Emily Thornberry (5)

Let’s hear it one more time for this morbidly obese, desperate, middle-aged woman, on her last go-around in her attempts to curry favour with the common people (as she sees them) who could give her the leadership of the Labour party. I rather feel the old bag dropped the ball today however, since she believes “we” should continue to fund Mr & Mrs. Hewitt’s extravagent lifestyle when they leave Royalty half behind:


Typically for a loony Labour madam, the old bitch thinks everything should be paid for out of the public’s purse. I wonder if she would agree to give up her “expenses” and inflated salary to make a contribution to the plain and pricey couple’s desire to have the best of both worlds?

I suspect old Em realises that she is unlikely to scrape together the 22 nominations she needs by tomorrow, and hope this Royal arse-licking will not go unnoticed by the Blair clone who will take over. It’s bad enough reading Thornberry’s remarks – I had the misfortune to hear them, in her usual condescending, unctuous manner.

Fuck her (no, I’d pass on that one.)

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

117 thoughts on “Emily Thornberry (5)

  1. Emily is the template cunt, no redeeming characteristics, her political views are cunt, here personality is cunt, she looks like a cunt.

    I despise her and I suspect many in her own party feel the same. Hopefully she will fade away but I doubt it because she loves to run her mouth.

    She defines the current Labour Party, she believes the working class should shut the fuck up, vote labour and obey her and her like.

    • Good Afternoon Sixdog

      I think she smells like one too. She has the look of the fishwife about her.

      • Afternoon WS, she’s certainly never got through life based on her looks, Halloween must be her favourite time of year.

    • Sixdog you forgot to mention her being a thick cunt as well , i don’t actually want to waste many words on this piece of useless shit so i’ll just finish by saying Emily you are a cunt of the highest order and a useless thick one at that . Mister speaker i give way to the right honorable CUNT that is Emily Thornbury.

  2. ‘Prince Harry’s “great service” as an army helicopter pilot should guarantee his family’s security is paid for by the UK.’

    What? You mean in the same way that a lot of veterans, who also provide “great service”, are left homeless or destitute after they leave the forces? That sort of guarantee, perhaps? Meaningless old bitch.

    • I am sure all the military would like to take this opportunity to thank little “Rupert” Hewitt for his “brave military service” – I am just wondering if every one of the two members of his adoring public are aware that little H got nowhere near any combat, was protected at all times by 12 members of the Hereford United Saturday And Sunday football club, taking them away from other duties and quite possibly costing lives, just so little rich kid can get a couple of kills on his CV by taking out sandals from ten miles away by calling in a drone.
      Now, when are Ginge and Whinge giving up Gimmemore Cottage to use as a rehab centre and halfway house for homeless veterans?
      No, I don’t think so either, Canada’s that way mate, fuckoff, don’t come back and watch the door doesn’t hit your arse on the way out.


      • My cousin served in Afghanistan at the same time as Hewitt jr., and also confirmed that he was never near anything remotely tasty, and never went anywhere without a full complement of brick shithouse Hereford hooligans.

      • Pwincess Hewitt protected by the Hereford United weekend football team? We of course are “afraid we can’t answer that question”!

        Henry Rupert was a fucking liability, and universally detested because he tried to be one of the team but just ended up repeatedly fucking up, doing stupid things and putting people in danger, like carrying a newborn around according to some young chums of mine who I do not know and have never met! ?

  3. Another non-entity MP who has crawled out for her brief moment of exposure before she loses the leadership contest. A few highlights from her Wikipedia entry –
    1) ‘ She was called to the Bar at Gray’s Inn and practised as a barrister specialising in human rights law ‘
    2) ‘She has also called for a greater degree of control over private sector rents and more support for social house-building’ – fair enough, this is one of the few lefty things I actually agree with. Oh, hold on ‘ her property portfolio “is believed to be worth £4.6 million.” ‘ FOR THE MANY
    3) ‘ Thornberry had sent her son to the partially selective Dame Alice Owen’s state school 14 miles (23 km) from her home and outside her constituency ‘.

    Yes, she’s a cunt.

    • In the interests of fairness I should say that all the other candidates are cunts as well. Couldn’t give a fuck which hopeless twat “wins” the chance to lead the opposition for the next few years. A contest to decide which of them is the biggest cunt would be far more interesting and hotly contested.

  4. Until labour get rid of momentum from their ranks they’re never going to be electable mo matter who leads them and unless you have a strong opposition you get a poor government.

  5. Fuck me what a frighteningly ugly mush.
    Really scary.
    Remember old Milton Reid from the St Bruno adverts. It’s him, I swear…

      • Played snooker in Dr Phibes (rides again?) before Dr P and Vulnavia topped the bastard with a venomous snake, iirc.

        Can’t remember his name, think he may have been mildly sub-continental, deffo a shit actor… and I’m keeping off Google inter alia for January. Not quite sure of the relevance to Ms Thornberry?

        She is an utter irrelevance

      • Milton Reid. English /Indian wrestler and actor.
        Offered to fight Harold Sakata for the part of Oddjob. Sandor in “The Spy Who Loved Me”.

        “Pyramids… AAAAGHH!!”
        What a helpful chap…

  6. Lady Nugee is a fat, oily, arse licking, rich as fuck, pathetic excuse for a human being. How she thinks the Labour membership are going to vote for her fat arse is a mystery to me. But whichever of the white, privileged candidates wins her tongue will be up their arse within seconds. An idiot promoted way beyond her abilities.

  7. Loud mouthed obnoxious cunt, an Archetypal cunt actually in my opinion, hypocritical champagne socialist of north London, how far the Labour Party have fallen and no one strong enough in charge to keep the scary and ugly cunt liabilities locked up behind closed doors away from public view. Talk about ‘you’ll scare the children’ this mob scared life hardened former Yorkshire miners !!! Total bunch if cunts, but seeing as this nomination is focusing on ‘Emily the patriotic white van man hating cunt ‘ I won’t go on further, Ms Nandy though, hmm, now there a thought…

  8. As an avid fan of poetic justice, I hope she gets run over by a white van.
    I see Ricky Tomlinson has come out in support of Keir ‘ Hello boys and girls ‘ Starmer.
    Another fucking champagne socialist.
    A right nest of luvvie Cunts.
    Good morning, lovely day, nice shot of Winter sun.

      • A scruffy gobby unwashed thug who looks as if he can’t be arsed to wipe his arse.
        A right Royle cunt.

      • I have more talent trapped under my foreskin than Ricky Tomlinson has in his whole, lardy body. Scouse cunt.

      • Twat Tomlinson is not a fuckin’ scouser. He was born in Blackpool and though the cunt has lived there most of his life, he is not a Scouser. Famous for his McCains advert.

        “When it comes to love, what’s normal?”
        Normal isn’t normal. Love doesn’t care about gender, where you’re from or what others may think. It doesn’t judge you on ability. Or so-called disability.”

        Fuck off you tosspot. It’s only chips we’re talking about.

      • Don’t let MNC hear you be so casual and dismissive about chips, he’ll have a meltdown. With mushy peas and gravy.

      • Latest HSBC ad with E I Addio

        “You may now kiss the groom.”

        Well, at least it wasn’t Sturgeon…

  9. Emily Thornpiggery (aka Lady Nougat) should be given a damehood (aka Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for services to the Conservative Party.

  10. One of Emily’s claims is that her single parent mum was so poor they had to put the family cats down.

    They couldn’t have been rehomed? Her father was assistant Secretary General of the UN, he obviously didn’t give a fuck about his own family, let alone the worlds poor.

    Maybe she’d start putting the working class down as well.

    So out of touch she thinks killing animals to save money is a vote winner. I know people who’ve gone without food to feed their own pets, it’s called personal responsibility Emily.

  11. Emily doesnt have any self awareness, she sees people as stupid so always underestimates others,
    She sneers at working class people,
    And then wants their vote.
    Last night in her leadership bid she talkec a good fight, said ‘fight’ around 15 times, but i think it was the drink talking.
    A truly repulsive woman.

    • She fights to get into a car, fights to get into her clothes and fights to be first in the dinner queue. Oh and her ongoing fight against reality.

      • She’s so fat that when she lies around the house, she lies AROUND the house.

        I’m here all week; try the salad. Not you Pigberry, obviously.

    • There are no words I can use to describe my burning hatred for this creature, porky has not (along with all the other leadership contestants I have contacted) replied to any of my now daily emails asking when the fat rancid cunt will stop free food for Parliamentarians while a million citizens have to use food banks, I get the feeling they are avoiding the question!


      OK – you got me started now, all those Years of professional help wasted – CUNT, CUNT, AAAARGH, CUNT, CUNT, CUNT.

      That is all.

    • And if Boris or Nigel talked repeatedly about “fighting” Thornberry would be the second person (after the now thankfully unemployed Porker Sherriff, still cwying about that one I am! ?) to start screeching about incitement to violence and hate speech!

      hypocrite b*tch – we need Laurence Fox interviewing this Woman, assuming he is not too busy basking in his “white privilege”!

    • And fatty Thornberry does not like white van drivers, thinks they are all waaycists – sufficient reason on it’s own for c*nting Miss Piggy, with her background of grinding poverty – wish I had been so poor that Mummy was a teacher and Daddy a UN Lawyer!

      But Lady Nugee knows poverty all so well, she has experienced it at first hand as her driver sweeps her past the little poor people queuing in the rain for the food bank to open – and all her servants are grindingly poor!

      Knows all about injustice and discrimination as well – like when she was chosen as a Labour candidate from an illegal all Woman shortlist – no discrimination there eh Miss Piggy?

      My heart just bleeds for the gal!

      • With any luck, a windowless BLACK van will soon be on its way to collect her remains…

      • Fuck that. I’d want to see all the pieces of her on the back of a low-loader, being driven at high speed over a specially built cobbled road.

    • I have it on good authority she touched Boris’s knee in 1978!

      On her way back from a shift at ‘t pit! (Throwing some cats down it I believe).

  12. Fat, deluded side-kick of the magic commie Grandpa.
    Very little in the way of brain cells with this one and just a white cunt version of Flabbott the Hutt.

    • Abbott mathematics – 12 votes obviously equal progression Emily!
      I intend to write a tearful tribute when Emily is knocked out (of the leadership contest, what did you think I meant?).

      And I shall provide her with a good CV highlighting her poverty stricken ‘ey oop working class background so she can apply at Fiddler Towers for the job of housemaid and “stand in fox” on hunts!

  13. Separated at birth from Irma Bunt, the Blofeld sidekick from On Her Majesties Secret Service.

    She has more hair on her top lip and under her stinky armpits than in her thinning minge ; her breath reeks of gin and her farts empty the Chamber.

    That high and mighty London attitude won’t go down well with the northern electorate but thankfully the old sow will be eliminated early on.

    • You forgot a spotty chest, Isaac. If you zoom in on the fat bitch’s photo above, if you’re feeling courageous, and look under her chins, and the shadows of the chins, you can see her chest is a bit zitty. It must have been that poor, working-class upbringing.

  14. This fat twat is annoying, but in a different way to the other Dame in the race, the long woman, born in Old Trafford so must be a cunt. Phillips looks like a slag who has seen better days on the street, that leaves Lisa….. I would.

    Leading the Labour Party is one thing……. None of them are really PM material.

    Harry and Meghan, fuck them, there are reports of unfair treatment because of race, is Harry black, I thought it was because he was illegitimate, the Bastard!

      • Hmm, thick as pigshit bone idle pussy hungry Prince meets chiselling greedy manipulative American divorcee – what could possibly go wrong?

        Answers on a waaycist postcard, delivered by airmail of course ? to “Wallis Simpson”..

      • Maybe Prince Charmless and his gold digging Septic could go and stay with Chancellor Herr Merkel at a refurbished Eagle’s Nest.
        The Vulture’s Nest?

      • The last Royal Henry knew how to deal with impertinent Wives!

        And discrimination is not a new thing – some Years ago William Shakespeare walked into a bar and the Landlord shouted “get out, ya Bard”!

        My singing and dancing are also shite.

    • Sick of it, I would too !! Mind you tis the bleak mid winter. Nice but of rumpy pumpy handy pandy lisa nandy eeee

      • Yes the winter is bleak and I am still upset about finding out, thanks to RTC, that Blaire White is a bloke with cock still intact, watching his/her video I was getting the horn.

  15. A well deserved cunting for this corpulent, scotch egg and pork pie snaffling, arrogant old fucking hag.

    Lady Fatguts? Fuck off you useless piece of blubber.

  16. A nonentity with no chance. Either of the front runners – Starmer, Scott-Bailey will be a gift to the Tories. I am looking forward to Andrew Neill having a go at the lying fucker Scott-Bailey. I thought Nandy held up fairly well but she is at least in touch with voters, which the rest of the shower of cunts are not.

    • Agree, Nandy is the only human there. Wrong daily looks like a Chucky doll with a wig and glasses, oily heap of shit Starmer is architect of their failed Brexit policy, so he shouldn’t even be there, he should have fallen on his sword with Cuntbyn and Maccy D. Emily is as popular as sepsis, and twice as unwelcome.
      After all the fuss yesterday, I decided to watch Thursdays question time, to see if Lawrence Fox did wind the libbys up as much as the press had said. Fair play, he was great. Putting that stereotype minge BBC plant disguised as an ordinary audience member in her place was sublime, as was winding up Chuckerbutty on several occasions. Great to see someone worried more about the issues than their career, as it probably put him at odds with his industry, who usually spout the crap regardless. And he called Corbyn magic grandpa! I wouldn’t mind betting he’s a visitor to this site, maybe even a contributor. Welcome, Mr Fox.

      • Mr Fox has no comment!

        Nothing to see here! ?

        Funny to see how Chakrabarti backed down and shut the fuck up when challenged by someone using her own poisonous tactics against her.
        Had some professional dealings with Shami Chakrabarti when she was the virtue signalling mouthpiece, er, I mean, Director of “Liberty” – a contradiction in terms in my experience and staffed in it’s entirety by fakeflake PC cunts.

      • She’s the perfect lib lab politician, straight from student to activism, now propelled to the upper echelons of the Labour Party without facing a single voter, all thanks to a very dodgy antisemitism inquiry for Corbyn.

  17. She said that Hewitt Jr spent 20 years on the Army front line.

    Really, Ms Piggery? That would have made him 15 when he was first on the front line. Another Labour arsehole not too deft with numbers.

  18. What a fat cunt with delusions of grandeur.
    She probably knows she has no chance of winning so like the Tory candidates did, gets involved in the hope the winner notices them and gives them a top job.
    Self preservation is the key for these politician cunts…I cannot believe she tweeted that picture of a White van and England flag…I mean what the fuck was she thinking? Perhaps a moment of menopausal madness.
    Totally deluded, thinks Britain is London cunt.
    I wouldn’t go near her with a drone.
    I think Nandy looks the best candidate and I’d given her northern arse a good tonguing…thinking abaaaaht it I ain’t had any northern bird before…not that I remember anyways, It seems those Northern birds are a lot more warm and friendly than the southern ones.
    I can picture the scene…A fine northern lass running me a bath, then a massage after, and then…
    Mind your own business, you perverted bastards.

  19. The next leader of the Labour Party should be the taxi driver who knocked this fat cow off her bicycle. There’s a bloke who knows what he’s doing!
    Give him a fucking knighthood while you’re at it.

  20. Harry and Meghan….resigning from their family so they can spend more time with their jobs….

    • Enery Ewitt and Meghan Markle Fucking Ono’s story is unannily similar to that of a certain gifted but gullible Beatle and his manipulative group wrecking opportunistic cunt of a second wife..

      Wonder what old Chapman is doing these days? Could be a job in the offing… Let’s just hope he shoots the right one this time….

      • Only difference is Lennon had talent, while Lord Hewitt of Haw Haw doesn’t even have brains, never mind talent….

        Wonder if Peter Jackson’s new Beatles film will portray Yoko Fucking Ono has the negative presence and cunt she really was/is? I doubt it somehow…

    • “Wooo, this is the ghost of a cat – Fat Emily k*lled and ate me! Avenge me”!

      This advertisement promoted by and paid for by “Emily Thornberry is a cunt”. Probably.

  21. Admin.
    I wish to make a formal application for a restraining order to be placed on those seeking to deride the luscious Ms. Thornberry on this site.
    The woman is nothing less than a sex goddess. I dream that one night she’ll come to me, clad in a figure-hugging basque and stockings, and proceed to satisfy my wildest dreams.
    This awful denigration of such a splendid figure of a woman has to stop. NOW!

    • Seconded RK, poor Pwincess Emily receives such unwarranted abuse, and I am more than happy to pass on those p*ssy pics she insists on sending me (the pussies in said pics have been picked clean and are surrounded by tomato sauce ?

    • Fuck me Ron, I thought I was getting desperate! If they ever did a spitting image reboot, they could save on making her puppet by borrowing the miss piggy puppet from Jim Henson.

  22. The Labour Party are a basket case and astonishingly stupid. They’re immersed in the world of online social justice so think and speak in those very same narrow terms of identity politics, political-correctness, and empty wokisms. Lady Nuge was yesterday saying how ‘Boris has a problem with women’, going down the same divisive avenues as American democrats trying to hoover up the non-white-male demographics by projecting their own racism and sexism onto the conservative male candidate. It failed then (something like 40% of hispanic women voted Trump) and it will fail here because people don’t care about that Twittersphere rubbish. We care about money in our pockets, crime, services, and increasingly patriotism – Labour are utterly clueless about these things and do nothing to suggest they’re aware of the need to deliver them.

  23. Just in. Harry Hewitt and little Miss Sparkle are to lose their HRH titles and pay back the £2.4m used to refurbish Frogmore Cottage.

    Too fucking right!

    • Good fucking riddance. The sheer uppitiness of removing themselves to one of the colonies and unilaterally declaring they’d still keep the ‘cottage’ thank you very much deserves an accident all in itself.

      Can’t wait for these cunts to next get run out of Canada. The Canadians are pussies but even they’ll get sick of these smug wankers.

    • As you all know, im a kindly soul and always like to see good in people,
      And have been trying to think of some good points to Emily.

      So- shes got a healthy appetite!
      Shes got a 50inch neck?
      Shes not teetotal
      Her hairs not as bad as Dog the bounty hunters.
      Shes not constrained by things like facts, truth or reality.
      See how fair i am?

      • Is Thornpiggery still taking Caroline Flint to court for claiming Thornpiggery called northern Brexit voters “stupid”? Gone all quiet on that one hasn’t she.

      • Just seen this corker from Lily Allen regarding Lawrence Fox on QT.

        “Sick to death of luvvies forcing their opinions on everyone else”….

      • It’s a peach isn’t it? Allen demonstrates a lack of self-awareness befitting a cricket stump. Absolute comedy gold!

      • needs reply; sick to death of failed wannabe singers forcing their opinions on everyone else

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