I am going to cunt the Irish Question.
Firstly a little background info ex HMF and living with a an Irish failed Catholic 1st generation.
Now Ireland like Kurdistan has been abused by enemy’s of the UK, Kraiser bill ran guns to them during the first world war, Hitler did pretty much the same to the independent Ireland during world war two.
Now we have this shit going on, Ireland failed, I am sorry but that fact, when collins asked for the support of the British army to quell any opposition after the uprising he admitted the division and failure.
Now again the border is an issue, the eu insists that we should put in measures contra to the good Friday agreement (a thing that I do not like).
Now why should we do this on their insistence?
It would seem that the boggy man of the eu on Ireland is the recommencement of civil (its not trust me) war.
Factually I have worked with both sides of the border and the south hierarchy are happy without the prod problem, on the north well things have changed, drastically changed (in the 90s things “turned around”).
The loyalist paramilitary’s now out gun the IRA, NIRA, and PIRA with the opening of the once closed eastern European market they are armed to fuck.
I dont say this as a threat, fact is when I was knocking round in the Balkans IRA buyers were popping up because their freebies were stopped, The UDA had lets say more financial fire power.
This is going to be interesting and currently the EU is going to start the fire
Nominated by lord benny
Top o the mornin!
Oirish question?
To be sure, arm the loyalists and slaughter the IRA,
Oh an westlife, slaughter them too.
There you go ,solved!!
To be sure and begorrah to yer MNC. Funny old bunch ain’t they, especially those pie key vermin that pretend to be gypsies so they dont have to pay any tax
Dags? You like dags?
Fucking hate pikeys.
I thought the P-word got you on the naughty list!! Fair play, will use it in future
You are getting it mixed up with Jehovah.
Ah! Thanks admin
I wasn’t specifically using a naughty word. More “quoting a famous film line”.
Good old Jason Statham!
Still, fucking hate pikeys ??.
Far as I can see a portion of the population likes to sing sectarian songs and kill people.
The only solution I can see is a rejection of murder and intimidation on both sides.
It won’t happen.
The mrs found out she was 80% Ulster Irish on ancestry.Never been anywhere near the place. I bet half the Oirish are from Wolverhampton..Fucking Micks .Pain in the fucking arse. Cunts.
What are they going to do when half the population want to go and “free” Kashmir?
“Never been anywhere near the place”.
Sounds like it might be time for your wife to ask her mother if the milkman spoke with a Belfast accent?.
Good Morning
I can’t understand the problem with the Northern Irish border. It should be simple to resolve with ANPR. (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Besides it is not a problem for HMG it is the EU who want to protect their ‘single market’ not the U.K. wanting to protect our market from the EU. If and when we’ve left we won’t give a flying fuck about the single,arket.It is their problem not ours.
Not sure how ANPR will help. All it will show is which vehicles are moving around, it won’t show what is inside the vehicles. It will be easy to get around too – they will just use Northern Irish registered vehicles.
Then you take a copy of the truck manifest and register it. Occasional spot checks should suffice.
The thing is, even at the height of the troubles the border has always been leaky,
Good point, that could work, certainly beyond anything we have at the moment.
I reckon an almost foolproof system would be customs checks on vehicles coming into the island of Great Britain from the island of Ireland (north and south). Place them in Stranraer, Fishguard, Liverpool etc, wherever the entry point is. I really can’t imagine there is that much traffic from the EU or beyond travelling on those routes.
Hello Robin
Why is it that the problem is the Northern Irish border when there are no checks ( not even passports at Rosslare to Pembroke ) on the other points of entry.
There’s a lot of Irish registered lorries on our roads (and other EU countries) not paying a penny towards upkeep and with 2,000 litre fuel tanks so that they don’t even have to fill up in the UK. That’s something that needs addressing.
I suppose there are no checks at the moment because both Ireland and the UK are part of the EU, so no checks needed.
The only way to address the points you raise will be the imposition of some sort of tax on foreign vehicles entering the UK, which at the moment we can’t legally do.
I am so confused about what is best – on the one hand, there are so many advantages to remaining in the EU – none of these issues will be a problem, for instance. On the other hand, I fucking hate the EU with every fibre of my being, and truly believe that, after a transition period, we could really thrive outside of it.
The EU and the Republic are playing with fire in stocking divisions over the border solely to trap the UK. Douglas Trimble says the Backstop is a breach of the GF Agreement and Protestant sensibilities are cast aside and ignored. NI is a powder keg and the EU/ Republic are currently holding a lighted match over it. It’s not the fault of Brexit – with goodwill and common sense these problems could have been diffused before they rose their ugly head. The EU and the Republic of Ireland are cunts.
That is putting it very mildly.
But accurately
I must admit to being completely in the dark with the “Irish Problem” – all too fucking confusing for my tiny brain to deal with. All I do know is there’s lots of acronyms flying around, all of them seem to be splinter groups of other acronyms and all fighting for different things on different sides.
I have no answer, therefore I am just a thick ignorant cunt on this topic.
Perhaps Lilly Allen will have all the answers as she seems to be the all knowing guiding light of everything?
Lord Benny,
You forgot about the OIRA, RIRA, CIRA, 32CSM, Oglagh Na H’Eirann, etc etc etc.
There are so many splinter organisations who would love to use the weapons which, allegedly, have been put beyond use. And most of them will, almost certainly, know where the weapons are.
And don’t forget the UFF. That one totally blindsided me!,
“We believe in an independent ulster outside of the union!”
Judian peoples front……..
And ELO, them cunts are always scrapping with the KLF
I would like to see two referendums, in which every adult in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should be allowed to vote:
1. Should Scotland be an independent country.
2. Should Northern Ireland be handed back to the Republic of Ireland.
I would be very happy indeed if this time next year Great Britain consists of England and Wales.
Then again, referendums aren’t worth the paper they are written on, apparently.
I think we all know how the votes would go…. fucking hell, the look on the old sturgeon witches face would be priceless
Give Northern Ireland to the Republic and let them sort their own shitshow out.
Save the British taxpayer a colossal fortune that can wisely be spent on some other idiotic cuntery.
Fuck off.
Fuck off. Northern Ireland is British and that is how it will stay.
Import some Mayo men to give directions to the checkpoints. ‘You see the Post Office on the left?’ ‘Yes?’ ”That’s not the way, nowhere near it, turn right and follow the road round’ Yes?’ It’s a dead end so double back and continue on until you come to the roundabout’ ‘Yes?’ Go on the roundabout and at the second left…”Yes?’ ‘Take the third right’
If the Eu are kicking up such a stink about the border let the Eu send in Johnny euro troops to man the border… we walk away and it becomes there problem…
Fuck the Irish, religious bigots, minds closed to everything except what happened in some battle centuries ago. Fucking brain-dead idiots. There’s nothing wrong with Ireland that two or three nuclear bombs wouldn’t put right. As long as the radioactive fallout moves west, that’ll do me.
You notice there is no fuss about the border with Gibraltar.
I don’t think Gibraltar is involved in the good friday agreement! It has been a British territory since 1713. If the Spanish want it back they can fuck right off.
No problem yet !, I forsee in further EU trade negotiations that it will become so, particularly with the Spanish and their wish for continuation of access to our fishing areas, and they have history in periodically choking the border crossing regardless of EU free movement
The one thing that has always struck me with the Irish on both sides, is. they certainly know their history. As regards the border I am somewhat perplexed as it being such an intractable problem surely goods entering the Republic for onward shipment to the UK mainland could use those routes exclusively and vice versa and have the checks done. That would not be good business for hauliers in the North admittedly. The border between the Republic and the North as regards trade would become a more localised trade zone even more than it is now mainly concerned with agriculture and so be concerned with health and animal welfare issues more than potential loss of customs revenue. The border with goodwill on both sides could be easily solved, it has just been politicised to move reunification up the agenda, also a non existent border has aided criminal activity taking advantage of differing rates of duty on fuel etc , which I thought was the responsibility of government to prevent regardless, then we come onto free movement of people, anybody going about their lawful business can’t really object to some form of ID checks in order to supress criminal activity and illegal entry, not that the UK Border Agency has a good record on that, surely the most inept arm of government there is
According to Lav Doonican, “The burning question of the day was Rafferty’s motor car.”
Accept no alternatives !