Jo Maugham

Jo Maugham is a cunt, isn’t he? Too fucking right he is – Admin

Who’s this oily turd and why does he look like a vain, Guardian-contributing QC who’s an obsessive anti-Brexiteer and likes to hurt animals? Well…

Maugham, who lives in London but keeps chickens, hadn’t properly made them safe so, on Boxing Day when a fox got in, he butchered the hungry animal.

The Remain-supporting lawyer and campaigner took to social media to boast that he had kicked off Boxing Day by killing ‘a fox with a baseball bat’ after it tried to get inside his hen house and became trapped in the process. This is an illegal way to kill foxes.

The Government advises discouraging foxes from coming to properties by securing food waste in bins. Foxes, moles and mink are protected under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, and causing unnecessary suffering to an animal can lead to jail and a fine of up to £20,000.

The barrister has since apologised. Yes, I bet he fucking has.

Mr Maugham, who has spearheaded a campaign to try to mount a legal challenge to see if Brexit can be reversed, probably has halitosis, sweaty hands, and, like the fox-hunters of yesteryear, tiny genitalia. You can read some of his anti-democratic whingeing views here:

The barrister has been behind a string of legal challenges to Brexit and previously backed Gina Miller’s High Court battle to force the Government to give MPs a vote on triggering Article 50.

Dreary old cunts who used to hunt and who are still alive are like scummy Remainers of the past, refusing to accept the majority opinion. You occasionally meet these decrepit stretchmarks, still bitter and blithering about their barbaric activities. This squirthole QC is equally as vile.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

75 thoughts on “Jo Maugham

  1. I do so wish an illegal peaceful would whack this cunt to death with a baseball bat!

    And where are all the animal rights & vegan protestors when you want them? They should be on his doorstep giving him a hard time!

  2. A lawyer, an EU shill, an animal abuser who lives in the Islamic Republic of Londonistan. Who also wears women’s kimonos and probably their knickers and suspender belts.

    Many reasons to hate this cunt but I’ll start with these.

    This bastard symbolises how rotten this country is. Scum of the earth.

  3. A lawyer, an EU shill, an animal abuser who lives in the Islamic Republic of Londonistan. Who also wears women’s kimonos and probably their knickers and suspender belts.

    Many reasons to hate this cunt but I’ll start with these.

    This bastard symbolises how rotten this country is.

  4. What a skummy little man. He must be looking over his shoulder. Mark in his face, the weakness. He is a weak, impotent individual To main or kill any animal like this is both spineless and distasteful. Here’s hoping he meets a group of pro-Brexit, hunt saboteurs in a dark park. He’ll receive what he deserves and the gutter will flow with his blood, spit, pus and cowardly piss.

  5. He has the look of a shirt-lifter, definitely wouldn’t accept an invitation to stay the night.

    He looks like a CUNT! (fully confirmed by his actions) why would anyone boast about killing an animal with a bat, maybe one of the more active animal rights warriors will give him a good kicking (hopefully)

  6. Love to see the Predator land and rip the spine out of this cunt, then a pack of foxes fuck his dead skin, oh the bits that are left fed to pigs, though there’d probably turn there snouts up at this cunt!

  7. A barrister-worthy Cunting indeed.

    I actually agree that Maugham is a Cunt…He is a Cunt for having the name “Jolyon”. He is a Cunt for his Brexit activities. He is a Cunt for wearing a kimono….however,he is not a Cunt for over-reacting slightly when protecting his chickens from a fox. The fox would have killed every chicken had it got in the pen…are chicken lives less valuable than a fox? Freeing it from it’s entanglement in the netting and sending it on it’s way with a flea in it’s ear would not have would return unntil it found a way in. I suppose he could have freed it,told it that it was a naughty fox,put it into the basket on the front of his pedal bike and taken it out The Wild Wood where it could have lived in peace and harmony with Ratty,Moley and Grumpy Old Badger…who knows?perhaps naughty Mr.Toad might have taken them all out for a drive in his vroom-vroom car/….I’m afraid real life isn’t like that.It isn’t as “nice” as some naive “all animals are cuddly-wuddly” types would like to imagine and no amount of hysterical,ignorant, childish whimsy regarding animal behaviour will alter that.
    I will admit that using a baseball bat was a bit OTT…..I’d have shot it.

    Finally, Maugham is a Cunt for not sending the vermin up to me. I’d have found a lovely warm,dry den for it…the buggers are getting a bit scarce up here for some reason.

    • PS…the man is obviously no Gentleman. There is no Sport to be had in beating a trapped fox with a bat… a true Sportsman would have given it a running start
      Perhaps The Hunt is actually being kind to foxes and is an improvement on bat-wielding barristers? Nice to finally get some vindication for old-style “Tally-Hoing”

      • I would have to agree. I’m sorry, but I think on this one Captain, you are deliberately conflating two issues – Opposition to Brexit and cruelty to animals. He is a cunt, simply because he is a barrister.

      • What about the chickens Mr Fiddler! Think of the chickens!
        No, the only answer is to finally have this out in court. ‘Queen’s Bench Vll’ comes to mind. That is the courtroom drama where in a sense ‘The Hol**aust’ is on trial. We need another court drama where ‘The Fox’ is put on trial. And we have an opportunity here with these two great legal minds- this Barrister Maugham on the one side, with his kimono on, holding the baseball bat, and our very own ‘barrister worthy’ cunter on the other (in his cute little fox outfit) Finally, finally the whole issue of the Fox could be thoroughly gone into. Our difficult relationship with Him over the years. How He is viewed in the culture. The Jews have had a bad press over the centuries, same with the ‘wily’ old ‘cunning’ fox. Pure stereotyping many would argue. Yes, a court case with nation wide publicity is what is called for. Are they a pest or are they to be cherished,? The Hunt is that legitimate? A trial where all these issues can be thoroughly explored and a Judgement can be made is the only answer.

      • Priest, thud, problem sorted with one hard blow – it will just come back otherwise, and the smell of dead fox tends to discourage repeat visits by it’s chums. Foxes will kill everything in a henhouse with appalling bloodlust and cruelty, but taking obvious pleasure in beating a fox to death – not on.

    • Dick@10.24
      The fox couldn’t have been returned to the wood, Dick.
      Grumpy Old Badger could easily pass TB on to it.
      I’m just waiting for a nom defending cuddly badgers but I suppose the writer would be in favour of passing the disease on to cattle to suppress meat production..

      • True enough,Bertie…it’s just lucky that the writer isn’t obsessed with some whimsical animal-utopia where nothing “nasty” happens and all de cute ickle animals live happily together…he made it quite clear that people endlessly banging on about the one subject and attempting to shoehorn it into every post is beneath his superior level.

        I must up my game if I hope to catch the attention of such a multi-faceted “I’m no one trick pony” poster.

  8. Fuck his chickens!

    What was he going to do with them anyway? read them bedtime stories? Take them on holiday to Barbados? No, he would have probably chopped their fucking heads off and killed them anyway!

    Fuck him and his fucking family

  9. A cunt trying to come across on social media as a “real man”.
    What a royale twat.
    Get fucked.

    • Bragging about it as though he’d done something clever, now he’s wishing he’d kept his mouth shut.

    • The thing that really repulses me to my core aside from killing wildlife is his wearing a kimono!
      What sort of fuckin jessie wears a kimono?!!
      In my ‘miserables new world order’
      This alone would be 20yr penal servitude!
      Whats your name son?
      You fuckin what?
      Just hang the cunt!
      Jollyon indeed, pisstaker.

      • Brutal slaughter of the innocent hens? The fox was clearly an oppressed freedom fighter, not a “therapist” – just ask smelly Jeremy!

  10. If the cunt had gone out twatting grey squirrels what true englishman could have objected?

    Fucking tree rats!

  11. He is an attention-seeking old cunt who probably hopes that he can join the likes of Judge Rinder and the Revd Richard Coles on the Z-List celebrity circuit. He would love that so I suggest everyone just ignores the decrepit old bleeder. Get Diane Abbott to sit on his face and suffocate him.

  12. I think the chap suffers from delusions, Why would you broadcast on social media that you were committing a criminal act dressed in your wife’s clothes?
    This is as good as it gets for social media for me and none of you fuckers know who I am (I hope) so it would be perfectly fine for me to do it, but not a “High flying” Twat in the public eye (This context denotes irritant and not object of view).
    Next question is why does he have a baseball bat.

  13. Fucking typical Remoaner moron.
    Name, Jolyon.
    Lives, London.
    Profession, Legal.
    Too fucking stupid to realise that posting his brave act would lead to outrage.

    Ticks every fucking box. What a chinless cunt.

    • QED, Cunstable.
      What’s this about him wearing his wife’s kimono, the big jessie?
      The box ticker’s dream.

  14. Urban foxes are a fucking pain*, and this guy’s a fucking pain too. I would have preferred to see a fairer fight though. Fair play twatting a predator after your livestock, anyone can do that, and more humane ways of doing it require a FAC or shotgun licence – not easily obtainable for a London backyard unless you are a gangsta cunt and ignore the requirement – but bugger bragging about it on soshul meeja.

    I am, incidentally, disturbed to see that Foxchaser-Fiddler admits to shootin’ foxes. While I am no gentleman, Fiddler claims to be one, and shootin’ foxes is appallin’ bad form. McTurk explains in Kipling’s ‘Stalky And Co.’

    “…Do—do you shoot foxes? Because, if you don’t, your keeper does. We’ve seen him! I do-don’t care what you call us—but it’s an awful thing. It’s the ruin of good feelin’ among neighbors. A ma-man ought to say once and for all how he stands about preservin’. It’s worse than murder, because there’s no legal remedy.”

    *They do however kill cats, so not all bad.

    • “Sudden Emergency” defence,K….needs must when The Devil drives.
      I would,of course,only shoot a fox if it was caught up in wire….nah, I’m lying…I’d shoot one as quick as look if I saw it going towards my chicken-shed.
      I would never be so crass as to use a baseball bat however….I’d have used a polo-mallet which would have been sitting handy after my last chukka.

      • Ah. It was Fiddler, in the henhouse, with the polo mallet. You win, you murderer of nice fluffy foxes, you.

  15. And yet you can just see this heroic wanker prosecuting some poor householder who found a pikey cunt, who is in his house with the intention of depriving said householder of as many items as he could fucking carry, and beat the living shit out of him.

  16. I feel sorry for the little man. He is must be inadequate in the obvious department and possibly can’t satisfy his long-suffering wife. Is she with him for his salary? Would he treat a child in the same callous way? This is the kind of violence we associate with followers of a certain religion.

    Put your head in your hands and atone for this behaviour. We must be better than this.

  17. Why didn’t he just call the RSPCA ?
    Why beat it to death with a baseball bat ?
    Why wear a kimono ? Especially one that’s too small.
    Perhaps he likes a tight fit ?
    I wonder if he shot his load in his frenzy ?
    Why put it on social media ?
    So many questions for this man of the law. I’d be checking his hard drive, also his cellar, to see if there’s any concreting been done.
    One thing’s for sure, he’s a Cunt.
    Good morning.

    • It was silk Jack with lotus flowers on it!
      Hes sicker than me!
      An thats going some!
      If in the mood for bravery why not take his bat and put on his kimono and atrack a gang of swarthy types?
      Or enter hisself into a bareknuckle fight with some law abiding traveller community?
      Jollyon? Jolly off.

  18. That “Fox-hunters are the Remainers of the past” analogy is fucking brilliant, Captain M. Perfectly accurate.

    • It’s all fear, isn’t it General. That’s what both parties share. The loss of their little world.

      Imagine if you have a peasant, some farmer living in the sticks, and it’s his job to sweep up horse manure in a small paddock. His terror would be a world without horses. How can he survive without shovelling up hot turds? It’s all this simpleton knows.

      Fear at their World disappearing.

  19. Fucking vicious scumbag.

    We have many foxes who come into our garden regularly. They come to find food and our waste bags have been torn open and scattered on occasion, until we stopped being cunts and put them inside plastic storage containers until collection. I even spotted one casually passing across the lawn and down the side of house during daylight hours just the other day. I must admit to being very worried when I went downstairs to get my cat in one night, only to find him in a showdown standoff with a big fox, but as soon as I approached the door, the fox ran off petrified.

    Would I think of caving in that fox’s head for fear of what it would do to my cat? (not that foxes have a taste for cats anyway, from what I have read)


    Actions like that are the actions of a fucking sociopath. i have no doubt this cunt is one of them. I am sure it gave a him a lot of satisfaction to destroy that fox then brag to his posh mates how he ‘took care’ of the situation. Mind you, I feel the same about any cunt who sees fit to destroy animals like this. i don’t give a fuck about their country pile or their land or their fucking cunt hunting traditions and how life is ‘different in the sticks’. Fuck them all. The sole reason foxes come into urban areas or any area is survival. Their natural habitats are being concreted over, so what option do they have exactly?

    I would sincerely like to take a baseball bat to this cunt’s head. It would put everyone else out of their misery.

    • Well said, Nursey. They’re only trying to survive.

      Hoo-eee, what a horrible lawyer cunt.

      • Yes, so I have read Moggie. I only found this out after my cat Del Boy’s encounter with said fox! Foxes are actually quite shy creatures and would be severely put off by a cat’s teeth and claws.

      • I love animals but I have to admit if anything went for my cat I’d hit it with anything I could grab hold of. Just enough to see it off, of course.

      • Ive seen one of our cats and a fox sniff each other an go their separate ways Allan, i feed foxes and a badger every night had no issues, they just want food and no trouble.
        Doubt theyd harm your cat.

  20. Ironic that faces with a threat to his property he resorts to a baseball bat and violence. Much like many on the left violence is acceptable when it suits them.

    Maybe we can crowdfund a prosecution? I’m sure he loves a good crowdfunded court case.

  21. I haven’t got much time for the urban fox, there are far too many of them round here, they are far too cocky and make a hell of a noise when they are fucking in the middle of the night.
    I could of course be talking about the local Eurotrash, which brings me to this posh piece of shit. Give me a thousand foxes rather than one dirty, stinking remoaner traitor. Foxes do what comes naturally………it’s not natural to sell your country down the river to a sinister foreign power. I would hang this bastard and feed his stinking corpse to the foxes. Bon appetit Mr Fox.

    • Well said Fred.
      Jollyon isnt just a cruel cunt, a braggard, a tranny, and a fag,
      Hes also a fuckin traitor.
      Like to snap that bat round his leathery cologne smelling neck the little puff.

  22. Did you hear about the barrister who’s about to face prosecution for masturbating in court?

    He thought he’d probably be able to get himself off.

  23. Does this effete anti-democratic wankstain really expect anybody to actually believe that
    a- he owns a baseball bat, and keeps it at his house at the ready,
    b- would know how to wield it, and
    c- actually killed something with it?
    I would expect that the opnly thing he is familiar with beating to death is his own (probably very small) genitalia whilst perusing images of young ladyboys dressed in kimonos.
    After the demise of further business in the lets-try-and-stop-Brexit market, the smug snowflake cunt (who was in love with the prospect of himself braying about democracy into any microphone that the media thrust his way) probably had a few too many pre-manicure pink gins, and decided to up his profile by claiming to be a man.
    I think we should crowdfund a QC to bring a private prosecution against him for cruelty to animals, possession of an offensive weapon, etc. Then the oily little turd can stand up in court and either admit that he lied (much to the amusement of everyone), or admit it- in which case, receive a criminal conviction, leading to his disbarment.
    He should also be kicked to death just for being called Jolyon. He wouldn’t have survived my school.

  24. This piece of turd should cast off his kimono and invest in one of those theatrical Fox-hunter/sex òffender costumes. He certainly looks the TallyHo/ Paeædò type. There’s only one thing fox-hunters used to love more than playing dressy-up, and that was mingling with other dressy-up men on horseback. I’m sure there was nothing homôerotic about it. Not at all. No way. Absolutely not.

    • By tweeting that he bludgeoned a defenceless fox to death whilst wearing his wife’s kimono, the lefty Remoaner was clearly virtue signalling to the transgender fox hunting community his desire for admittance into their unspeakably degenerate circle.

      • Ruffy, let this little cockroach congregate with the other beady-eyed beetroot-faced dinosaurs vomiting their grey spawn of anguish at their antiquated barbarism.
        These wrinkly old cunts chasing ‘drag-hunts’ are like neutered poodles still trying to copulate despite the lack of balls. Why don’t these tired old Eunuchs hang up their fancy dress? It’s embarrassing.

      • “Fanatical people are just dull, aren’t they, though that includes fanatical meat-eaters who constantly drone on about vegans”

        Wise words from Capt. M indeed in the Vegan nom…..nice to see that he doesn’t fall into the category of a fanatical,obsessive droner.


      • ? Old Man Fidd-ler, the old man Fidd-ler, he’s tired of hómos, and scared of vegans, but old man Fidd-ler, his caravan keeps rolling a-lonng!

      • Fuck me,Capt….this is pretty weak stuff even by your standards. I’d expect better from someone so convinced of his own brilliance.

        ‘Fraid the little emoji is wasted on me..I can hardly see the fucking thing and have no idea what it means…care to enlighten me?

  25. Pro-killing foxes, pro-remain. A fucking piece of shit. In an ideal world, he would be anally raped then beaten to death with the very baseball bat he used to kill that fox.

  26. Mate of mine had a pet fox some 50 years ago, whilst living on his Dad’s farm – Reared it from a cub, used to take it, on a lead, to the pub – (This isn’t a JRC type post – I’ve seen the photos). He adored it, but found it dead, caught in a snare some months later.

    Another mate goes “lamping” foxes – out of his 4×4 in the dead of night – fox eyes show up red in the dazzling “lamp” light. My mate reckons he’s doing the farmers a favour blasting foxes but can’t bring himself to admit that it gives him a hard-on.

    I can appreciate both sides of the argument but FFS – bragging on TwittyShittyBangBang about braying a fox with a baseball bat – unforgiveable

  27. I’d like to see the look on that man’s face when the Foxe’s dad turns up, I imagine daddy fox dressed in a string vest and oil stained jeans, tattoos, and a teddyboy hairdo . “Oi! You the c*nt that killed my son?”

    • Jo catches sight of daddy fox and trembles “Uh uh yes…yes sir”

      – “Right then”
      Fox calmly approaches Jo and pulls out an ornate looking knife.

      Jo: “wh…wh…what are you doing? Please don’t kill me. Please.”

      Fox: Coolly “Oh no, I’m not going to kill you. I’m just going to cut ya. Now hold still…”

      Fox grabs Jo by the wrist and very delicately, very carefully cuts the word, killer, into the inside of Jo’s arm.
      Jo winces in pain, “Oww!”
      Fox, carefully cutting, “Don’t be a baby.”
      When finished Fox admires his work, “Not bad.” He lets go of Jo’s arm.
      “Now, you leave my family alone.”

      Fox turns and walks off into the distance.

      Jo: “I’m sorry!” Jo begins to sob.

      Fox: “It’s too late for tears now…killer”.

  28. He may be a bit of a blaggard for offing Mr Fox in such a way, as I always give the blighter a bit of a head start before letting my Gamekeeper off his leash. However, these ginger coated cunts are a bally nuisance, and need a bit of culling every so often! I would suggest that he register with his local hunt, and put on a nice red jacket and join in the ‘sport of Kings’ instead of mincing around in a Kimono like some virtue signaling homosexualist! Toodle pip!

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