Dr Sonja Falck

Psychology lecturer and psychotherapist, Dr Sonja Falck….

Just to underline how snowflakery-to-fuckery this country is heading for, some touchy-feely twat called Sonja Falck is making a big name for herself by claiming that the words “Nerd” and “Smarty Pants” are offensive, divisive and humiliating, and may cause life-long trauma!

It seems if you make any sort of derogatory remark about someone, it’s classed as a hate crime, because it is offensive and may cause distress, hurt, etc, etc.

Of course its okay to call Brexit/Tory supporters dumb, ignorant, stupid fuckwits, because they don’t count as “normal” people.

I bet Dr Falck would probably feel mortally offended if she was called ‘Ms’ or ‘Mrs’, rather than ‘Doctor’, Or better still, being called a useless, twattish, good-for-nothing cunt with nothing better to do!’


Nominated by Technocunt

73 thoughts on “Dr Sonja Falck

  1. Imagine how upset youd be if someone called you smartypants?
    Scarred for life emotionally!
    Luckily theres no danger of that where im concerned, so ill stop worrying myself sick.
    Remember, sticks n stones may break my bones, and thats a definate!

    pencil dick.

  2. Oh dear, I do wonder, a younger member of staff was accused of talking shit this morning, I jumped to his defence and pointed out to the antagonist that “with that beard and mouth, he is just a talking cunt”.
    I had no idea that I could potentially scar him emotionally, I must apologise to him as soon as I can be arsed.

      • we have history, I soaked his bicycle hand grips in printers ink once, week later I filled his gloves with red ink, I have put raw eggs in his bottom draw (they went off and broke after a month or two), Glued a cup to his table that I had drilled a hole in the bottom of, then filled it with water, In fact there isnt that much I haven’t done do him.
        He has shot me 3 times with an air pistol though.

  3. Would it be offensive or humiliating to say, “When facelifts go wrong” ?

    I don’t wish to sound derogatory but…I definitely wouldn’t deposit a magnanimous load on that trout face, although it might improve it. Off you fuck, twinkles.

    • She certainly isn’t a looker. Perhaps that’s who Steptoe was thinking of when he was grimacing at the state opening of parliament this morning?. He looked very disgruntled – I thought somebdy had shoved a pair of Thornberry’s shit stained knickers under his nose.

      • Either that Mr.Boggs, or he’d just arrived from an all-female Wimminz meeting and still had the sour whiff of ‘failure and weathered old hags’ clinging to his Magic nostril hair.

    • Oh, I don’t know Capt. She appears to be the type of lady who would appreciate having her labia, both majora and minora, licked red raw.

      • Oh I’ve no doubt she would, CCC. Full Car Wash Deluxe mode including a slurping of her sweaty, spotty gooch area. Beggars can’t be choosers.

  4. I’m in favour of this. Eventually anti-discrimination wokenes will collapse under it’s own weight and everyone will wake up to it’s ridiculousness. Plus it’ll piss David Lammy off because he’ll regard it as trivializing supposed ‘Hate’ towards nìggers.

  5. Is it a face lift? Ahh! Just thought she was a spastic or something, funny looking, but yeah if names upset you need a psychology lecturer.

  6. I’ve worked in IT for donkey’s years, and have been called “nerd” “geek”, “saddo”, “cunt” etc. But I’ve always taken them as a term of endearment rather than anything offensive or hurtful.

    The way this country is going saying “good morning” will be deemed hugely offensive for some soft-as-shite cunts.

  7. I don’t get this, Bruce Jenner morphs into Caitlin and now he\she has morphed into Dr Sonja Falck? Fuck me at some point will she\it\they\what? morph into the Man it\they\them\where\what\how……why……..Started out as?

    Fucking David Icke would struggle with this one.

    Confused here……

  8. When will this ever end, I went out to the local supermarket earlier and there was some bollocks on the radio about incivility in the work place and it should be classed in the same way as bullying.
    Things like rolling your eyes in meeting, not responding to someone saying good morning and other fucking triviality.
    I am so happy I am retired and don’t have to deal with this shit anymore.

    I am not sure that Nerd or Geek are derogatory, we have a resident Nerd on ISAC, the much loved RTCp whose knowledge of the ISAC back catalogue is second to none! (Note, much loved in a non sexual way, just to be clear)

    I’ll get mi coat.

    • RTC is a cunt, and is Diane Abbott’s gimp!

      You’ll find on his bedroom walls Photo-shopped nude pics of Jo Swinson going down on Jess Phillips, who in turn is gobbling on Steptoe’s cock

      • To Admin, this is disgraceful, what evidence exists for this unsubstantiated attack on RTCp
        I am worried that this could cause untold damage to RTCp’s mental health. ?

      • Regrettably RTC can’t defend himself at the moment because he’s a bit tied up, so to speak

      • I always thought you were an upstanding member of the community, and as pure as driven snow!

        Clearly, it was all bollocks you dirty old perv

    • The day I start talking to the jumped-up little arselicking snowflake management cunt we call Mussolini will be the day before his disembowelled corpse, stuffed with his ridiculous long fuzzy hair, is discovered in the H&S office. Take your pick. There’s incivility, and there’s real incivility.

  9. This one’s truly wonderful. Further examined (“Fine or jail anyone who calls people boffins, geeks or eggheads, psychology nerd demands”) here:


    Do all the words identified by Falck fit into that category? Not where we sit they don’t: nerd, geek, and boffin are terms of praise at El Reg (-ister).

    But for those offended by that argument, we would refer you to the words of celebrated moron Stephen Hawking who, when asked what his IQ score was, responded: “I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers.”

  10. I think old Boris should do away with our nuclear deterrent because it will prove totally fucking useless if all the Russians/Iranians/Al-Qaeda, have to do is call us some naughty names and/or somehow disable social media.

    The country will fall apart in no time!

  11. For years I used a site called “Den of Geek”, sounds cunty but used to have loads of info on obscure films and such. I’ve just ditched it because every other article is about daft superhero cunts in tights now and also it’s gone super woke!! Found myself getting ganged up on by dozens of liberal remainy pricks who shit the bed if you say you voted Brexit. Final straw was about that BBC war of the worlds toss, couldn’t be bothered trying to explain to them what was wrong with that

    • I was looking forward to War of the worlds…what a let down. HG was married to his cousin for real so that was a bit of a smart homage to the genius but it was all down hill from the opening credits, When that that luvvy cunt Spall (not a patch on his dear old dad) starting bleating on about us evil colonial white Brits being the same as the invading aliens…well I switched off and wished him a big dose of ebola from Lenny Henry’s illuminati dick (note he needs a cunting badly, him and his half breed are being promoted everywhere at the moment so they must have done a fresh baby sacrifice to the Rothschilds)

      • I used to love V MNC!! That bit where the bird gave birth to a little green lizard monster scared me shitless when I was about 7. Seeing it now it was about as convincing as Ed the duck

      • Evening Cuntan,
        I recently watched a bit of V!
        First 2 episodes, its being reshown on the forces channel i think?
        Its dated badly, but remember everyone raving about it at school!?
        Think thats where David Icke got his ideas?
        The Queens jaw stretching as she eats markles guinea pig? Hehee

      • Yeah not aged well. I remember a very fresh faced Robert Englund/Freddy Krueger in it as well!

      • The one that played Diana sparked my ‘older woman’ phase. Cracking pouts and that ‘im in charge’ look…. wheres a towel?

  12. I thought that the columbo actor Peter falk had wonky eyes.
    Must run in the genes.
    Snowflake cunts are the bane of my existence.

  13. Off topic- Boris in house of commons saying about protecting members of the armed forces from historic prosecution, like those poor blokes over northern ireland in 70s.
    Hope he does was a fuckin disgrace.

    • whatever next, ostracizing all those veterans that fought for our freedom during the two World Wars?

      • I love the way Boris used the phrase “this People’s government.” That must have had the libtards foaming at the mouth. “Not my Prime Minister”!!!

      • Saw some tory mps going into the house of commons on telly, an one said “morning, welcome to the people’s parliament!”?

  14. It’s time to reverse the ” march through the institution” These cunts only command authority through twatter. Fuck em.

  15. Great cunting,though after reading it I became so offended that I fainted.
    Do I win a prize?
    Get to fuck.

      • Day Admin is currently trying to track down an irritating cunt with multiple IP addresses, while at the same time trying to down a few cans of lager and ogling an upskirt pic of Jo Swinson.

        No they were having a shit!

  16. My goodness, this woman is a silly sausage.
    Oh my. I prostrate myself with apologises for the hate crimes of ‘genderising’ her and labelling her with the obnoxiously offensive and insulting label ‘silly sausage’. I deeply regret any hurt and trauma which I insensitively inflicted upon you, Dr Falck.
    Now, be a good girl and just fuck off will you? You’re getting on my wick, you silly bint.

      • Talking of which, the predicted shortage of ? in blankets was just a Brexit scare story. I’ve just stocked up with 3 dozen of em from Asda so there could possibly be a shortage now.
        Afternoon LL.

      • Evening Ron and MNC. Are you getting excited Miserable with only 6 sleeps to go?

      • I am a little bit giddy Bertie!
        And like you i filled the freezer with pigs in blankets!
        Scare story?… Scared me!
        Working tomorrow then thats it im free!
        Hang my stocking up, allow the lights to be turned on, on the tree and maybe a eggnog!????

    • Oh nice Ron! You’ve upset her now!
      Shes crying in back of DCI genes ambulance getting oxygen.
      Her dad was a sausage and so was her grandmother, sometimes your so hurtful to penis like pork goods.

      • Afternoon lads, now your talking Blunty. Love my Christmas dinner but I wouldn’t light a match in our house after 4.00 with all the onion gravy, stuffing and brussels!

      • No joke Brussels are they LL?
        Work on me!
        The dogll be scared, babies crying, elderly relatives fainting etc
        But i love em!
        Should rename them though=British sprouts.????

      • Remember how the Septics re-named French Fries as Freedom Fries after 9/11? Let’s get a campaign going to re-name Brussels Sprouts as Freedom Sprouts.

      • Afternoon all. Talk of pigs in blankets has conjured up strange images in my head of Peppa Pig Thornybutt and Flabbott the Hutt, naked but for a small wooly covering. ‘Cripes’, as Boris might say!

      • I am officially traumatised wirh PTSD.

        My cheapo lawyer will be contacting you in the morning for compo for hurt feelings

        How do you think your comment about Marmite arsehole made us feel?

      • Big bloke is our Miserable, I reckon you could set off a few car alarms and dogs barking after a brussel sprout session.

      • Thing is LL, theyre that good at what they do, even smell them yourself!
        Missus saying ‘enough!’
        But out of control just got to wait for them to wear off havent you?
        Lovely little green Freedom sprouts that turn yer arse into a chemical weapons factory.

  17. Fook me ! Calling someone a Smarty Pants can cause lifelong trauma ?

    What does calling them a Fucking Dozy Cunt do ?

    Make their head explode ?

    Scanners style.

    • On the brightside if you can get one of these cunts alone you no longer need violence or weapons, just chant the wrong pro-nouns at them until they die of a self induced hysterical temper tantrum.

  18. What is that cunt a Doctor of? Colouring in or just causing shit? I wish I could afford to sue the cunt for her fuckin face is causing me stress and has traumatised me for life. I can’t sleep because of her and for wishing her dead…She must be forced by law to shut up and wear a bag over her head so she can’t offend and hate anymore white non bent people..

  19. oh well, at least we’re still allowed to take the piss out of ginger cunts who are plastered with botox.

  20. Fuckin’ ell, it is amazing I am still (reasonably) sane given the ‘traumatising’ I have had over the years.

    I was called “Square,” “swot” and “Nerd” all of the time when I was at school. It always perplexed me as I was a bored, useless student who left with only three O’ levels to my name and a bunch of shitty CSE grades, so swot I most definitely was not!

    I was “square” though, so fair dos.

    My friend and I even had the chemistry teacher tell us that we were, ” a couple of useless idiots who would never amount to anything”.

    Would’ve been great to sue that speccy old cunt for emotional distress compo.

  21. Apparently using capital letters , talking people down, ignoring people, and other stupid shit is getting looked into as possible offences and what the fuck is this world coming too,most intelligent species’ top of the food chain

    I Don’t give A Fuck

  22. Tell you what Sonja babes (don’t take offence) let’s all of us just curl up under the duvet and do fuck all , nobody would get hurt and what could possibly go wrong !!!!

  23. Her and people like her probably don’t believe in what books they’ve written or things they’ve said, but are just thinking of ways to make money. Cashing in on something popular.

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