Donald Trump (6)

I too thought it was pretty funny when Trump eschewed all conventions of state behaviour and just murdered Iran’s #2 ’cause he’s a cunt. But when the dust has settled, and the mourners have been laughed at, it’s now clear exactly why states have these conventions of not behaving like gangsters, actually even John Gotti would have more sense than to whack an adversary and put out a statement saying so, in that the heat that single killing is going to draw is way more trouble than the cunt was worth. If you’ve got a problem with a country killing your people say so, declare war making every military person a legitimate target and THEN kill him. I’ve no doubt all of Trumps advisers were telling him to cool it but he’s done his own thing and who knows exactly where this shit will now end. Disrupted fuel supplies are an almost certainty meaning the price of everything is going to rise, the US and it’s allies are going to be alienated from the middle east allowing Russia and China greater influence, more Muslim lone wolf attacks – who knows what. I think this will be disastrous for his re-election because all the US knows there’s now going to be conflict with the region so long as Trump lives meaning a likely Leftist victory this year.

Nominated by, Dr Shagga and His Cunt Munching Machine


A little light entertainment

88 thoughts on “Donald Trump (6)

    • The more things change, the more they stay the same…

      Thatcher : “Ronny, we must stay neutral in the middle east war”
      Reagan : “Okey dokey hotlips – let’s sell arms to BOTH sides”
      © Spitting Image

      You can guarantee that Trump has money heavily invested in the manufacture of weapons if he’s thinking of starting some shit.

  1. Probably because the US secret service are the shityest assassins in the world, rumour has it most of the palm trees round Castro’s residence have been shot or poisoned at one time or another, and you cant really deny a drone strike, it’s not the sort of thing you can pick up at Maplins is it.

    • Used to be Lord B but they went tits up in 2018.
      Sadly, though I got a lot of AA batteries and other bits

      • I tried having that argument with my Dad only a couple of days ago, and he promptly tapped in his lappy and ‘voila’ there it is…no shops but still exists online.

      • Craplins = electronics of last resort, god they were an awful company selling bargain bin import tat and a good riddance.

  2. I couldn’t give a flying fuck…blast the terrorist scum and get going on the rest.

    The BBC are having orgasms over this…some cunt came on Radio Five this morning with a Scottish accent and I already knew what rubbish he was going to spout before he started….USA evil, Trump a thug etc etc

    I wonder how much of that trendy rubbish he would regurgitate if his Buckfast fueled family were looking down the barrel of a terrorist gun? no much I would imagine.

  3. The cunt is threatening sanctions against Iraq. I worry for the UK if we sign trade deals with the ruthless bastards that are septics. Also he won’t give us that fucker that killed the you chap by driving on the wrong side of the road. He’s a cunt and half.

    • This is what really worries about Brexit and leaving the EU.

      For all its faults – and there are many – at least being part of the EU brings about a sense of a greater collective and a greater force to be reckoned with when shit hits the fan.

      If we do eventually break free we might find ourselves to stuck between a rock and a hard place should we need help. And despite being members of NATO and the UN, I really wouldn’t trust either of those corrupt organisations to open a tin of beans!

      • Precisely! And it just leaves Boris, cap in hand, shuffling twixt either continent muttering “‘scuse me guv, can you help me out?”

        The EU will shout in unison “You wanted out, so fuck off out!”

        Trump will shout “Who the fuck are you again?”

      • You would feel more secure standing shoulder to shoulder with some Belgian and Dutch would you ?????
        Independent thought ,action or inaction is far better than compromising your preference in choosing what action to take

      • Some of the comments on here are incredible!
        Not about Trump but about Brexit.
        Reading some comments, you would think they were against it! How fickle!
        It might only be BRINO but this lack of belonging would have been worse with full blown Brexit.
        I don’t remember people airing these concerns before the vote! It’s obvious they didn’t know what they were voting for!

      • For myself it was no easy decision voting leave in the referendum. The EU has a political & economic entity is of course probably the main reason why I wanted out. But the issues relating to trade and defence, and how we would cope more or less on our own always concerned me once we finally do “leave” (I put that in quotes because I still don’t believe we will ever be fully independent)

        We have a so called “special relationship” with the US, but that’s pure bollocks as we found out under Obama’s reign; and I don’t think Trump really gives two shits either.

        I guess its one of those great unknowns as Brexit nears – aka Tennyson’s memorable “Into the valley of death rode the 600. Cannon to the left, cannon to the right …etc.”

      • The first boots on the ground in Jugoslavia where eu observers, (Dressed in white like a cricket team) they were fucking useless to say the least.
        Their maps were on such a large scale they did not show villages so plotting cease fire violations was futile.
        They were trust me a pile of wank, the UN did not fare much better (their doctrine is to observe and document) The locals did not appreciate being butchered in front of spectators.
        When NATO stepped in it all changed, I think I would rather stick with NATO which is a military organisation than the other political ones.

    • Why do we need a trade deal with the U.S.? There’s now way we’d get a good one while Trump’s president anyway. Don’t we do enough trade with the cunts already?

    • “he won’t give us that fucker that killed the you chap by driving on the wrong side of the road. He’s a cunt and half.”

      Here’s the deal I’d make with The Trumpster; you hand over Sacoolas, you get Randy Andy plus the diaries and the intercept transcripts.

  4. Trump is a twat pure and simple. He does this as a show of “strength” but all it really is is posturing, and ill-timed posturing at that with a re-election campaign just down the road.

    The Democrat libtards will be falling over themselves to get one over on him, especially if there are repercussions from the usual suspects and the western world is put on high alert again.

    Of course the oil companies will love this as it will mean higher prices and bigger profits; but to the rest of us it will mean higher inflation, possibly higher interest rates, and bump in mortgage repayments; and an even greater chance of being stabbed, beheaded and/or blown up by a rather pissed off peaceful!

    2020, and already Trump’s vision is fucked!

  5. Well I’m going to be pissed off if it cost me more to fill up the Black Man Wagon (BMW).
    Go fuck yourselves.

      • Yep, I’ve got my eye on either an M3, or M4 next and after that the beast…the M5.
        How’s things MR… Happy New Year and all that.

      • Not bad mate. Hoping the twenties are going to roar because the twenty tens were a bit shit, all round.

        Like the look of the m5 but I’m an Audi cunt) apologies to all in advance)

  6. It’s traditional to leather the Mad Mullahs from time to time.
    After all,if they had their way they’d enslave us all.
    Thank you Donald for being completely undiplomatic and just blowing an evil bastard sky high.
    Fuck em.

    • Don’t get me wrong it’s not like I give a shit about the dead cunt, or any other cunt in the muslim world for that matter, but it’s not like the US and it’s allies aren’t going to suffer any repercussions – not least Trump himself who just threw a grenade into his own re-election possibly allowing the Demicunts to seize power. Was it worth it, for just one towel head? If Iran really are killing Americans over there, THAT’S an act of war, so say, ‘fine you wanted it let’s have it’ – but do it properly rather than just murdering the high command of countries you’re not even officially in conflict with.

      • Most conflicts are fought by proxy, Yesterday al shabab knocked off 2 us contractors and a serviceman in Kenya.
        Full on face to face war is very rare because it is very costly (morally and financially) in the long run.

        Note Serbia was never at war with any of the republics, its citizens may have been it wasn’t.
        Ditto Ukraine, no Russian units there officially.
        America tends to use PMC’s whilst the UK has designated a number of small units “Special forces” to circumvent parliamentary approval for deployment of the Army.

      • Interesting point there, m’lord. Al Shabab are in fact salafist/Wahhabi jihadis, and as such, Sunnis. If anyone’s supporting them it’s the Sunni state, Saudi Arabia. They hate the Shi’a – the ruling variety of Islam in Iran – regarded as heretics due to disagreement in the 7th century as to who the Prophet’s successor should have been Funny how little we hear of Saudi’s commitment to terrorism, but then we sell the Saudis arms, and pay the demanded price for Saudi oil. Oh, and –

        Everyone thinks there was a cover up of this appalling act of state terrorism (assassination and (by?) dismemberment of US resident on Saudi embassy premises in Turkey) except, strangely, the US.
        It’s a dirty old world.

  7. Fuck me, there’s plenty of call on here to whack some cunt or other but when it happens people piss their pants. This general orchestrated terror across the region and had a good tactical mind, he was always a target.

    Trump didn’t pull his name out of a hat, he’s been a target for years. Military intelligence found an opportunity to take him out and Trump was advised to take the opportunity. Leaving the cunt alive to plot more attacks on western assets was a poor option. Iran is a sponsor of terror across the region and wider world. Is the west meant to allow Iran to continue to murder without response?

    I’m surprised Emily Thornberry would find so much support in here.

    • Who are they killing? Americans? Fine. So declare war and carpet bomb them I couldn’t care less. But Trump has killed one person, united almost the entire region if not the world against him and just generally seems tactically utterly inept. And it’s going to cost us, all of us personally, in higher prices. If there’s one thing I don’t like it’s losing money I don’t give a shit about the USA and it’s ‘assets’.

      • I’m surprised he showed so much restraint when Iranian assets attacked the Saudi oil fields, that cost us all as well. Their are many in the region who are celebrating the death of this mass murderer.

        The general was a long term target who had just orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq, he then flies in to have a meeting with his terrorist cohorts, the cunt stretched his brass neck too far.

        The options for dealing with Iran are sit back and do nothing allowing them to develop nuclear weapons, not wise. Have an all out war, which the US has so far refused to engage in or give the bitch a slap when it gets out of hand, this time it’s been given a hard slap and warned that it is close to being obliterated. Yep it’s a dangerous game geo politics. If the US doesn’t act Israel will and that’s a scenario none of us want.

        Trump has been well advised I believe.

      • I’m in complete agreement Sixdog. Israel probably issued an ultimatum to the US to the effect that they were going to do it themselves. There’s a lot more to this story still to come out.
        What peeves Western Europe is that they were not informed about it and I don’t criticise the US for that.
        I wouldn’t go so far as to give Macron, Johnson or Merkel my shoe size, let alone any sensitive information.

    • Yep, let them have it…both barrels…I only wish our leaders would grab a backbone and show these cunts they can’t run around spreading misery to others.

      Yes but this will happen and that will happen and my own shaky world may come crashing down….fuck you, spend what you have, plan for the future and you wouldn’t live in terror or the near future.

      • Trump came to power promising to keep out of the middle east. Let them sort out their own shit. There are other powers in the region, why us? AGAIN!?

      • There used to be a mythical 9-headed beast called Hydra. The Greek god, Hercules chopped one of its heads off, only for Hydra to grow two more! The more he beheaded the more heads that grew, until finally he went for a different tact and buried it under a mountain of boulders.

        Today the Middle East is Hydra; and Hercules is Trump (formerly, Obama, Bush, Clinton etc.) Trump chops the head off Soleimani, and you can be sure two more aggressors will replace him.

        And so it goes……

      • They might be even better at their job. Unlikely that al-Quds is without a 2 I/C and other aspirants for the post.

    • Not me. Even though i wouldnt class myself a neo-con i thought this was entirely necessary.
      Good riddance and ‘repercussions’from a state sponsoring terror are just continuing as normal.

  8. With all the shit going on over this, the media are still banging on about the Radcliffe woman, anyone who goes to Iran is fucking mental however this woman is Iranian and the Iranians don’t recognise her British.
    She has been fucked over by these rag head cunts but it should make it clear that going to Iran is a definite NO!
    The US must have know what would happen if they killed this fucking general, it’s calculated to test the response of Iran and in some way to try to ‘help’ the Iranians who don’t want to live in a fucking vacuum….. big fucking risk
    The whole region is a shit hole, it’s always been a shit hole and will continue to be a shit hole.

  9. What’s the fuss? Trump takes out a guy who was a sworn enemy of the US and spent decades attacking American targets. He who lives by the sword…Well done Mr President!

  10. Aside from the Middle East, there are other reasons to think Potus is a bit of a cunt.

    Donald Trump has pledged (again) to bring back prayer to schools in the US. Of course, this’ll never happen, and quite rightly. Though it’s the danger of these daft promises that’s worrying, the nod to the evangelical vote, the pandering to the credulous God-bothering cretins. Blow up a terrorist if you want, annihilate a whole stadium of them, raze the Iranian mountains to the level of a car park… but keep religion and its poisonous cancer out of education.

    • Donny Tango should just nuke the moustache cunts leave a crater where Iran used to be, message to the rest of the cunts in the middle east,
      Theyll always be puddled itll have to be done sooner or later anyway.
      Nuke em now and win the next election Donald👍

  11. Certainly mixed views of the very successful take out of a massive cunt. My view is “next”. By fucking Iraq who acted as a counter balance to the shit head leaders of Iran the west allowed Iran to erupt into a real painful boil on the arse of the region.
    Time to lance the boil with sophisticated strikes with minimal collateral damage. I have high regard for the Iranian people 1st monotheistic religion for starters all fucked when the bloody muzzies took over way back. As for the red flag of vengeance and all the other bollocks business as usual then. Iran’s leaders are a massive bunch of cunts and have been since the Shah was kicked out.

  12. There was a documentary on the chap last year, there is every possibility that his assassination will actually fuck Iran up good and proper in a number of `theatres of operations’, Yemen, Syria and Iraq to name three.

    Donald Trump is a cunt, but on this occasion, he may have actually done some good, as long as Iran doesn’t decide to attack Israel because it can’t reach the US.

    The possible chain being, Iran attacks Israel, Israel nukes Tehran, Russia Nukes Israel yaddah yaddah yaddah… Coackroaches and Scorpions ascend the throne of Earth.

  13. I am no fan of the Middle East. As far as I am concerned, if that whole area of the world was blasted into smithereens and wiped from the planet it could only be a safer thing for the rest of us, as those fuckers are, in my opinion, not playing with a full deck and a danger to mankind….

    …but another danger to the planet is Trump.

    I seriously think he has lost the plot. As well as being a disgusting excuse for a so-called ‘statesman’ with all of his childish, highly inappropriate and unprofessional tweets, most making him sound like a teenage boy and not a grown man, he appears to be determined to make his mark as POTUS. If this means air strikes on Iran, so be it, but the cunt has no thought for the repercussions on his own people and the wider world. It wouldn’t even enter his pea brain.

    He is dangerous for two reasons. Firstly, because he is a loose cannon and secondly, he has the intelligence of an amoeba. I don’t give two fucks how much money he made and how successful he was building his empire before he entered politics.He didn’t build his empire from nothing. It was all courtesy of a huge, start-off lump sum from Daddy Dearest and I have no doubt at all that he was surrounded by a shit load of minions advising him. The cunt is thick as shit, just born with a silver spoon in his giant piehole.

    He knows his star is waning. He knows he is skating on very thin ice and the knives are out for him. So what does he do? Bomb a shithole country and the rednecks will love him and revere him as a ‘strong, patriotic leader’.

    He is nothing but an ignorant, gung-ho, rude, fat, orange, Shredded Wheat-haired mega cunt. He will get us all nuked into oblivion the way he is behaving.

  14. There are myriad reasons to cunt Trump. But, for me, this isn’t one of them. Iran, run by religious maniacs and sponsoring terror and murder has to be fucked up before they get nukes and have a go at Israel pushing us into nuclear war. Israel is only a problem because of Iran and like minded religious disorganisations. Bear in mind that they hate the wrong sort of muzzy as much as us or Israel. Fuck them.

    • Quite right Cunstable, bring on World War 3 now not in 10-20 years time when these religious extremist maniacs have nuclear weapons. Tear down completely their ability to ever become a nuclear power because once they have it we are all up shit creek.

  15. Donald Trump is a multi level Cunt, looking at the alternatives, who would you vote for if you were a yank ?

    As for the sand dwellers, it comes down to a choice …….
    They kill us or we kill them.
    Choose life.

    Good morning.

    • There’s a third choice: Let them fight to the death amongst themselves – sunni vs shia vs jew and we stay the fuck out of it. I can’t remember a time when we weren’t in some conflict or other there, often against muslims who the West armed in the previous conflict as our supposed ally. We have no real allies in the region let them destroy eachother and work with whatever’s left.

  16. Just as an aside, I live roughly 6 miles (as the crow flies) north of Eskmeals, which is an area in the Lake District the MOD use for firing large calibre ammunitions both short-range (1km) and long-range (50km) for training purposes.

    As I write this I can hear, and sometimes feel those munitions being fired overhead and into the Irish Sea. It sounds like a short burst of thunder, but its the vibrations underfoot that are quite unnerving.

    Am never really sure if having an MOD base almost literally on my doorstep is a good thing or bad (not helped by have a nuclear power station in Sellafield a few miles north of me).

    Even though I moved up here for the peace and quiet, it is quite bewildering to have live missiles flying over head, and makes me wonder what it would be like in places like Syria, Iran or Iraq to be on the receiving end of said missiles!

    • I have fond memories of working in Eskmeals. I was responsible for arranging new sewerage services for an enclave of ex-MOD properties just east of the railway (Monk Moors). I recall the officer’s house was enormous – was sold for around £200K back in around 2008 if I recall correcly.

    • Allow me to pacify your thoughts.
      You will never hear the shell/rocket/bullet that kills you the other ones you do hear are the ones that go past so are defacto safe.
      I have been on the receiving end of quite a bit, from small arms, anti aircraft. mortars, artillery, multiple rocket launchers and on one occasion a fucking Grad rocket, (a bit like the German VII) I will tell you its fucking scary and requires a lot of self control.
      In those situations the most logical thing is to get up and leg it, which is the most illogical thing because you are leaving shelter and running into harms way.
      So in a nut shell it’s rather scarey, however you are in a unique position in that should you doubt my advice you could pop down and hang round the targets (just dig a nice deep hole) and find out for yourself.

  17. Morning Techno. That’s a nice part of the country that you’re living in. Good for long walks, relaxing and soaking up the seclusion that’s easily found.
    Just don’t pick up any strange looking objects on the foreshore.

    • Look on the bright side Techno at least youll be able to find your way home at night if it glows in the dark!👍

  18. Iran is like Cuba and North Korea, i.e. a “revolutionary” state that only survives through causing turmoil in other countries and goading the US. Let´s not forget there were riots in Iran (and Iraq) recently which were brutally suppressed in both cases and thousands of people murdered by their own government, not the US or Israel. Iranians, Iraqis and Palestinians are intelligent often well educated people who deserve better than the fanatics in charge who will be overthrown one day.

    • I could probably site you a few examples of oppressed peoples who have thrown the yoke of oppression and come over here and proved themselves to be total cunts.
      Under Vlad Dracul there was very little crime in Roumania, under saddam there were not half the problems with Iraq, Ditto Libya and the fucking Libyans, My Bro in Law is very gainfully employed in Mali defusing their EOD’s.
      No they are all cunts, Biological weapons all the way for me.

  19. It’s a complicated mess: Iraq & Iran are both predominately Shia Muslims, but don’t get on too well, as Iraqis are mainly Arabs, Iranians mainly Persians.
    But we (UK/US) cuddle up to the Saudis (Sunni Muslims), who are hard-line Wahhabists (as are most of the extremely violent Islamists). Apart from billions in arms sales, why do we do this?
    Perhaps when the US troops have all gone, Sonny & Cher could settle their issues by themselves – maybe by turning all that sand into glass?

  20. The Orange One is merely doing what his predecessors wanted to but didnt.
    Iran’s ties with Russia are overstated by the left, and jihadis screeching Deathto America is not new.

    I’m not worried by terrorist sponsors getting upset at all. There is, frankly, fuck all they can do.

  21. Can’t get on board with this. If you get your news outside of the MSM dystopian construct, Iranians the length and breadth of the country celebrated the demise of this evil cunt Soleimani. He ran proxies all over the globe, and is a massive loss to the enemy. War with Iran is now less likely and indeed, the mad mullahs are now extremely vulnerable. We may see mini skirted Iranian girls in Tehran again.

    I have complete trust in DJT.

    • Build that wall! Build that wall!
      Nuke them now! Nuke them now!🇺🇸🇺🇸
      Bout time someone gave em a dig back, fuck Iran!
      And fuck the iranian people.

      • I’d rather nuke the leftist cabal MNC….if only the cunts would pick a country and fucking move there. Did anyone see Ricky Gervais destroying the Hollyweirdos at the Golden Globes last night?

      • Miserable- you’ve entered the New Year in a spirit of defiance and aggression.
        What happened to the cuddly, loveable Miserable of old?

        Probably a stern talking too from an Officer from the yew tree investigation.

      • Just enjoying myself Bertie!
        Still loveable
        Yewtree admin?
        Cheeky fucker!😀

  22. I read and no idea if true or not but “assassinate this cunt” was an extreme option put to Trump in order to make the other options not look so bad. None of them expected him to go full retard and just agree to the worst option 😂

    • It’s now a blood war. The Iranians have a $60m bounty on Trumps head. I for one think it’d be pretty funny, and pretty fair, if some cunt was to whack him.

  23. What most cunts forget is that Trump is only repeating what every Yank president has done since 1945.
    The Yank economy relies on war therefore it must start them every few years to keep its massive economy going. Orange man just lit the fuse to the next installment. That’s all, he’s no more of a cunt than all the cunts in the White House that have gone before him.

    • Fair point, I would just like us to this time tell the USA to get fucked and they’re on their own. I’m fed up of of having any involvement whatsoever in the region and would just like the cunts to all kill eachother and we sit back with our feet up.

  24. Only problem I have is that he violated Iraqi sovereignty by doing it outside the Iranian Embassy on Iraqi soil.

    I also take issue with his saying he will destroy culturally important Iranian sites (violating international law) and also said his response could be disproportionate (also in violation of international law and articles of war).

    As for Suleimani, who gives a fuck.

    • These terrorists don’t adhere to any rules in their murderous hatred of the west so it always amuses me when I hear people saying we should stick to conventions and rules of war.
      Despots don’t give a fuck about conventions.
      Appeasing these people is seen by them as a sign of weakness.
      However, I don’t see this as being our war and all British troops should be withdrawn from Iraq.

      • Agree with you on bringing every British service member back as to date, the tally of WMDs found in Iraq still totals zero.

      • Brits out of the middle east, and muslims out of Britain – problem solved no need to get involved.

    • “…destroy culturally important Iranian sites”

      Not of the slightest ‘importance’ to me TITS and this really is about existential priorities. Their culture is the root of the fucking problem so why give a toss if it’s blasted back into the biblical past from whence it never should have emerged!

      • The culturally important sites actually pre-date Islam and are the worlds treasure so Trump has no fucking right. But from this boorish cheesburger-eating swine I’d expect nothing less. I like him cause he pisses off the Left but he’s a cunt.

  25. Definitely mixed feelings on this one. The last thing I want to see is the West getting involved an another conflict in the Middle East, not that I give one single fuck for anyone living there, mine a totally selfish reasons, mainly the effect on oil prices and the global economy. However it was only a matter of time before the yapping dog that is Iran got a kick up it’s arse. They have been getting away with murder, literally, for decades, but have gone into overdrive the last couple of years. They have done their best to preserve instability in the region, providing funding and training to a multitude of terrorist organisations who have spread death and mayhem all over the world. I thought the attacks on the oil tankers last year were going to be the catalyst, and perhaps they were the penultimate straw.
    However, if anyone thinks there would have been a different outcome if the Clinton witch was president, they are deluded. Soleimani would have been schwacked two years ago if that twitching weirdo was in charge, and we would probably be up to our nuts in North Korea too. Fuck, you know the world is screwed when you end up defending a bellend like Trump.

  26. Israelis do targeted assassinations all the time, wouldn’t be a suprise if they had a hand in the intel on this one. The whole media shit storm is purely because Trump did this one and has took ownership of it.
    Apart from sponsoring terror elsewhere the Iranians have got nowhere to go apart from getting pulverized

  27. Soleimani helped wage a war against ISIS, Al Nusrah, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria.

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