A cunting for the modish mental health issue striking down our youth, known as Eco-anxiety.
Seems like one of those weird psycho-geographical things J.G. Ballard wrote about in the 70’s, along with people becoming stranded on traffic islands for days. The BBC delight in both reporting and propagating it amongst the already frail lambs.
Telling them we have ten years to save the planet is based on political misrepresentation. If the actual scientists are to be believed, several say it’s too late to reverse climate change and we are locked in. If that is the case then we face a genuine threat from the sudden release of methane from permafrost and seabed. That will make protests about cow farts and diesel a distant memory as the atmosphere heats up by 5°c in a few years.
Liz Bonnin weeping over melting permafrost in Siberia probably doesn’t have the same emotional impact for the Kumbaya crowd as the burning rainforest for soya bean… cattle ranching, but it’s a far more abundant source of methane.
So whether you think climate change is a scam or it is real, eco-anxiety is a colossal waste of time. You can safely disregard the scaremongering, or accept that we did well to get out of the Savannah but have probably fucked ourselves.
Just stop fucking crying over it.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
If youve got eco anxiety go see your GP
Im pretty sure you can claim for it!
Get a blue badge, dunno, maybe a disability car (not diesel)
A nice labrador as a assistance dog.
Sure theres loads of things to help with the serious issue of eco anxiety,
In fact think ive got it myself!!
£££quids in!!£££
Yep thsts right mnc!do you remember the one that still has me in fucking stitches to this day!it was about a blind able bodied mountanier who to much insistence demanded a grade above usual guide dog to go mountaniering with namely a husky! Someone said does the husky have to be blind en all the self important cunt /another said write cunt on his helmet in case he falls whilst climbing /someone went one better and said write cunt on both their helmets in case they fucking fall laughed my fucking bollocks off
No eco anxiety here. I just put another car tyre on the bonfire and carry on.
Having trouble getting the house at the right temperature though. Have the gas central heating on max, but it was too warm, so I opened all the windows. Then it wasn’t warm enough, so I plugged in all the electric fan heaters and stoked up the coal fire.
It was a bit too hot again, so I plugged in both portable air conditioning units, and then it wasn’t warm enough. So I’m thinking of going out to buy some paraffin heaters & turn the cooker on all day.
No climate emergency here…
Another extension of the ‘it’s all about me’ crowd.
What do we expect if we wrap a generation or two up in cotton wool, tell them absolutely everything they say is important & has value, give them the means to spout every facet about their shite lives on soshul me-ja & then finally expose them to cold, harsh realities of the world.
Welcome aboard cunts & guess what, no one gives a flying fuck about your anxieties. Get a fucking grip. Precious cunts.
My dear old dad was called up for the Royal Navy shortly after completing his apprenticeship as a shipwright in 1940. Five years of having to do awful things whilst effecting temporary repairs to ships ; collecting body parts chewed by barracudas etc. He often repeated the standard chant of servicemen ‘If you can’t take a joke, you shouldn’t have joined up’. I am genuinely pleased that he passed on before the growth of the current crop of twats.
And what really makes my piss boil is that the admirable people who carry on that tradition are held in contempt by a mouthy bunch of cunts whose opinions are taken seriously.
In an attempt to increase numbers and encourage breeding, all Pandas in UK zoos will now be put on benefits….
Should Labour get in power this will be seen as a hate crime. Pack your toothbrush, we cunts is off to gaol.
Dare I ask which of our fellow cunts would we choose as a cell mate?
I would imagine that St Dick of Fiddler sans hounds might be acceptable.
I’m no having B&WC as he’ll want to put his tongue up my arsehole.
I think that you would be safe. B&WC, depraved as he is , has some standards.
I remember reading about these mothers ‘suffering’ from eco anxiety in Nottingham. What fuckin’ wimps. I just couldn’t imagine how their kids brought up to be frightened of their own shadows would manage to survive.
These fuckin’ women are causing more harm to their kids than any concerns about the environment could ever do.If you can’t bring children up to show some resilience, then don’t have them.
Sounds like more jackanory bollocks for a bit of attention and sympathy on Twatter and Faeces Book. I’m sure as some tribeswoman in a famine ridden war-torn African shithole is pumping out her eighth child she is worried about the Amazon or melting glaciers.
I’m worried about the Amazon, I’m waiting for a delivery for Christmas.
What are you waiting for, Moggie? That new blockbuster ‘World Domination for Pussies’ by Bastet Bangworthy-Mogg (no relation – or is she?) Just go easy on the catnip for the first few days of self-indoctrination, mate. Then the world is your oyster.
Here’s hoping the worthy feline tome brings you much good cheer over the festive season. (If it arrives, the book not season which will anyway)
Kind regards,
Faeces book. It never gets old.
Heehee! Fuck me!
What a idiot!
Crying in the library!?
When the woman said ‘you need to go see someone’ she meant a shrink you fuckin loon.
Feel sorry for baby Jack though, at 4month old and your mum cries more than you?
Fuckin batshit bitch.
Assuming they have a partner, can you imagine the type of spineless, de-bollocked cuck manginas that have a child with these unstable mentalists?
Imagine a modern day mangina vegan type meeting our grandads?
Or great grandads?
What are the kids of these millennial wankers going to be like?
Was going to say ‘glad i wont be around to see them!” But I’ll probably outlive the pissbed little fuckers!
One decent flu bug an the lot will joss it.
If these women had been manning(pick the bones out of that one) the munitions factories or were in the Women’s Land Army during the war, we would have been well and truly fucked. We’d have either starved or been blown up by shells ignited by these cunts.
The reporter put the story together playing a straight bat; but surely laughed herself silly at both the stupid batshit bitch and the pathologically credulous paying audience.
Daft fucking bitch. She’s so concerned about mankind’s impact on the planet that she inflicts another person upon it? She’s all over the place there with her beliefs vs actions.
The love of the beef bayonet is greater than her love of the planet.
Thought they would be more worried about grooming gangs, drugs and the stabathon. More chance of getting stabbed or stoned than being involved in a tundra bog explosion or Amazonian real estate improvement at least in Nottingham. Must be really fun worrying about something you can do fuck all about.
Yeah I go to “Shottingham” quite regularly for concerts; only place in the UK I’ve seen someone in broad daylight waving a gun around (coming out of a KFC funnily enough – wasn’t a dark key even more strangely)
The current virtue signalling about the environment makes my piss boil. Jordan Peterson puts it more eloquently than me:
In summary, he says you can’t have your plastic wrapped, disposable, soft-cunt middle class lifestyles if you want to save the planet.
Jordan Peterson, in my opinion, is a lone beacon of sense amongst an almost unstoppable tsunami of sjw virtue signaling cretins and wankstains. His arguments are well thought out and calmly delivered, for the most part, although I’ve noticed from his latest interviews that more frustration is creeping in.
And to think that Professor Peterson is banned from speaking in many universities. Cunts can’t take the truth.
The truth hurts it would be cruel to have that as well as anxiety issues
De-platforming is what lefty snowflakes do when they have no answer to their critics.
De-platforming the lazy way to have an argument, not able to sustain their own side of things or risk scrutiny, just scratch each others backs, it’s becoming more like North Korea every day, not that you here much criticism of it being it’s main exports are coal and cheap labour, funny that
Good video. The looks on the faces of those spoiled little cunts!! Like someone had just told them Dick had shot their pet puppies and BWC had stuck his tongue up its arsehole
The only political cunts I’ve seen canvassing my area are the fucking Greens, they were out in force in my local town yesterday. I was longing for one of the cunts to come on to me and start eco bullshitting me. I would have agreed that consumerism is a massive threat to the planet, but I would have argued that it was the number of consumers that is the problem. Every human being is a consumer of something, land, food, materials and energy. Even the dirt poor burn shit to keep warm. So, until this is even mentioned, I will take no notice of the alarmist cunts. I’ve just come back from a gentle stroll, and the amount of fucking litter about is just disgusting. Never mind recycling, you can’t even get some cunts to use a bin.
I get eco anxiety filing up the Landy, how much is diesel going to cost this week?
Rising diesel prices dont affect me, I only ever put in a tenners worth….
Persuading me out of my gas guzzling car is going to be difficult. On the train at the moment and there is scuum even in First Class (GWR – shocking). No incentive to travel by public transport.
On your way into Paddington?
No, other way B&W.
Used to use that train a lot…too expensive so I drive instead.
If they sorted out decent train prices perhaps people wouldn’t drive as much.
Agree B&W. The new Hitachi trains are awful, even First Class, full of peasants and expensive.
I picture the future cunters…mass evacuation and people fighting over safe places to live.
Obviously the more deserving of life like me should get priority over the no hopers.
Think of it as evolution… surely you’d want give up your life so someone better like me can move us forward.
You all have to do your bit and then go fuck yourselves.
Fucking well said cuntamus prime. Were all fucked so have another beer.
Stupid soft as shit middle class fucking arseholes. Round here mothers have anxiety about their kids being mugged or stabbed by architects, not some bollocks spouted by some fucking stark staring mad Swedish school truant bitch. Live in the real world you hippy slags.
These poor people, every time China opens another coal fired power station it must be like death by a thousand cuts.
What would happen if a decent sized asteroid were to make Earth its new home, mass extinction, fuck all that can be done about it.
Climate change is happening and will happen over time due to other non human factors.
Turn your thermostat down stop worrying and and hope for the best!
I worry about supervolcanoes, nuclear war and the increasing resistance to antibiotics of bacteria than climate change.
Climate change eill take millennia burt, as Carl Sagan said in Cosmos, nuclear war would do far more ecoligical damage on a lazy sunday afternoon.
After the earth is mostly dead, my descendants will throw my bloated corpse in a skip under the ash-filled sunless sky and then retreat to their catacombs to sing praise to the Bomb, a la Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Should be on every outlet…
I see Youtube put their favourite wiki article on this girl’s video as well.
We’re all going to die.
Merry fucking Christmas.
You should get some cards made up…you’d make a furtune. ???
Right on topic I went past Waterstones today and guess who’s got a load of books for sale – only our good friend and full-on spastic Saint Gretchen! A cartoon picture of her weird dead-eyed, misshapen visage leering out at me from the window. Why won’t she fucking do one!!! Oh well, every time I see that massive forehead it prompts me to book another flight for a holiday so keep it up Gertcha
Evening Cuntan,
Well youve gone and spoilt my surprise!
Got every cunter a copy of lil Gretas book ‘climate & chuckles’.
Foreword by Jim Davidson.
Great read, insightful, funny, an the photos of her in bikini? Yowza!!!
The mitmot scrubs up good?
Sorry mate! Yeah definitely looks like a barrel of laughs, looking forward to the scratch-and-sniff pages with her crusty gussets on
what’s with all the labelling or categorising of so-called modern illnesses?
Hate something? It’s an illness.
Love something? It’s an illness.
It must be great for hypochondriacs.
I wonder if someone is making money out of this.
Buy my new book Ways To Combat Eco Anxiety by Dr Spoonington PhD, BBC, ITV, BMW
Price £9.99 or £5.00 for ISAC members.
Planetary destruction doesn’t concern me .
I really liked this when I saw it
Climate change just about the biggest gravy train to jump on board right now, living of the land and cantering around on horse’s might be feasible if the population was what it was 300 years ago but not at the present population levels. At least in those days you wouldn’t have to put up with the relentless preaching, I think it’s just an excuse to avoid doing a days work and just curl up under the duvet or glue your fucking arse to the pavement, who in their right mind could think that was clever only those who treat some spoilt uneducated Swedish teenager as the messiah
“She’s not the messiah, she’s a very naughty girl!”
I think its obvious she needs a right good fucking!
And a tongue up her arse…
Tho I am not offering, and I’m sure B&WC has his limits…
If I encountered one of these cunts in the road, I would run over them back and forth, back and forth, back and forth until they were a mulch of pulsating spaghetti gore. I’d do time for it as well. We need to start standing up to these CUNTS and make them realise that we’re not going to be pissed about..
I’m sure Thunderbirds has loads of young libtards sniffing around her, wanting to fuck her just so they can say they took her sleb cherry. We all know what blokes are like, even the ones pretending to be caring, sharing libtards.
However I suspect Greta will be drinking from the furry cup if she hasn’t done so already.
It makes me feel anxious to contemplate what all these blokes would do to her. It fills me with dread when I think about them pushing their dicks into all her little holes, the dirty bastards.
I suspect that once she finally swims home and the peacefuls in Malmo get to grips with her all those ‘little holes’ will be somewhat more cavernous.
Ah Mondays !
Fuck pandas
Fuck jungles
Fuck icebergs
Fuck tofu steak
Fuck cry babies
Fuck hippies
Just Fuck off and pass the tramadol.
Did any cunters see Gloria De Piero on Marr, she was looking well fuckable.
I thought this was good when I saw it
I say bring on a mass extinction level event, wipe out all human life and a lot of non-human life, allow the ecosystem to self repair and reestablish and within a couple of hundred thousand years, it’ll be as though we were never here.
I’m suffering badly with eco anxiety. The only way I can relax nowadays is to fill up the RS6 and blast around town thinking of how bad the future looks and how we can fix it. It’s costing me a fucking fortune in petrol!