In his nightmarish dystopian novel ‘1984’, George Orwell introduced the concept of ‘Newspeak’, a propagandistic language whereby a totalitarian regime sought to diminish the range of speech for political purposes.
It’ll come as news to no one that for years, the loony left has sought to foist its own version of ‘Newspeak’ onto us. Having lost the economic argument, they’ve sought to move the battle into the area of cultural values, and have blighted the world with ‘identity politics’. As part and parcel of this, Cultural Marxists have set out to forge a politically charged language as a weapon to discredit and intimidate opponents, and to police people’s opinions. They aim to control the agenda by controlling the terms of expression; do that, and they control YOU.
Take a simple, everyday example. You think the idea of a sex-change ‘Dr Who’ is against the programme’s ethos, that it’s simply daft. Oh no,no, no. According to the programme’s former supremo Steven Muppet, sorry Moffat, your thinking’s not ‘radical’, not ‘progressive’. You’ve got a problem with your outlook grandad, things have moved on. A mundane example perhaps, but things can get a lot more vicious and sinister. Are you bemused by the whole issue of ‘fluid gender’ and ‘transgenderism’, and find it all a bit, well, odd? Be very careful in what you say, or you’ll be hounded for being ‘transphobic’. Concerned about the changes that mass immigration is bringing to your community and your culture, and worried about the impact it has on housing, education and other vital services? ‘Racist! bigot! xenophobe! No platform for hate speech!’ Yes, free speech is ‘hate speech’ unless you sing from the loony left songsheet.
‘Newspeak’ has proved to be a potent weapon when it comes to closing down expression of any view which is at odds with the prevailing orthodoxy of the loony left. Who wants to be smeared as an Islamophobe and a far right extremist for making the perfectly reasonable suggestion that Muslims seem reluctant to integrate and engage with Western values?
Happily, all is not lost it seems. I’d argue that loony tunes lefties have, as John Major put it, ‘over-egged the pudding’. Ironically, their weapon has been blunted by bludgeoning over-use. Just as no one is influenced these days by terms such as ‘new’, ‘improved’, ‘best ever’ etc, so familiarity with ‘Newspeak’ has bred contempt; its persistent use has become a cliché, and the fruitcakes have ended up shooting themselves in the foot.
As the outcome of the 2019 election demonstrated, people will only tolerate being referred to as bigoted, ignorant and stupid for so long. Ultimately the silent majority found its voice, and showed the finger to these sneering bullies. Predictably, the hissy cry- babies will continue to spit their dummies out, stamp their little feet and wave their Socialist Worker placards while screeching ‘fascist!’ in all directions, but increasingly, they’ll be pissing into the wind.
Don’t bother trying to engage with the cunts; they don’t want to hear your view…they want to ram theirs down your throat. If one of them tells you to ‘check your privilege’, invite them to check their arsehole to see if they can find their own head up it, laugh, then tell them to fuck off. Speak up loudly and we can marginalise these fuckwits as they seek to marginalise us. Maybe ‘cancel culture’ just got cancelled.
Nominated by Ron Knee
My pronouns are “Fuck off, you silly cunt.”
Nice rant, Ron. In other news, millionaire actresses are victims of ‘racism,’ working class girls in numerous northern towns, not so much.
“Saint Owen of the Newspeak BBC” Declares Winston Smith a subversive alcoholic, and definitely a r*cist f*scist b*got who was clearly too unintelligent and under educated to vote for anything he did not vote for as he was not allowed to vote for anything – and now to the news channel, where our allies Eastasia are fighting with Eurasia in a battle to keep us all free and safe – but, wait, Eastasia are our enemies as it turns out, and Eurasia are freedom fighters, but the enemy is multi faceted, and may change again tomorrow.
1984? Nonsense – what free people would tolerate their internet enabled smart television spying on them and being monitored and electronically profiled by CCTV everywhere they go?
To have telephone and internet usage permanently spied on by shadowy organisations?
To constantly be controlled, manipulated and lied to by a mainstream media which has lost the values of impartiality, balance and fairness and just blurts out Newspeak? (“Our peaceful friends, etc”)
For those with the wrong colour face, wrong gender, born in the wrong area or to be “the wrong financial demographic” to be demonised and ridiculed and have all their civil and Human rights removed by “those who know best”?
When would this ever happen in a “free and democratic Country”?
We know it’s got to a terrible stage when Scotland is so horrifically bad that three refugee Brothers have to escape to the Third World on a boat!
Probably best just to blame dumb whitey – doing so secures a guaranteed invite to all the best (political) parties!
Excellent cunting by the way RK.
“Nothing to see in Rotherham, nothing to see in Telford” (feel free to insert the name of anywhere in the UK with a peaceful infestation, er, I mean “prescence”) – if these lying white trash wh*res want to go around forcing peacefuls to r*pe and traffic them they are clearly waaycists trying to cause trouble – and are probably related to T*mmy R*binson (real name…) and Ad*olf H*tler, the teen f*scist scum”!
And why do they insist on creating divisions in “well integrated” and “peaceful” communities just by reporting these things and insisting on justice? – oh yes, they are f*scists!
Like the great and good keep telling us – nothing to see here.
Very well put, Ron, as always.
I recently read 1984 again, having first done so as a teenager. Always good to revisit these things with some maturity and experience. It was a very unsettling read and I was shocked how much of it is ringing true today. The level of insidious brainwashing and control that has seeped in is frightening and many people are genuinely afraid to say the wrong thing. Thanks to the BBC and our “education system” rewriting history and setting the agenda, our Ministry of Truth is thriving. Even sex is being controlled – men are no longer allowed to make advances towards the opposite sex without fear of reprisal and homosexuality is increasingly promoted an politicised. Thank fuck Corbyn was stopped, that would have been the end.
Social Media is watching you…
Labour need to drop the red rose and substitute a black pansy and instead of that shitty “For the many not the few” bollocks, need to look to Orwell:
“Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength”
I hope Dame Keir is taking notes.
To Labours great disappointment the sw*stika symbol was taken a while ago by a slightly less radical organisation.
I always thought “Diversity” were a load of talentless idiots performing on a stage like cunts for the benefit of a baying mob of halfwits, oh, wait a minute..
I always thought it was “Socialist Wanker”, not …”Worker”.
You learn summat every day !
The words ” Socialist ” and “Worker ” should never be put together…a total contadiction of each other I think.
I am also terminally outraged, neigh (I am embracing my inner equine..very “Z”, dontcha know) offended, that the white, privileged Sylvester Stallone gets all those macho roles.
I am waiting for the blacked-up (sorry, “inclusive”) series to appear.
I’d never got round round to reading 1984 until last year and I was somewhat shocked to see how far we had come in emulating the book. I suspect that, as Ron says, the worms (us) have started to turn as the ‘normal’ people resent being insulted by a bunch of arseholes that believe that only their view is the correct one and you should be exterminated if you disagree. The recent election was a clue as to our feelings. Fuck them all.
My mentioning worms has just reminded me of The Two Ronnies where the traditional roles of the sexes were reversed, in many ways it now seems oddly familiar.
Reminds me of the old Windoze and Atari game, ‘Worms’. In which your worms could be exploded. There’s an analogy there somewhere, but it would probably be incitement to something or other to pursue it…
TT Komodo – the worms no longer explode, they now just shout waaycist!
Komodo, I loved playing worms and Lemmings, as well. Those were the days. My cousin had them on an Atari. A white keyboard with diskettes that go in the side.
Every aspiring Politician in the UK should be made to read 1984 and Brave New World.
Then killed.
OK, a bit extreme that, instead made to go to dinner with red Jezza – horrific!
The established (Big bro) made a fatal error in 2016 the allowed the ‘proles’ to have a real choice…..
In 1984, if change is going to come it will come from the proles!
Spot on sir.
Goebbels has risen again,only this time he’s a puffter.
Fuck right off.
Another quality cunting from Ron.
I know we decry our very own home-reared snowflake generations with due exasperation, but the poor cunts have been brainwashed by schools and the media. With some parents understandably reluctant to put their heads above the parapet and shout down the status quo, you can understand why.
Newspeak is omnipresent in our society and has already sunk its talons into the younger generations, its continuing proliferation thereby being assured.
It doesn’t matter one jot that magic grandpa has been cast away, the beast still continues to live and breathe as a mainstream fixture.
I was watching a video of Laurence Fox, the actor, this morning. Unlike most luvvies he is not very left of centre. He thought that wokeness and climate change could now be classed a religion because if you disagreed with it you were a denier, as in Christ being denied 3 times and all that sort of thing. I think he made a very fair point. Certainly when talking to my niece about climate change she has almost a religious fervour about it. Didn’t stop her making 3 long haul return flights last year though.
Double plus good cunting.
The corruption and control of language and, by extension, thought, is the most worrying development brought about by the Woke New Left.
1984 is now a reality, at least in the realm of what is considered acceptable language. To say the wrong thing is now prima facile evidence that you are not a right thinking person and should therefore be banished from “ right thinking” society.
So to call a person by the gender of their birth is a thought crime if that person regards themselves as belonging to another gender. To say “ he” or “ she” can be a thought crime. To state that perhaps mass immigration is not such a great thing makes you racist. To value the community and shared values of the nation state makes you a raving Nazi. Small things, like expressing a reasoned opinion, are “ micro aggressions”.
It’s got out of hand and is just total bollox.
Double plus fuck off.
I don’t believe that we have seen “the beginning of the end” when it comes to Newspeak.
The vast majority of older people are prepared to be pragmatic and,for the sake of an easier life.will accept that certain minorities have the right to be protected from “abuse”. The trouble is that this “live and let live” attitude has been used by those who would push ever more extreme and ridiculous definitions of “abuse” in order to shut down any discussion or dissent…leading to the point of academics/true “liberals’ and even slight- doubters being “deplatformed”(what an appalling word) and accused to being “haters and bullies” (silly,childish words in this context).
I think that it all comes from the education system….a lot of modern teachers have grown up in a “childish” bubble…they have been spoiled and told that everyone must be “nice” to each other, everyone must pander to the weakest,everyone has a right to inflict their “individuality”,no matter how bizarre,on to the Majority. We now have a generation of teachers telling children that “their personal view and happiness” is all that counts…and children believe it.
This “keep everyone childish” attitude allows the Newspeak proponents to close down any dissent by screaming a variation of “You’re nasty and naughty….and out-dated”. Personally I believe that there is another deeper agenda behind their desire to see a “childish and weak” population….
“Run,Hide,Tell” equals “Nanny Knows Best” equals ” No need to think for yourself…we’ll do that for you…now accept what we say,you know you’re too weak to stand up for yourself”
Anyone for a variation of The Kalergi Plan?
Not for me thanks Dick. Had a bowl of Special K in the early 1970s and it was rubbish.
Special K is the worst “food” ever created.
I took it outside and burned it, difficult to light but a few pages from Fahrenheit 451 helped it along.
That is all.
I agree about the agenda. You can sell children – or child-adults – anything you like. And global businesses are well invested in marketing psychology, ‘nudging’ and social manipulation, while at the same time able to coerce, lobby and simply bribe the political elite to set the right political priorities. Kalergi, maybe not. It’s more of a consensus among financial and commercial interests, and IMO the infantilisation of the population was more or less accidental at first* – its success led to its adoption as a strategy.
*Ironically, the 60’s hippies, in effect living an extended childhood, may have been the catalyst.
Nice one Ron.
Overused in the news, too, is the word crisis. A few bush fires is a crisis, a minor firefight in Iran is a crisis, our changing climate is a crisis, etc. And all this gives everyone PTSD. Except WW1/2 veterans when you think about it.
Another crisis will fall out from the news that 2.5m polaks have been give UK citizenship. In 20 – 30 years time these working age people will be elderly like us and demanding healthcare and state pensions in competition with us gammons. Call me racist, but this will be the result of lefty social engineering. Sadly, Brexit has come too late.
Also in that future, we will see individuals seeking to reverse their trans operations when they realise it was just another stupid trend, like beards and tattoos.
Agreed and agreed. As the rising numbers of British, Polish, Paki, Muslim, all the colours and creed of the rainbow approach retirement and pension age and put a doubling burden on the NHS.
Then the “clever” government economists will say that we have to carry on with mass immigration, importing aliens from Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa, etc. in the vain hopes of contributing to our coffers.
Laura Towler, “We Were Never Asked”, Britain was better before there was any mass immigration and thereby societal ruination.
Mass immigration arguably started in 1946 and accelerated from there. Immigration, cultural marxism, newspeak etc. it’s all connected.
I still remember Golliwogs and it makes me wish I’d lived through the Golden era of the British Empire and the times when Britain really ruled the waves and ruled the world.
Most certainly, with all this newspeak, we should never, ever, be thinking or feeling that we have anything to be ashamed and or guilty of.
Ron Knee’s original work is better than 80+% of lame stream journalism. Nice comment thread following the main work, all before 08.00am.
The Kalergi plan is a force for great evil, but, most normies are completely unawares, and, “blissfully ignorant” except it’s not blissful.
Enoch was right, but in fact it’s even *far worse than he foretold. So it’s not only mass immigration, mass multicunturalism, it is also the rise and normalisation of: cultural marxism, far left loony tunes, gender transitioning – even for (small) children, the list goes on.
Labour are fucking mental, I am glad they got smacked down, but they are still there.
Primary, secondary, tertiary and higher education are also a force for great evil, these organisations and institutions are truly infested with leftists (BBC_speak) and cultural marxists, it is truly, truly intolerable. I went to Uni in England 1989 to 1992 and don’t think we had this problem then.
It is also a problem with the police, being further infested with homosexuals, leftists, Asians, Africans, Muslims. So some day (maybe already happening) a couple of gay black muslim coppers could call to your door and accuse you of e.g. thought crimes, hate speech (free speech), right-wing-think, etc. Personally I object to being governed, policed, “ruled” by foreigners, it’s just not bloody cricket.
Climate change could become the new Brexit occupying the vacuum in the news, but NEWSPEAK is a massive force of evil. Trouble is those younger generations e.g. under 30/35 don’t even truly realise the problem.
In my hiking group, which I no longer go to now, it was “woke as shit” full of liberal left wing Corbynista public sector workers, gay-loving, black-loving, gimmiegrant loving, makes me fucking sick.
Btw, top marks to Boris the Brave, “Veeeeganism is a crime against cheese lovers” Keep up the good work.
‘Smacked down but still there’ we forget that succinct observation at our peril.
It started well before 1989. I was in higher education in the early ’70s and the history course I took was taught from a virtually exclusive leftist /Marxist perspective.
Yes. Comment refers:
I did a few months as a reporter for a pretty extreme-left local paper around 1980, and was ultimately repelled by its wankery and what it supported. The worrying thing for me is that it would nowadays be considered rather moderate by the far- Left.
Thatcher was a reaction to that era by the then establishment, but in turning us into a service economy, she sowed the seeds for what’s happening now.
A fine cunting Ron Knee, fuck them all.
All this does is breed weaklings who are cared of their own shadow.
You need shining examples of manliness and near perfection like me to inspire lesser people to better themselves.
Why do we celebrate the tiny minorities like the tranny? When hopefully that’s all they’ll ever be…tiny minorities.
Evolution sorts aaaaht the shite from the best and no amount of let’s be nice to eachother will stop that.
Go fuck yourselves.
A “friend of mine” suggested repeatedly punching the left until they turn right
It’s good fun calling these cunts out on the guardian YouTube channel. They shit their dirty pants.
As I have long suspected, Knee is a far-right fascist who abuses the platform that ISAC provides. He is undoubtedly a supporter of Johnson’s extreme racist regime and probably sneers at trans-vegan-organic-climateapocalyptic values.
Admin, no-platform the cunt.
I protest. I vass neffer ein member off zeh Party!
Yes but you obeyed ze orders.
Don’t tell him your name Knee!
That’s the spirit Pike!
An amazingly good WOKE shutdown?
“Why do you hate white people”?
I think Ron should seriously consider becoming a full time cunter as his knack for articulating what alot of us are thinking is absolutely smack on.
This complete marxist lefty bollox has been forced down our throats for 35 years at least so obviously won’t be stamped out in a hurry.
Still, it is fun when Boris/ Trump win elections and see the incredulous look on the faces off BBC/Sly news presenters when they realise all their lecturing at us has come to nothing.
People’s Vote……..the vote that produces the result we approve of.
Cunts……..people who want a People’s Vote……oh that’s not new, sorry.
Excellent cunting, Ron. Terrifyingly close.
I recall working for a company and going through the list of phone contacts (internal) and one of them was flagged (Mr X is deaf).
Why have a phone contact for a deaf person? fax or e-mail perhaps.
Because if they excluded her she’d bring a tribunal claim for constructive unfair dismissal and disability discrimination, the silly cunt.
I remember being called of a course to deal with a racial incident/ complaint.
The central help desk had called a shop and accused a staff member of cocking up an order, he denied it and said it was the manager and put on his best Indian accent to how should we say emphasise the difference in dialect as to who she had dealt with earlier.
She fruit looped and made a complaint about it and I had to go down there and sort it out, The staff were good friends and one was Jamaican and the other a Sikh.
I went down there and spoke to them and explained the issue at hand (they were surprised) then phoned up the girl from the office and had a chat to her.
I am not sure if she was a snowflake or just having a pop at them for fucking up the order, but the conversation went pretty much like this, ” I understand that you are making a complaint about staff member x?, You do know that he is black? and they are best friends?”
We settled for a pathetic apology from X to the girl and wrapped it up and I never got to finish my Hilti diamond course
Erudite and insightful, Ron. Despite it’s title, the IsAC site is a rich educational source with many contributors of genuine intelligence.
Whereas I just come on here to say cunt a lot….
Loony Lefties and Middle Class Lefties alike think they own this book and think it’s about right-wing dictatorships only. Orwell would’ve despised them.
Through sheer boredam i flicked over to Question Time last night when the first panelist i saw was actor, Lawrence Fox. Naturally, i thought here we go, more lefty bollox.
But no, to my amazement he told world superwoke champion Shami Chipbutty what a load of identity shit she was talking, resulting in an utter look of amazement on her face.
Check it out on youtube if you want a laugh.
Never heard of this Fox bloke but some cunt at the BBC is going to get the sack for letting him on Remoaner Question Time. What the fuck were they thinking?
It was great to see, he had a ding dongs with so effnick woman in the audience, she came out with ‘White Privilege’ and he hit back with saying that’s racist! Brilliant!
Well,I guess it means not all luvvies are cunts.
SH, is it this?
? Gets going at approx 2.40
I liked his take on flying….
Best QT for along time
This clip isolates the question.(only a minute or so)
What a fuckin’ brain dead scouse woman who asks the question. She must be a Woolly Back.
Morgan Freeman is another celebrity who’s not woke, there are a few, Clint Eastwood, Matt Damon. Even Ellen Degenerate has spoken out to say having opposing opinions is fine and normal.
Robert Di Nero has been totally blanked at the Oscars this year, perhaps Hollywood is waking up to the fact outside the bubble normal people are sick of being preached at.
The worst thing we can do is shut up for fear of being shouted down, it’s vital we speak our truth.
Tina Fey is another who’s spoken out about being preached at by self-appointed ‘woke’ cunts in the entertainment industry.
I think that people are not just resenting it now, they’re starting to speak up about it. All hail the Great Gervais for telling it like it is to the cunts. It’s time to start using their own rhetoric and invective against these people. Time to start calling them out for their own intolerance, narrow-mindedness and bigotry, and to start yelling ‘fascist!’ back at them. They are indeed fascists.
Probably the influence of his father James Fox. Also his uncle Edward who is very pro Brexit.
A family of independent thinkers.
Like another celebrity- Bryan Ferry’s son who supports Fox Hunting (the animal not the Fox family).
Maybe the tide IS turning. People feeling less shackled, freer to speak.
Although beware…
Somewhere, Richard E I Addio (and there’s a new piss-boling HSBC ad out with the cunt in it), fraudulent unfunny “comedian” is married to a female Fox… He and Lawrence might even be brothers-in-law ??
Ricky Gervais is a hypocritical cunt Ron, I can’t post the link as it triggers the spam filter, google Ricky Gervais Brexit bleach.
He says we are all thick and should never of been allowed to vote. He goes onto assert if they removed the do not drink warning from bleach for two years and had another vote remain would win because all the leave voters are so thick we’d drink the bleach and die without the warning on the bottle.
Fuck Gervais.
Ricky Gervas is the celebricunt and Hollyweird court jester… A licensed fool for the likes of Turkey Neck Paltrow, Madogga, Di Caprio, Hanks and all those cunts… They ‘laughed’ at his Golden Globes ‘rant’ like some cunt laughing at their pet dog barking on cue or doing back flips… Gervais is their novelty item and their pet… The man has no fucking self respect and he is a cunt… Him and Coogan should form a double act…
Oh I get that Sixdod. What I’m saying is that Gervais’s rant at the Golden Globes put into words what huge numbers of people haven’t had the nerve and/or the platform to say about Hollywood ‘woke’ hypocrites before. He very publically let the genie out of the bottle, and burst their bubble. People are starting to open up on the subject; it was an important turning point to my mind.
I heard De Niro has been going round saying the MME vaccine gave his son autism, maybe that’s why he was blanked?
Maybe, he’s a wankstain either way. Why can’t these cunts just enjoy the wealth and lavish lifestyle? John Wayne would never find work in Hollywood these days for sure.
Cunts are wetting themselves over this 50 year old interview. He spoke his truth in the context of his time.
Hilary Clinton discussing blacks in 1996
“ “We need to take these people on, they are often connected to big drug cartels, they are not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called superpredators. No conscience. No empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way but first we have to bring them to heel,”
No one in the MSM wants to discuss this though.
No De Niro, you useless overrated one trick pony of an actor and weapons grade cunt. What probably caused your son being autistic is you fathering him at 55 years old when you shot your rotten passed it’s sell by date spunk up a Dark key.
I’ve taken to hating that fuckin crybaby deniro out of all proportion.
Hes just a dumb yank actor but
His bullshit over Trump an his spoilt mardarse attitude has completely alienated me.
“You talkin to me?”
“Am i fuckers like!”?
“You talkin’ to me”?
“Why yes I am, and thank you for breaking off filming of your latest mafia “epic” to grace us with your esteemed opinion on typecasting – what is your opinion on this Robert”?
“Err, err – you talkin to me”?
Methinks we need Sir Fiddler to trim this dead wood!
Blimey! That’s a bit of a revelation. Thought he would spout the usual liberal, luvvie, leftist groupthink.
Will have to watch more Lewis from now on!
One constant in this mish mash of bollocks; a cunt is and always will be a cunt.
To me it feels like nowadays it’s easier just to go along with it.
“Just be a good boy and take your medicine.”, kind of thing. No questioning, just doing what is told.
No sort of, “Hang on a minute, this is wrong.”
Any difference of opinion are faced with shouts of “Freethinker! Get him!” “You’ll be one of us soon”.
Morning all. Thanks for your kind comments.
Honestly I’m just so sick of this shit. It’s everywhere. Came across a classic example yesterday in a review or the film ‘1917’. Now I’ve not seen this yet but word-of-mouth indicates that it’s a superbly crafted and extremely suspenseful film, which is set against the background of WW1.
However this particular cunt of a reviewer couldn’t just accept it at face value, oh no. The cunt had to go on about it being ‘irresponsible’ because it didn’t challenge the evils of ‘nationalism’. The cunt couldn’t resist warping the narrative to his own terms, injecting his own narrow ‘woke’ mindset into the equation.
On behalf of the whole country, I’d like to apologise profusely for the disappointment and hurt this reviewer felt, and for the ensuing angst it’s caused. Now perhaps the shithouse will fuck off. Fucking hell, this shit is everywhere.
Control of the media is control of the narrative. As most people don’t look for alternative viewpoints they take on board what the mass media dishes out as gospel.
Nationalism is bad they say, borders are bad they say, but when asked how many migrants are living in their house all goes silent.
Populism is also bad, yet every politician relies on it to get elected. Then once elected they pursue the unpopular policies of the hidden agenda.
The answer to populism is the one party state, North Korea anyone?
Yeah, this term ‘populism’ is a load of old wank. Why would a political party try NOT to make itself popular to get elected? And then you have Labour whose insane promises and policies totally epitomised populism got their arses well and truly kicked. And what the fuck is wrong with nationalism and patriotism and putting your own country first for fuck’s sake?
Dictionary definition;
‘a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups’.
Sounds alright to me. Little Owen and his ilk call anyone they disagree with as ‘populist’, as in ‘the populist far-right Brexit Party’. It’s meant as an insult of course.
It is everywhere, it is sickening and its constantly being rammed down our throats. You are sane and you are not alone.
As an antidote, I recommend a dose of Akkad Daily, available on You Tube, he takes this shit apart and flushes it down the toilet of lost arguments.
I found this on you tube, rather a good critique.
Nice job from Mr Maher!
The liberal psychos always -fucking always – use the ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’ noises to shut down any debate and duck answering questions… Moffat is a fucking copper bottomed pube haired cunt… He claims that anyone not liking the Femstapo Doctor Who is not progressive or radical… Someone should tell this self inflated mong with a face like a melting spacehopper that it’s a TV show… It is not anything to do with politics or social issues… At least it isn’t supposed to be… Using a piece of once innocent boys own TV and science fiction escapism to push a leftist agenda shows how dirty and unethical these maggots really are… The new female Doctor is absolute crap, as is the new ‘Put them in the curry’ Master and the more colours than Jelly Babies gang of companions… But dare to say she is crap and you get ‘sexist’ and ‘misogynist’ screamed at you… Say the new shite Master and the sidekicks are box ticking pets and you get ‘racist’ and ‘Islamaphobic’ trundled out a full volume… And that Moffat cunt wants to stop stealing and pissing on the works of greats like Terry Nation, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Bram Stoker… The thieving brillo pad haired egomaniac libfuck cunt….
I think you need your own blog, Ron. You’re preaching to the converted here. Would just add to this superb cunting that public ridicule is an underrated weapon in this conflict. Cunters should never be scared to take the piss out of these opinions. We need more Jim Davidsons, and if the Comedy Sore (sic) won’t let them play, let’s set up a genuinely ‘alternative’ shop.
We are, may I say, the ‘alternative’ now. The shite we cunt thrice daily is the mainstream. why are all ‘comics’ woke leftwingers now? Because it’s safe
Embrace the danger.
On the comedy front, there appear to be signs that things are turning around here too. Eg;
And of course Enery ov Ewitt and Meghan Markle Fucking Ono will use this ploy to the hilt… Any questions they don’t like, any criticisms or calling out for being the cunts they really are, they will squeal ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’ over and fucking over…. Because of her shameless disrespect to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and pissing in the face of the English public, I dislike Markle Fucking Ono just as much as any true Englishman, but because she (as she keeps telling every fucker) is a woman of colour, the demanding little tramp will get away with almost anything…. People will do this without a doubt… They will turn a blind eye and dance around the truth, just so they can avoid being called ‘racist’… Operation Augusta fucking proved that…
“Let’s change the narrative”
Meaning, “Let’s distort the truth and omit inconvenient facts”.
The libfuck left are so funny, it’s priceless… An old mate of mine and a lifelong Stretford Ender gave his opinion on the poisonous prima donna cunt that is Paul Pobga… In short, he said Pogba was shit and not a United player… Cue meltdown from libmongs onTwatter as ‘lifelong Man U fans’ (ha fucking ha) accused my pal of having a ‘racist agenda’ and ‘victimising’ Pogba because he is black… My mate’s reply was ‘You can’t pull that shit with me! I am black myself, you fucking cunts!’… And he is: Ricky, a top lad from Moss Side who I have known since the late 70s… But these knee jerk always the victim cunts didn’t stop to think that old Ricardo was and is black… He just rightly thinks that Pogba is shite…. But that’s the loony left for you… No rationality, no thought, no debate, no research, no knowledge, and no fucking clue….
If Pogba was white what would the same cunts be saying? I’ve not seen much out of him to be honest, he’s got talent but he only uses it when it suits him and he needs a team around him that play to his strengths or he loses interest, it seems that way to me anyway.
Every criticism of a non white person is easily dismissed as racism. United fans pay this cunts wages and paid for his at the time record signing fee.
Alex Ferguson knew a bit about players and he sold the cunt.
Alex Ferguson defied the Manchester United board and sold Paul Pogba to Juventus for next to nothing, because he considered him “Poison”.
Pogba has not changed, and Ferguson was right.
Be gone Paul.
A great story Norman. Thanks for putting it up mate.
It’s really up to us guys. If somebody tried to tell me I was exercising ‘white privilege’, I’d see that as a blatent attempt to tarnish me and close out my opinion. My response is ‘you’ve just defined and classified me by my skin colour. Your race-baiting has grossly offended me and I demand an apology’.
Turn the cunts’ own rhetoric back on them, and do it as loudly and persistently as they do. Fuck ’em off as loudly as you can any chance you can.
No worries, Ron… Another one is a mate of mine called Anthony… Some peaceful cunt accused him of being racist, he immediately fired back with ‘my mrs is black’ and she is (very tasty she is too)… He just doesn’t like on the make parking stanleys and all that they get away with…. Said cunt was trying to nick a handbag from a shop and he stopped them… Cue the ‘you racist! You hate muslim!’… One thing he is not is racist… But even when they commit crimes, these scrotes will use ans abuse the race card…
I also think you’re right about the left, Ron… They will eventually turn on one another… When they run out of people to browbeat and lecture, they will start on each other… It will be they get more victim points than us and I am blacker and more LGTBTXYZ than they are… We can only help that day come quicker if we play them at their own game and turn their own shit round on them… Nice one….
I think the turning on each other thing has started, for example a real spat has broken out with some ‘feminists’ getting slagged by the ‘transgender community’ for saying that tranny women aren’t real women. It’s a hopeful sign that they’re starting to eat themselves.
As you probably know, apart from sleeping with one I have two friends who are trans, both have dabbled in lesing it up too (fair play) and this has been going on for some time, ditto stonewall has a problem with a post op trans who identifies as a woman (square peg round hole).
However the lesbo trans war is rather nasty, some of the shit being thrown around on their forums would not be accepted here it is “hate speak” and incitement to violence.
How they get away with it is beyond me.
After my last post on my bollock issues who knows, I might make a great ugly woman! (one legged dwarf ugly bitch with a shit attitude who smokes a pipe!) Bet you like me already.
Orwell told much truth, and has my deep and abiding admiration for writing such great books with Keith Harris’s hand stuck up his arse – what a trooper!
“Neurodiversity” = people who cant read, write or count.
A quality cunting. Not much more to say on the matter.