Christie Elan-Cane


A cunting please for this ugly object, be it male, female or whatever, who wants “gender neutral” passports (will we be seeing terrorists in drag in future?)

Just look at the vacuous shit stain – clearly an underemployed man/woman/thing.

Why do these vile creatures have to look like something out of a science fiction mortuary?. And why do they have to have fucking daft names like ‘Christie’?

What a cunt.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

103 thoughts on “Christie Elan-Cane

    • They’re Playing “Who can Look the most Freakiest” at the sis gender fluid non binary A/b Pan sexual Olympics” and I think this one is one of the Favourites

    • Anyone who wants to go publicly postal about their sex must post two photos. One their stupid fizzog and two, drop their keks and put a clear photo of what’s down there for everyone to evaluate and stop this fucking pantomime.

  1. Tell you what, let’s do away with passports, titles, names, gender identifications etc. Let’s just have a barcode of random numbers and letters burnt onto our foreheads, and we can just call ourselves by our non-gender-specific serial number!

  2. Who fucking cares, give it an x choice on its passport and hopefully it will take an adventure holiday to North Korea or Iran.

    If it ain’t a he or a she it’s an it.

    I’m not educated enough to play pronoun bingo.

  3. Looks like that thing from Star Trek – Baloc I think it was called. Just a horrible looking head in The Corbomite Manoeuvre.

  4. Nosferatu ! Wampyre ……..

    Why are creatures like this even entertained ?

    Back when the world was normal and I was a child, this Cunt would have been thrown in the lòony bin and forgotten.

    The country has gone mad.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Whatever the fuck this is its evil!
      Dont look like something from Beetlejuice and be nice.
      Eats spiders for tea and has a Ouija board instead of a phone.
      Names going in the book
      And garlic hung around the windows tonight.

    • good ol days of loony bins, i visited one once with a relative who worked there, one loon was screaming squeeze me…my cousin said ignore OUTSPAN he thinks he’s an orange…i near pissed myself…another was throwing bread around a day room feeding imaginary birds..she said thats terry parsnip he’s another fucking these mongs are wandering our streets sleeping in doorways…they were better off in the asylums eating jelly and watching cartoons

      • Long time ago I was working on a massive building site, big chunk of it had previously been Rauceby asylum going back to Victorian times which was being demolished; we used to skive off for a few hours every so often to have a wander round the old buildings, fuck me that was the creepiest place I’ve ever been in, true what they say about some places having an atmosphere. Still old manacle points in the walls for strapping the poor loons to their beds!!

  5. Looks like some poor cunt who has just spent a decade in a Soviet Gulag. Fucking fed up with hearing about these attention seeking freaks. I wonder who’s paying for all these court appearances and fancy lawyers? The cunt ought to be locked up and given electric shock treatment or whatever they do to complete lunatics these days.
    I’ve got a feeling that there are more than a few countries where this cunt won’t be travelling to anyway. If he does he won’t be coming back.

    • It might have undergone electrical shock therapy already , that would explain the hair loss

  6. I’d pay to give the cunt a free holiday in Somalia or Saudi. See what they think of his yewman rites the wanker.

      • Human rights my arse. Human rights are aspirations. In this country we choose not to torture or execute or sell children into sex slavery etc. But it’s a choice, not a right, don’t give me human rights bullshit about gender choices because it’s insulting to people who are left to die on the streets and probably feel their human rights are being infringed just a tad. If the law rules this cunts rights are being infringed then I hope some homeless cunt starts a crowd funding page and sues the government for leaving them on the street.

        On consideration let’s have 3 gender choices on passports.

        Male [ ]
        Female [ ]
        Cunt [x]

  7. Personally I couldn’t give a fucking toss what sex ET thinks it is , it’s just a pity this attention seeking creature is wasting court time with this utter nonsense…..

      • Too fucking right.

        Or when James Mason says ‘you can’t harm the master’.

        Still gives me the shivers

      • That bit where he appears up through the kitchen, very eerie! Odd little film (should say TV mini series really), David Soul as a vampire hunter! ?‍♂️ The kid scratching at the upstairs window made me soil my pants when I was about 7

      • ‘Open the window Danny, yeh go on, open the window’.

        Remember the scene where the old chap can hear some creaking upstairs so as you do in a horror you go and investigate.

        The guy who dig the graves is rocking back and forth eyes shut then opens his eyes!

        You know the scene!!!!!

      • I sure do… read the book for the first time the other month, absolutely nothing like the show whatsoever!! In the book the count is just your typical standard talkative, urbane vampire, not that ghastly blue-faced pointy-fanged fucker on TV

      • Great film, great book, C*ntan.
        The window scene where Danny gets bitten was acted in reverse and the film was played backward. Notice the smoke.

      • No argument from me Spoons. Didn’t clock at the time it was played backwards (too busy covering my eyes at the time) but seems obvious now! Very surreal and effective (even though you can see the vertical boom the vampire’s on when he lifts away from the window!)

      • Absolutely brilliant. Forgot it was directed by Tobe Hooper, explains why it’s a cut above usual TV movie crap

  8. The definition of Elan is ‘energy and style’.
    I didn’t know death came with energy and style.
    This must be one of the wardrobe monsters my little granddaughter keeps talking about.

  9. What the fuck is that freak of nature…back in the good old days in ancient times freaks like this would at worst be outcast’s and made to live with the various beasts outside the city walls or at best thrown off the city walls.
    Nowadays they are celebrated and given a voice and some dirty, twisted bastard will be banging it or sucking it off (can’t tell which).
    Welcome to the future of the west where the mentally ill cunts twisted requests are entertained and catered for.
    What the fuck has happened to this country.
    Go fuck yourselves.

      • Sounds good until you realise it’s as valid as the charity shield.

        Not national champions for 3 decades.

        Don’t forget to join twitter and wish Christie a happy Feb 1st.

        Christie Nov 1st ”Now after midnight October 31st and we’re still in the #EU.

        Happy Hallowe’en Everyone“

        Feb 1st “pinch punch, first of the month motherfucker”!

      • Most definitely BBTC,
        I don’t wanna speak to soon an all that but I think we’ll add the FA cup and Premier League to that. Up the reds.
        What a team.

      • The Scousers are already world champions……….at whining, moaning, shifting blame and nicking motors.

  10. Won’t be long before some cunt is in the courts demanding to be classified as a space alien on their passport. I couldn’t really give a fat, flying, fuck what sex ‘Christie’ says it is, but the fact is that the cunt was born one way or the fucking other & that’s an end to it.
    Fuck this, we are properly going down the shitter in this country.

  11. Bet its a right laugh at parties?
    Where you spending Christmas Fester?…highgate cemetery?
    Anyone out there single and want to spend yuletide with Crispy creme or whatever its called?

    • You sure? Few drinks?
      Throw a wig on it? Bit of lippy?
      Can be a lonely time Christmas Terry?

  12. It doesn’t matter how far society goes to placate these gender zero fuckers, they just won’t stop fucking moaning and whining that they want yet another thing to happen for them.

    SHE looks like Gollum’s long lost sister. Or that Roswell alien.


  13. Now which one of you cunters is gonna do their season of goodwill gesture and invite ‘Christie’ over for Christmas dinner? I bet its a right laugh when its had a few drinks.
    I’m busy, maybe Ruff tuff has a spare seat.

    • You better make it a vegan Xmas dinner or the cunt will have you have you up in court for upsetting his feelings and breaching his yewman rites. You’ll be eating your next Xmas dinner in the Scrubs.

      • If it dared to turn up at mine for Christmas dinner I’d make it stay outside and give it a tin of cat food.

    • Are you suggesting you wouldn’t stick your tongue up its arsehole B&WC?

      How very un-Christian of you.

      • Most definitely not RTCP, even in this time of good will to all men…it doesn’t include its or they’s like this monster.

      • LOL our local vicar is one of these, it’s called Reverend VAL…I stared it all the way through a funeral and still couldn’t decide..possibly female I think by the voice….these freaks always have names like Les, Sam, Val, Viv…just to keep you guessing

    • You’d have to cut the schlong or the fanny off the turkey, and pull all the anthers out of the fucking cauliflower.

    • ‘Get yer tits out, get yer tits out,
      Get yer tits out for the lads!
      Go on Fester gizza smile!?

  14. If anybody should be up in court, it’s the cunt who opened the coffin and let Nosferatu loose. Fucking hell.

  15. Gender fluid passports can get fucked. It’s not as if there aren’t any other pressing issues requiring urgent Government attention, time, money & resources.

    Listen you thing – if you were born with a cunt, eggs & uterus set, you’re a fucking FEMALE. If you were born with knob as well, that would make you an hermaphrodite (or ‘intersex’ as they like to call it these days), in which case you’d still be officially classified as either a male or a female, depending on which sexual characteristic is dominant.

    And if you were born with a knob, however tiny, and one or two testicular bits, that makes you a MALE.

    If you want to mutilate your body, that’s your choice. But don’t expect me to pay for it. It’s bad enough having to shell out for cunts wanting beach ball breast enlargements, tattoo removals, IVF and all the other unnecessary shit the NHS pisses taxpayers money down the shitter on.

    Besides, all this gender fluid crap is just the thin end of a very fat wedge.
    It won’t be long now before some cunt declares it their ‘human right’ to be officially classified as DEAD, just cos they ‘identify’ as being dead. They will then demand an official Death Certificate, no questions asked, so their distraught snowflake dependants can cash in on their rip-off life insurance policies… premiums starting at only 13p a day if anyone’s interested?

    • That could be a good earner there RTCP, you could be dead and alive at least 5 times a year. Think of all that insurance money.

    • Death certificate will still say male or female.
      No DNA results shows gender as “non binary Cher fan”

    • ‘I’m too sexy for Fred West, too sexy for Fred West, I have no tits on my chest’

  16. The guy I feel sorry for is the one in the passport office having to pick up and handle it’s photo, that’s worth at least 2 weeks on the sick or counselling sessions at the very least

  17. I don’t see how this has any fucking relevance, what does it matter to the silly cunts, just tick the fucking box you were assigned at birth and get on with it.

    You can see what will happen, one of these cunts will be subject to a strip search at an airport and will kick off because they will demand they cant be searched by either a male or female.


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