The Leftist Education Establishment

I would like to nominate the leftist education establishment for a cunting.

No longer are our infants, juniors, adolescents and young adults “educated” they are being “indoctrinated”. Where identity is everything and knowledge is nothing. The only knowledge (in the loosest sense) you need is knowing where you stand on the totem pole of victimhood and using your “oppression” to stifle anyone elses opinion, or worse, facts.

This YouTube video (if it hasn’t been suppressed by Goolag at the time of posting) is chilling:

Scientific fact no longer matters. That is irrelevant where the intangible notions of “privilege” and “oppression” rule.

The above video/audio is from a university in the states, but we have our very own educational identity Stasi in higher education with the likes of Professor Kehinde Andrews spouting the same unfounded vitriol and bile here in the UK.

And they are not in the minority in our educational circles, they are the majority, and woe betide any teacher/lecturer who refutes or pushes back against this bullshit because that is just an example of their “privilege” and therefore should be ostracised.


“Men can give birth too!”

“Well I don’t agree with that because biologically only women can give birth.”

“That’s because of your male privilege and YOU should have no say!”


“All white people are privileged and all black people are oppressed!”

“Well I disagree with that because there are privileged black and white people, and there are oppressed black and white people. A cosmetic trait – that we can do nothing about such as skin colour – does not automatically guarantee that you will be privileged or that you won’t be oppressed.”

“That’s because of your white privilege and YOU should have no say! In fact disagreeing with me is racist!” (this an actual statement made by the black lecturer “punching down” on the “privileged” white student in the above video).


This is just madness, but the really scary thing is that the kid pushing back on this madness is on his own, the rest of the indoctrinated sheep just take it as fact.

“Space does not exist!”

“But we have telescopes – some which are in space – and thousands of years of astronomy and science which proves otherwise.”

“Space is a manufactured ‘white’ construct and ‘white’ science is just another mechanism to oppress people of colour!”

If you heard this or read this anywhere else you’d think it was a Saturday Night Live sketch poking fun at the extreme left but it isn’t, this is a debate class being held by an “educated” lecturer where you are only allowed to debate opinions that HE alone agrees with.

That is not a debate, that is a group-think echo chamber!

Don’t think about self betterment and stoicism, just think about why you’re a victim (in a place of educational privilege) and then belly-ache about how unfair shit is in your life!

What happens when these cunts exceed to the outside world? Will they be hard workers, or will they work hard on avoiding work, claiming a deluded notion of “oppression” by “the man”?

What a fucking future we have to look forward to with cunts like this being farmed out from every educational establishment in the West!



Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

79 thoughts on “The Leftist Education Establishment

  1. Let’s call it exactly what it is – brainwashing.
    At a time when holocaust deniers are prosecuted, dangerous arseholes like this should be locked up too. Or better still blasted into the space they claim doesn’t exist.
    I would suggest just ignoring morons like this, but there seems to be an ever increasing bunch of idiots willing to jump on these ridiculous bandwagons. Even at the expense of themselves.

  2. Kehinde Andrews what a cunt and Afua Hirsch what a cunt pair of race baiting fuckers ,Churchill was a racist ! Tear down the Cecil Rhodes statue at Oxford. Get rid of the St George’s flag. How’s about bollocks. Imagine the uproar if some white bloke in Nigeria or Jamaica was constantly on tv pontificating about their history and criticising their traditions . I can’t believe Kehinde Andrews is a professor he’s about as articulate as Paul Merson after he’s hoovered a bag of Charlie up his snout.

    • As it happens, Professor Kehinde Andrews was on GMTV discussing Remembrance Sunday and how – in his roundabout speak – it was basically yet another celebration of white supremacy.

      He blamed Britain for starting the 2nd world war (well we certainly declared a state of war with Germany but we certainly didn’t fucking start it) and not caring about the civilian deaths in Germany because of our bombardment of their cites (cos The Hun never bombed our cities did they).

      Anyway, after he’d spouted yet more anti-British bullshit, Bacon (I wish it had been Morgan) said (paraphrasing): “Well it’s to be sure that if the UK hadn’t stepped up, you wouldn’t be sitting where you are now, and we’d all be speaking German!”

      How true!

      Kehinde Andrews is a cunt of Abbott and Lammy combined proportions!


      • I didn’t think I could loath the cunt anymore but now you mentioned his views about remembrance Sunday all I can add is CUNT CUNT CUNT !!!!!!!

      • These pieces of shit constantly go on and on about waycism as if it’s a bad thing.
        It’s simple human nature.
        Fuck them.

  3. Brilliant cunting….
    unfortunately it’s been going on for a longtime, it’s really not something new, just nowadays it’s far more blatant!
    Going back 35 years my older brother went off to university as a reasonable well adjusted young man came back spouting absolute left wing shite…..

    • Agree – I was in higher education in 1971 and Leftist opinion dominated even then. All dates back to the 1945 post war Labour Government which was mostly well motivated imo.

      However, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions…

      • Top cunting indeed Rebel.

        I wrote a post last year under the Politically Correct Classrooms nom and think it’s worth reposting again as it’s on the subject…..,

        My Grandad started out as a maths teacher a later became a school headmaster.

        He was born in Rufford and walked 4 miles to school in Ormskirk every day from the age of 5 then would work on the family farm, I was about 10 when he told me that and I recall asking why on Earth he’d do that to which he said ‘because you just did’.

        He signed up to serve in the Army at the outbreak of WWII and was in charge of the Gunner Batterys during the Coventry blitz.

        I can only imagine how frightening that must have been.

        My grandad was a true gent who was who was rarely fazed by anything.

        Before he passed away in the late 90’s I spent an increasing amount of time with him as his health started to fail and we’d spend hours talking about his life which is when I found out about his time in the army which previously he’d never discussed.

        During that period we would often talk about his teaching career and bearing in mind he retired in 1976 I clearly remember him saying he was glad to get out when he did.

        Naturally I asked him why and he said / words to the effect ‘it all started to go wrong in 1970 when the Labour Government issued a dictat that effectively said if Jonny doesn’t want to read then Jonny doesn’t have to read, previously if Jonny didn’t want to read he got a thick ear and was made to read’.

        I never knew my Grandads politics but at a guess I’d say he was a conservative but he was of a generation where he kept his own feelings and politics to himself.

        He went on to say that if you can’t teach kids in school the difference between right and wrong through application and disciple then you were storing up huge problems for later years’

        How right he was.

        He finished off by saying ‘things are heading in a very worrying direction’ as he took a puff on his pipe and left that comment hanging in the air along with the sweet smell of vanilla tabacco.

        I wonder what my Grandad would have made of that fat cunt with the Dreads who wants kids to report other kids for not using their preferred gender pronouns.

        Cunt, probably

      • Nearly had a tear rolling that CmcC!
        Great post!?

        Like you I was very close to my grandad and would sit listening for hours to his war stories,
        They were a different breed, true men

    • Top cunting RWAC,
      I agree, we really need to have honest and open discussionsb and debates regarding ALL subjects.
      Debate is restricted to protect certain gender, races, and religious followers.
      That is bollocks…I see faults in all colour, race’s and religious types, yet to criticise them or anything remotely linked to them be it a country or trait you are instantly silenced.
      Why certain types are protected like this is ridiculous and I for one am keen to point out protective, tread on eggshells treatment the black community get.
      Why is it that a certain other type get blatant special treatment and you dare not criticise them?
      I’d feel a right pussy being protected like the school wimp.
      Fuck, piss and cunt off.

  4. Why does this story not even surprise me?
    Even IsAC is reaching the point where it’s losing the ability to shock.
    All these stories are now becoming the norm and society is slowly becoming desensitised in its capacity to react.
    But hey, that’s the intention, isn’t it?

      • Greetings Black and White. Yeh, just about recovering from a dose of flu but getting there. Keep believing. It’s ours this year!

      • Too right Bertie…it’s got to be. Loved smashing Citeh the other day. Pep running around shouting ‘Two times, two times’ he has lost the plot.
        Klopp is the Man.

  5. Top cunting RWAC,
    I agree, we really need to have honest and open discussionsb and debates regarding ALL subjects.
    Debate is restricted to protect certain gender, races, and religious followers.
    That is bollocks…I see faults in all colour, race’s and religious types, yet to criticise them or anything remotely linked to them be it a country or trait you are instantly silenced.
    Why certain types are protected like this is ridiculous and I for one am keen to point out protective, tread on eggshells treatment the black community get.
    Why is it that a certain other type get blatant special treatment and you dare not criticise them?
    I’d feel a right pussy being protected like the school wimp.
    Fuck, piss and cunt off.

      • My little black and white granddaughter has assured me that I’ll be one of the whiteys who’ll be saved!

      • Good to hear Bertie…
        When I am am installed ‘Dictator of the Commonwealth’ I’ll be nice to whites and Black’s… everyone else can fuck off. ?

      • I’m sure I’ll be understanding MNC, my whitey family come from Liverpool, Bury way. Can’t forget me roots and culture.

  6. Seems in the current age Black’s and Four by Two’s are the untouchables.
    No criticism and must get constant recognition and apologies…
    Well I’m half black and they can all fuck off.
    What happened in the past…is in the past.
    No special treatment,
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana, 1905).

      ?Hiya B&WC ?

      • There is remembering and learning from the past and then there is being force fed guilt, giving people special treatment and handicapping any reasonable criticism of people or countries because of the past.
        I agree we have to learn from past atrocities but surely everyone’s man enough to be criticised. (The Gay excluded obviously).

      • “I dont care they stole my idea
        I care they dont have any of theyre own.”
        Nikola Tesla
        Robbed by Edison! Poor fucker,
        Google his image hes the dead spit of Ron mahl from Sparks!

      • The word ‘brave’. They had a same sex couple dancing on Strictly. In the opening sequence, not the contestants. But this was a ‘brave’ innovation *it said.
        What was also ‘brave’ was the lead dancer (in the male same sex couple) lifting his partner over his head. That was literally a ‘brave’ dancing move *they said.

        *The Sun.

        So much bravery on display today. We’ve got nothing to worry about.

      • Oh dear, I can picture it now.
        Where is society going.
        Give it another 10 year’s and everything will be normal.

      • *sniff*, gawd bless those brave warriors; fair brings a tear to your eye to know that men hewn from solid oak like this stand ready in our hour of need. Hip Hip!

  7. I hated the leftie teachers at school.
    “Just call me james ” fuck you.
    Patronising cunts, liked fuckin with them, even at age 12 to 16yr could smell out a phony.
    Preferred the stricter old school ones,
    Remember one banging on about being working class, least working-class person id ever seen!
    They hated the fact us young lads would shave our heads and wear 14hole doc martens, it offended them!

    ‘You look like thugs, skinheads!”

    Long as it makes you hysterical ‘James’
    Wanna see me salute an click my heels?
    Art school wankers.

    • In the Art Department, when I went to skool, we had 5 teachers, they were all fucking hippies, if they had instruments and stood together you’d think it was a Fleetwood Mac tribute act….
      Apologies to the real Fleetwood Mac, they were great….well some of their stuff.

      Peter Green…..brilliant!!

      • Alrite KC?
        Peter Green mentioned on here recently and Blunty put on a link for ‘Tusk’ by Fleetwood Mac, ?
        Yeah we had a hippy art teacher who gave me an my mate bad marks,
        Id been previously seen as ‘gifted’ with art and attended classes for kids with a aptitude for art, my mate was the most gifted 15yr old artist ive ever seen, miles better than I was!
        Her artwork was shite,
        So why the bad marks for 2 little council estate lads?
        Never trust a hippy.

      • Not bad MNC…?
        Cunts in the Art Dept. fuckin hated me , probably cause I had an opinion that differed from theirs, had the ole 14 highs as well with yellow laces too, haha…

        Was meant to sit my O Level art and never turned up…Cunts were raging, said I would have done well.
        Fuck ’em, dont regret a thing.

      • Bastards even used to put my artwork on the walls as inspiration to others…..used to tell me to stand out in the corridor after about 20 mins into the class…

        Stole all the Indian ink to boot…??

      • Hehe, i spent hrs on a pencil piece of a sparrowhawk in flight, photorealistic,
        Fuckin slaved over it!
        Most adults would of said “thats fuckin great that kid! See pinpoints of light in eyes!” This cunt confiscated it!
        Meant to be doing still life bowl of fruit!
        Never been so angry, the injustice! Haha
        Told her to ‘fucking give it back Now!”
        Had to get 2 male teachers to get me out the class, was fuckin livid!
        Anyway some tight cunt slashed all her tyres on her citroen cv later that day.
        An even now as a adult 35yrs later, if i met her id still kick her to fuckin death while screaming “wheres my sparrowhawk cunt?”?

      • Fuckin hell, MNC, just had a memory recall about our Woodwork class, Bastard teacher hated me and my mates, Cunt was always out for a fag, so one day when we were getting taught how to use a lathe, we made a big wooden cock.

        Shoved it up the Cunts exhaust pipe of the car that he so proudly parked outside the Woodwork Dept.

        Fucking Cunt.

      • Hehehe!
        We had a few good uns (teachers) tended to be the older ones,
        We had a English teacher who was good at impressions and could be sidetracked easy, he was a massive fan of the cop show “Hill street blues” remember that?
        Get him talking about that, whole fuckin lesson was about Hill street blues! Haha
        No wonder I cant spell!?

  8. And all this bullshit under a “conservative” government that either refuses to do anything about it or as with the green bollox are perfectly prepared to go along with it. Cunts all round.

  9. Without a doubt the most frightening portent of our times in that learning has been usurped by education, an education in group think and the ideology of the liberal left alone. You can see the consequences in the conflict between the two groups of protagonists in Hong Kong, on one hand you have HK students who go through one of the most stringent learning processes in the world and the opposing forces represented by those slavishly following the dictats of the Chinese Communist Party whose education system runs concurrent with Communist Ideologue. So in this country and many other western countries it is not possible to be educated by a singular political party but you can sure as hell get a remorseless torrent of the liberal left to the exclusion of any other view point and be silenced if dare even start to question it, truly frightening

  10. I’m abaaaht to watch Poirot…got some jerk chicken and chips in the oven.
    Go fuck yourselves. ???

    • Afternoon B&W, it was the upper class, privileged , white racist man that done it! Kehinde Andrews said so.

      • Damn it LL, you’ve ruined an afternoons viewing. Not surprised it was the wicked whitey,
        Phwoar the women dressed with class back in those days.
        I bet a lot tongues up arseholes was going on on the 1930’s.

  11. Good cunting. Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence. These fuckers don’t like facts.

  12. I watched the video, there is no argument against that stupid cunt, he just says everything is white, even the black astronauts who went to space.

    Must be something to do with zero gravity!

    White light, White Power!!!

  13. Increasingly I feel left behind by society.

    It seems to me that all the values and advice instilled in me by my parents who were born just before and during WWII now appear to count for shit.

    I’ve had the misfortune to spend several hours in the Trafford Centre today and as a result am feeling utterly obnoxious.

    I used to think that the worlds greatest People Watchers Paradise was Blackpool where every freak you could think of would be on show but not anymore it would seem.

    Then it occurred to me just imagine being locked up for 20 years and coming out without any support whatsoever having left behind what you already though was a mad world……

    That’s exactly what happened to my Great Uncle McCuntface Brooke’s……..

    • Me too CMcC
      I’ve just wasted Sunday afternoon trying to get into my technosavvy internet bank account. Not aided by the sudden realisation that my phone (marginal signal) had filled up with texts and would no longer accept the new access code. This was followed by an hour or two finding out how to bulk delete my correspondence for the last few years, and I am still locked out of internet banking.

      The one glimmer of hope was that I won’t need to buy a new phone – none are now available which do not contain a camera, a flashlight, MP3 player, Bluetooth and a selection of games even if you don’t buy the full monty – with an even more impenetrable manual than the one I’ve got.

      Sorry. I had to share.

  14. Underlying all this is something deeper, perhaps. The breakdown of discipline, both moral and academic. The free-associating lunatics have taken over the intellectual asylum. If the only way to get students’ paying bums on seats is to offer soft Arts courses which propagate opinion rather than testable facts, then it’s past time the whole system was shaken out. The kind of cunt lecturer who amplifies the uninformed opinions of his idiot students rather than sitting heavily on them will be in the second quota against the wall after the politicians, who remain a priority.

    • There’s something of the feel of free-fall about it to me; like we’re teetering on the edge of a precipice of utter fuckwittery we’ll never be able to claw our way back from.

      • Was just thinking the same thing. I imagine we will arrive at the state where we have sell the country to Trump. Or Branson. Or Philip Green. Here some the asset-strippers.

      • ?
        This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
        This is the 51st state of the U.S.A.
        This is the 51st state of the U.S.A. ?

      • Blimey, a The The reference – don’t get many of those to the pound these days!

    • “Underlying all this is something deeper, perhaps. The breakdown of discipline, both moral and academic.”You’ve nailed it in two sentences K!

  15. This topic has sat with me for a while. At the ripe old age of 21 I’ve had the great fortune of having to deal with this lunacy whilst studying at Sixth Form. Now, I’ve never witnessed it to that degree but watching that video reminded me of many occasions where the teachers or brainwashed students would spout out dribble about how I was “Racist” or “Privileged” because of my opinion and I would often argue back that I was just as equal as they were due to many reasons like the fact we had been educated in the same way, in the same country, by the same teachers. I developed my own views and decided to write about them. We were in the same class and I was entitled to my own opinion but no! Not in the education system! If it’s not in the text book or part of the teachers narrative then you’re out of luck and labelled as the white misogynistic racist with a hint of patriarchal privilege. If you’re willing to challenge the views you’re being force fed then you’re automatically going to receive flak and find it harder in class because you’ve got the opposing view. Even if facts are presented to us, people choose to ignore them and point the finger at other reasons as to why they are that way. People are being taught to live in a blame culture where no one takes responsibility for their actions.
    In the end, I just started to agree with them to get me through the exams and get the hell out of there because it was pointless trying to reason with them.
    Funny thing is, the girl who hated my guts because she was adamant that I was racist ( she had a black boyfriend at the time ) is now a University drop out and a single teen mum.
    She’ll really hit the victim button now!
    The thought police will be round soon boys.

    • Throw their facts back in their face very often economic facts and outcomes give the lie to their preaching, for that is what it is just a repetitive monologue, seeking self affirmation from a compliant student body. Realize it might be more difficult at a younger age, but thankfully you’ve not lost the unquestioning attitude, for that is their one fear a reasoned solid argument that they are wrong

    • All is not quite lost if there are still 21-year-olds like you. Great comment, and (so to speak) it’s from the horse’s mouth. Hope you succeed in life.

  16. If only the students would shoot or stab teachers/lecturers like this mother fucker rather than each other. There is no hope with cunts like this being allowed into the education system.

  17. Pol Pot and his likes had the right idea following a takeover, kill the “intelligencia”, the University Professors etc, the teachers who taught shit and so on.

    Alright , a bit extreme, but it has some merit.

    • I don’t think Pol Pot encouraged a diversity of opinion, rather his time was spent on wholesale re education on a very narrow dogma

      • No disrespect to you Evening, Dead Kennedys just popped into my nut…..
        If you do away with the Intelligentsia then you’re fucked….
        If Conditions apply, we can all grow Magic Beans, climb the stalk, kick fuck out of a Giant and Liberate a Goose that lays golden eggs…

  18. You’re a bit late to the party. The Left are absolutely insane, internecine idiots demagogueically dedicated to their self-destruction through the self-imposition of Eees Lamb, all paid for by the ophidian hands of their overlord Soros. It’s far, far too late to do anything about it, by virtue of birth rates alone. If you’re not ‘one of them’ you can either prepare to prostrate yourself and pay your crippling kaffir tax, or else move to one of the few European countries that aren’t putting up with this invasion of literal faeces in human form.

  19. “Ok Johnny. What’s 1+1?”

    “Er, is it 2 Miss?”

    “No, the real answer is: why does it matter? Everything is free in SwinsCorbLand, and therefore counting is irrelevant. It’s ‘Zey’ by the way Johnny not ‘Miss’!”

    “Yes Miss, sorry Miss – I mean Zey! But my Dad says that he has to work 80hrs a week in 4 days so that his 15% cut of his wages is enough to feed us each day. I don’t think he believes everything is free Miss, I mean Zey?”

    “Firstly it’s ‘sperm unit’ not ‘Dad’ and should be addressed as ‘they’ and not be gender specific. I have reason to believe that you are being mentally abused at home and that is because secretly you identify as female. Please take these puberty blockers immediately and when you get home tell the sperm unit that you are now called Jemima and identify as a woman. Please let us know if they dead-name you because that way we can have the sperm unit executed under new hate laws, and I for one would think that is best for everyone, don’t you?”

    “Yes Miss, I mean Zey. One last question Miss, sorry, Zey.”

    “Yes what is it?”

    “Will you be home for tea tonight, or should I get Dad – sorry they – to keep you some for later?”


    Today’s stupidity, tomorrow’s reality!


    • Jesus!
      Hello Jason!
      You well mate?
      Not been swearing have you? ?
      Good to see you back!?

  20. My experience with professional feminists is limited to college in the early noughties when a mature student debated her on a wuestion of nature vs nurture. Her responses were ‘you wouldnt say that about black people!’ and ‘I have a Ph.D!’.
    He wasnt impressed and said neither are relevant to the point he was making (about sex differences). Not only she walk out of the seminar but quit her post, followed by two acolytes after the head of department backed up my friend’s position.

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