John Major (5)

General election 2019: Major urges support for ex-Tory Brexit rebels.

Sir John Major has urged people to re-elect three MPs who were expelled from the Conservatives for voting against Boris Johnson over Brexit.

The ex-Tory PM is backing independent candidates David Gauke, Dominic Grieve and Anne Milton, all running against his party in the general election.

What a fucking cunt.

That is all.

Nominated by GGRF

How about a grey man and peas cunting for that stupid old self-important fucker, John Major.

The demented old shitstain urges voters to re-elect those old wimmin Dominic Grieve, David Gauke and a real woman, as opposed to two old men in drag, Anne Milton:

The half-witted cunt really wants to see a replay of the past three years with Granny Grieve getting his Tena Ladies in a twist while acting as Mother Superior. More years of self-important old hypocrites attitudinizing and lying that they have *our interests* at heart and not their own.

Shut the fuck up Major, and go and give Edwina Curry a good seeing-to.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

94 thoughts on “John Major (5)

  1. Major was a shit MP, a shit PM and a shit whateverthefuckhe is today!

    He’s had his day in the sunlight along with other fossils like Hestletine and Cunt Clarke, but then they all disappeared either to the House of Old Cunts and/or to lap up loads of directorships both at home and abroad (US and the EU chiefly), and just let the money pile in!

    But ever since Brexit their self-interests are under threat; hence the treacherous statements we’ve seen from them over the last few weeks. Never mind about loyalty and trust – fuck all that. No, because their own fingers-in-EU-pies might get bitten off post-Brexit, it’s “lets resort to tactical voting” and make sure the Conservatives lose power!

    Right Honorable Cunts and I hope they get their heads hacked off by a delinquent peaceful!

    • He was, indeed , a shit PM. I remember the fucking ERM farce and the money he wasted trying to prop up the pound – all to line Soros’s pockets. Once we were booted out, the economy went from strength to strength, only to be royally fucked up by Brown and Blair.

    • Major, Hestletine, Clarke, etc – all old useless cunts.

      Even if you used them as candles, and put a match to the fuckers – they couldn’t even burn properly.
      I suggest the only profitable use for these cunts, is to strap each of them to some sort of floating wooden raft – set them adrift in the Atlantic, & let the Royal Navy use them for gunnery practice.
      Wankers, the lot of them.

  2. He always struck me as being a slippery sod. Remember how , in Maggie’s final days as PM and the sharks were circling Major conveniently found himself in hospital with dental problems and thus managed to avoid appearing disloyal whilst not actively supporting her.

  3. So why isn’t the old traitor supporting Sourberries then? It can only be because he doesn’t want to draw attention to the fact that he is giving the old scrubber a length of his pork sword. Somebody should tell Norma about the dirty old cunt. She might give him the good handbagging Thatcher should have given him when she had the opportunity.

  4. This old bastid deserves to be on the Wall. No grace, no `old style’ dignity in being an ex-PM, just constant interference and a loathing of democracy.

    Hoo-eee, what a cunt.

    • Dear old Harold Macmillan was the last PM I had respect for. I did not agree with some of his views but he loved this country. An ex infantry officer (Scots Guards) he understood people far better than the current crop of tossers. He was let down by many of his ministers (Profumo et al ) and was replaced a toff. History should judge him better.

  5. Completely ineffective as PM, and now a shitweazel moaning from the sidelines. A cunt with an upper lip like a fucking ski slope.
    A great cunting for a great cunt lads.

  6. What a Dreary old Cunt. You can be sure he’s acting on self interest the same as Blair and Hessletine who has land subsidised by the Eu.
    Just watched SLY NEWS. Those cunts are worse than Channel 4 for running stories to bring Boris down and get Corbyn in. I’ll be Cunting SLY soon. The bastard Fuckers

  7. Yet another political has-been, crawling out from underneath his rock, hanging around like a bad smell and airing opinions that nobody gives a fuck about. He was a pile of shit as PM and when he carks it, will be remembered as such.

    The arrogance of his like is unbelievable.

    Would anyone respect or listen to the views that come out of the mouth of the desperado cunt who saw fit to pork that vile old minge, Edwina Currie?

    That alone demonstrates that his judgement is skewed, null and void.

    • He is divorced from reality in the extreme. Why anyone would listen to the opinions of someone who managed to get things wrong whilst in power. There is nothing to redeem this adulterous cretin.

    • and he STILL gets police protection around the clock – paid for by….yes, you’ve guessed it, US. Perhaps we are the ones who need protection from this old waste of skin cunt.

  8. I wonder if Admin will put out an editorial tomorrow morning with suggestions about voting!

    It could read something like . . . . . .

    Just go out and vote, people died so you could vote for your own destiny, vote for who you like, but vote wrong and we ban you.

    • If they do, I’m sure admin will come out loyally for Rebel without a Cunt’s COMMON SENSE PARTY ✔️

      Afternoon Bertie.

      PS: vote Libertarian – you know it makes sense!

      • “Every nation gets the government it deserves.” A French fucker said that yonks ago. How very right he was.

      • As Larken Rose once said: “Government” itself does no harm, because it is a fictional entity. But the belief in “government” – the notion that some people actually have the moral right to rule over others – has caused immeasurable pain and suffering, injustice and oppression, enslavement and death.”

    • A big surprise given their usual fucking about is that the Standard have come out for Boris in the election tomorrow and not Steptoe – a surprise given the welter of remain fuckers who scribble for it including Matthew Ancona the EU Crawler General, Mangledbum, Chris Patten, unctuousness personified and of course Anthony Blair, Tusk’s handmaiden. I bet they will all be needing their smelling salts this afternoon, as well as a glass of iced pansy water. ON The World At One even Blunkett admitted “REmain” is finished – do they know somwething about the polls that we dont?. I suspect the vote isn’t quite as “too close to call” as the media suggests it is.

      Glad to see Osborne has got some sense – even he can see a Corbyn/Sturgeon coalition (Jockstrap and Trotsky) would finish this country off.

  9. Try and imagine in your head this cunt shagging the Currie slag. It’s like imagining your Mum and Dad fucking, it just doesn’t seem possible. Nah……that couldn’t have happened, I must be adopted.

  10. Percy and I are sick as parrots. In the November YouGov poll, our marginal constituency was showing as a Conservative gain from Labour. Yesterday’s poll now shows it as a Labour hold.
    It’s that close, that if a few of these canvassers come knocking at my door, I could hold the balance of power.
    This could happen if I lock a few of these Labour cunts in my shed until it’s all over.

  11. I’d batter the cunt with a sledgehammer to the small of the back. Then take my time running the cunt over.

    • I like my vegetables round and green just like John!
      There we part ways hopefully,
      From his healthy grey pallor to his Kermit on heroin monotone voice,
      What makes this yesterday man think his opinion counts for shite?
      No one cared when he was PM,
      Not going to start now.
      Do us a favour John, go enjoy your ill gotten undeserved riches and leave the politically direction of the country to the living.

  12. I fucking hate remoaners. I’m praying to Allah they get a good kicking tomorrow. I can’t think of anything worse than a Corbyn government propped up by Wee Jimmy and/or that Swindler bitch. Fucking nightmare, which cunts like Major obviously prefer to losing their beloved EU.
    Traitorous fucking bastards.

    • Be a little more positive Mr Frog. Have a convivial evening tomorrow,enjoy a glass or two and then settle down to witness the shit being knocked out those we hate. My personal highlight will be that Soubry cow losing her deposit .

  13. The cunt club.
    Major’s wholly patriotic interests:

    His business interests are Senior Advisor to Credit Suisse; Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the National Bank of Kuwait; Chairman of the European Advisory Council of the Emerson Electric Company, St. Louis; and Chairman of the Advisory Board of Global Infrastructure Partners. He is on the International Advisory Boards of the Peres Center for Peace in Israel, the InterAction Council in Tokyo, and Patron of the Atlantic Partnership.

    (from the Chatham House site)

    Still, any Tory losses due to this selfservative’s mealy-mouthed treachery will be balanced by Labour losses due to Blair (non-UK cash fountains too numerous to list) shitting on the party he claims he cannot leave. Courage, mes braves!

    • How does he find time to do all that and be in the privy council, a companion of honour and be a Knight companion of the most noble order of the Garter.
      What a busy man…must get paid well.
      The cunt.

      • He’s establishment B&W. As grey and dull as this fucker is he’s got what it takes when it comes to sealing the deals.
        As chairman of the European arm of The Carlyle Group in 2003 he acquired a 31% stake in the British, publicly owned, defence firm QinetiQ for £42 million. When QinetiQ was privatised by the Bliar government in January 2006 for £1.3 billion, Carlyle netted a profit of over £300 million. It may not surprise you to find that among Carlyles backers is one George Soros.

  14. How does he find time to do all that and be in the privy council, a companion of honour and be a Knight companion of the most noble order of the Garter.
    What a busy man…must get paid well.
    The cunt.

    • Not to mention the time he wastes watching cricket.
      John Major has called cricket a “universal healer”
      Is it now? Try removing this cricket bat from your gob then and come back when it’s healed.

      Thwack! The sound of willow on teeth.

      • Watching Shoaib Akhtar use bodyline delivery to an unprotected Major would be a great ”healer” for me!

  15. One of the two main protagonists who sold the UK down the river without the fucking question being asked if the people actually agreed to it ?
    The Maastricht treaty is a fucking pile of festering shite that this grey cunt had no real authority to enforce on the people of the UK , shame on those weak self interest politicians who waved it thru parliament!! Utterly despicable
    As far as I’m concerned the UK never joined the EU legally, we were simply railroaded by rapacious cunts like major Blair and brown …….
    Where was our consent?
    No vote on Maastricht
    No vote on Lisbon treaty
    Two things that dramatically changed our very existence …..
    GET TO FUCK …..

    • Yeah another democrat in the great tradition of democrats. Shitweasel grey cunt. Overdose on peas Major you fucker.

  16. In other news, NCP founder or whatever Sir Donald Gosling died and left the Royal family £50 million to buy a new Yacht…what a cunt.
    Good riddance and I hope your rip off car parks go bust.

    • St Greta is Time magazine’s ‘person of the year’ at 16yrs!
      Imagine if she wasnt a truant an mitmot what she could of acheived?
      Bet shes great fun to spend Christmas with, full of fun.

      • If the silly little cunt really cared about the environment, she would tape record her spiel and send it round the world via computer, rather than send her shit=stained cadaver round to spout the same bullshit, using boats or planes.

        She really is an attention seeking cunt, and she hasn’t even got a good pair of knockers.

        Fuck sake she is a child, I don’t even think she is of the legal age, that’s almost as bad as Technos flabbot revelation

      • The age of consent in Sweden is 15. And in the UK it is 16, so Mr Boggs is perfectly within his rights to muse upon the delectability or otherwise of Greta’s knockers.

      • Yes, but Greta flits between many countries. Surely RTC, it depends on where she’s nailed?

      • I think it unlikely that Mr Boggs has any intention of “nailing” her Bertie. But if he did I suspect he’d want to do it here in dear old Blighty.

        PS: Number Two has extensive files on everyone posting on ISAC. I occasionally catch a glimpse of them when he nips out for a dump.

      • Yes she’s made the cover of Time Magazine Bertie. Quite rightly. ‘Person of the Year’ Person of the Century more like. What a noble figure she looks as well-ike Sir Edmund Hilary atop Mount Everest! I need to mark this somehow, celebrate. A day of rejoicing is called for. Yes I’m going to dress up as a Swedish goatherd in her honour. That it. Down a few schnapps. Skal!!!

      • Evening Miles.

        On 01/10 2019 you posted:

        “Afternoon RT. Yes I’m rolling back on dear little Greta. The hissy fit at the UN and talk of the ‘haters’. She had me bewitched for a while. Now I’ve come to my senses.”

        Are we to understand you’ve now lost your senses again?

        Time I reviewed your medication.

      • I’ll tell you what RTC, your records of who said what and when on IsAC are comprehensive! Your attention to detail is admirable.

      • ‘High on a hill was a lonely goatherd
        Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
        Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd
        Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo…’

        Oh what a night were having!

        ‘O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay…’

        Mrs P looks rather fetching in her lederhosen!

        ‘O ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay…’

      • Quick Bertie – call Nurse Cunty, tell her to bring 10cc’s of rhinoceros tranquilliser!

        I fear Miles has finally cracked up completely….

        Sad, cos I was looking forward to his carol service.

      • ?Friday night and the lights are low
        Looking out for a place to go
        Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
        You come in to look for a king?

        I’d be your King Greta!

        ?You are the dancing queen
        Young and sweet, only seventeen
        Dancing queen, feel the beat
        From the tambourine, oh yeah?

        What a night this is!

      • What are you on Miles? Let me know as it will only let my Christmas go with a bang.

      • All things Swedish tonight Bertie in honour of this momentous achievement. Mind you the party’s turned a bit sombre now we’ve put Ingmar Bergman’s ‘The Seventh Seal’ on. But the night is still young!

      • How mortified I am at having written those words RT. How could I not have believed in her. Can you delete or at least redact earlier posts?
        My only slight disappointment today is that Prince Charles has been passed over again.

    • Fucking obscene. Hope his hearse gets a parking ticket, the decomposing cunt. As if the royals can’t easily afford a floating bordello for Andrew on their own.

  17. This is the man who while preaching morals to the little people (Back to Basics etc) was having an affair behind his wife’s back.

    I find anyone who does this beyond contempt, a plain cheat and liar and in all honesty, I wish he would just kark it.

    • Intellectually, the most capable prime minister in our country’s history. Physically, as many women will testify, he’s a sex machine.
      What a guy.

      • Fucking Hell, if anything was a shining example of a depiction of what sticking your tongue up someone’s fart nozzle in the hope of getting a pat on the head in return, it would be this.

  18. I’m too young to remember Major. However, the wrinkled, old ,bag of shit appears to be wearing a tie.

    It is generally accepted through mutual observation in multiple facets of life that most cunts wear ties.

    We can therefore conclude that Major is a cunt.

    Case closed.

  19. It’s been so quiet today I decided to Google Amputee Porn, there is a lot of scope for positions in that I can say!
    I would advise against the one legged girl in the shower, a few potential health and safety issues there.

  20. John Major “The Grey Man” A shit MP and an even bigger shit Prime Minister ?
    Mr Back To Basics, this Guy is a total hypocrite and old has been he along with Blair and numerous others should be tried for treason ?Blair is back for the ?Major well he just wants his moment of fame before he shuffles off?Don’t vote tactically vote with you conscience and fuck John Major just like he did with Edwina Curry ??
    Leave Means Leave ??

  21. Well he stuck his tongue up edwina currie’s arsehole – and every gruesome little Euro whore wannabe since.

    Massive, stupendous, gargantuan, epic, spectacular CUNT!!!!

  22. I hate this cunt with every fibre of my being. An absolutely shit PM and a two-faced limp-wristed back-stabbing fucker to boot. The fucking wanker joined the legal fight to stop Boris from proroguing parliament when the cunt did the same self thing when he was PM in 1997 in order to delay a report until after the election that year into Conservative MPs taking bribes. I wouldn’t trust the cunt as far as I could kick his bony arse down the road. Cunt.

  23. Front cover of ‘Time’ wonder if they have done us all a favour and managed to get the staple between her lips, and for those of you expressing a wish to explore her private parts the age of consent on the high sea is 18 probably why she spends so much time on the ocean

    • Hopefully Corbyn will be finished tomorrow night along with all his anti Semitic views
      Cunt Cunt Cunt

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