Gavin Malone

Gavin Malone….

Just been forced to watch more of this cunt in a prison trying to teach the current intake of aspiring architects to ‘sing’. Oh yeah, they’re all so repentant about stabbing other aspiring architects and clearly think they’re gonna get off lightly and emulate their hero ‘Shitstormz’, or whatever the cunts called and it’s all being paid for by the fucking BBC.

Fuck my fucking old brown boots. Fuck right off, I need to piss before my urinary tract melts.


Nominated by Kunte Kunty

40 thoughts on “Gavin Malone

  1. Another reason not to have a TV.

    This type of program pretends that the world will be a better place if we joined choirs.

    I’d like to see a program in which young people volunteer to pick up litter and not act like cunts. Then I’ll give a stuff about climate change Sir David.

  2. Bloke’s name is Gareth I believe . Either way, still an absolute cunt.

    Married to a woman supposedly.

      • “I have flown the World first class for sixty Years lecturing people about the damage caused by air travel”..

        Thanks for your contribution there Mr Attenborough!

  3. I’d love to see him walk down some dodgy street at night: specifically a street of predominantly multicultural enriched either of Middle Eastern, Eastern European or West Indian extraction.

    Perhaps he could teach the street to sing in perfect harmony while riding a white fluffy unicorn!


  4. Where do they find the time for singing lessons? They must squeeze them in somewhere between lunchtimes, Pool, art classes, not paying rent, free food, TV, visits, smuggled-in drugs, jobs, and free education in a variety of subjects (free education for which they’re PAID to attend but shhh, we don’t want the public knowing how their tax is spent).

    All together now, “It’s a fine lii-iiife…”

    • Maybe if they attend singing lessons it will convince the parole board they are reformed characters and productive members of society like Usman Khan. Simon Cowell is probably pitching ‘HMP Got Talent’.

      • I’m waiting for Strictly HMP Dancing where inmates attempt to not rob/injure/stab their professional dance partners while doing the Flamenco. Not that most prisoners are of the same hue, mind; that would be rayy-cist, fam.

      • As every good crim worth his salt knows, singing is bad for ya ‘ealth bruv – cos snitches get stitches, init, blood!

  5. Good Morning

    I don’t think old Gareth is a complete cunt, just half a cunt really. He had a good formula for a programme and his military wives record was excellent. Unfortunately the BBCunts lack imagination and don’t have any new ideas so they flog his formula to death. Poor old Gareth only has 3 weeks to get his choir to sing in tune, why? Presumably because all the inmates are let out far too early. Nothing to do with a false deadline the BBCunts have imposed to provide a jeopardy moment so twat has told them every programme has to have.

    Anyway I can’t be arsed to watch it.

  6. Didn’t see this programme but seen this poof wanker in this formulaic shit before. Gavin gets a load of deadbeats together…..they sing a few songs …….Gavin talks to camera about how choir singing brings every cunt together and saves the world……a bit more singing…….Gavin gives pep talk to a couple of moaning cunts……moaning cunts realise Gavin is always right and join in yet more fucking singing.
    They appear in some special performance……..audience gives them a standing ovation. Deadbeat singers cry and hug each other…….smug Gavin gives them a stirring Churchillian speech about achievement and pulling together blah blah. Smirks at camera and fucks off.
    Total load of BBC feelgood bollocks which would bore the tits off a tribe of chimpanzees.

    • Gavin then stabbed and relieved of his watch and phone outside – “what did they look like Gavin”?

      No idea, but my, could they hold a tune!

  7. I’m with Wanksock on this. Just before Christmas, Gareth assembled very elderly and ill singing participants from geriatric wards of local hospitals.

    The poor old bastards looked so monged out and ready to chuck the towel in. His efforts clearly gave them all a lift and some purpose. It was quite emotional to watch.

    Sorry, I can’t fault Gareth for wanting to create some good amongst so much rotten shit and cuntishness. To quote a Dragon’s Den phrase – “sorry but I am out”.

  8. He’s already ‘preaching to the converted’. The simians and moose limbs in clink are there because they do not want to, and will never change, their behaviour.

  9. Young Gareth looks as if he would keep his cell door unlocked to cultivate the friendship of the lifers and long-termers. forever dropping the soap in the showers, butterfingers, being “nice” to all the not-so-old lags.

  10. Lets rock
    Everybody lets rock
    Dancing to the jailhouse rock..

    Some fat bloke sang that, its been done before.
    More high school musical than porridge in hmp strangeways.

  11. In much the same way that there are things that Dark Keys can’t do…swim,operate machinery,hold down a job etc….there are 2 things that they can do well…eat de fried chiggun and sing…why the Fuck would they need some white middle-class Penfold lookalike to teach them what has come naturally since the early days of the bongos in the jungle through to singing their gratitude to Da Big White Massa for their gainful employment in the cotton fields.

    The trouble is now the likes of Stormzy seem to be regressing to the old jungle behaviour…full-bore,uppity chimp-outs where they grunt and scream their ingratitude at all that The White Man has done for them.

    I wouldn’t actually ban Dark Keys from singing,some of them are very good,but I would ban them from singing anything that angries up their blood.

    • “I get a kick from cocaine, mear alcohol doesnt thrill me at all,
      I get a kick out of you”…

      Blazing saddles

      • Yeah, just as Dick was saying, angries up the blood, because whitey gets a shovel to the back of the head.

      • Morning Mr Fiddler,

        Saint Ignatius of Loyola wrote his ‘Spiritual Exercises’ in prison, Cervantes wrote Don Quixote while in prison, John Bunyan ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’. Maybe it’s time for you to get yourself arrested and complete your eagerly awaited ‘Memoirs’?

      • I suspect the “get yourself arrested” isn’t too far away tbh,Miles….arrested or sent to the Nutter-House for being a “……phobic” Cunt.

      • De Sade wrote ‘120 Days of Sodom’ in prison, so you’d be in good company Dick.

  12. Didn’t know this programme or Gareth existed. Even if I did I wouldn’t waste whatever time I have left on this earth watching it. Not remotely my cup of Darjeeling.

    Good morning.

  13. Singing? why?
    I have a mate who by all rights was a fucking shit Criminal, he robbed the local youth club (in the 70’s) nicked their disco kit, then went back the next day to nick the records and (the punch line) got caught making his getaway on the bus!
    Any way he ended up in Feltham young offenders and they put him on a brick laying course.
    He would, build walls, knock them down, clean the bricks, build another one ect and thats how he did his time.
    When he got out he became a self employed bricky (lets face it criminal record is not a good reference) got married, had 3 kids (still married to the same girl 40 years now) paid his taxes bought his own home.
    Now that was constructive punishment, set him up for life and redirected him (he was shit at crime any way)down the straight and narrow.
    What the fuck are you going to get out of singing lessons?

    Note rapping is not singing.

  14. More bollocks, more poor little gangster stories. Let the cunts rot inside, they made their choices.

    The BBC has pushed stormzy and other rappers as role models, the bbc has responsibility for some of the associated carnage.

    Meanwhile young people who don’t commit crimes and work are rewarded with high rents, near impossibility of owning a home and having to live month to month like the rest of us.

    Time the government properly funded the prison system, it’s the prison officers I feel for, must be a nightmare everyday.

  15. As has been said above, don’t think he’s a cunt, has done quite a bit of good all round. Of course the fucking BBC will flog this concept to death, not Cooking but Singing, In Prison.
    I used to work with a woman who was in his first choir, I would like to finger her but she heap religious woman. Also Gareth does look a bit like my brother who is a complete fucking cunt but I can’t hold that against him.

    • Stop Press News – every copper, council worker and social worker in Rotherham arrested for dereliction of duty and professional negligence!

      Nah, who the fuck am I kidding? – I mean, anything like that would mean admitting we have a problem.

      There was a Man many Years ago who exposed this and was threatened with legal action for presenting the facts and evidence and further accusing the authorities and Police of a cover up (Jayne Senior), forgot his name – he was not a centaur, I think he was a gri, griff, – no, the name escapes me.

      I am thinking of starting a political party called “The silent and f*cking angry majority party”, and with a potential voter base of the UK population minus London I think I have a pretty good chance!

      Vote VF, for all our futures! (Or else you proletariat scum!) but please be aware anyone bringing vegan steak bakes to the election victory party will stand the very real risk of Home Secretary The Right Honourable Dick Fiddler MP riding them down, skewering the coves with a narwhal tusk and then thrashing them with a baseball bat borrowed from a local Barrister!

      Bastard I started to research that

      • Sowwwy! ? Get voting folks – if any need transport to the polling station I have a couple of Latvian chums who can “assist and motivate”!

        Now, just need to target my “voter demograph” – hmm, ah yes, just getting the data from arsebook and “Oxford Analytical”..sorted!

        “Free Iphone11 for anyone under 30 voting for VF”!

        “Free picture of Winston Churchill for everyone else”!

        Think I have all bases covered there.

      • VF there’s already such a party, For Britain with Anne-Marie Waters at the helm. Check them out on Youtube.

  16. I’m sure he’s a jolly nice chap but the vile libtard message this “entertainment ” show and dozens just like it shovels through the TV that happy clappy multicultural enrichment and lefty values can right the rotten evil in society is fucking complete bollocks.
    Perhaps he’ll do a series about hymns for peedoh grooming gangs?
    Fuck off.

    • A “friend of mine” (isn’t that how these always start?) went to a nightclub and got chatting to a Somalian A*ylum S*eker, things were going well so she invited him home, things progressed to the bedroom where she undressed, laid on the bed and said “So, show me if it’s true what they say about black Men”

      So he stabbed her and stole her purse! ?


  17. I’ve never been in a choir, never went on yoof-club visits to Thorpe Park, and still managed to never mug or stab single mothers out with the pram – funny that.

  18. Just more gay-shit limp wristed crap from the BBCunts trying to virtue signal how wonderful they are by attempting to rehabilitate thugs and criminals through singing like a Ponce.
    When is this BBC drivel going to fucking end? For fucks sake! I’ve had enough!

  19. I used to work at Aylesbury prison/YOI.

    It was rather reminiscent of Somalia,Jamaica and Southall.

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