Breaking News, It looks like London is in for a record breaking year, Last year closing at 137 Murders (after the Christmas rush). This year looks to be exceptional with the running tally at 142 today.
Your right Gutstick. This second referendum shite has set a precedent that if the opposition loose then they will insist on a second election or more untill they get their way. What a fuckin mess.
As the election gets nearer SLY NEWS cannot contain their anti Boris bias. Lots of praise for Corbyn and a whole lot of negative reporting on Boris.
Many different factors at play on this one people. Far few cozzers on the street thanks to an austerity driven Tory government (not that catweazle would have done any better), an influx of cunts in the guise of cultural enrichment (look at the victims), and no fear of the legal system ect, ect.
Thank fuck I don’t live in the capital anymore, though I still check the Standard regularly. This is yet another fine mess Tony ‘The War Criminal’ Blair has got us into to quote Laurel and Hardy. This slippery cunt was all for unrestricted immigration to supply his cuntish pals with cheap labour. Don’t mind the rest of us though Tone who are directly affected by those policies.
I’ve just remembered what a fucking cunt he is, again.
I can guarantee the libtards will moan like fuck if they lose. They have good reasons as always:
(1) Boris lied
(2) The Tories spent more money than are allowed
(3) 16/17 year olds should have been allowed to vote because you are stealing their future, how dare you?(yes I am sure they can get Thunderface involved)
(4) EU citizens should have been given the vote, you stole their future, how dare you?
(5) Boris fucks women and is therefore a homophobe and transphobe.
(6) Boris is a racist.
(7) Putin fixed it
(8) Trump fixed it
(9) A winter election discouraged poor people from going to the polling station. You stole their future, how dare you?
(10) Boris made it about Brexit but it was really about the NHS and everyone getting free stuff.
(11) Cunts didn’t know what they were voting for.
(12) It’s just not fair.
So, I am going to scweam and scweam until I get my way and the Nazis go away.
Breaking news.
Kid Creole and the coconuts?
Stool Pigeon! Hachachachaaa! ?
One drug dealing, knife wielding cunt off the streets
Ayoub Majdouline, one of Londonistans finest guilty of killing the 14 year old moped riding drug dealing Jaden Moodie.
That is racist you cunt. The cops have photoshopped the images.
Throw the book at them.
The fucking Jungle Book.
I noticed those thundercunts at Time Magazine have made Greta Thunberg –Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm ‘Person of the Yeat’….
Mind you, they did give the same award to Hitler as well, didn’t they?…
It must have been the Death Stare she gave Trump that swung it for her.
Quite right Norman. Hitler person of the year 1938. The spoon faced halfwit has much to live up to.
And Stalin too, twice no less.
Person of the year, the power of youth oh go fuck yourselves you bandwagon jumping cunts. You honestly believe that a 16 year old truant is worthy of such a title? Bollocks.
If you were to be stabbed, would?
A) prefer to be stabbed with a sharp implement?
B) prefer to be stabbed up the bum with the pork sword?
I’ve met a very fine man (no really) named Khan – he pronounces it Haaaaann.
D’yer think the mayor does the same, or pronounces it Khunt like everyone else?
Laura Kuenssberg Is in the shit, she’s leaked information she received about the postal vote results and the electoral commission have implied she should be reported to the police.
Is it true? Even if true has she leaked it to inspire voters for a certain party to make sure they go vote after a less than impressive postal vote count ? I wouldn’t put it past her or the BBC.
The BBC has been stabbing this country for years, time to go beeb.
Laura Kuntsberg is a hooky-gobbed, partisan, globalist shill!
“Chief Political Correspondent” for the Labour Broadcasting Corporation, she is not!
It was her who began the “inspite of” and “because of” prefixes to any subject relating to Brexit immediately following the 2016 result…
“And the pound has plummeted BECAUSE OF Brexit!”
“Inflation at an all time low INSPITE OF Brexit!”
Even Farage was quick to call out her partisanship just days after the result (which went down like a shit sandwich with her – good) on the points made above.
Now the only desperate way she can foil leaving her beloved EU is by more years of hung governments!
She should be investigated but as she’s a leftist cunt of the right sex no cunt (especially Cressida Strap-on) will give a flying fuck!
And postal voting is becoming a scam. Peterborough would have easily been a Brexit seat had it not been for thousands of “late arrival” postal votes from the Joe Daki community there.
Yes some houses actually do have 64 residents, and all called Mr Mohammed. So what if it’s only a 2-up, 2-down? Better not say anything just in case we get called “waycist” eh…
This abuse (by that nefarious groomy-gang sector of taxi driving society) is just going to get worse.
Even the AL-BEEB reported (re: Peterborough by-election) that most of the cunts in that sector couldn’t even read English but that they we’re “helped” by other members of the community, and therefore there was only one box on that ballot wasn’t there, the one with Magic Grandpa’s party next to it!
And as those cunts outbreed us 8:1, it won’t be long before all we get is Labour communist governments.
That is until they tip the scales past 50% (which is conservatively estimated to be between 2050 and 2060) and then we will be run be the Ayatollahs! And won’t Labour feel so proud of their bastard achievement!
And when we’re the minority in our own country, can you see those murderous cunts falling over backwards to appease us like what our gutless government does for them now?
No, me either!
“It’s all part and parcel of living in a big city!” – Mayor Sadiq Khan.
Translation: “Don’t even bring it up! It’s a non-issue bigot! Just keep paying the taxes so we can fund their benefits fuelled stabbing addiction. They vote Labour so fuck off! Who else would vote for David Mammy and Diane Abbopotamus in a sane world!”
Black drug dealers stabbing black drug pushers, whats not to love, lets have more of it until they have totally erased themselves.
If God existed he would send them all back to africa where there would eat each other within 5 years.