A nomination for the once-likeable Liz Bonnin.
The BBC’s war on sanity continues with Liz Bonnin displaying a severe case of the Thunbergs and fronting ‘Meat; A threat to our planet?’
Apparently it’s growing meat that’s causing deforestation, rather than soya bean production. It is also one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions, but still quite far behind heavy industry and transport. How any of this ‘kills the planet’is not addressed, but she does seem to get upset over something in the trailer (muh feelz), and ask the rhetorical question ‘like shouldnt we jus, like, stop eating meat right now?’ so I guess the planet is really being killed by meat.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
Jackets with chilli and Wild Turkey. Man food.
Animals and birds are just too tasty.
Plenty of mud slimes in Leicester. See how they like halal when it’s them on the receiving end.
I could just about tolerate this cunt a few years ago when she was attractive, but I’m afraid like her attractiveness my tolerance has disappeared!!
Three hardworking, tax paying immigrants found in the back of a refrigerated truck in Stoke today. Stoke? Fucking hell!
Yeah, the cunts were still alive. ?
I made the mistake of buying ketchup, some months back, containing ghost chillies. Fuck me, that stuff could jump start a Boeing 747.
Durex™ win-win orgasms
We’re only de-foresting to raise meat because THE POPULATION OF MEAT-EATING FUCKERS IS RISING OUT OF CONTROL, you dumb bitch, and that they’re moving to Western parts of the world where they can no longer raise their own. We need to extirpate the MOOSE LIMB BIRTH RATE, not meat production.
Being reasonable, its not actually that.
Infant mortality has been reduced in the third world, The requirement of such a large family is the lack off a credible social security program from the Governments that we in turn finance.
So lord Bono has put things in place to curb infant mortality (fair play to him) yet the simple task of education of the masses is ignored.
At the time of any Humanitarian disaster when the snowflakes arrive, the first people to come off duty are the educators,
snow flakes and news crews pay top £ so the education system falls apart .
On the other side of the equation it is worth noting the guilt mongers, This is normally some religious group that will use the person in the sky, Boko Haram is a prime example of this kind of re education although fore runners in the use of the un knowing suicide bomber ( releasing un educated captives with bomb vests into populous and remote detonating them).
So that’s my take on that
Stupid and above all IGNORANT cunts. Ruminants are essential to our ecosystem. They eat grass and then shit and the nutrients and critically silica in the shit end up in the rivers and end up fertilising the oceans. This leads to the growth of diatoms (this is where silica is critical) and these diatoms are the base of the whole food chain. Grasses and ruminants have created the world we live in, very different from previous geological times. No ruminants, the ocean is even more fucked and life as we know it will end. We really need to look after our oceans and stop polluting them. Oh, and b.t.w., CO2 is a problem for the oceans as it is making them acidic threatening many important species. MUCH more concerning than warmer temperatures/rising sea levels.
What is needed is level headed science not scaremongering. The issues are complex and totally beyond the mongs, libtards and celebs on BBC, so they should just shut the fuck up.
Anyway, lots of cows please, let them shit for a few years and then enjoy the meat – you are doing the planet a huge favour. You really can’t get greener than a big juicy steak.
PS The simplified summary above is “no shit”, feel free to check.
Scaremongering ala Greta Thunderbird 5?
“How dare you”.
Fuck off back to school love.
Greta Thundercunt I mean needs to fuck off, not you Quand.
My apologies, drinking and IsaC make for some fucking random posts.
Nowt wrong with drinking and IsaC, it is Saturday night after all.
So to end this I will say.
at 19.00 hrs I started a beef shin stew (oven cooked)
I reduced the beef,( which seems to have died by drowning the amount of water that came out).
I then covered the tray with foil
The root vegetables I cleaned, cut and pre cooked in the microwave individually.
The chopped onion I sprinkled on the now browned meat with an oxo cube.
I waited until there was no liquid and added a jar of duck fat, I then sprinkled my pre cooked root veg on top, covered it with foil and let it bake.
I fed the mix with tap water salt and chili.
The Veg, Turnip, Carrot, Swede and potato is soft so should not be disturbed, The beef shin should be soft and a little stringy (but tasty)
At this point I start to feed the stew a bottle of Guinness drop the gas heat and who knows tomorrow?
So I imagine you have my take on this, from long pork to insects I can make things taste nice .
Having said that I just tried the shin beef and it has the consistency of body armor ( fucking bang goes the job as head chief fiddler towers) CUNT!
I can sew too….Ballgown nurse cunty?
Tomorrow’s game could be a cracker… Hope it’s half as good as this one…
Alan Brazil was a cunt…
That’s because the “Green Deal” – I love that term, makes it sound like we actually get some benefit from it – would have us all eating insect larvae because “climate change”!
The biggest cause of climate affecting change (if it’s not just bullshit that happens periodically anyway as part of planet earth’s natural cycle) are human beings.
You don’t need power, fuel and food for “no people” do you? And yet the cunts bemoaning the west are the same cunts who go out of their way to ensure already hideously populated parts of the planet have that problem exacerbated by their “goody-two-shoes” interference, meaning next year’s problem is even worse than the last.
Heartless, maybe, but there are numerous records in history where growing civilizations outgrew their available resources and perished as a result.
The same would be true now if it not for Sir Bob’s handouts by proxy. It was a noble attempt at the time, and had it worked then fair play, but we have been throwing money at that problem for the neck-end of 50yrs now and fuck all has changed, other than an extra few million mouths to feed year on year.
Besides, David Mammy says the world’s BAMErs no longer need our “white saviour” money. Fine by me. Hopefully Boris will revoke Pig Fucker’s 2015 Foreign Aid Act and use that 0.7% of GDP on something that isn’t a lost cause, namely the UK itself. No cunt asked me if I wanted to be replaced by foreigners, and no cunt asked me if I wanted my hard-earned pissed away on foreigners either!
Much like our NHS, you cannot keep throwing money at the supply side of things, it has zero affect, and you then need even more for zero affect the following year. No. You can only affect real change by reducing the demand side of things.
With a UK birthrate of 1.8 we – the indigenous peoples of these noble Islands – are doing our bit in reducing the world’s population. Fuck off the immos and we’d also greatly reduce our effect on climate change (not to mention then having plenty of capacity within OUR national services).
So to these cunts I say this: I’ll pack in my Xmas turkey dinner when every begging ad, or news story about Africunts shows them all grafting to make their shithole a better place, instead of the images of women with two kids attached to their tits, one in their belly, flies all over them, and no men folk to be seen anywhere!
Guess that means my turkey dinner is assured for the rest of my natural then!
“Do they know it’s Christmas time at all!?!”
Personally speaking, I could give a fuck!
Ok – ask chicken, pig, sheep & cow farmers if they’d like to give up the livelyhoods some of them have been undertaking for hundreds of years.
I’m sure the soya bean market won’t be flooded and priced down to a pittance.
Maybe the farmers can develop a smug superior attitude & all get presenter jobs at Auntie Beeb at £150k a pop.
Stop eating meat & die of brittle bone disease.
Hey, it’s the tick fairy back again, not seen you around for a while. Hope you brought enough ticks for everyone.
The end product of the ceaseless propaganda about the weather will be higher taxes for us.
Fuck all else.
I remember when she presented Games, Games, Games on some shit Digital channel 20 years ago, she would have got a severe bumming back then, but now she is just another BBC BOT talking shite,
Is she still claiming she is 30? She was 20 years ago, the cunt