enough for the left.
    Karma is still waiting to bite her arse for that, sooner or later she’ll get shot, stabbed or raped by the usually Stormzy wannabe up a dark alley. They all love the immos till they actually meet them on a dark night with a 12 inch steak knife.

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