The Radford family.
Who are these cunts? They are judged to be Britain’s biggest family, now that the worn out wife is pregnant again. Apparently it’s a girl, it’s now redundant sex confirmed with another yank wankfest gleefully taken up by the cunts who put the cunt into our country, the gender reveal party.
This extra burden to humanity will be the 22nd that has fallen out of this overused minge, as she has been continually pregnant since the age of thirteen. The father was 18 at the time, which in the eyes of the law surely makes him a Pedalo?
He had a vasectomy once, but had it reversed so they could carry on filling the planet.
They also brag that they are not on benefits, as the father has his own bakery, however they do claim £150 a week in child benefits. That’s £600 a month, and they fail to mention how much it might have cost the NHS having to provide services for 23 pregnancies (one was stillborn), and the further needs of this burgeoning bunch. I bet the tax take from billy empty bollocks goes nowhere near covering that, or the cost of schooling the cunts.
Some will say, usually those that regularly buy magazines such as take a break, that fair play, good luck to them. I don’t. I think they are mentally ill, and need speying for the good of themselves and humanity. Personally, I don’t think you could give the individual love and care that’s required to bring up a balanced person to that many kids at the same time, but I think that thoughts like that are beyond them, as they compete with cockroaches and bacteria for first prize at multiplying.
Even their kids are banging them out now, for fucks sake……
Nominated by Gutstick Japseye
Her fanny must be like a welly-top/wizard’s sleevs/clown’s cuff, whilst I’m surprised he can even try to hold down a job without falling asleep.
On a baker’s salary, how does he afford a house large enough for this familus giganticus? You would struggle to make ends meet on a banker’s salary, let alone a baker’s salary. Clearly there is something amiss that the lazy reporter has not got to the bottom of.
Her growler needs darning up and his plums need removing with a pair of flettons. The cunts.
I’m assuming he’s a Walker White type and the sprogs are bred to be runners and mules…
Don’t you mean ‘Walter White’ ?
Christ on his benighted cross.
Second part of my latest…
Good article that, I agree with every word. Trouble is there is no arguing with these deranged cunts, they are utterly closed off to any contrary viewpoints and their kneejerk response is to play the “you’re racist/homophobic etc!!!” This is a genuine sea change in society, not sure where it’s going to end up.
Fuck me it’s too early for this
Papists, Pikeys or their own cult? Buy a TV or drink the koolaide.
Like it or not, we need hundreds of thousands of Radfords to start having 20+ kids each if we’re to have any chance of surviving the moose limb onslaught.
I quite agree, WokeUp. This is a drop in the ocean when you look at Mubarek’s wife shitting them out every year.
>squelchsquelchsquelchsquelchsquelch< There's another little Mohämmed
Ahhh, Mustapha…Mustapha nother Mohämmed…
I wouldnt buy my bread off him.
Hes obviously a degenerate.
Cant stop playing with his bits,
Be pubes in his white bloomer.
Fruit T. Bunn
To be fair, fills his own buns with cream!!?
Doubt if he’s got any left
His missus has always got a sausage in her bloomers.
I shall redeem my cloakroom ticket.
Morning gentlemen.
And there’s always another one in the oven… erm…
Jack! can y’ grab mine while your there?
Any peaceful reading this will think, “Pregnant at thirteen and Twenty-two kids is not bad going but they are not cousins and the kafir poof only has one wife”.
I suggest we put all the brats and the wizard-sleeved mother in a giant hamster cage and leave them alone with the lights off; with some luck her natural instincts will kick in and the next morning she will have eaten three quarters of them
Obviously this Radford fellow has never heard of anal sex.
What a silly Billy.
Suppose it’s just lucky that old Fru T Bunn and his wife aren’t Peaceful people…22 cases of severe abnormalities caused by inbreeding or a Dark Key… how many architects/rappers/footballers does the Country actually need?
The Radford family are just selfish Cunts enjoying their moment of “fame” while everyone else picks up the tab for their brood. Hopefully one of the children gets hold a rifle and does a Jeremy Bamber.
Fuck them.
You should offer to employ some of their offspring at Fiddler Towers.
For some insane reason that old BBC game show “It’s a Knockout” with Stuart Hall entered my foggy head just a minute ago!
Well that slag can certainly knock them out!
Just googled it’s a knockout for a bit of nostalgia; shit wasn’t it…. on the plus side google’s just told me that apparently some extinction rebellion cunts are into the second week of a hunger strike – just need to get the rest of them doing it, let them all fucking starve to death and hey presto, plenty of grub for all
Theyre yanks, so undoubtedly bible lickers, snake handlers or somesuch.
Doing the lords work making bread an babies.
Hey guess what?
‘Shes got a bun in the oven!
Sorry. Alright im going.
I’ve never seen so many white scüm in one place.
He’s a right dirty fucker for a master baker!
You sponging cunts, you should be ashamed of yourselves, put a rubber on , how can you be so enthusiastic about shagging that pig, she must have a snatch like the back of a transit van by now or do you just shoot your load into her bath water and hope for the best, it makes me sick that we have to carry loads of benefit cunts in this country but most of those are immigrants, very rarely does someone worse come along but you cunts have won the gold medal, stupid cunts like me work to keep cunts like you fucks fed and housed,it make me sick.This country should stop paying benefits to twats like this, or at least have them out in hi viz jackets earning their keep litter picking or something, maybe picking up fag butts on the M25, that sounds great to me, natural selection can start thinning the family out…….get fucked you cunts
Your last phrase of ”get fucked you cunts” would make more sense if it was ”STOP getting fucked you cunts”
To fuel her reproductive obsession, she must have eaten all the (artisan, but surprisingly unvegan) pies…
So, more of a factory, really.
Obviously the initial insemination age concerns me, but they have stuck together and made a go of it.
I have to say their pie site does look nice, plus there is the link to all their suppliers all UK produce decent size portions and very affordable so I am inclined to be lenient on them.
Unless of course its a sweeny tod outfit then I would be a little concerned.
I am hungry now.
Perhaps that’s what all the kids are for ”pie filling” when the Green lobby ban eating meat, commendable foresight Sir in securing a source of supply to continue trading
I’d be happy to unload some filling into Chloe.
Eyes too wide apart….all of ’em…..
Legs too – or maybe just the mother ?
Top notch observation – you’re spot on there !!
Own’s a bakery . Bet it is just one of those on the corner that sells cream horns and apple turnovers.
Each of those kids will cost the state about 8k a year to school.
So the cunt giving it the large about not taking anything out is laughable.
He’d need to own Warburton’s to not be doing that
Can’t believe the outrage ??? They take benefits that they or any others are entitled to. If they don’t others will. White British I believe and self supportive. 22 is excessive but all with the same parents. Yes he should have bought a tv all those years ago, I say good luck to them. If it was another ethnic group I don’t think there would be many raised eyebrows, but probably not a similar story. Maybe more like Abdul or Leeroy has 22 kids with 8 different mum’s…. just my thoughts on it.
They set a fine example for other fuckwit, feckless couples to follow!
Fuck knows how that afford Christmas presents for each other; and how do they manage Christmas dinner? And gawd help them if they’ve only got one bog in the house. And then there’s the weekly shop – how many trolleys do they need? How many kitchen cupboards to store all the food? What about mobile phones? Imagine if they all wanted the latest Apple phones – how the fuck can they afford all that?
Just fucking bewildering
“According to the Sun, the family spend £100 per child on birthdays and £100 – £250 at Christmas.”
Wouldn’t be quite so bad if any single one of them was half decent-looking.
Face like a bag of spanners
Uncle Adolf would have given her a medal.
Get To Fuck.
Well looking at other stuff I find this bloke has out done everyone, Not surprisingly he is in fact the leader of some weird sect that he has invented but, get this, limitless wives and he has them on rotation so having 37 wives in a que, None of that “got a headache” shit.
Mind you 94 kids might be problematic.
another 6 kids and he’ll win a prize! (a telegram from the Pope perhaps?)
94 kids sounds a tad Private Jap’sEye
Another fast-breeding species, native to the US….
”Meghan wants to spend the first three months post-birth at home in LA with Doria and bond with the baby away from prying eyes.
“It’s the place she calls home, after all, which she says is vital for her mental health.”
To which I can only add, “WHAT mental health?”
Away from prying eyes?
Away from the British press calling out the Markle creature for what she is!
Old Megs wants the “prying eyes” but she wants the fawning, pontificating “prying eyes” that the LA paparazzi will afford her.
The Duchess of Puke Street! Cunt!
Mystic Komodo predicts that the spawning event will be after October 2020 when the weather is much nicer in LA than it is here. Mystic Komodo also notes that the San Andreas Fault has built up a lot of stress which could let go any time now.
And so the gradual parting of the waves (in terms of royal official duties and all that bollocks) begins!
She wants to fuck off to LA for mental health reasons. And what after 3 months she decides she’s still not ready to return? Give her another 3 months, 6 months, a year?
Harry, the fuckwit surely must of saw this coming; and now its about to happen he really needs to make a few decisions (one of which will be whether he stays in the UK or moves in with her? If he does the former will that means lots of flying from A to B, thus fucking up the environment?)
What a tangled web of bollocks these young fucked up woke Royals weave.
Presumably they’re Mormons or equivalent weirdos. They look too clean to be Catholics, too normal to be Mudslimes, and too happy to be Anglicans.
Well, if they’d been Kyle sc|_|m, where the kids were the product of a single skank and lots of different “Uncles”, then I’d be up for this cunting.
As it is, they are a single family unit – albeit a huge one – and the patriarch of the family is earning.
Sure, when you boil it down to pure economics then the state is probably forking out far more that it attracts from their taxes but – if the work ethic is transferred to their kids – the will have produced multiple worker units also paying tax.
Also our indigenous population is shrinking (in deference to unwanted imports) so in that respect they’re helping out. Overpopulation is NOT a UK problem, ours is a shrinking populace and yet the numbers still grow. Why?
Finally, I cannot cunt this family because even if they are taking out from the system more than they are putting in, at least it’s not going to a Parking Stanley “Mo’s mob” and his future family of blowy-up cockroaches that want to turn this country into such havens as Karachi and Islamabad!
Fuck that!
The photo, I’m not sure if the people are related. Publicity stunt? A police line up?
There’s only one person wearing with glasses.
“Hey random person off the street do you want to earn 50 quid? Pose for a photo”.
Stop making babies or bake them in a pie.
Hilary Briss from League of Gentleman and his ‘special stuff’.
Don’t forget the cost to the NHS for the dads future double hip replacement.
I seriously believe that women like this are mentally unwell. I take aim at HER as she is the one getting knocked up and carrying these children, like some rampant desperado who is filling some kind of need in her life to consistently spawn children.
My suspicion is that women like this just cannot bear the thought of never being pregnant again and that both pregnancy and the whole ‘baby stage’ of having a child are like fucking crack cocaine to them.
Frankly, I find it pathetic.
There is zero reason to have 22 children. ZERO. This country is overpopulated as it is without some cunt and her rampant wanker husband knocking out kids like it is going out of fashion. I don’t care if they are financing it themselves. They are still getting child benefit and taking money away from the NHS and other vital services. Having 22 fucking children IS NOT VITAL. Not to mention the cost to the NHS in pre and postnatal care every time the assholes decide to create yet another life.
A back story to this is that both of these cunts were given up for adoption at birth. Freud would have a fucking field day based alone on that very relevant fact. After baby number 9, the overworked old cock had a vasectomy. HE LATER HAD IT REVERSED so they could have more kids. I would bet a lot of money (if I had any) upon whose instigation THAT happened.
Both of these cunts need to find something better to do with their free time. Where will it end? When they outgrow even the ten-bedroom house that they are already in to the point where they require a fucking tower block or hotel to house their offspring?
There are infertile couples in this world who would be grateful just to have one child, let alone 22. If that floppy vagina loves pregnancy so much, she should fucking help people like that, not herself yet again.
Fanny like a ripped out fire place comes to mind.
I agree with your every word, Nurse. I have nothing but contempt for people who are convinced that the world won’t keep turning unless it’s got their descendants walking upon it.
Child benefits should only be paid for the first two kids. Anyone who invents a reason for having more than that, they should pay themselves instead of expecting other people to fork out.
‘Fraid I’m with the Rebel on this one, there is an element of selfish cuntery going on for sure but I simply cannot bring myself to cunt the arrival of another white child. I’m not concerned at this point with the production of a more ‘prosperous’ society or a ‘fairer’ society or a more ‘integrated’ society or even a ‘happier’ society; my only concern is the restoration of a normatively white society and the rest will follow from that sine qua non.
“Child benefits should only be paid for the first two kids”
Nope, such benefit should be allocated solely to the assistance, maintainence and viability of WHITE families at a level sufficient such as to encourage the attainment of replacement reproduction levels. Furthermore if I was the minister with portfolio they would not be payable to non-white families under any circumstance.
“But Cunty, they pay tax so they have a right to all the bene…”
Fuck off! No amount of tax take can offset the damage being done to the national psych by the looming existential sense of doom that has subconsciously gripped the minds of white people as they inwardly contemplate the inevitability of their own democide
I don’t give a fuck how much fucking tax a migrant family has paid or will pay in tax revenue (which let’s face it is unlikely to be recoverable by the time they hit majority and their usual practices of baksheesh and endemic corruption are in place).
To write the payment of Child Benefit/Tax Credits to immigrants into law is the equivalent of signalling to the world: here is a society that’s written its own legally binding suicide note and even better, has compiled its own accompanying timetable! How thoughtful of us – how fucking insane 🙁
She should take up “quilting.”
I am strongly of the belief that this is a handy euphemism for being sodomised by the local all-jacks basketball (&c.) team…
They might be cunts but at least they ain’t got any boys named Mohammed.
There is still time yet, Sir Ron.
Any more children and they will run out of names and one poor unfortunate sprog will be lumbered with it.
Well look on the bright side, if one pegs it you’ve still got 21 more of the fuckers.
On a serious note though, 22 children is just fucking stupid, who the fuck wants a full foottball match worth of kids ?
I think the gene pool hss gone /theym all 2nd gen clones
I’d rather this lot than a bunch of head banger mudslides all talking gibberish and training to make bombs.