A limp-wristed cunting please for not only the condition, which is not a lifestyle choice, but which is used as a career move by many, for the 3 “great” institutions which do so much to promote it:

Yes, the busy-bodying old wimmin of both genders who squat their raddled arses on the green benches now wish to demand the NHS asks all it’s patients as to whether or not they are homosexual. The fact this might deter some people from coming forward for treatment seems not to cross their lady-like minds, or the fact that many people would not wish to give such information. Just because homosexuality is almost compulsory these days if you are a white male who wishes to be an MP, it is still not quite as common elsewhere.

Of course the BBC love these sort of stories as it ties in with their obsession of employing very unfunny wimmin comedians (in last evenings Wireless 4 “comedy” at 6.30 The Museum of Curiosity – which is a real curates egg of a programme – the woman guest had hardly been introduced before she was telling anyone who might be listening that she has a child with her girl-friend (poor little bastard). This trick has lost it’s shock value since the days when beefy Sargent Major Sandi Toksvig presented the News Quiz for several years and never failed to mention at least once each week she was a lezzie. I bet Lord Hall has a very interesting DVD porn collection.

One of the BBCs great concerns is that homosexual men seem more at risk of anal cancer – do they really need a diagram drawn as to why that might be the case?

There was no doubt a case for greater tolerance in the pre-Wolfenden days when men could go to prison for something they had no control over – I accept sexuality is a born rather than learned condition, but the pendulum long ago swung in the opposite direction, but no doubt this will encourage The Reverend Underpants (Chris Bryant), the Boles creature and Russell-Moyle, Kyle, Streeting and Bradshaw – some very publicity conscious pansy MPs to strut their stuff again to tell us how hard done by they are and demand compulsory ring-piece inspections and insist they are allowed to watch.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

85 thoughts on “THE GAYNESS

  1. Oh ducky darling! Nice shoes sweetie,
    If the nhs ask me if im a bandit im saying yes!!
    Theyll be down for special treatment, straight to front of the queue an im joining em, with the bonus that ill be allowed to eat french fancies in bed and wont have to burn in hell with them. Super duper!??

  2. I’ll not be asking, that’s for fucking sure. I don’t bother with the ethnicity or religion box, either. When challenged on my last Learning Development shift about this, I just replied:

    ‘Why should it matter or affect the treatment I give’?

    No reply, as The Beatles sang.

    • The last time I filled out one of those stupid forms I identified myself as a disabled Chinese lesbian. Nobody ever said a thing about it?

      • Now that the Univershitties state that we can self -define; today I am a wheelchair-bound trans Inuit. Seriously these people are waste of space cunts, with too little to occupy their small minds. Still, it makes them feel good, caring & virtuous despite there being rather more important things to deal with, such as the stealth jihad invasion, untangling us from the tentacles of the Brussels Napoleons. They’re all iron cunts with bar and oak clusters, first class.

  3. I used to know a chap, Nice bloke, into Land rover’s, Shooting very academic, wrote a number of plays and was the theatrical director for a prominent school.
    As you can imagine there are certain key indicators flagging here, but he was a decent chap, very intelligent and witty.
    About 2 years ago I got a call from his ex boyfriend telling me he had walked on to the railway tracks and stood there waiting for a freight train, you can imagine how it ends.
    I went to his funeral, when the casket came in I think I was the only one in the room who knew that the coffin was going to be full of little plastic bags.
    All rather sad, and a shit thing to do to the train driver and the poor cunts who had to go out and pick up the bits of him, That’s the only time he pissed me off a cunty way to kill yourself.

  4. W.C. Boggs,
    You seem a bit confused. At the beginning of your cunting you state that the condition is a lifestyle choice. Then, further down, you state that you accept that homosexuality is a born rather than learned condition. Two very contradicting viewpoints.

    I can never understand the argument that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. Can you honestly believe that a man who is heterosexual would willingly enter into a sexual relationship with another man? I can’t. No straight man that I know would willingly take it up the arse

    • Robin with respect I said “which is not a lifestyle choice, but which is used as a career move “.

      I meant that in order to be taken up by the BBC especially it is a good thing to be homosexual. Think Susan Calman (Scottish bulldyke) Alan Carr (effeminate queen). Calman does well out of Wireless 4 “comedy” and Carr I saw on a trailer last night mincing his way through a programme about drag queens (I thought the Boris/Steptoe match was on BBC1 and switched on at 8 to see the pansy pouting).

      In public life where would Lloyd Russell-Moyle be without his HIV and self entkitlement.

      I repeat though I do NOT believe it to be a lifestyle choice, but you can choose how you present yourself, and my feeling is that those I have named – not very well.

    • Spot on Robin. I’ve mentioned this before, but we’ve had a gay couple living next door since we moved in 18 years ago. Couldn’t hope for better neighbours… if you passed them in the street you wouldn’t have a clue as to their sexual preference.

      From what I can see, their lifestyle differs not one jot from mine and most other ‘normal’ people I know.

      And pretty damn sure they abhor the attention seeking, narcissistic, militant trans/LBQTWTF bollocks every bit as much as most Cunters posting here.

      Well, almost as much…

      • Portmeirion is riddled with the Gayness.
        One of it most famous sons is the gentleman below. Feel the Burn.

        Micky Burn (1912-2010)

        World War II hero, writer and poet.

        Burn was a British aristocrat, commando, writer and poet. Part of the famous Second World War raid on St. Nazaire, he was captured and imprisoned in Colditz. He later received the Military Cross for distinguished service.

        On being blackmailed for (illegal) gay sex in the 1950s, he went to the police who jailed the extortionists instead. He was married to Mary Brooker for 23 years and they lived in Portmeirion, where he briefly ran a mussel-farming co-operative. His book, Turned Towards the Sun, discusses his bisexuality and his affair with gay spy Guy Burgess.

      • Thanks for that Bertie. Mr Burn sounds like a top bloke. I wonder if he was resident during my stint in The Village? Me being an outsider, the mussel-farmers didn’t exactly go out of their way to socialise…

  5. The policy will be when I go to hospital a doctor or a nurse is going to ask,

    So Mr Sick do you take it up the arse?

    In the word of Onslow “Nice”

    The world is going from madness to full on lunacy

    might be a suppository on offer?

  6. Your sexual preference is completely irrelevant to the vast majority of conditions presented to the NHS. I can certainly see the point of the information if you are diagnosed with an STD, but a broken leg?

    Fine with tolerating homosexuality, can’t be helped, some of your best friends might be, etc. Similarly if you like doing it with a (consenting) pig under strobe lights in a dungeon, fine. Whatever turns you on, and sexually normal is probably hard to define. Just don’t hurt anyone or scare the horses, dammit.

    But making it a reference point for how you would like to be treated – specially – by society….fuck off. Cunts.

  7. Do you get better treatment if you admit your a Nancy boy , is that the reason they want to ask ?. Make sure those dirty Hetro Cis white males are the last to be offered treatment.

    Have to make sure the lest privileged gay, Brown and black folk get to use the limited resources that have been mainly built up by the evil white Hetros hard-earned taxes.

  8. Always hear from yank cunts how gay Canada is but honestly I don’t see alot of gay people here. Although I am fucking surrounded by Philippians,ME Indians, Canadian Indians, and the Chinese and all those nationalities are fairly hostile to the gayness but very few gays that I see

    I think yank cunts are projecting probably more gays in yankland, mind you Ontario and BC are filled with the gayness apparently

    admin note

    You provoked me!

    • You’re lucky Titslapper…they are everywhere here shouting and demanding that their lifestyle is regarded as normal by decent folk.

      • Classic Monty clip admin Like I said British columbia… Only queers, asians, druggies and lumberjacks live there

        I mean you have to be a poof to afford to live there basically youre taking it up the arse one way or another the cost of living in BC is unbelievably high. Lots of chinese in BC, China mostly owns BC the way I see it

        We enacted gay marriage laws in the 70’s which is mostly the reason we have such a gay friendly image i think but fucked if i know I don’t go out much anyway to see much gayness

        Admin are worldly individuals

  9. Anal cancer…the new hope of cleansing the world of the Gay… HIV is useless as the bastard’s have controlled it so they bum bareback.
    Anyone donating to Cancer Research please request that none of your donation goes to Anal Cancer research.
    I wish a party would say in their manifesto that they’ll tax the Gay twice as much to pay for their HIV treatment. It’s not fair that we have to pay for these faggot’s treatment because they like a shit stained knob.
    Piss off.

  10. I think the Police who are Gay should wear a rainbow badge…oh sorry most do anyways.
    The Gay Policeman should have Gay written above Police in his back so the unfortunate person getting arrested by a couple of Coppers can insist on being arrested by the non Gay.
    You can only imagine the delight a Gay copper gets pressing you up against the wall from behind.
    On second thoughts the Gay should be banned from the Police.

    • I’ve been in a situation with a gay traffic cop slyly wheeling his office chair so he could get right up close to me; I’d only gone along to see the video of my alleged traffic offence.
      They should be provided with a pink flashing light strapped to the top of their head.

  11. I refuse to tick ANY of these boxes as they are discriminatory and could be used to target us. I write “none of the above” or the box I will tick is “other”, let the cunts pick the bones out of that.

  12. The Gay is a creature that demands attention..from the top of their bouffant wig d own through their heavily made-up faces past their pearl necklaces down their ball-gowns to their suspenders and stockings finally to their twinkly high heels…everything screams (in a booming baritone) ” Look at me,Ducky,aren’t I just devinnnneee!!”

    The Gay will have have been a demanding child but discovered,with the indulgence of his failing parents,that the easiest way to get attention was to become A Gay.Nobody is born Gay,it is a choice caused by a mental illness.Personally, I think that we should stop paying foreign aid money and instead divert the funds to try and find a cure for the poor afflicted Gays. There would be massive savings to be made for the NHS if a cure could be found…no more tricky hamster-removal operations for a start. The Gay himself would,of course,be far happier as a straight man…no more tricky hamster-removal operations for a start.

    We owe it to The Gays and ourselves to try and find a cure for their illness before rampant knob-jockeying spreads any further and ruins the lives of many more
    poor souls.

    • Morning Mr Fiddler, A very true statement…I have been using your term ‘The Gay’ and thought I’d give it the recognition it deserves as a way of describing those most debauched of humans.
      I can’t help but think the Gay when at school we’re allowed to get out of PE, Rugby, Football and any manly encouraging sports, so they could compare nail varnish with Tracy and try on dresses in the toilets.
      I agree something needs to be done,
      We are still awaiting your written piece on the Gay causing spunk eating rectal worm.

      • Morning,

        I am the most tolerant and accepting of people as you know B+WC. However,I do feel the Gay Problem is getting out of hand. The Gays are not just out of the closet,they are bashing normal mens’ back doors in…we must find a cure….and when we’ve cured that we can move on to offering the Dark keys some kind of skin-bleaching treatment on the NHS…I just know that would make them far happier and less stabby.(the fried chiggun industry may take a bit of a hit,but I feel sure that as Whities they will soon develop a taste for pizza or curry…fine English cuisine).

        Just think how much less bigotry and hate we will have in the World when my ideas are implemented.

        🙂 .

      • A most excellent Idea DF, the dark darkey is sometimes jealous/envious of my fairer complexion and I’m treated like royalty in Jamaica.
        I could show and educate the Blackies on how to be a gentleman with fine taste and you could reeducate the whities who are obsessed with becoming or looking black.

      • Hey b&w c wha gwan now when you say to stop /prevent de whiteman as identifying as a black man /do you mean in these times we am in now/i&i respect that you must know that when christ say him return he will come in a new name/and his new name will be dreadful amongstthe heathen /seen good cos me no dip on the blacks man or the white mans side me dip on gods side the man who create me who cause me to come from flesh&blood

      • Spunk Eating Rectal Worm is rife in Cardiff; it’s even on the menu at a lot of restaurants, as they are so well-fed.

      • Yeh thats ok but theres a difference betweenthese people today who m white going on black!i aint in that majority as u know /rasta isnt a cultural thing its a reality .you have to be strong no drugs/gambling ^alchohol etc

      • As names go according to twelve tribes were in this month tribe of gad.bob as you know is joseph(aquarian)

  13. In other news that hilarious Comedian David Baddiel has caused a Twitter storm by saying the way Cuntbyn pronounced ‘Epstein’ was anti sem…
    Corbyn is a cunt but cmon, what a load of bollockstein.

    • I guess Mr Baddiel like his pals Frank Skinner and Ben Elton hasn’t had a series for a while and just wants the BBC/ITV to know he is still alive and still has his razor sharp wit. Allegedly.

    • The culturally untouchable xSteins of the USA all pronounce it ‘steen’ in any case. And ‘stein’ is a German word, not a Jewish one. Baddiel’s raving again.

    • There’d be harm done if someone gave me “one up the bum”

      Morning,Lord C.

  14. Only the other evening I was engaged in learned discourse with the fair Lady Shitty Buttocks about this very subject. She of course thinks that being a raving ‘Chutney Ferret’ as she calls them, is beyond the pale, and these reprehensible creatures should be burned alive for even daring to admit their blatant poofery! Of course, these things are as nought, to me, though I did recount a tale that dates back to my days in the service of Her Majesty. There was a rumour on the base concerning two Royal Engineers who had allegedly been caught in flagrente dilecto! While driving an officer to Knightsbridge he raised the subject and asked if I knew anything about it? Feeling rather frisky I told him that the whole base had been infiltrated by raving homosexualists and we were all in peril. Upon asking if I was prepared to impart this knowledge I said ‘Well Sir, I’m not, but I’m not sure about my boyfriend! And if you want me to name names, it will cost you a blowjob!’ I’ve never seen anyone’s face pale so quickly, and despite my howls of laughter and assurances that I was as straight as a die, he refused to engage in anymore chit chit, and reported me to the Colonel.

  15. As far as nature is concerned, the butthole is a tunnel designed for one-way traffic only.

    Many straight men (myself included) have ‘holidayed in Greece’ with their lovely lady partners. It is OK now and again, but I do prefer the lady’s front bottom any day.

    I really can’t see the attraction of inserting anything up the old poo-chute.

    • Now and again is right. You have to give them time to revert back to their normal shape. So I’m told.

    • Interesting. The missus likes to holiday regularly in that part of the world, thinks it’s kinky. I’m not complaining myself.

      • Evening CTC.
        The musical works of Zappa & The Mothers (along with Hendrix, Beefheart, Love, etc) had a huge impact on me as a 14 year old in 1967. His ’60s work in particular is sublime.

      • I was born in 74 but was a massive Alice Cooper fan in my younger days (his ’70s stuff, not the soft rock shit he started on after that), Zappa signed them to his label so I branched out into him as well

      • ? Yup – I was a big fan of Alice Cooper too, from ‘Easy Action’ to ‘Muscle Of Love’. Still have a soft spot for ‘Pretties’.

      • I’d have to put Billion Dollar Babies among my fave albums (too many to list though!)

      • Love It To Death and Killer probably my favourites. Saw them at Wembley supported by Roxy Music in 1971, ticket price £1.

      • Absolutely, Love It To Death was probably one of the first “proper” albums I bought. Doubt if the cover of a Mr R Harris’ “Sun Arise” gets much airplay now though….

    • Fair enough the first few times you give it a punt, the first time you withdraw and see a decent-sized glob of raw shit stuck to the old helmet it’s enough to take the shine off in my opinion (Germans not withstanding)

  16. According to twitter its national trans rememberance day… sweet fuck can’t go a week without seeing this stuff

    Its ironically also national childrens day start confusing the little bastards sexuality early i guess what a interesting gay Islamic future we can look forward too

  17. Well they need to round us up to provide a list to the moose limbs in exchange for aiding their political traction.

    I’ll say until I’m blue in the face. The Left is evil and insane. They want absolute power forever more, and they think that using eye slime is going to help them achieve it.

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