Stuart Potts

Stuart Potts is definitely a Cunt.

This is the piece of shit who would have been lynched earlier today, had not an unusually quick response from the police. Potts, a squatter, and serial skumbag, decided to liven up the minutes silence for Remembrance Sunday by setting a firework off above those gathered at a memorial in Salford. Obviously this did not go down well with those in attendance, who quickly bore down on the derelict pub Potts and some other dregs are calling home, and kindly requested him to join them in the street below to account for his actions.

After a heated exchange, the angry crowd attempted to gain access to the maggots but were thwarted by the timely arrival of the cozzers, who took Potts away for his own safety. What a cunt.

Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

A rocket up the arse cunting for Stuart Potts. For those wondering who the hell this is, allow me to elucidate.
Potts is the dreg who set off fireworks just as the Remembrance Day silence was about to begin in Salford. It appears that only the timely intervention of the boys in blue prevented Potts from being dragged out of the disused pub in which he was ‘squatting’ and given a good shoeing by an incensed crowd.
The Manchester Evening News reports that Potts told the police that he set off the fireworks as ‘an act of respect’. Yeah, right. The arsewipe, apparently no stranger to the justice system, could now be looking at jail time. Hopefully the abject cunt will be banged up for six months.

Nominated by Ron Knee

49 thoughts on “Stuart Potts

  1. It’s now reported that this cunt, who has 21 previous convictions, has been banged up for 16 weeks. Not long enough!!

    • Feckin autospell; really should be “hanged up,” not banged up.
      21 previous convictions and you’re out. Seems fair to me.

  2. What a dirty fucker he looks. Is this a photo of living in a caravan picking potatoes for a “living.”? Fair enough if you don’t want to wear a poppy but don’t attack people who do – like that bilious Labour MP who recently criticised the concept. Untimely, hugely disrespectful, and cunty.

    • I saw that labour mp who said poppies justify mass murder. She went on to say she shouldn’t have said it, no you stupid fuckwit you shouldn’t have even thought it.

      • If I hacked my local liebore cuntdidate to pieces (as a bonus, her name is Jo), and then said “Oooh, sorry everybody, it was a mistake, shouldn’t have done it, silly me !” I wonder what the (armed) response would be…

  3. The Manchester Evening News reports that this useless piece of shit is a ‘dad-of-four’. This country will be populated 90% by morons in fifty years. Thank fuck I won’t live to see it.

  4. Not only a cunt but a dumb cunt.

    His defence:

    I was trying to simulate a gun salute.

    Result: 16 week custodial sentence,

    Workable defence:

    I’m a trans extinction rebellion climate change trans rights activist trying to draw attention to war being a male dominated pastime.

    Result: Jeremy Corbyn and co lauding him, social media influencer status, possible OBE.

    Silly cunt, hope the screws are all ex military.

    • No joking for this one.
      What a utter piece of shite he is.
      No respect, no honour, just a benefits sponge, hope someone shanks him in strangeways.

      • Let’s hope they fuck his arse until it resembles a carrier bag full of squashed tomatoes first.

      • No joke MNC.

        Take a look at sentences being dished out daily, more the lack of them. This bloke is a disrespectful cunt and the best justice he could of faced would have been at the hands of those who went after him.

        Daily there are people walking away from courts having committed burglaries, assaults, muggings etc. In this case the justice system decided to sentence the cunt and make themselves look good due to the highly publicised nature of his crime.

        No good being tough on crime when it suits them.

      • Completely agree with you sixdog its a disgrace and needs to be completely overalled.
        Meant IM not joking on this one, its to serious to me, hes a scoundrel if the highest order doing that.
        The sites having tech difficulties its taken me ages to reply!!?

      • No joke MNC.

        Take a look at sentences being dished out daily, more the lack of them. This bloke is a disrespectful cunt and the best justice he could of faced would have been at the hands of those who went after him.

        Daily there are people walking away from courts having committed burglaries, assaults, muggings etc. In this case the justice system decided to sentence the cunt and make themselves look good due to the highly publicised nature of his crime.

        No good being tough on crime when it suits them.

      • Have you seen the videos of the mob trying to get this cunt out of the pub? They were an extremely angry bunch, I don’t have any doubt that if they had got to him before the rozzers they would probably have beaten him to death.

        Hardly a fitting punishment for what he did. He may be a disrespectful cunt who is now getting the punishment he deserves, but do you honestly think “justice……at the hands of those who went after him” would have been appropriate? Hmmmmmm

      • If people had to face the consequences of their actions most of them would think twice before being a cunt.

        So yes I do think he would of thought twice if he thought he might of received instant justice. If he would of done it anyway he would of deserved to get what he asked for!

      • Interesting responses.

        So someone lets off a firework and upsets a few peoples’ sensitivities (boo fucking hoo) we are now advocating murder? Utterly fucking insane.

        You want something to get angry about? How about those fuckers selling all those goddamned fake poppies? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the good old Royal British Legion.
        Check their financial statements sometime. In the period 2017 – 2018 they spent over £9 million on their employees (2 of the money grabbing cunts got paid over £140,000 each).
        That means that if everyone who buys a fake poppy puts £1 into the collecting tin, they have to sell 9 MILLION of the fucking things just to pay the wage bill!

        Next time you buy a poppy, remember this: you are not contributing to a charity, you are keeping a very lucrative business going, and keeping some people who are already drawing huge pensions in a very comfy lifestyle.

      • Fuck him, if you kick a dog you can expert to be bit.

        You don’t want to wear a poppy, you don’t have too.

      • Yeah as a absent father, homeless serial criminal, with no respect for people who made the ultimate sacrifice, its be a massive lose to society if some angry people who were out paying their respects lynched him.
        Id of swung on his ankles if he was lynched. Fuck him.

    • It would appear that the quality of prison officer had declined since the days of Norman Stanley Fletcher and Mr Mackay if the reports of the staff of Nottingham Prison are to be believed. Privatisation, crap pay, overcrowding and respect for the rights of inmates have combined to cause an exodus of any one with talent.

      • Overcrowded Prisons ?
        We’ll, execute the scum that deserve it. Who the fuck will miss them anyway ?

      • That is the one job I will not decry, a Prison Officer has to be possibly the most challenging and stressful job in the country and to my mind they should be paid more than the usual protagonists for extra pay namely teachers,police and nurses. The working environment and personal risk is immeasurable compared to most other jobs. (I am not a P.O. by the way)

      • Hear hear.

        I used to work with a guy whose brother had been a prison officer for over 30 years. We used to think our job was shit, but the way Prison Officers get fucked about, specifically by the management and, indirectly, the government, is nothing short of scandalous.

        Forget the scum behind bars, it is the wankers in charge who make everybody’s life hell.

  5. Parts of Salford are a crime ridden shithole, with some decent older people who have seen their area filled with the dregs of the unemployed, drug taking zombies. Also bits of it are only for the affluent. But messing with these old boys is not a bright thing to do. Just a shame the police arrived quickly. They should have crucified the cunt and told him it was Easter.

  6. But will he give two shits about being locked up?

    In fact the timing couldn’t be better because it means 3 hot meals a day, nice warm bed etc etc. And no doubt a special Christmas Dinner come Christmas Day.

    All courtesy of Mr and Mrs, and Ms and “It” Taxpayer

    • Yes Techo. That’s the irony and tragedy of it. He’ll likely see this as a bit of a holiday, the fucking skidmark.

  7. It is a pity the police didn’t leave those effected to sort it out.
    The 16 weeks in clink (probably 8 if he behaves himself) I would imagine he will regard as time well spent fed 3 times a day and his own bed.

  8. If ever there was a case for sterilisation it’s this piece of shit. I do however have a little tale of revenge to warm your hearts . It was three years ago and I was out walking the dog and I noticed a gang of pissed up feral cunts who had destroyed the wreaths on the local war memorial, over the next few weeks I noticed the same gang of malcontents had taken to fishing the same peg on a local pool ,they had obviously found a productive spot. So for the next week I started storing the hund scheisse in bags and hid them away in the shrubs and one night when they weren’t there I tipped seven days of Labrador shit in their favourite fishing peg.

  9. Amazing how the police can act so quickly to save this cunt’s skin.
    I fear the response time would be considerably more for a pensioner having the crap knocked out of them down at the local Post Office by a Potts-like low life stealing their pension.

  10. Lucky for this cunt the police were there to save him from the crowd, pieces of shit like this should be spit roasted to death by Romanian beggars, and i think it should be the law of the batton for any squatters anywhere in the world, a well deserved slap for the waster cunts…..

  11. I wonder who called the coppers……..the cowardly shitcunt himself or some snowflake dogooder? Either way they are cunts…..should have left him to be beaten to a pulp.
    I’m surprised he didn’t have Cherie Blair to defend his yewman rites but obviously the wrong colour.

  12. I don’t mind if this serial criminal sits in a prison cell for a few weeks.
    As long as an AIDS riddled rapist infected with the Gayness shares his cell.
    Or just let the veterans have him for 10 minutes.
    What a cunt.

  13. What a great example to his no doubt lovely well mannered kids who will grow up obviously to be hard working members of the community and dutifully vote labour like the rest of the feral cunts.

  14. Utter trash. Even SJW wankers dare not interfere with the sanctity of Remembrance parades. No doubt that time will come as our society bends ever more to the will of scum and various minority lefties.

  15. I bet the police wouldn’t show up as quickly if your house burgled.

    They’re cunts too

  16. Let Us Veterans Deal with this Cunt,
    and the Cunts inside that Disused Pub, In the crosshairs of an FIM-92 Stinger.
    Proper Fireworks.
    And That Face on the Front Bench of the Laybore party who’s making a claim for Expenses for a Wreath Marsha De Cordova
    How the fuck did That Face get to be an MP?

  17. No doubt these cunts come from ‘a deprived background’, so they need our sympathy and support. Wish we could start a ‘toxic femininity’ category on here.

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