Steve Coogan (3)

A “you were wonderful darling”, comedic cunting please, for this ageing “comedy actor”, famous for just one role (Alan Partridge), a BBC mainstay since nobody else would be daft enough to employ him.

Coogan, dressed down and with Corbyn glasses, is taking on his Poundland Hugh Grant political persona, by holding forth with his little opinions on Brexiteers:

Apparently, we are “ignorant” and “ill-informed” – he of course is a Brain of Britain, and always ready to discuss affairs of state with Diane Abbott, his fellow intellectual giant.

There can’t be much juice left in the Partridge franchise – time for little Stephen to consider his career options – carer to Heseltine perhaps, wiping the shit from the old cunts raddled arse.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

A double-edged cunting please, for ubercunt Steve Coogan.

This whining dick-sneeze was very vocal in the run up to the election, lecturing the proles on how white man Boris = bad, gimmegant loving Steptoe = good and how they should vote accordingly, culminating in him saying on live TV that Alan Partridge would have voted for Brexit because he is, and I quote; “ignorant and uneducated”.

So I class this as a double-edged cunting, because with that patronising little tirade, I’m sure uncle Steve actually managed to swing a few undecided voters to vote for Boris.

Good going, cunt!!

Nominated by Cuntan the Cuntarian

58 thoughts on “Steve Coogan (3)

  1. People like Coogan who think they know best are one of the (many) reasons why so many turned against Labour. When you have lovvie cunts telling you that you are thick, stupid, probably racist then you tend to turn round and give them the one finger salute. However the British being so unfailingly polite gave them the salute at the ballot box.

    Now what you going to do, all your arguments about didn’t know what we voted for three years ago are phoney. We have listened to your pap propaganda on the BBC and still you couldn’t turn the people around.

  2. Haha. Whether its the luvvies from the UK or the simply wonderful daaarhlings in Hollywood,its a career must to show your caring lefty credentials or said career swiftly halts.
    They just don’t get that we DON’T FUCKING CARE what you virtue signalling clebs think.
    Now, will you please fuck off stage left.

  3. Tory voters “ignorant” and “ill-informed” are they?

    That’s rich, coming from a Corbynista luvvie whose campaign for Labour – had it been successful – would have flushed the UK economy down the EU shitter.

    • Most of the genuinely ill-informed, thick and ignorant people I have ever seen have been so-called ‘celebrities’ on TV.

    • Yes because what could be possibly wrong with borrowing a £ trillion pounds and flushing down the toilet and having a ‘sensible’ immigration policy ie. let every fucker in.

    • The thick cunts are Coogan and his like. Remember the helpful, and utter cuntish, Russell Brand and the mainstay of Labour defeats, Eddie Izzard.
      It seems they don’t understand where they are involved they assist the immediate opposition in that constituency.
      I suppose we really should be thanking them for being the cunts they are.

      • I must admit that the whole Brexit farrago opened my eyes to the whole shit-heap called political leanings. For instance, I generally rather admired David Attenborough, partly because we both went to the same school (albeit decades apart) but being effectively called an ignorant, bigoted, racist cunt by somebody I’d genuinely thought my superior came as a shock. It also reversed my opinion of the cunt. This applies to so many people I’d previously liked. What I can’t figure is why these people ever open their gobs? Any opinion instantly polarises your audience and Brexit made 1000’s of celebrities instant left-wing, remainer cunts. These same cunts are despised outside of London, yet they can’t see why. Come round to my house, you wankers, and I’ll explain it to you with a brick. Apologies for the length, as I have previously said to my wife (fnarr fnarr).

  4. And here he is, bobbing up to the waterline, the floater that needs a second flush. Just because the effect of ramming half of Bolivia up your snout makes you think that you are a messiah, it doesn’t make it so. In fact, coke tends to turn very likeable people into insufferable bellends. I always thought I was enough of a twat without it, so saved money, and my septum by giving it a miss.

    • It must be the Bolivian powder that gives him that permanent sneer. It can’t be anything to do with looking down on people all the time, the condescending cunt.

  5. Just another celeb cunt exhibiting towering self importance and a complete lack of self awareness!
    These celeb cunts never learn, they haven’t yet realised they are suffering from the Tony Blair syndrome, the more they talk the less people listen!, Blair major izzard, lineker and Coogan actually turn voters off with their patronising brand of “ we know better”
    Absolute fucking losers!!

  6. What really annoys about people like this is WHY are they so concerned, it doesn’t make much difference to the likes of Coogan whether we have a labour or conservative government.
    I cannot understand how he assumes that to vote Tory means everyone is ignorant and ill informed, In a free and fair democracy (I would add that less postal voting and showing ID at polling stations would make it even better) people can vote for who the fuck they like and the less well informed and slightly stupid would be more easily persuaded by the aggressive left.
    So fuck off Coogan you cunt, I am not sure how many votes you and the likes of Jonathan Ashworth lost for labour but keep it up you are doing a sterling job.

      • Good evening RTC

        I am with you all the way on that. I think that Jonathan ( or Jon as he was called by the BBC before the leaked phone call) deliberately set that conversation up to do maximum damage to Corbyn’s campaign knowing what would happen if Corbyn became Prime Minister.

  7. The man’s a Cunt…no argument there,but must admit that I still think that he’s a genuinely funny man..I really liked the Alan Partridge character.

  8. Partridge was funny for 5 minutes sometime in the 1990s. 5 minutes, as part of a much better show.
    How, BBC apart, could anyfucker make a career out of that?
    We are all thick and the press intrude on him and must be controlled. That’s it really.
    What a Cunt.

  9. I used to love Alan partridge. His line when being harassed by a crazed fan, ‘no way you big spacker, you’re a mentalist!’ Had me in tears. His fucking box set can now go in the bin along with my DVDs featuring Deniro, Grant and the other lefty luvvies. Thank God for Clint Eastwood and Bruce Willis. I’ve also barred myself from buying anything from companies using mixed race couples in adverts, which means I can now buy fuck all.

    • Debenhams had a strange Xmas poster on London bus stops – a mixed race family – mum black, dad white one kid mixed race another white and the baby —- CHINEESE!

      How the fuck did that happen?

      • Was it a girl perchance? Perhaps they chanced upon a nice Chinese man drowning his unwanted daughter in a bucket and offered to adopt it?

      • There’s lots of chin key poos living near me, and you always see them together, they never mix outside their own race. What’s wrong with the world is that I’m probably considered far more racist for pointing that out, and they are for not in any way integrating.

  10. As I mentioned in a post on a previous nom, if Coogan loves refugees so much then perhaps he wouldn’t mind taking the latest 50 who have recently arrived off our shores?

    Of course he won’t because he’ll find some lame excuse, just like most loaded celebs with their 3 or 4 huge homes!

    He backed the wrong horse and has now gone into this little shell because he’s got fuck all else to say.

  11. I liked the trip that he did with Rob Brydon, when they did impressions and Partridge was ok, but Coogan has done some dreadful shite like the Parole Officer.

    As with a great deal of these ‘slebs, he’s partial to the South American icing sugar.

    A funny personality quirk of mine is that I don’t tend to take advice on how to live my life from a coke abusing, hooker f*cker.

    Bizarre I know but for some reason I just can’t quite trust them and what they tell me to think.

    • I find celebricunts opinions extremely helpful. They save me having to consider important issues beyond my default position… which is to think and do the precise opposite of whatever a celebricunt tells me to think or do.

      • Fair point RTC.

        I see that Lily Allen has left Twatter in a huff, so at least some good news. No doubt she’ll be back – attention is like drugs to these twunts.

  12. Smug constantly sneering Steve, he knows better than the likes of you lot,
    Because hes famous=important!
    So instantly a authority on most subjects.
    Our problem is we dont realise how insignificant and stupid we are, some of us have never stepped on the red carpet!
    But still we dont listen, upset him now!
    Locked his dressing room door refusing makeup & wardrobe,
    Hope your all proud you made a artistic genius sob.

  13. This Country is fucked unless we eliminate all those who are cunted on this site……end of.

    • I am actually hopeful. They say Dominic Cummings is going to go after the Civil Service. The exactly right target. Clear those lefty career bureaucrats out and replace them with right thinking people. It is said he going after education especially.

      • wasn’t that, looking back, a noteworthy comment by Dominic Cummings about 6 months ago-(when asked some question) ‘why don’t you get out of London and and ask some people in the North what they think’..’

      • Oh in moderation. Oh I know what it is. Thanks to RT.
        So this will appear twice. Apologies.

        wasn’t that, looking back, a noteworthy comment by Dominic Cu*mings about 6 months ago-(when asked some question) ‘why don’t you get out of London and and ask some people in the North what they think’..’

      • This one as well will be repeated.

        I am actually hopeful. They say Dominic Cu*mings is going to go after the Civil Service. The exactly right target. Clear those lefty career bureaucrats out and replace them with right thinking people. It is said he going after education especially.

    • Like Trump I intend to build a wall. Not to keep people in or out but to line up cunts like Coogan against it and allow anybody with a gun to have a go.

      • I think you might have to line up behind Owen Wilson’s family to fire the first shot. Interesting what they have to say about Coogan.

  14. Appears to be a fang thing. Coogan could be reasonably humorous years ago but since his fangs were forced to stand back in line*, he’s been insufferable – exactly the same as that other erstwhile-Donny-Osmond Russell fucking Howard.

    *See early Pauline / Paul Calf videos

    David Bowie also had his twin pickle-stabbers battered back into line years ago – (before his death – bit pointless afterwards, I suppose)

    I’m rambling now. A very good day to you.

    • Distressing tendency of the BBC to trial good ideas on radio and then turn them into shite on TV. Coogan was one such. Little Britain /League of Gentlemen another. Once the TV sleb carrot is dangled, what matter that the cunt is a one-trick pony? He’ll get tacked up and trot wherever the carrot’s pointing.

  15. He’s perfectly free to call me ignorant and ill informed if he chooses to. Just as I’m free to call him a condescending, smug, fucking Remoaning luvvy cunt. Thank goodness for free speech.

    • My only concern about this post is that you think that your opinion wouldn’t get you potentially arrested for ‘hate crime’. That cunt is allowed to say what he wants. You, on the other hand, must shut the fuck up and live with it – that’s modern free speech.

  16. At one time, this cunt resided in Brighton. Enough said.

    It is also not a coincidence that most of these celebricunts who came out of the woodwork, sticking their oar into politics pre and post election, are mostly on a distinct decline in terms of their ‘careers’.

    Lily Allen – what the fuck has she done of late? Certainly none of her shit ‘music’ (which is no bad thing actually)

    Coogan – again, what the fuck has he done of late, except wheel out that tired old bullshite that is ‘Alan Partridge’?

    Charlotte ‘Voice of a angel turned chav single mother’ Church – famous for, umm, nothing actually these days, except sticking her snout into politics and ‘social issues’, trying to remain relevant by even appearing on fucking ‘Question Time’ (the BBC must have been hard up for guests that week)

    It is incredible, the sheer arrogance of Coogan and his like. Where did they get the idea that being a well-known person means your thought processes and ability to make decisions are far, far superior to Joe Bloggs on the street? Naturally, if we do not agree with their political inclinations, we MUST be ‘ignorant’ and ‘ill-informed’.

    What a patronising, pompous piece of steaming turd this cunt is. Just fuck off, Coogan. Go back underneath the rock you crawled out from and drag Lily Allen with you.

  17. A horrible specimen with a nasally voice that drives me up the wall. Thinks he’s the dog’s bollocks but really he has the bollocks like a dog – a small shitsu.

    Hoo-ee, what a cunt.

  18. The odious class traitor cunt milks Partridge because it gives him publicity and loads of cash…. But the little twat loathes doing it and craves ‘serious’ and ‘luvvie’ status… He said once that he was happy that Partridge was more or less unknown in ‘the States’ and over there he was seen as this cool ‘indie’ actor… What a hypocritical sack of shit he is… He is also another cunt who has sold his soul to the BBC… Partridge had far more scope on Sky with Mid Morning Matters… But his last series for the BBC had to include loads of ‘clever’ wimmin, dark eez, peacefuls and – of course – ignorant Brexit oafs… Another politically correct turd and left wing smear of shite…

    Oh, and his tantrum about the News of the Screws blabbing about what a cunt he was to his ex-wife was also rather hilarious….

  19. Apparently his brother lives a couple of streets over from me. I’ve never met him but I suspect he’s probably a cunt and all.

  20. I’ll hold my hands up and admit I enjoyed “Knowing Me, Knowing You” and “I’m Alan Partridge” back in the 90’s. If someone had came up to Coogan and shot him in the head circa 2000, I would just have nice comedy memories of him. But no, they’ve all been destroyed by him being an absolute cunt. A friend of a friend seen him at an airport, walked up to him and said “Hey Steve, I’m a big fan of yours, any chance of a selfie?” Coogan never looked at him, kept walking, and muttered “no!” without even raising his head. Guess who’s DVDs ended up in the bin that night.
    Absolute cunt.

  21. Went to Ikea tonight. Like being in a foreign country – all doushkas. Let’s get Brexit sorted.

  22. One trick pony Coogan Another one of Communist Labours all knowing celebrities who think they know better than us mortals.
    An utter talentless cunt from the 90 s can anyone remember that far back?
    Communist Labour For The Many But Not For You???
    A message for Coogan
    Leave Means Leave ?????

  23. If he wasn’t a luvvie celeb he’d be unemployed – that’s the bbc for ya – both cunts

  24. Always remember this about Coogan: this is the man who actually tubbed Courtney Love for fuck’s sake…. No doubt he saw it in his coked up tiny mind as the height of cool and pulling a rock star, and not a low rent fumble with the dirt cheap smack riddled groupie gluebag she really is in reality… That alone tells us all we need to know about the man’s class and taste, or lack of it…. What a fucking cunt…

  25. steve coogan cannot be a cunt as cunts are useful this prick is so up himself he believed that he could change the will of 17.4 million people because he is on tv well prick your ratings just took a nose dive edgy comedian or labour lacky let me think corbyn cock sucker sounds goodv intellectual out of touch prick socialst take it up the arse sounds right

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