The horse faced old whore, currently one of five arsewipe non-entities fighting to become Labour leader, known for her big mouth and small brain, as well as her famous misandry, has said in her usual loud-mouthed voice she will try to reverse Brexit. No doubt Dame Keir feels the same even if he hasn’t got the balls to say it:
This ugly old bint represents one of the biggest leave constituencies in Britain – how she retained her seat last month, God knows. Once again old bigmouth thinks she knows best. Despite her jiggly tits, this old hag would literally take the cuntry back to 1975.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
She’s planning on “rejoining” before we’ve left the bastards. Even Frankenstein’s monster wasn’t this brainless.
Tad better looking, though (the monster that is). I fucking hate this cunt with every fibre of my body. A typical example of a ‘modern’ woman, a self-opinionated big-headed loudmouth who thinks because of her sex she can shout abuse and insults usually against men with impunity. I’m totally against violence on the fairer sex but I’m willing to make an exception in this case and I think she should be kidnapped, dressed up as a fox and let loose on the Lord Fiddler estate.
Good luck with that sweetie.
What’s the quickest way to shut Jess Phillips up?
Ask her if she thinks her (very high in number) Muslim constituents are right to protest against LGBTQAIP indoctrination in infant schools, or if she’s on the side of the rainbow warriors and “read with tranny” sessions given to 5yr olds?
Ahhh, isn’t it great when the left consumes itself!
Also ask her if she’s going to enlist if we have a war. That’s what feminists do, don’t they Jess?
Don’t think the Iranian army would want her. She’d be on their side though.
What goes in and out at the sound of an aircraft?
An Iranian Generals arsehole!
Suleimani was directly responsible for the kidnap, torture and barbaric murder of aid worker Alan Henning, amongst many, many others and his removal was “a good job well done”.
Those who live by the beheading sword..
But Comrade Compo the Quisling fifth columnist traitor still stands in the House of Commons today defending terrorist savages, and porky Phillips – along with all the other Labour Party leadership candidates – has still not answered the question I asked about stopping free food for gluttonous Parliamentarians when 1 million of our people have to use food banks to avoid starvation.
I await my response from Shergars ugly sister!
When muslims in Labour held Birmingham protest gay indoctrination insisted upon by the Equality Act brought to bear by the Labour party she blames…conservatives. No really.
The quickest way to get Jess Phillips to shut up? Ask her to count to twelve without taking her shoes off!
Who gives a fuck about Jess Phillips? Low rent faux working class munter. She can fuck off. Sad that someone so devoid of intellect can be elected to Parliament.
A person you’d expect to see gobbing off on a council estate chosen to represent thousands, fuck off Jess.
Labour have not a single credible leadership candidate. She doesn’t have much popularity within the party so we won’t be seeing her as leader, though the alternatives are just as pathetic.
Fuck Labour, irrelevant and well past it’s time, it’s like the slapper at school you used to give a fag for a blow job, something from the past best left there.
She’s a gobby, self-opinionated cunt who hasn’t achieved anything other than to mug her constituents into keeping her as their MP
She flip-flops on issues, hates white men (unless their millennials and hipsters); sucks plenty of cock, stinks of an old and well used trawler; is about as coherent as a bucket of pig shit; doesn’t take to criticism very well (straight to Twitter, cries and plays the victim card), and has all the appeal of a scabby tampon baked under a hot sun!
In other words she’s a cunt, and a right old minging cheesy cunt at that!
100% common oik.
A fishwife at the risk of being unkind to fishwives. That fuckin’ accent grates on me.
When I read this story the other day, I was frankly gobsmacked. How stupid is this woman? Is she blind to what happened in the very, very recent general election? Is she in total denial? Or does she just not care and is arrogant enough to steam ahead, STILL intent on blocking democracy and reversing things?
Her party lost many, many seats BECAUSE of their blatant disregard for their constituents wishes as far as Brexit goes. The most vocal traitors in their parties had a size 9 booted up their arseholes and their political careers ended in one night…..
….yet here is Phillips, STILL banging out about stopping Brexit retrospectively.
It is not just tedious now to still be hearing this shit from the likes of her, it is actually repulsive and disgusting as what she is doing is shitting all over the electorate. It just shows yet again that she and her like are not working for their constituents at all and just have a personal agenda which they refuse to drop.
Her nerve is incredible.
Jess Phillips – the bastard child of Noddy Holder and a pig!
And the funniest part of all? Phillips is currently doing a deal which means she stands down from the leadership race in return for the position of deputy leader.
That Nanda bint with frankensteins monster as her #2!? Oh let the fun begin. They’ll have nothing to bash the tories with other than the obvious evil of a hetero normal white man in charge.
With Lady Keir Starmer given a free run and being guaranteed to be Labours”democratically” elected next leader as part of the deal.
I love democracy me.
It is not her nerve that is incredible, it is her stupidity.
And people still voted this c*nt in!
Jess Piglips has listed many reasons why labour lost, people didn’t trust them, the leader, Tory media lies etc, brexit though isn’t one of them. Jess believes that the majority want to remain, even if they don’t know it.
Shame she retained her seat, her and Swinson could of consoled each other far far away.
*her and Swinson could of consoled each other far far away.*
With a 12″ Yvette Cooper Special dildo, probably.
I notice one of the poofter/remainer Labour MPs Wes “Rent-A-Gob” Streeting wants Phillips to be leader – I am just surprised being a Blairite he doesn’t favour Dame Keir – a real retread a millionaire lawyer, with a permanent shit-eating grin who pretends to enjoy slumming with the ordinary person.
We should all chip in get some scaffold round her gob and sand blast them teeth the fuckas are green FFS.
The dirty stinking cunt.
Jess Phillips had her original teeth knocked out by the violently thrust penis of “an aspiring architect” and so had to dig up the corpse of Shergar to use his!
The brass neck on these people.
You get utterly thrashed in the general election, not just because of that organic marrow growing fuck corbyn or your stupid “give everyone everything and get apple to pay for it” manifesto.
It was Brexit. You did everything you could to overturn, frustrate and block democracy – then, lo and fucking behold, your anti democratic bullshit has not gone down well during a democratic general election.
Then, what does this cunt do? State that she’d like us to rejoin in 5 years, thereby overturning the referendum.
Has she got cloth between her ears?
The level of arrogance and general bastardry is beyond belief.
Her constituents must be thicker than her fanny batter.
Always looks like she needs a bath.
Soap dodger cunt….
Never mind Jess, I’ll be thinking of you on the 1st of Feb, you and all the other democracy denying remain rats, I’ll be raising a glass and laughing at you all.
17.4 Million people including myself will be more than happy to join you in raising that glass SV!
Phillips is no different to all the other remoaners …….. they are all totally unrepentant and convinced that their only mistake was to not adequately explain it to us simpletons.
That cunt Lewis and 3 other Labour trashbags were on Newsnight last night. They all agreed that their mistake was to be not remoan enough and leave everybody confused as to their position. They can fuck off, as can this mouth almighty Brummie remoaner bitch. I would love this cow to win but, sadly, she has no chance. Still, it’ll give her something else to moan about. Fucking cunt.
Let them fight for corbyns place as leader, its akin to being toilet monitor in a doss house.
Hope it turns nasty!
Claws out ladies, come on show some passion! Rip her fuckin face off!
Shite leading shite,
Marxist commie scum dreaming of a revolution thatll never come
Leading the masses who want nothing to do with them!
Can smell the stench of failure from here!???
Political fights always turn nasty – all they want is power.
They will say and do anything to get it.
They will say and do everything to keep it.
My practical solution? Get rid of political parties and hire 500 members of the public who fulfils the relevant criteria on five Year contracts, then we can end the spectacle of c*nts braying at each other like donkeys and have everyone on the same side doing the job they are massively overpaid for – to run the f*cking Country!
And in my new democracy I nominate Dick Fiddler as the Father of the House – “order!, order”!
“Fuck off”.
You’re a Fox, he’d hunt you down and shoot you. I suggest you choose again.
‘Tis true, but DF has always come across as the tolerant and forgiving kind!
Ive always thought Jess Phillips looked a bit like the Norris-thing from The Thing. or half-way through changing from an amphibian.
As Dirty Harry once said which to me sums up this cunt and the Labour party’s total arrogance and escape from reality “To me your nothing but dog shit. And a lot of things can happen to dog shit. It can can scooped up with a shovel, it can dry up in the wind and blow away or it can be trod in and squashed. So be careful where that dog shits yer”. Stupid split arse twat.
Jess is so frustrated – however hard she tries to explain and show that SHE IS RIGHT the stupid little people simply do not understand that remaining in the Fifth Reich is great! (For the rich and privileged).
Jess – and many others – climb on your unicorn, ride it down from cloud cuckoo land and get the picture, the people will not vote for rich arrogant scum who ignore the results of Referendums, people who have spent Years blocking and delaying the democratic will of the British people, Marxists, Communists, anti Semites, terrorist sympathisers, cowards and enablers and f*cking lunatics who would destroy the economy with their lunatic ideas.
I really hate this bitch, when she is having a debate with an opposition politician she puts on a really sickly grin/smile, it’s saying ‘whatever you say is completely wrong and you are less than a turd under my shoe’
I would love her to get the compo job, the cow is so unstable she would fall apart at PMQ’s, losing her rag would be great to see.
I’m the same. Dreadful patronising smile before she she spiels.
I have a very simplistic brain, I don’t trouble with names unless I like the person.
My mind goes into neutral and my eyes scan and a little voice says, white woman cunt, black woman cunt. white man cunt, black man cunt, Asian cunt and so forth, There is nothing offensive meant by it, just my own little mental target acquisition system that sorts friends from foes, so to me this could be joe swinson, jess philips or the bailey thing. However I know its not Dianna Abbot because she is section 2 Black woman cunt.
Which makes me think as shadow home Secretary shouldn’t she be the logical next leader for the Layabout Party? It’s not as if it would damage them is it.
I have just seen Lady Keir being interviewed, shifty darting eyes, lizard tongue moving involuntarily around, perspiring heavily and looking like she is about to burst into tears at the simplest of questions – and explaining that she is not posh because she grew up in a mansion but not a very big one, and was privately educated but “saw a lot of poverty”, especially among your servants eh Lady Keir? I assume she will next appear in a boilersuit waving her mucky fingers shouting “Ey up sithi – ‘as any bugger seen me chips n gravy or ‘as whippet ‘ad em”?, like the fake plastic b*stard she is!
I am not a trained psychiatrist but I can see when a Man is falling apart, methinks the crucible of politics is a little hot for him!
Blair Mark 2 but perhaps not quite so agile or “clever” in the pikey sense of that word.
They’re all United for Keir, duckie.
“Do you wanna boiy a darg”?
“Do you have any pink poodles ducky”?
“No soor, oi tink some gorl called Owen got de last one dere”
“So, do you wanna boiy a daarg”?
“No sweet cheeks – my (pity) party is full of them” – and I don’t think you can leave all those caravans there”!
“It was a lady who said we could, and ye cant do a fecking ting aboht it so it is”!
“Hate cwime, boo hoo, simper”! There, that taught you – it’s nice to be rich”!
“Wha? Do you wanna boiy a daarg Rich “?
If Labour had any sense, they would drop this cantankerous hag and put that Laura McAlpine in her place.
Now there’s a Labour MP I could get behind.
Or round the front of, come to that
HNY to all my fellow cunters.
In short JP is the queen of turd heads in a sea of Labour turd heads.
Ps Any Cunters planning on a visit to Parliament Square on the last day of the month ……. before 11am?
Ah yes, Phillips the donkey-faced misandrist. She’d make a great leader.
She’s the sort of ultra common loudmouth you avoid like the plague in the street/ pub etc.
She could do with a hair wash too.
“Jess Pollard” – “yer but, no but”
and what’s this I hear about a “teeth sharing scheme” with Swineson?
A quick maths question for Jess – “how can you fit five thousand people into one London tower block”?
Wouldn’t mind knowing the answer to that one myself..
She changed her mind toot swet.
Pikey Blinder Phillips (copyright- Captain Magnanimous) gets right on my tits not because she’s a self-regarding, man-hating, democracy-denying skidmark but more due to the fact that she’s trying to pass herself off as a Woman Of The People, with her finger on the pulse of the working class. Like fuck. Her parents were a teacher and NHS Executive, not exactly going to Asda every day in their joggers to seek out the reduced bargains. With her potty mouth and total lack of basic manners, she is the fucking UNDERCLASS of the Labour Party. Good evening.
And “Jess of the equines” (or should that be “Slack Booty”?) has kept it very quiet that she used her position and privilege recently to try and bully and threaten a number of people with libel for pointing out her £200,000+ annual expenses claims and the fact she employs her Husband – ain’t quiet anymore though is it Jess?
“Neigh, it’s not”
Quick heads up Jess – stating facts is not libel, and your expenses are a matter of public record!
Go and nick Angela’s crayons you dumb elitist CUNT.
go for it you skanky old dog! you’re the kind of bird i would take back to my caravan when i was working the pleasure beach in Gt yarmouth in the early 80’s you lank haired cunt, two’s up or even 15 at a push, and then fucked off out of it, for some other std wanker to give you a knee trembler!! ya cunthook.
Made a deal to be Deputy Leader of the Labour Party?
That is like being the world’s best white 100m runner or utterly pointless
Sir Kier ‘stretch armstrong…’ forgot is name.
Allow me to assist – Sir Keir’s surname is spelt CUNT!
According to the results of the last general election, lots of people are sick to the back teeth with magic grandad and his band of cunts. Labour are fucked for at least 5 years and have as much relevance as an underwater volley ball court. May I take this opportunity to wish her and her cronies a great big mug of go fuck yourself.
Jemimah didn’t win? wait while the rest of the Playschool cast hear about this!
I blame whitey.
How on Earth did this soap dodging, potty mouth on a stick ever retain her seat?? She is vileness personified and rotten to the core! The deranged rat bag has all the social graces of a bucket of diarrhea, and the brain power of a light bulb! One can easily imagine her losing control of her filthy mouth while opposite the PM, and being marched off the premises! The absolute penultimate in Brummie Cuntage, and no mistake!