Ellen DeGeneres is a totally evil cunt for promoting vegan dog food, by a company she part owns called ‘Halo Pet Foods’.
Apparently, this can of vegan wet dog food has under 6% of protein in it; we all know that dogs should have a minimum of 50% protein in the form of meat (muscle and organ) and ideally in the region of 75%.
If dogs were meant to solely eat your can of chick peas,veg and chemicals, they wouldn’t have tearing teeth and they’d have a chamber in their digestive tract for fermenting plant cellulose.
Ellen, do some research and stop poisoning animals for money.
Nominated by Cuntologist
I’d cover her in potted meat and then chuck her in a pit of starving dogs…
Demented fucking bulldyke cunt…
Great nom Cuntologist!?
This boils my piss, dogs are carnivores!
Cruel to enforce your crackpot diet on them, an this moneygrabbing lezza cunt cashing in?
Not wealthy enough yet Ellen?
Well no matter how many millions youve got youll never be a real boy!!
Sounds like Pinocchio
Both wooden, both liars.
Both give you splinters!
Specifically, “bloodhounds.”
As it was said in Shirley Valentine, you do NOT get muesli-honds…
Is Ellen a lesbian? She kept that under her hat.
Dogs are carnivores same as humans.. that’s why we have teeth. So fuck you very much Ellen Degenerate.
Force feed the cunt dog turds.
Loathsome unfunny ‘comedienne’ (allegedly), sporting that exact same over-white teeth shit eating grin over the last 30 yrs. I have a strong suspicion that she’s got more than her fair share of enemies in Hollywoodland.
Side-cunting: Cant make up my mind as to which news item has garnered the most OTT reaction, completely disproportionate to it’s true importance but I’ll go with the basketball chump over the virus. AlBBC had one of its “hold the front page” moments last night. In its breathless desperation to break the news (to a completely disinterested nation) it showed footage of the wrong lanky cunt for which it had to apologise. Easy mistake to make but it proves my point. I’ll wager that if this nonentity had been on the Pointless “5 pictures” round it’d be a pointless answer.
I saw that item on said news program. Made me chuckle when they showed wrong person. Not that I would have recognised the dead cunt anyway. Hopefully some woke cunt will complain.
Sad for the pilot and daughter to be fair.
There does seem to be a correlation between rich cunts and helicopter deaths. Colin McRae was another and that owner of a football club whose name escapes me.
Steve Hislop the bike racer was another.
Lammys already had a whinge on Twitter. Wouldn’t have happened if the beeb employed more blacks, etc etc….
Sky News went one better and said that he played for the LA Niggers quickly corrected to LA Lakers. A bit like the BBCunts misnaming Jeremy Hunt on a regular basis.
Factual hence approval
OACAAC jeez what a coincidence you mentioning Colin McRae. Helped me out with yesterday’s Sunday Times General Knowledge Giant Crossword in which he featured.
Now he can rest assured in complete obscurity for another decade.
I can’t really see that it matters that they showed the wrong Dark-Key…they all look the same to me…often used to wonder why they bothered with different photos on Crimewatch,should have just said “It was a Sooty-looking fella”…would have covered 90% of the criminals and saved on all those mugshots.
Sooty was yellow.
They all are, that’s why they go around in gangs.
Reminded me of the time Lenny Henry got a knighthood and they showed pictures of Ainsley Harriot. DOUBLE WAYCIST!!!!!
Hahaha…..wish I’d seen that!! ‘Sir’ Lenny Henry tends to take himself rather too seriously !
My sister was shacked up with a Comprehensive School Headmaster. They asked him to be an advisor on Waterloo Road when it started. Lenny Henry Played the 1st headmaster and shadowed Him for a week at the school. Monday morning assembly and my sister’s bf has LH standing behind a curtain and announces that he has a VIP guest with him this week who will need no introduction. Lenny steps out and 1300 pupils chant ‘Ainsley,Ainsley’
That is fucking brilliant. Lenny “I’m black, I’ll have you know” Henry, and tiresome googly eyed alleged sex pest Ainsley Harriot. Two complete irritating cunts who keep me active by making me dive for the TV remote whenever they appear. Which thankfully isn’t too often these days.
More vegan cuntary to cash in on. Is Degenerate a vegan herself? I think we should be told. Fucking money-grubbing arsehole.
Great spot Cunto!
So it is perfectly fine for Ms Degenerate (sic) to dine on minge meat, but like Old Mother Hubbard, the poor little doggy had none.
What a cunt.
Fucking stupid cunt. Not a fan of Ellen but quite like some aspects of her sexuality. My favourite Xhamster and Pornhub videos usually involve two to five young trollops, avidly licking and fingering each other. I do, however, draw the line at arse licking, which seems to be prevalent in most American dyke videos. Are they possibly directed by B and WC or Dick Fiddler?
There’s even ‘vegan’ shampoo now for absolute fucks sake.
It’s just the fashion of the moment and as we know it’s always cunts that are dedicated followers of fashion.
There’s a vegan print shop down the road from me.
Personally, even as an omnivore, I never found photocopies exactly mouthwatering…
I saw this a while ago, the litmus test?
vegetarian dog?
We’ve had a dog since April. The little cunt has a better life than me, so when those charity ads and programs about abused animals come on I force him to watch them so he can appreciate how lucky he is….
I’m sorry. I’m an animal lover of sorts but if the fuckwitted cunts go buy this shit to feed their dogs and then the fucking dog needs thousands of dolllars to get fixed at the vets then more fool the owners. Maybe they might sue Degenerate for millions then. In fact crack on you vegan cunts.
Maybe they’ll sue? I am absolutely certain that it won’t be long before she is taken to court by some deranged dog owner whose mut shows signs of malnutrition. I can’t wait for it to happen.
The human vegan diet is inherently unhealthy, incorporating large volumes of vegetable oil in a vain attempt to make lentils palatable. A lot of Indians are vegan/vegetarian and they’re almost invariably obese with multiple health issues. Also the greenhouse gases produced by flatulent vegans cause global warmbling and an unpleasant miasma around their persons. To feed this shit to dogs is animal cruelty on an almost Chinese scale. Ellen Rugmuncher does have one saving grace, her “wife”. An Aussie model who got her kit off in the film Sirens. Been practicing rimming with the dog just in case I ever get the chance with her in real life, as opposed to masturbatory fantasy. Doesn’t taste anything like licking a penny in my experience.
Ignorance or cruelty. So busy trying to show off their “Green Credentials” that they’ll feed their dog badly just for a few “likes” on Twatter. If people want to be Vegans, I may not approve,but that’s their choice. It is,however unfair to inflict their choice onto an animal. Wasn’t there some Vegan family recently where the children were taken off them with malnutrition due to be being raised on a vegan diet?…hopefully someone’ll take the dogs off anyone who deliberately inadequately feeds their dogs.
Ellen was a Cunt before announcing this latest bout of Fuckwittery. Someone should boot her up the Cunt.
Just another old and past it celeb trying to look relevant by jumping on the woke bandwagon; just like climate change and St Greta went large, any old celeb just had to jump on that wagon too even though they probably didn’t give two shits about climate change or veganism until it became a mandatory requirement in order to stay hip, trendy and acceptable on social media.
What next I wonder? Feeding lions, tigers and other big cats a bowl of rabbit food in order to save the planet?
Hopefully she’ll get fucked for animal cruelty.
And did this cunt actually don white overalls and spend ages in the laboratory working out the right vegan food for dogs? Of course not. All she’s done is put her name and mug on the packaging, and that’s about as far as her involvement went.
Cunt. Hope she gets bitten on her beef curtains (or should that now be rebranded as lettuce curtains?)
She’ll get sued into penury when the ravenous hounds start turning on their owners after 2 days on this watery shite.
What a cunt flavoured cunt.
Fuck right off.
Don’t see how this is anything but animal abuse, and it should be treated as such. Dogs have large canine (clue in the name Ellen) teeth for one purpose, the rending of flesh from prey. Therefore they ain’t fucking vegan you simpleton. Expect to see lots of anaemic, bad-breathed, pasty-looking weaklings of dogs being tugged round parks by equally pasty owners in the near future
Perhaps they developed canines to wrestle carrots from rabbits, but they were to forced to eat meat because the rabbits were too strong for them. And yes, I get the paradox.
Just out of interest are there any vegan cunters out there?
Yeah me.
Oh sorry thought you said ‘vain cunt’.
Rumour was you liked sausage to be administered orally too much to be vegan anyway MNC ?
If your offering…??
I fear I’d be too girthsome for you MNC, wouldn’t want another choking death on my conscience like that prostit – never mind, I’ve said too much
One of the few pleasures I have left in life is looking forward to a delicious big juicy steak with chips, onions, mushrooms and peppercorn sauce. Not to mention double bacon cheeseburgers. We’re all gonna kark it one day, fucking enjoy it.
Vegans are soppy miserable attention-seeking cunts. Now they want to make their poor dogs as miserable as them.
Fuck them.
This can of can’t is annoying. She looks like a boy.
She has a wee standing up Spoons!
Like Pinocchio shed like to be a real boy and shes a puppet with the tv executives pulling her strings.
Like her to meet my dog and offer it hummus, pretty sure shed see dogs dentistry in use.
Can you get vegan black pudding?
Yeah its called ‘Diane Abbott’
What gets me about this is not only that this is the action of some human cunt trying to force a CARNIVORE animal into what they fucking want them to be, probably according to their own agenda, but also…….HASN’T THIS STEAMING GREAT RUG MUNCHER GOT ENOUGH FUCKING MONEY ALREADY???
If it ISN’T about a cash-in, it is about some fucking mission she is on. Either way, it makes her an opportunistic, destructive, greedy, self-serving, muff-diving cunt of mammoth proportions.
Just fuck off, DeGeneres. Go and lick up more celebrity arseholes on your shitty chat show and stop interfering with wonderful dogs and their carnivorous traits.
I was forced to google this cunt because I had never heard of her. And found a fast-acting substitute for clinical emetics: three cunts in one, with some genuinely frightening pictures.
This offensive material merits a letter to the Press Complaints Commission. I am consoled only by the thought of the pervasive and decrepitant flatulence to be expected from her own dog given no option but to eat lentils. To say nothing of the follow-through. “Is she not fragrant?” NO.
I bet Meghan was more than happy to be interviewed until she discovered that we, the general public, don’t think she’s the superhero she, herself, thinks she is either here or in North America.
Fucking hell! She looks like Lee Evens in those pictures.
The pic of Me-again reminds me of Wallis Simpson…
Further erosion of Western norms now courtesy of Ellen Degenerate.
She’s also over the moon that people are no longer having children in order to save the planet, ‘cos… climate change!
She says that but what she really means is “western” people should no longer have children. The west’s birthrate is through the floor luv as it is, maybe you should go over to your beloved (I’ll never go there myself but I love it all the same) Africa and tell those cunts to stop breeding because they are becoming the world’s problem that the evil west gets the blame for!
Well that’s easily solved: remove all western aid and let the cunts fail. Pretty simple way to abate the world population explosion. If they want to survive as nations they’ll adapt and evolve, like what we had to post the Roman occupation. No more “white saviour” money for those cunts, David Mammy says so!
Also, 20yrs ago, if some cunt fed their cats/dogs veg only, they’d have been strung up for cruelty, because it’s unnatural (I’ve seen greyhounds who’d rather eat their own shit before they’d eat a carrot)!
But that’s the thing now in these “woke” times. The unnatural and degenerate seen as and forced upon us as being “normal”.
I bet this champagne socialist feeds her handbag chihuahua best wagu beef steak, not some lentil mush! Do as I say, not as I do cunt!
Fuck off!
Interesting nom. I didn’t actually know that, strictly speaking, dogs are omnivores (i.e. they need both a mixed diet of animal-based and plant-based proteins to thrive). Sure, all dogs are descendants of wolves — which are classed as carnivores because they require a predominantly animal/meat-based diet in order to survive but will eat plants if need be — but don’t rely as heavily on meat to survive. Cats, on the other hand, are carnivores (‘obligate carnivore’, to be precise) because they must consume meat in order to survive; they can eat plants too, but couldn’t sustain itself without meat as plants don’t have the necessary nutrients for them to survive.
In summation: Dogs can actually survive on a purely vegetarian diet, but it isn’t recommended by experts as they need nutrients from meat in order to lead a longer and healthier life, and thus are classed as omnivores; but cats, who can eat vegetarian food, MUST eat meat or else they’ll die, and thus are classed as carnivores (obligate carnivores, to be precise).
So, with all this in mind, Ellen Degenerate is still a cunt, as experts don’t recommend a strictly vegetarian diet for dogs as they require the nutrients from meat in order to survive and lead longer, healthier lives.
Good afternoon, cunters. Hope you are all in fine fettle this Monday afternoon. Sorry to ramble on, but just felt like expanding on a subject that is often replete with erroneous myths and sweeping generalisations.
You are right and you’re right to say that dogs won’t thrive on chick peas alone! Ellen’s shitty product isn’t even touted as for occasional use but a viable long term food. The rest of the Halo pet food products are also poor quality! Double cunt!!
Anyway, imagine how nauseating it will be if Ellen interviews the MeGain. Two complete cunts contemplating their navals.
I could survive on plants, flowers, etc
But i fucking wont do!
Surviving and enjoying a healthy diet are worlds apart.
Youll be hearing from my dogs lawyer.
” erroneous myths and sweeping generalisations”… you’ve obviously seen a fair bit of my output then, Funboy.
🙂 .
Looks like a right lezza to me.