Large Company Directors

Directors of large companies are the scum of the earth.

We regularly see companies go down, costing jobs while the directors have been pocketing huge sums as they run the business into the ground. BHS, Carillon etc.

And now Thomas Cook.

I have just returned from Fuerteventura and have been reading the local press. The UK losses were the tip of a large iceberg. Spain stands to lose 500 hotels with the jobs and support businesses that entails. The Canaries alone have lost 30% of their UK air passenger capacity, and we are by far their best customers. Across Europe, the job and livelihood losses probably amount to millions. This is capacity that cant be quickly replaced.

The directors are apparently responsible for fuck all. Mostly working in the cess pit surrounded by the M25, they take their huge salaries and bonuses and have no culpability. The cunts should have their assets seized and do jail time, but we know that wont happen.

It is time that justice was made commensurate with the damage caused by these incompetent, greedy, callous cunts.

(As an aside, the Spanish Tourism minister is holding meetings to minimise the effect of Brexit and ensure UK tourists are welcome. Shame our own politicians are such cunts)

Nominated by Acting Chief Cuntstable Cuntbubble

36 thoughts on “Large Company Directors

  1. Not all directors are cunts but when one is a cunt they are amongst the biggest and most destructive cunts on this Planet of Cunts. Cunts!

  2. Never understood how people like philip Green got away with robbing their employees, surely theres something in law to stop this piracy if not rush some legislation through.
    But then those fellow pirates attend the same parties, schools, brothels,
    Dont they?
    Up against the wall or in the pot
    These fat cats should be dealt with.

    • They get away with it because the banks are terrified of calling in loans as they don’t know where the money has gone. Want to borrow £20,000 for your small business? Well, you can fuck right off or put your family home up as security (which we’ll take if you so much as default by one month). Oh, you run a large multinational? Yes, here’s £20million. We’re so terrified that your business will collapse if you don’t get this money and take everything else down with it. We don’t know where the end of the ball of wool is. But, hey, never mind, we’ll just carry on fucking over the plebs.

      That’s why the stupid one-eyed cunt Brown bailed out the banks. And then the cunt who arranged it got a knighthood,

  3. Mention of pension funds reminds me of Robert Maxwell, and it seems in today;’s press that the old cunts daughter Gislaine, pimp to crowned heads, endulges in lesbian hankie-pankie. GTotally devoid of morals just like her old man and brothers.

    The worst large company director in my opinion is that little motherfucker Richard Branson, the (original) Catweazle lookalike, grovelling to politicans for his own ends and with a coating of grime and B.O., forever grinning at his own inanity. KIf the oter Catweazle and McDonnell-Stlin win next week I hope Dickhead Branson is first against the wall.

    • Don’t forget his mum and dad backed all of his business ventures. If it failed don’t worry mum and dad can bail you out. This cunt ain’t a self made millionaire he took no risks, he just got lucky.

      He has however been a cunt since birth and will be a cunt to his grave. You don’t need luck for that.

    • Compare and contrast to over here where the police that killed that camel joker in London last weekend are under the spotlight by the usual suspects, saying that they shouldn’t have killed him because his suicide vest was fake!

      Over there plod are praised for their no-nonsense approach to rapist cunts; over here its more or less “oh well the rapist was black and therefore was mentally unstable due to whitey! Therefore let him off, he didn’t really mean to rape 15 children!”

    • I heard that on the BBC Today programme this morning. there was the usual BBC note of disapproval but as I said to Mrs. Wanksock, they won’t do that again. Pity we didn’t do it to that Khan bastard the first time around.

      Meanwhile in Egypt

      (no infidels were hurt in this film)

      • On question time last night a woman in the audience said about the only intelligent thing I have heard on that show for a long time.
        She said that these ‘radicalised’ fuckers will use anything to achieve their ends, they interpret the ‘holy book’ to justify lying to pretend they have changed so it’s impossible to know if they are telling the truth.
        Then the cunt Ed Davey jumps down her throat but she stood her ground.
        The audience were silent, I guess shocked that someone actually tells the truth about the religion of peace.

  4. I am the managing director of a company. Also, I am large……

    Corbyn : Fuck off you Jew hating Marxist-Lenninist scum cunt.

    Good morning.

  5. Similarly with Carillion – that went bust primarily due to a tough market, bad decisions from the chiefs and financial incompetence.

    So it goes tits-up, suppliers don’t get paid, most of the workforce are told to fuck off; but some of the top directors still walk away with bonuses, pensions and fuck knows what else. And even more grating is that some of them walk straight into another top job with another top company, while people further down the Carillion food-chain are forgot about. Oh and don’t forget, good old Mr & Mrs Taxpayer will be there to foot the bill!

    And does the OFT do to stop this shit from happening again? Fuck all!

    And what did the Work and Pensions Select Committee, who compiled a Parliamentary report on the collapse recommend moving forward? “Regulatory Reforms”, even though it concluded that the collapse “…was a story of recklessness, hubris and greed, its business model was a relentless dash for cash, accusing its directors of misrepresenting the financial realities of the business. ”

    But no one went to prison, or even charged for this shit; and yet if some poor cunt can’t pay his council tax, rent or TV licence through no fault of his own, he could well end up in the fucking nick!

    • Mr and Mrs Taxpayer? Are you suggesting that trannies do not have to pay taxes? If that is true I am signing up for the operation.

    • When I worked in the East End, I was caught a number of times by companies going tits up. They would set up again with the same directors and new money, most of which had been siphoned off from the previous company. It was virtually impossible to get anyone struck off from being the director of a company, even for a short period. If you are the director of a large, say Public, company which goes bust there should be an automatic 5 year ban from holding any directorships. That way these bloody people would have to get off the merry-go-round gravy train. DTI The Department of Timidity and Inactivity (From Private Eye before it became an abysmal remainer wankfest)

    • Carilions issue was that it was PLC, so regardless of the amount of actual work it had on the books or the value of it’s assets or future order book, the value of the company could be shorted.

      Greedy fucking cunt relied on greedier fucking cunts not to fuck them up the Gary when they bent over.

  6. What a beautiful day it is cunters…the darkness gives way to light on this magical island.
    Go forth and fuck yourselves on this day.

  7. Good cunting CC,
    Unfortunately nothing will change the big man shitting on the little people, they’re all in it together and laughing at the little man.
    The government lead by example, they bail out RBS with billions of our (taxpayer’s) money, to then only sell of the shares at a massive loss.
    They don’t give a fuck abaaaht us and I don’t give a fuck abaaaht them.
    What a pile of cunt.

  8. The directors are not the only problem for holiday companies, hotel rooms, airline companies, insurance companies and the like, the biggest problem is these fucking comparison websites chipping all these companies down until they make fuck all, there comes a point were its not worth the cost and effort for them and they just go bust and they dont give a fuck anymore because its us penny pinching cunts that put them there in the first place, constant undercutting of costs can only lead one way and thats down.
    So i have to say most of the directors are indeed cunts but at least they had rhe foresight to see this coming and prepared for it as anyone with half a brain would do, you always need a B plan and those muppets who have a holiday in spain and a flight for next to fuck all due to connecting several online deals together and then crying when the airline goes down the shitter and these cunts have to swim home, the only good thing to come out of it is the hotels then get to fleece these fuckers for every euro they have and make back some of the shortfall, cuz there is never an online deal for when it all goes tits up……

    • All this is true. One good thing if they have to swim home, all they need to do is make it to the French coast, wipe themselves down with boot polish, push themselves off in a homemade dinghy and in no time they’ll be picked up, given dry clothes and a towel, a hot drink and a free ride to England. And if they keep their mouths shut they’ll also be given a council house and benefits.

  9. I recently attended an under performance bollocking.
    I am required to put forward a new business plan in a dormant market at that time I did not have my figures, but did point out in the meeting at the lack of own resources too satisfy my customer base.
    As the figures are now out I can see my overheads/ profit on own products and worse profits on bought in items.
    These are items that I should have had but are not available so I out source at a 30% profit (or take a 70% loss on revenue if you look at it correctly).
    My monthly outsource came to over 4k, now think about that , that 4K is 30% of my actual sales.
    My vehicle costs were stable but I use very little fuel.
    I then looked at a neighbouring unit that came in at 104% of budget, however his budget is 1/3 of mine, has the same staff and fleet level and he gets a pat on the back, deducting fleet and wages from his profit level is 3k a month mine is 12k and I end up on the fucking naughty seat despite being the highest earner in the area.
    I would question as to weather the person holding the meeting has actually done business studies.
    As for the director, well he has his head up his arse that’s for sure

  10. Im not a director of a company. I am not a rocket scientist either,

    But in saying that, it surely cant be hard math to assume flying plane loads of fat cunts interested only in all the free included Lidl Beer, Iceland Food with 2000 other cunts on a beach full of Gyps, Africans, Greeks Turks or Spaniards was ever going to be a profit making venture.

    It was only a matter of time before all the cunts involved in this operation, including those who paid for such torture, would go tits up.

    Im surprised it lasted as long as it did.

  11. What I don’t understand (and I’m not advocating it) is how is it that none of those horribly afflicted by these cunts, ever decide to take the law into their own hands and mete out some rough justice?

    Does it suggest as a people we are the epitome of civilised, whereas your average CEO/Director has far more of the unscrupulous psychopath about them? Or are we as a nation `whipped’?

  12. To be honest I couldn’t give a dog’s fart if the whole of Spain starves to death..fuck the greasy cunts.

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