A nomination for the once-likeable Liz Bonnin.
The BBC’s war on sanity continues with Liz Bonnin displaying a severe case of the Thunbergs and fronting ‘Meat; A threat to our planet?’
Apparently it’s growing meat that’s causing deforestation, rather than soya bean production. It is also one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions, but still quite far behind heavy industry and transport. How any of this ‘kills the planet’is not addressed, but she does seem to get upset over something in the trailer (muh feelz), and ask the rhetorical question ‘like shouldnt we jus, like, stop eating meat right now?’ so I guess the planet is really being killed by meat.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
Has anyone tried insects – crickets etc.? I have*, and fuck that shit; good burger or steak all the way for me. Bad for the planet? Couldn’t give a fuck, keep the dead animals a-comin’!
*As per previous nom for Facebook cunts I don’t say that in a “look at me, please enquire as to how and where etc. so I can demonstrate how incredible and well-travelled I am” way, don’t give a toss
Eating woodlice on the local park or helping yourself to crickets destined for your daughters pet snake doesnt make you Michael palin Cuntan!
An no ive not eaten bugs, im not fucking Renfield!!?
They eat rats mate, quite big fuckers they are!! Look very inviting in the fucking freezer
Was only messing about pal.
In Indonesia where they store grain and rice etc are dangerous places as it attracts rats, which then attracts snakes.
Go to get little pingpong and tuktuk their tea end up with yer airways shutting off and face turning black!
I know that mate!! Have to go a long way to offend me ??
I have! I like meal worms, they have a nutty taste to them salt and vinegar crickets reminded me of rotten pork scratching s.
I used to eat street food in Nigeria not much puts me off.
I didn’t mind the taste too much, couldn’t really get on board with the texture though…. crunchy outside with squishy guts…. I’ll have the chicken please
No Im with 10cc on this!
‘I dont like crickets! Oh no!..”
I bet St Greta eats nothing else. Other than cock obviously
She lives off headlice and self belief.
Jesus, Cuntan as family men with kids,
Imagine if she was yours?
Im pretty soft on my kids but theyre both well behaved and in professional jobs, but Greta might test my patience.
I’d have gone full Joe Fritzl on her long ago, get her chained up in the basement with only a weekly bucket of offal and a quick knee trembler to look forward to
This was recorded at strawberry studios in dorking surrey I had an original recording that I lost.
The original strawberry studios is near me, which 10cc built themselves and made ‘im not in love’.
Theyre local lads.
Didnt realise there was another till you posted that!
They called it strawberry south apparently.
Theres a small museum here dedicated to strawberry studios.
And a famous picture of Morrissey & the Smiths stood outside.
I read an interesting book on the “Big Tiger” a prison in Thailand where they ate cockroaches, I couldn’t eat them, fucking hate them big fuck off brown skateboards
Think they’re the ones that normally carry a sac full of fucking disgusting little eggs round with them all the time as well – imagine crunching into that
There is, or was, a seahorse farm in Napier over here that bred them by the million for the Chinese medicine market and you could try a taste of one if you wanted. They had a pot of grated seahorse you could enjoy a spoonful of…..trouble was I missed that and only saw a whole dried one on the countertop. I duly rammed that in my gob a went for broke.
Tastes like chicken. What a fucking ripoff !
Chinese are funny buggers ain’t they… will kill and eat anything if they think it’ll make their little yellow winkies hard for a few minutes
It did fuck all for me, I’m still an ugly cunt.
Afternoon Cuntan ?
Hey Kiwi. Nearly bedtime over here!
A balmy 22°C, 12.30pm and I’m down the bar while Mrs K does whatever it is she does when I’m not around. Hopefully earning her keep in one way or another but I’m not hopeful.
A bloody cold, windy 2° or so here 23:30 at night mate! Never mind, not back to work until Monday
That sounds decidedly fucking nippy! Still, least ways it’s more Christmasy I guess….poor old Santa will be sweating his tits off when he swings this way, the fat cunt. You all ready to rock or you bypass the whole thing?
Not the biggest fan mate but I usually find something to enjoy!
Liz can fuck right off.
Dunno who she is and dont care.
Im eating meat, sos the dog, ive discussed it and me an the dog are in agreement.
If the planets full of dying vegans, floodwater lapping at our ankles?..eating meat.
If satellites are falling to earth, the rivers on fire?…eating meat.
In fact if the entire planets existence and all life on it depends on just me?
Sharing a bacon butty wi the dog.
Labour Party annihilated? That’s a 16oz ribeye right there, maybe some chips too!
Don’t die with a cardigan of red meat round your intestines, MNC.
Cardigan? Im not val Doonican Cap!
Burger and chips yes please with everything. But no bun. Buns are too filling. Wetherspoons do nice burgers.
Youe right they do!
Wetherspoons do some great food.
But ill take my bun, paid for it I’m having it.
Used to buy something called a ‘kong burger’ when drinking in town, massive burger, dunno what its like sober, but pissed up its like heaven.
What is it, donkey or gorilla?
Dunno, maybe bit of both, but its certainly tasty Moggie!
That the issue is ‘not addressed’ doesn’t surprise me CP. Like all of her ilk, the absolute validity of her point of view is simply taken for granted. Sounds like more BBC shite to me.
The cunts at Broadcasting House need rockets up their arses for the persistent outpourings of SJW crap they serve up at our expense. If I had one wish from Bojo other than a real Brexit, it would the scrapping of the tax that is the licence fee. Then they can carry on pouring out shite to their hearts’ context, so long as we ain’t stumping up for it. BBCunts.
PS nice bit of sirloin with tomatoes and mushrooms for tea tonight!
Im having Dominos pizza and not particularly happy about it.
Daughter getting her own way, I wanted shepherds pie!?
But got homemade mince pies!!?
Canny whack a home made mince pie, MNC…..
It’s all well and good banging on about meat, has anyone worked out how much pollution it takes to get vegetarian and vegan shit to this country? Fucking quinoa, chick peas etc. All grown abroad. My Sunday lunch was produced in the UK, all of it. Cunt, fuck off.
The thing with all this fake virtue signalling is it’s simply a race to the bottom.
Who can out virtue who.
Believe it or not there’s zero evidence to prove the link between Co2 emissions and global warming.
It’s just a fucking theory.
When the theory gets challenged you’re either labelled ‘denier’, which for me is a badge of honour or depending on what circles you work or socialise you’d sacked and ostracised.
I was at secondary school in the 80’s and did Geography and Biology O Level.
We learnt about deforestation and how the Amazon would be destroyed by the year 2000 and we’d all die as a result but we also learnt about photosynthesis and how plants absorb Co2 and convert into Oxygen.
Back then Co2 was fucking plant food for fucks sake. No mention of it killing us.
The Amazon is still here despite that ridiculous ‘30 football pitches disappear every day’ bollocks and there was 10 times more Co2 in the atmosphere before man walked the earth, don’t believe me just ask any one who’s studied Geology.
The simple fact remains that its population growth that contributes to increased Co2 emissions and as I say there’s no evidence to prove Co2 causes global warming in the first case so Liz Bonnin just fuck off and play with your solar powered vibrator and stop ruining my afternoon.
Usual standard BBC operating procedure . give the programme title a statement as of fact , then go around cherry picking evidence to support your original assertion, sit back and soak up the adulation as to what an insightful clever cunt you are.
Cow’s fart so what, given the alternative of eating peanuts, cabbage, beans and the like I would be farting in my sleep.
I assume you fart like the rest of us madam, so if it concerns you so much I could pop round to plug your fragrant arse with my podger
Should you question global warming expect to lose your tv contract. Did you wonder why the wonderful Dr. David Bellamy disappeared from our screens? Well, the old bugger had the temerity to describe global warming as ‘Poppycock’.
Indeed he did bless him. Always preferred Bellamy to wankshit cunt I’m so intelligent about this shit than you Attenborough.
There was only one aside comment about his belief on climate change on tv.
Interestingly only one of those two had a genuine PhD. Guess which one.
I’m a veggie and these dullards give us a bad name.
What’s your excuse then?
Rentaghost humour.
All natural history programmes now have been turned into an environmental crusade. In the past I have liked some of the programmes she has presented and drowning in plastic was a real eye opener but I’m just drained by the virtue fuckers now , they should be preaching to the Chink and Indian governments. Although I wouldn’t mind giving Liz a poke.
This must be the way we seek. If a sleb speaks then truely we have wisdom did we not harken to the call of The Hugh of Grant? the Grant who shags many Chinese actresses or so I am told and breeds with one of them. His recieving the blow of fate from the prostitute increased his mind power tenfold. He acts in shite films who am I compared to that master of wankery. The sleb beings are sent among us to nurture our apathy, to help us realise that everything is OK; if some dopey fuckwit is being buried in marsupial bollocks on television that is for us, they are taking away our pain they suffer for us as their bank accounts fill is this not noble? The light I am seeing is but pale and flickers much like the electrical supply if thundermong is ever in charge, but it is there Surely my brothers we should rise and embrace the sleb endorsement, they have rehearsed their stance accepted the back handers surely my friends we can embrace their procrastinations as our ancestors accepted other crocks of shite in the past. Bollocks more beer and the day of reckoning cometh. Aut vincam aut periam
I read something about Hugh (student) Grant this morning. The 3 prospective remoaner MPs he “helped” to try and stop Brexit all fucking lost! Well done Hugh. Way to go Dude, as you virtue signalling, libtard tosspots say. ???
It may dawn on these twats that their contributions are counter productive but they are so up their own arses that I doubt it.
Fook me ! Nineteen thoughts and no volunteers for arse tickling tongues.
It’s amazing …… Geoff ……
This kind of bollocks always makes me want to eat a steak. Fuck them. I’ll eat whatever the fuck I like. And I’d gladly stick MY meat in Liz Bonnin’s gob.
Even if worse comes to worse and animals are gone, I might have to eat humans, but I draw the line at eating a vegan. I bet they’d taste of lentils and mung beans and tumble dryer fluff. Eugghh.
cat’s v dog’s as an alternative to beef steak you mean?
The Gods gave us all these delicious animals to eat.
You best not offend them!
Always had a bit of a soft spot for Liz Bonin, but as well as putting on the pounds lately, she’s become something of a beeb figurehead for virtue signalling content. Again, as with all these save the planet cunts, they always manage to dodge the actual threat, as it’s not the amount of meat consumed, it’s the amount of people consuming meat. Fuck off, and don’t come back until you acknowledge that.
From the look on her face, she’s just powered out a gusset-busting rip-snorter of her own.
Poor pigs will be overcome by the fumes – animal cruelty right there…
I fell out of love with science when I failed to be recognised for my extensive research into calculating the speed of dark….
Never heard of her but she can stick her BBC, globalist, scary propaganda up her dumb arse and fuck off while she’s doing it.
And that fucking cabbage patch Thunderbirds bitch can do the same.
Yeah, Boris should privatise the Jimmy Savile mob, hate the fucking bastards.
Never heard of her, but saw trailers for what was evidently going be a wank programme.
I’m looking forward to the demise of the licence fee.
Do you believe it could happen? I resent paying for shit………actually I think I can end that sentence there.
This woman is fucked in the head. If not for meat eaters where would we be as a civilisation? Meat is a complete food. Anybody tried that lethal Quorn rubbish? Disgusting!
I drive past the quorn factory once a fortnight on my way to work, it fucking stinks to high heaven for 2 miles either side of it. Like rotting fucking mushrooms
Soylent green mate.
Should send old rifle-loving Charlton Heston in there to shoot up the place like a US high school assembly
I tried the mince a couple of years ago in a bolognese. I could have lived with the vague lack of taste but the texture repulsed me. It all went in the bin. The sausages are supposed to be nice but since they cost 3 times as much as real meat sausages, I think I’ll pass.
I forgot to add that I read about the processing and general ingredients of the shit and it’s nowhere near as healthy as the lying cunts would have you believe.
Dead right mog. Loaded with additional oils, salt etc. to give it a semblance of taste. Like tofu – tried that once and fucking never again, like eating lumps of cold spunk that’s fallen in the bath and turned to jelly.
Not that I know what that tastes like, you understand….
Here’s an idea for the save the planet libtard wankers. We could reduce meat consumption by eating more fish. Of course, fish costs a fucking fortune but we could slash the price by telling the EU to stick their quotas up their fucking arses and to keep their thieving hands off our fish in our waters. The Royal Navy , instead of helping Africunts across the Mediterranean, could patrol the Channel blowing French and Spanish fishing boats out of the water. There would be the added bonus of using those rubber boats full of peaceful doctors and nurses as target practice. It’s win win as far as I can see. Come on Boris, you know it makes sense!
Anything, anything not flying the union jack blasted to bits!
Chum the waters, an pop the dinghy.
The greasy french an spanish can get fucked, our fishermen need our support lets ‘off’ their competitors!
Let me see you tye a sheepshank hooper! Those are city hands!”
What about Gibraltar, those cunts want to remain in the EU?
Theyll do as theyre fuckin told the rock monkeys!
If they moan about EU? Hand em to Spain.
Same with the Falklands, they moan hand em to Argentina.
Theyre either with us or can fuck off for good.
Too fucking right. If you prefer the Spaniards and Argies you can fuck off and join them. Adios Amigos.
I’d fuck Liz but would have to gag her cos I fucking hate the norn iron accent. In addition, can’t have too much bad said about her as she’s a massive Depeche Mode fan as am I. I like to think her woketardary is purely for the dollar, if not, then fuck the cunt.
You’re in luck then, as she’s from the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland ?
And I can stand the Northern Ireland accent either… and I’m Belfast born and bred and have one myself ffs…
*Dara obreen mode*
“Errrmmmmm I think you’ll foind it’s pronoynced OYLAND!” 😀
I think this is the same silly cunt who was over in south east Asia with all the plastic shit clogging up their rivers, of course it was all the fault of the UK.
Slipped up when one cunt announced that in remote areas there isn’t any refuse collection so all the crap gets dumped in the rivers.
We are the cause of global warming
We are the cause of all the pollution
We are eating all the meat in the world
What is fact and cannot be disputed, we the British public are paying the wages of these BBC virtue signalling cunts!
She rants better than my girlfriend when I ‘accidentally’ slip it up her Gary. Although thankfully no media organisation will allow her on the box as she is a munter. Because we have to be kind to animals, we are obliged to listen to Faiza Hasbeen tell us that the system is rigged because she lost, displaying a grasp of the concept of democracy that is fucking outstanding. While telling us she stands up for democracy so she is either a cunting idiot or a cunting hypocrite
Many Labour candidates did very well on Thursday. She didn’t and doesn’t like it that other normal people worked hard and succeeded. Tizer Shitcunt thought she could just turn up and it would be handed to her on a plate . Cuntingly arrogant and self of entitlement too.
She is clearly so full of bile that with every article she moves closer to having a stroke or her head exploding. Without a suicide vest in sight. A cunty Corbyinsta summed up so beautifully as:
unsuccessful Labour candidate.
Hello my name is Faiza, would you like fries with that Greggs shit slice?
I used to eat street food in Lagos, lots of weird and wonderful stuff but if I saw it being cooked in front of me I was happy to try it.
One of my favorites was Suya which is a shish kebab of “Meat” marinaded in ground peanuts, chills and served with raw green onion and fuck off massive tomatoes, sounds good?
Well shortly after we packed up and returned to the uk the street market behind our house (Ikeja) was raided by the police because one of the butchers was doing a sweeny todd , Yep selling human flesh.
Never felt bad about it, most of the meat was nondescript any way, but I do wonder.
Benny Hannibal the Cannibal?
Jesus! What meat did you think it was?
Pig or something? Dunno what they eat in Nigeria.
The old cannibals used to refer to whitey as “long pigs” cos of the long thigh bones they gnawed on
There are some fat cunts at my local Asda that would make great slow-cooked belly pork. Unfortunately, I’m one of them.
If you went to Lagos would you like a belly full of blackmans meat? ?
I worked with a number of your country men.
two wrote books, one is Simon hut ( a nom de guer) another is Steve Gaunt who runs the white boar.
another Josp stankovic (another nom de guer)
Catch me if you can
After gulf war I I went off meat, Not because I didn’t like it , but the clean up on hell’s highway involved a few ready to eat people, ( I got over it) .
Fighting in the Balkans pissed me off with pork, mainly because its the staple diet, Pigs are also a little more intelligent,cows tended to wander off into mine fields (and were allso a fucking big target so a rarity),
Pigs also have a habit of eating anything, and I mean anything, your mates, their mates, dogs cats.
any way it skews your view on your food stuff.
Then one day it all went out the door, any Idea what its like to live on raw alcohol, tin sardines in oil and onions?
The raw alcohol bit wasn’t so bad, but the diet was not so good and yes the odd, If he gets killed he is going to be dinner thought appeared, Never came to that though.
Now I will eat almost anything, My gums receded from malnutrition in my thirty’s a right old endoki story, I have also had disentry from drinking other peoples piss from the a well.
Lord Benny@
Youve travelled extensively, been in war zones, 3rd world countries etc
Eaten by the sounds of it some very exotic food, what would you say is the worst thing youve sampled?
MNC I would say palenta its a ground maze rough flour, sort of thing Band aid dished out.
Very bland but the carbs keep you alive.
I think amisly harris did a celebrity take on the shit.
its refereed to as bush meat, could be any mammal
Not being old enough yet to be allowed to watch telly, I’ve never heard of Liz Bonnin. I would, however, absolutely LOVE to give her a good, errm, boning.
Just imagine… those gorgeous, glintingly-wet, full lips – like sensual fragrant inner tubes – wrapped round your quivering, swollen & tumescent glistening knob end, then splashing her beautiful and baby-smooth olive-sallow glowing face and lustrous black locks with generous, powerful spurts and gobs of man-custard… followed by a dribbling, gurgling gagging session and another couple of back-shots and…
Waaayy better than Daddy buttons, any day of the week
(Henry Miller, eat your bonne-bouche out?… in a good mood after the GE results)
Jilly Cooper again?
Durex™ win-win orgasms?
I’ve got a twinge .
What these stupid veggie cunts seem incapable of realising is that without meat eaters the animals would cease to exist and the land they graze on will be build upon. Is that seriously what they want or is it because they haven’t thought of the consequences? Fucking thick fuckers – it’s the same ‘logic’ as those who want horse racing banned completely oblivious to the fact that the thoroughbred horse will die out as a species. Wankers.
The planet’s being killed by meat? What the fuck is she on abaaaht? All species feed off each other, that’s the way of the world. Her intelligence matches her looks. Her face fits right in with the porkers behind her.
Here’s one for Liz….https://youtu.be/11RylsrsyG4