Christie Elan-Cane


A cunting please for this ugly object, be it male, female or whatever, who wants “gender neutral” passports (will we be seeing terrorists in drag in future?)

Just look at the vacuous shit stain – clearly an underemployed man/woman/thing.

Why do these vile creatures have to look like something out of a science fiction mortuary?. And why do they have to have fucking daft names like ‘Christie’?

What a cunt.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

103 thoughts on “Christie Elan-Cane

  1. I saw that creature in a kids film, Harry plopper was fighting with it to settle who was the worst actor

  2. Slightly off piste here but just wondering if like me anyone thinks this ‘foreign prisoners being forced to work against their will’ in a Chinese prison is utter fucking bollocks?

    Firstly daughters called Florence, that got my cuntdar flashing, only middle class Whyties call their daughters Florence so started doing a check on Daddy.

    Benjamin Widdecombe appeared on Al-Beeb early evening news, kept looking down and to the right when telling certain parts of the story, that’s what cunts do when they are lying.

    Turns out this cunt is a Cambridge University cunt that’s been all over the civil service and ‘criminal justice system’


    Have a look at his Linkedin profile, it’s got cunt all over it.

    So dear Florence is writing her Xmas cards last Monday and there’s a message written in perfect English and in caps.

    So 6 days pass and all of a sudden it’s all over the media.

    Utter fucking bollocks and utter cynical cunts for using Tesco as a means to get traction

    This cunt deserves a cunting all of his own

    • I wondered about that, Having worked in a system where collective punishment is acceptable I came to the following conclusion.
      If the note was genuine then all you need to do is as per instructions contact said lawyer pass note, or announce the discovery of the note in the media, all prisoners who worked at the said location are then segregated and punished, the higher profile more suspect ones given special treatment until some one cracks.
      Fucking well done mate you have just made a lot of peoples lives worse and probably got some one killed.
      What a caring social crusader you are, Prick!

  3. This creature Jamie Windust –

    Editor of ‘Fruitcake Magazine’ was in a debate on Sky News with Brendan O’Neil about ‘X’ passports.

    Split screen. Long pauses before he deigned to answer a question. Sat low in his seat.

    Sarah Jane was more challenging of what Brendan said. Mr O’ Neill was more ‘outrageous’ than Mx Windust.

  4. I’d fuck it, if it would allow me to create a new hole…

    You’ve never lived until you’ve fucked a fresh wound.

  5. There’s not a lot I will criticise the second greatest Prime Minister in British history, Maggie, for, but ‘care in the community’ was a definite mis-step. This type of aberrant needs to be firmly banged up in a lunatic asylum far, far away from the merest grasp of the public and of publicity. Before you know it, this thing will be at a primary school near you telling four olds all about bumsex and gender-bending.

  6. Fucking hideous Kurt Barlow lookalike.

    Just poke your passport up your scrawny arsehole and fuck off.

    You ugly cunt.

  7. I looked up this exotically named creature on Wikipedia only to find that he complained to the Press Complaints Commission a while ago about an article in The Spectator where the writer objected to the idea of teaching children that gender fluidity was normal. It would appear that our lad/lass/it is not in favour of persons who hold differing views to his own expressing them.
    The PCC told the little shit to fuck off.

  8. Paul beat me to it but Kurt Barlow’s looking rough these days! ?

    There is no such thing as gender neutral, you are either a man or a woman, and of those microscopic cases where they have both sets of sex organs, well pick one and have done! Simples.

    How the fuck can we have a health service where cunts can “self identify” as something they are biologically not? Sure, drag yourself up and call yourself Devine Verdi out in public, whatever floats your boat, but when it comes to the NHS and passport control you ARE Dave fucking Green alright!

    This minuscule portion of society – and even if it was 10% – should not be costing the UK taxpayer millions in wasted money just because you want to delude yourself that you’re anything but your birth sex!

    “Doctor, do you think Santa will bring me that new kidney this year?”

    “Unfortunately Johnny, all of Santa’s money has gone on gender fluid forms so that cunts like this AIDS facsimile of Richard O’Brien can play pretend.”

    “Still, it’s not all bad, at least Santa is giving me a portable dialysis machine this year.”

    “Er, yeah, about that Johnny. Unfortunately Santa’s portable dialysis machine budget has gone on gender neutral toilets, so that men can period all over the seat before a woman decides knocks one out all over that. What a fair society we live in eh Johnny!”

    “Actually doctor, I think it sounds like a right pile of cunt!”


  9. A minority 0.0001% attentiion seeking cunt. The sooner the media find the will to ignore such cunts the better

    We should be cunting the 0.0000001% of the cunts in the media that are eternally scanning for such shite and writing this stuff up. The vast majority of the population of this Cuntery are not interested in this identity politics shite at all.

    The media cunt writing it up probably isn’t either, he’s only interested in sucking the cock of his employer and appeasing his requests in order to be paid the almighty £. At what cost to society?

    There’s your Cunt!

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