A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year cunting to Idris Elba (real name Idrissa Akuna Elba).
British bulldog Idrossa was born in London to a Sierra Leoneon father (although it’s not clear if the cunt was actually born there) and a Ghanaian mother. Apparently, he has just been given citizenship of Sierra Leone, despite the cunt never having set foot in the Civil War and Ebola ravaged dump (although he has been to Africa apparently):
He said that citizenship was “the biggest honour I could get from my country”. MY country? What’s it to be cuntface, Britain when it suits you or some 3rd World godforsaken shithole? He went on to say “The son of the soil is coming back to fertilise the soil.” Apart being such a ludicrous statement, when you go back to somewhere it normally implies you’ve been there before, dumb fuck. Anyway, it appears there is more to Idrossa’s love of his homeland then meets the eye as it seems he wants to exploit the local workforce to his own ends by “rejuvenating and “rebranding” the country.”
Nominated by Cupid Stunt
quote “”America or England cannot house my ambition. Africa can house my ambition, I can create another Disney here [and] I can’t do that in America.””
Ungrateful cunt! If it wasn’t for either of these countries he’d be a complete fucking nobody. In fact the US gave him his first big break in TV with the much acclaimed “The Wire” as Stringer Bell back in 2002.
But now he’s become Berty Big Bollocks, both countries no longer matter; because he’s “gone all African” even though he was a born a Cockney!
Yet another entitled luvvie biting the hands that fed him!
“But now he’s become Berty Big Bollocks”
Piss off Techno. My bollocks are no bigger than average, even though I might talk a lot of.
“…even though he was a born a Cockney!”
A bl@ck cockney?? How does that work? He wasn’t born a ‘Cockney’; a natural born cunt more like!
James Bond wannabe CUNT!
The only reason this cunt wants to go to Sierra Leone and exploit the locals is because he knows it’s top heavy rich with Diamonds.
This cunt will no doubt open a mine, get the locals working 12 hour shifts for 10p a day all to ‘rejuvenate’ his already over inflated bank balance and self worth.
Air-headed cunt!
James Bond more chance of being in the next Brook Bond Tea advert ?
If Africa is such a wonderful place fuck off there and don’t come back ?
He’d make a great Bond, if he was prepared to white up.
Witch Doctor No
From Ghana With Love
Skyfall (into a Clapham garden)
The Spy Who Stabbed Me
Casino Chicken Royale
The Man with the Golden Tooth
Out on licence to kill
You CUNTS!!! Nearly chocked on my sandwich with those alternative Bobd Film Titles. Fucking funny.
The Spy Who Loved KFC
‘On her majesty’s community service’
There used to be a joke about that, The CIA sent one of their best agents into Moscow, he spoke perfect regional Russian, his papers and cover were immaculate,but within half an hour he was arrested and taken away for interrogation, why?
Because he was black.
Not a racist joke just a valid outlook at the diversity of eastern Europe, so a Black 007 very good in the tropics but not so good in other areas.
Note on blacking up, the selous scouts used to do it for very obvious reasons (to fit in)
Ha ha ha very funny
You Only Chib Twice
How many immigrants or their offspring really consider themselves as British?
Stormzy in a teacup! As Idris Alba has citizenship of Sierra Leone we should have the legal right to deport the f*cker back there for promoting hate speech the next time he opens his ungrateful back stabbing mouth. How many immigrants or their offspring consider themselves British depends on the situation – sat in luxury with our security forces and Police footing the bill on a f*cking great pile of money they are anything but British but when they venture out of snowflake moomin land to any other Country and get themselves in the shit the first thing they do is demand assistance from the “evil British” – “I’m British, I have rights, you can’t treat me like this”
Alba etc will never move to the war torn terrorist run slum of Sierra Leone because as a Man of wealth he will be permanently targeted for kidnapping and robbery – does he wonder why tourists have armed guards and live in gated communities over there? No, because anyone pointing out this will be denounced and demonised as waaycist.
This fifth column quisling traitor piece of sh*t uses the platform of equality and freedom of speech (with the right colour face and the tacit approval of Owen “rusks and Mummy Jones” of course) to denounce and abuse the very place which has given him everything.
Warm up the fried chiggun James bong
Does this mean that he’s going to Sierra Leone to have a wank in a field ?
Or am I taking his words too literally ?
These Cunts hate Britain, but will happily suck on the tit.
Get To Fuck.
Dumb arsed fucker!
And a fucking cockney too!
Can’t imagine what the cunt must have been in a previous life to deserve that!
Probably just white.
Cheers Idris, fuck off then don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out.Watch out for them tropical diseases
Fuck off and don’t come back (maybe take a few hundred thousand of your black bros with you)
Sounds like the words and attitude of a fucking racist to me.
Oh no, he’s black, a luvvie and he’s been on the telly so that’s impossible! Lemon Squash might find that if he mixed with the ordinary people of Sierra Leone they would soon be saying “Fuck off home, flash British cunt.”
Another up his own arse champagne socialist. They just can’t help themselves can they?
Liked him in The Wire and did a very passable yank accent, which is more than you could say for Dominic West, but every time I’ve seen him since, he’s just been irritating.
If Alba went to Sierra Leone the first thing the locals would be saying is “give up de watch and money boi”
And ten minutes later a call to the British embassy “De Maan been robbed at gunpoint by de brudders and me girl bin gang r*ped, I demandin the help from de colonial overlords cos I British again now maaan”!
I thought the cunt was Valhallan. As for 007, what about the large ape who advertises Gorilla glue on tv? That should make a very good bond.
Yes the large Ape the resemblance is uncanny The Spy Who Glued Me?
Sierra leone was created by the British Empire to house Africans freed from slavery by the West Africa Squadron. Non wanted to return from where they’d been sold from and preferred to live under the union flag.Your welcome cunt.
Some young chums of mine went on holiday in Sierra Leone a bit back – the naughty locals welcomed them with open “arms”, then realised, quickly and painfully, they were not dealing with drugged up abused brainwashed kids toting an AK but a rather different breed with lovely red hats – and got annihilated.
Off you go then Idris! Soon as you like
Another one on the never ending roll call of immigrants who like what Britain can do for their careers and bank balances but never really want to be British. In essence a cunt. PS well done to the Donald for turning that sand bastard to vapour. He was a dangerous opponent to the West and Israel for many decades .
“I can see paradise by the dashboard light” – no mate, that’s a f*cking missile!
A thorn efficiently removed.
” “The son of the soil is coming back to fertilise the soil.”
I suppose that means he is going to take a shit on the tarmac of the airfield when he discovers you have to pay moneyto use the bog.
“The Son of the soil is coming back to fertilise the soil”
Is the soil Idris will be fertilising in the shallow forest grave they will tip him into after relieving him of his watch and money?
Aye that’s the one.
Disembark private jet,smells the stench,shits on tarmac,embarks private jet after quick selfie.
Fuck me what a dithering woke black rat.
Jumps back on private jet after lecturing the local headhunters about the environmental damage caused by air travel
I quite liked Luther, but it was the nutcase played by Ruth Wilson that stole the show for me.
Anyhow, back to cunting the cunt.
By all means fuck off to Sierra Leone. If he promises to stay there I’ll help with his packing.
He’s fucking welcome to the African shithole of his choice. He will soon find out just how safe he is there.
I wonder if there are tax advantages?
Beat me to it. One broadly assumes if you’re minted you can avoid all the everyday peoples’ woes due to a lack of infrastructure, general sanitation etc. Bet he wouldn’t be so keen if he was on an average wage.
Not sure he’s a cunt on this count, more of an effusive luvvy twat (clearly a lower order).
Idris Elba; sounds like a tropical flavoured fizzy drink like Lilt or Cariba or even Umbongo with a bit of effervesence.
Casino Royale with Cheese.
“Fried chiggun, shaken not stirred”
From Calais With Love.
The allegiance question…
Well I can only talk for myself and as most know I’m half English and half Jamaican, born in Engalnd and proud to be be British.
When I go to Jamaica some of the locals call me ‘English’ and although I have always been welcomed and treated well they don’t class me as one of them.
Having been born and bred here, England is what I know and what I call home, some of my English and Jamaican ancestors fought in the wars for Britain and I’d also fight for Britain if some cunts came here threatening my family, way of life etc be they Jamaican, or whatever.
In my opinion some non whites are more British than others in my book and being raised by whities and blackies give you a lets say more balanced outlook as opposed to being born here but of African parents.
Anyways I saw Idris strutting abaaaaaht my manor a while back, giving it the proper swagger. Ain’t got much against him to be honest, I think years of being a luvvie has turned him into a cunt.
I’d also make a much better Bond than than him.
Piss off.
Being British, or more specifically, English and white is to be told to assume a default setting as an evil empirical racist – traitors hollow out our Country at every opportunity, but where the f*ck were these people when we stood alone against tyranny?
(Oh yes, on a gap Year Daahling!)
White apologists and non white racists are continually indoctrinating, brainwashing and perverting every principle, law, tradition and bit of common sense we have ever stood for – and anyone disagreeing with their evil agenda is immediately demonised as a fascist/racist/homophobe etc, because that is the most effective vehicle for stamping down on free speech and debate whilst still appearing to take the moral high ground.
Free speech and equality for everyone – provided you agree with what the rich and privileged order you to.
Random last thought – I planned to scoot to London last Year to stand right next to Steve Bray (like a donkey) with a megaphone and a frying pan and shout “START BREAKFAST” every time the odious little c*nt opened his mouth but the good lady put a stop to it as she is apparently “sick of me embarrassing her”!
“A rimming, shaken not stirred” – So Mr BWC, tell us all you know about white apologists in the UK”!
“I know naaafink abaaaht it”
Agreed VF, what has happened in the past is in the past.
No amount of apologising will change anything and most countries have a shat on another at some point.
I dont get these cunts who want to apologise and rewrite history to make it like these ultra PC times we live in.
Move forward not back.
PS I wish you had gone down there and pushed that cunt in the Thames.
I wished I had pushed the gobby bugger in the Thames as well BWC, but I am something of a caveman/semi tame bear whereas the good lady is “old school landed Gentry” posh, and she tends to keep me very firmly in line with a single glare!
Would your leading Bond Girl be called Anna Lingus rather than Pussy Galore? ?
Good work there HS,
We will have to bring you in on the writing team.
Seen one entitled bogo bogo who is a blight on English society, you’ve seen ’em all…
This cunt seems to be in everything going…ads, TV and film he’s fucking everywhere.
If he comes on, I turn it off.
Here in North Wales, we have Cadair Idris – translates as Idris’ Seat. It’s a mountain – Above mentioned cunt’s welcome to go sit up there in the pissing rain.
Oh look, I’m waffling again – please excuse me
Come off it Seymour – Cadair Idris a mountain?
It’s a pimple at 890 metres!
My wife’s parents are from Sierra Leone. I have been once and can confirm it is effectively the largest shit hole on earth , like most of Africa.
My mother in law before she passed away (as much an Anglophile as you could hope to meet) said it wasn’t always so. The Brits left them what she described as an excellent infrastructure .
Sadly the laughable cunts destroyed it within a generation in their barbaric civil war and it will never ever recover.
Although not before the SAS and 1 Para indulged in the massacre of the West Side Boys which I still chuckle about to this day.
They are basically whoring themselves out to the Chinese. They virtually own the place now.
My wife comes from the Sierra Leone middle classes ie Government officials who own three houses in Kensington on a civil servants salary like her uncle did. Left in the 60s and never once set foot in the place again lest they stacked him in some Goodyears and set light to him according to my father in law ?
Oh and yes I fell down one of many open sewers in Freetown whilst I was there. Dirty cunts.
The West Side Boys were annihilated but learned a valuable lesson – just because you will not wade chest deep through a swamp don’t assume the British special forces and Paras will not, unfortunately none are alive to pass on the salutary tale, and I have it on good authority there was a significant intake of whisky in Hereford afterwards, to stave off any stomach bugs caused by dirty water!
Well , I think you are all a bunch of cunts, watch beasts of no nation on Netflix, Idris plays an African warlord, that would show you what the big todgered one would be like living in a shithole country of dark quay land, just killings and robbery and drug taking….bit like every day in hackney