Subhuman excrement Amos Price, took his dog into the garden of a neighbour for the purpose of encouraging it to maul and kill the homeowner’s cat. The cat’s never been found and the revolting shitheaded father of two Price got a sentence of a notional 18 weeks.
Can I propose the re-introduction of lawful hanging and nominate this cunt to break in the hangman’s rope? Or at the very list imprison the cunt indefinitely until he agrees to to be sterilised to save us any more of his devil spawn being shat out upon us and raised at the expense of the taxpayer.
Nominated by ShaggawotZ
Tie the Cunt to a post & release a pack of hounds to bring him to a similar end…
Utter Cunt of the highest order..
Sick cunt witg a gyppos name.
Sort of cunt who cries an begs when its his blood being spilt.
Not a fan of unnecessary cruelty.
Not to animals anyway.
Amos should receive same treatment he likes to dish out, maybe make him eat bits of hisself while he begs?
That could be a replacement for fox hunting, maybe Mr Fidler could advise on the best scent to dowse cunt and give him a 2 minute start before releasing the hounds.
Jolly Sporting What!
I hope some hardcore animal rights psycho cuts his throat…
Easter Island headed sack of shit…
Easter island head! Hahaha!
It is as well!
Amos whopper head , best off in jail, looks type to fiddle with his kids.
He ought to donate some of his to headless bethan, he’s got plenty to spare
Bet if hes buying a hat he orders it by the acre.
The only consolation is that the cat owner will no doubt get lots of support and donations of new cats to make up for the dreadful loss.
As for Price – well I do know that some prisoners take great exception to not only child abusers, but also cunts that kill and/or torture animals. So I hope this cunt enjoys a really painful 18 weeks in the nick.A few razor blades in his soap, his pillow, shoes, socks and bedsheets might just give him a much needed wake-up call for being a cunt!
A good point. I seriously don’t know why we don’t have any super-prisons, full of pyscho cunt cons as prison warders. Bit like a penal batallion.
Yes, I am pretty certain that this cunt will remember his time in prison and will emerge with many experiences; none of them pleasant.
He’ll make a fine lockup-bride for Tyrone.
All scumbags who harm animals should be executed themselves. There’s no excuse and joking about it is vulgar and cunty. Whatever the animal, dog, cat, fox, the perpetrators should be shown the electric chair.
I do laugh at self-righteous little prigs who believe that it is cunty and vulgar to joke about fox hunting but believe that suggesting that all Farmers should stick a shotgun in their mouths and kill themselves is,apparently,acceptable……
Thoughts, Capt.M ?
Multiple answers on that one, My hound got a cat once, I told the owner and ended up with £3000 in vet fees (I stupidly said I would pay the vet bill despite the fucking thing walking up to my hound that was on a lead) wont do that again.
Foxes well they are cunts, having had poultry I can tell you a fox goes demented in a chicken run and will just kill, likewise a dog, Had to clear up around 25 geese once after a dog attack.
Same dog came back a week later and had a go at the pigs, I caught the fucker and gave it such a bash with my mag light (4 x D cell) I thought it would kill it, didn’t die then died a couple of weeks later when the owner released that the dog was uncontrollable away from its master and costing him too much in stock (his dog, his stock I just lived there).
So there you are a little animal magic, but I do discourage my hound from taking out small and furrys, Cunt picked up a fucking hedge hog once, You ever tried getting a ball off a dog that wont give it? Try doing that with a fucking Hedge hog sharp little fucker he was.
I actually have no problem with people calling fox-hunters Cunts….they’re entitled to their opinion even if I consider it naive. What I do have a problem with is people who,I suspect,know a damn sight less about looking after animals than the average farmer and yet whine about how “caring” they are while suggesting that they celebrate when they hear that a farmer has committed suicide.
I find laughing at a person being driven to commit suicide..leaving their families in dire straits at times, considerably more “vulgar and cuntish” than joking about fox-hunting.
Evening,Lord B..
I trust the greyhounds are well.
Evening Uncle.
I find it entirely acceptable if farmers do the decent thing and rid the world of themselves. At least they’re not murdering innocent animals.
I was disappointed to read that a French farmer commits suicide every two days. Why are our farmers lagging behind the Froggies.
Come on British farmers! We can do better!
Evening, Capt. M.
Another barrister-worthy retort from the self-styled ” too clever for Mensa” animal lover.
Are these murdered innocent animals the same ones that you think you are saving by leaving gates open so that they stray onto the road or injure themselves running lost?…Either you don’t really care about animals and just have a chip on your shoulder about Farmers or you’re not as bright as you believe and can’t see the consequences…or perhaps a combination of the two?
In your brilliance have you considered when you call for all Farmers to top themselves that a lot of farming is arable?…Yes!! Shock horror…unless you are entirely self-sufficient,which I doubt due to your horror at the thought of dirt, the grains and pulses which feed you and your family will have been produced by Farmers!
I won’t finish by being so “vulgar and cuntish” as to wish any member of your family dead,but I will leave you with this…
Firstly, I cunted MENSA because I believed they were individuals who thought themselves better than others. I’ve never belonged to MENSA and don’t understand your constant allusions to it.
Secondly, I’ve no problems with arable farmers. I’ve only questioned their greedy, self-serving loyalty to staying in the EU.
Thirdly, my gentle taunts at “leaving gates open” is as much a fantasy as your strolling down to the rugby club dressed up in cape & top hat or your obsession with berating hômos. It’s all jest. I love the countryside.
Finally, playing the hard-done-by then subsequently sending photos of murdered foxes by fox-hunters is hardly worthy of a decent argument, is it.
You seem to be able to constantly dish it out regarding gays, vegans, “townies”, cyclists, ramblers, and the poorer in society yet seem acutely over sensitive when receiving a smidgeon of banter. I like reading your thoughts and your jocular my songs on life but don’t be so thin-skinned.
*jocular views.
You’re being slightly disingenuous, I fear.
I think that you know only too well that you made a bit of of a fool of yourself with the Mensa nom…claiming ” I always found those daft tests unchallenging”..I’m just giving you a bit of gentle joshing about your opinion of your own intelligence…..glad to clear that up for you.
I’ve never noticed you differentiate between Farmers..besides,if you seriously believe that all stock-farmers are “murderers” you really can’t be quite as learned as you like to think.
As for the gates….I actually do believe that you’d do that….if you honestly believe that all Farmers are “murderers” it would seem the very act that such a zealot would enact.
“Hard done by”?….For all my harsh posts, I genuinely can’t think of one where I’ve wished anyone dead (apart from Jamie Oliver,possibly,but I’m sure you’ll agree that is forgivable).
I will admit that I’m thin-skinned….but you certainly haven’t got the hide of a rhino when it comes to someone giving you a “smidgen of banter” either,have you?
Typical weak as piss bully boy cunt, picks on defenceless animals. I’ve got a thousand quid that says he knocks his missus and brats about. You just know it don’t you?
After a supper of pigeon pie and cheap whiskey, he probably crunches the wife and “accidentally” climbs into his daughter’s bed.
Typical Cowardly cunt.
Tattoo his head with the Star of David and put him in the muslim wing – ”Oh I’m sorry sir your door seems to be off it’s hinges, don’t worry we’ll log it and hopefully maintenance will get it fixed before you get bummed to death”.
He’s surely got to be a do-as-you-likey with a name like fucking Amos. Those law abiding cunts normally like to dwell in trailers with other law abiding cunts. Steralise the lot of them and within 40 years there’ll be little more than a memory. Cunts.
Why fuck about waiting? Gas em.
Yes we need to purge this bestial filth from society in a sort of Logan’s run type approach to population control. Instead of death on reaching 30 though it’s if you commit a crime and then your executed . Unless your a foreign new arrival then you just get executed rather than wait for the crime as it’s a foregone conclusion.
I’d tie to the back of a motor bike with just a pair of shorts on and drag him down the road for maybe 6 miles.
It would make Kevin Keegan’s accident on Superstars look like a mere scratch.
And for any cunter not old enough to remember it here’s the clip.
Kevin should of invested in stabilisers rather than frittering away his money on home perms.
Superstars. What a load of wank that was. Still better than most of the shit on telly today. I wouldn’t mind seeing Gary Virtuesignaller sliding down the road on his taxdodging arse.
There’s mileage there Freddie
You could have ‘Virtue Signalling Superstars……’
Instead of David Vine (now deceased) you could have his namesake and fucking perfect fit Jeremy Vine presenting.
And welcome viewers to 2019 Virtue Signalling Superstars…..
In Pulpit 1 We Sir Gary of Linnekar. ????
In Pulpit 2 we have Saint Bono ???????
In Pulpit 3 We have Sir Bob of Geldoff??????
In Pulpit 4 representing John Lennon we’ve got the Nippy Yoko Ono ?????
And finally in Pulpit 5 we have Lilly fucking Allan??????
I could go on?
Will Lilly be bending over the pulpit & letting her winking brown-eye do the Virtue Signalling?
No cunt like that is forcing me out of my home. No way. We have our own dogs and firearms and other nasty surprises should anyone try some shit like that.
Stupid Amish beard wearing cunt.
Probably a nonce as well
I would be quite happy to off this fucker. Just give me the gun and a few days practice to make sure I hit that fucking huge slaphead and I would be good to go.
How can you own a pet and then do this to somebody else’s pet? I suppose there is no sense in trying to humanise or question the thought process here though, as this vacuous, chav cunt could not be fathomed by even Sigmund Freud.
Scratch that. Yes he could. Animal abusers/anyone with the intent to torture or harm animals are one step away from murdering human beings. That is a fact. So this piece of garbage is basically a psychopath. He would do likewise to someone who spills his fucking beer in the pub or stares at him too long on the high street.
Beings like this add nothing to society. Nothing but antisocial behaviour and misery to others. There should be some facility in law to just euthanize scum like this and remove them from a (mostly) civilized society.
Nice sentiment, but you can bet your bottom dollar if this cunt came to any harm while in prison he would claim his human rights had been violated and the prison hadn’t done enough to protect him from vengeful cunts, and thus would demand £30,000+ compo!
Sadly, that would be doubtless true in this pathetic country, Techno.
Nurse Cunty, fine sentiment indeed but here’s a dilemma, if you have a gun but just one bullet and a guaranteed free pass to kill either this piece of shit or that Svenson Umbongo cunt I cunted last week (he stabbed the 17 year old girl in the back) in the park and who died, who gets it.
And you can’t stand them back to back either, only one can get it……..
Shoot one of them, and then force feed the cunt to the other.
It would still be this cunt, Cunty as his ‘punishment’ is a fucking joke, although we also know that life will not mean life for that excrement that murdered an innocent girl.
Ideally, I would use the bullet for one and then pay some big burly fucker to baseball bat the other fucker.
Job done.
I am REALLY not a violent person (though reading this you wouldn’t think it!) but fuckers like this really steam my tits.
Mmm….steamed tits. I’m sure I’ve seen that on a menu somewhere while on my travels. ??
I bet he swaggers around with his ferocious dog feeling right dead hard and brave after killing a little pussy cat.
Well the good thing is that his name is “out there”
So all the animal lovers will soon be able to work out where the cunt lives, so once he is out of prison he will be a target for their wrath!
Quite frankly, he will wish he was back in the fucking nick!
Kiddie fiddlers get sorted in no time. If I was one of the ‘hard men’ in the clink, I’d be saying to the screws “tell me if anyone comes in for animal cruelty.” I’d make every day a misery for him.
Don’t know if its true or not, but in some prisons the prison warders are all too keen to let vengeful cunts know what cell kiddie fiddlers and animal torturers reside, and will often turn a blind eye to the retribution that goes on thereafter.
He looks like a cunt and looks like he smells like a cunt and no doubt that is a cunt.
I thought kiddie fiddlers went to their own special fiddler-wing, like Rolf Harris did.
There’s a sex-offender prison near me, I assume there’s a hierarchy amongst the inmates but can’t work out if kiddy fiddlers would be at the top or bottom.
Total cunt. Mind you with a visage like that it’s no wonder the arsewipe’s attitude is like that. He’s been the butt of jokes all his sad life. With any luck he’ll walk into a few doors and fall down a few steps on the inside.
Sounds like he needs rehabilitation.
A visit to the pussy museum should set him straight.
The unemployed father of two, who claimed he was drunk at the time, said he was “extremely ashamed and sorry.”
Unemployed AND drunk! So who’s hard-earned was it that he got himself pissed-up with then?
And you can fuck off with ‘sorry’ too – doesn’t mean jack shit to this kind of shit-stain.
Strip the abuser off & set him loose on an island, then an hour later, release a pack of semi-starving bloodhounds to go all ‘Django Unchained’ on the fucking horrible cunt. As ye sow, so shall ye reap… A-fucking-men!
He looks like an evil piece of shit and has behaved like an evil piece of shit. Cunt.
Lock me in a lift with him for 4 minutes
Tefal-headed, cowardly, chinbearded chimpcunt of the first water.
Here’s hoping his arsehole will become the resident spooge receptical in the clink. And when he is finally released, it will resemble an over-ripened, peeled blood orange.
I’d just like this cunt’s address after he gets released.
Never fear: his card is already numbered!
No, I want to number his bollocks 1 and 2, before I twat them with a sledge hammer. This sort of behaviour is fucking despicable, no matter how drunk I get, animals are not a target. This cunt is.
Give the fucker a rub-down with a cheese grater.
Feed the cunt to a bear and put in on Channel 5.
He looks a bit East European. Did he do this after a hard day picking cabbages for cash?
Piece of schizen.
I wouldn’t wish a pack of hounds upon him, he might taste horrible.
Do that thing Bricktop from the film Snatch does. Starve some pigs. “They’ll go through bone like butter!”
If Fenton sees you pinching his lines he wouldn’t be happy Spoons!
Hell sue for copyright infringement.
Ive a massive dog, a akita, beautiful looking head turning animal, but wouldnt dream of letting it hurt another dog or cat!
Because im wired up with a moral compass!
Easter island head is a grade A piece of shite.
Fenton and Bricktop must be twins. 🙂
Was Fenton also the taxi driver in that film American werewolf in London? He looks familiar.
The ultimate punishment Diane Abbott s sex toy for a week
Scumbags like this piece of work need a needle in their arm.
This cunt is obviously a cunt in extremis. Mind you, I think cats are cunts too. I’ll try to find a moment to cunt them over the forthcoming season of goodwill and great joy.
Stinking sacks of piss and shit, cats.
Cat’s are indeed bloody horrible things, gratuitous killers in their own right
Cats are also sadistic killers – playing with birds for ages before killing them. Still, should I ever see a human, being cruel to a cat, I’ll knock the cunt out.
Dog person myself, Brian. However, cats are incredibly adept at burying their own shit.
Quite how they manage to operate a shovel is, frankly, beyond me though…
Needs to be beaten to death fucking vile bastard.
I think the inbred cunt should be wired to the fucking mains and if the cunt survives that disolve the prick min battery acid,no punishment is to harsh for fucks like this…
I hope this cunt gets a particularly nasty, aggressive and untreatable cancer. I despise cruelty to animals, it’s usually the preserve of simple or sexually inadequate sad cunts. If the inbreeding fuck did that to my cat, he’d be lucky to breathe again, let alone walk.
Ugly pikey cunt.
One thing that the “always voted Labour” types who have now turned Tory need to get into their heads is that Brexit won’t give those that can’t be arsed to work a land of milk and honey. Even if we could rid ourselves of Eastern Europeans (too late) people like this cunt are unemployable. We need to get rid of a welfare state that sustains cunts like this in perpetuity. Work or starve. I’d happily step over his rotting corpse on my way to work.
From the photo, another one with eyes that are too close together.
Midwives should be issued with standard slide rules. If the distance between the eyes does not reach the required figure, then the child should be binned.