RAIB (Rail Accident Investigation Branch)

The RAIB (Rail Accident Investigation Branch) are a load of finger wagging cunts.

Now, I work on the railway, so I have first hand experience of these bastards. Any time there’s an accident, they’re on the scene looking for the first person to blame. Not only that, but when there’s a suicide they actually investigate if the driver could have done more to prevent it.

Their latest blame game has come a year after the death of 28-year-old Bethan Roper, who was travelling on a GWR train to Exeter St. Davids. Bethan died when she stuck her head out of a train window. It was travelling at 75mph and a tree branch hit her head. The RAIB have found that GWR “had not provided adequate mitigation measures to protect against the risk of passengers putting their heads out of train windows”.

What the fuck is the world coming to if we have to tell idiots not to stick their heads out of vehicles travelling at 75mph? She was 28-years-old, not 8. I am a firm believer in survival of the fittest; if you’re killed where common sense would heavily impact the outcome, then you unfortunately have failed the test. Why aren’t the RAIB blaming her parents? They clearly instilled her with faulty life skills.

Either way the RAIB are cunts for always blaming the ones who are alive rather than the idiots who are dead.

Nominated by elboobio

101 thoughts on “RAIB (Rail Accident Investigation Branch)

  1. Never did Vyvyan any harm, why didn’t she just chase after her head down the line like he did?

    • Perhaps she was going to a Halloween party as Marie Antoinette and thought the she needed a little something extra to stand out from the crowd. Can’t see how the cunts can apportion blame on anyone else when someone acts like a daft cunt.

  2. Dawn Butler could have blocked the window with her arse!


    Ole man river.

  3. I envisage a new pastime for bum bandits to pass their time on the commute to work, sticking their arses out of the window to get the feel of some proper wood

  4. Feel sorry for the train drivers when these mardy little morrissey types top themselves, but in this case its a matter of basic stupidity on the passengers side.
    Oh well one less moron,
    Worlds slightly less stupid.

    • World’s slightly less stupid? I hope you’re right but it certainly doesn’t look that way, judging by the arseholes on TV, radio and other media these days..

  5. Love this one. Idiot electrocuted and burned on live rail when trespassing is awarded £35.000 compensation for his injuries. The warning sign was not placed in a “sufficiently visible position”.

    Fucking hell ! Rail Network being fined by the RAIB for that ! Fucking incredible.

    • Surely anyone that stupid wouldn’t be able to read so the size and position of any sign is irrelevant.

    • Any time someone is injured or killed, whilst being somewhere where they shouldn’t be in the first place, deserves everything they get. The warning signs aren’t for the public anyway, they’re for rail workers.

  6. The sign probably hadn’t been translated into 30 different languages, I should imagine it was the Southern Region in which case a picture of some gender neutral person with a bolt of lightning snaking its way up their arse might suffice

      • Probably to much to hope for that it was Theresa May out for an afternoon stroll, if so she can put the 35k compo towards the 39 billion gift to the EU she signed up for, better still run the electric lines straight into the channel and give the refugee flotsam a warm welcome no doubt added to this weekend

  7. In this pathetic day and age when a kettle, designed to increase water temperature to 100° C, are supplied with stickers stating “WARNING: Will contain hot liquid”, what fucking chance does the human race have?

    • I get why the manufacturer needs to do this, so as to avoid being sued by some low life cunt deliberately scalding themselves and then saying they had no idea boiled water would be hot.

      It really is a race to the bottom for society, I’m sad to say.

    • You got into a bloke’s bog in a pub and you’ll see just above the hot water tap by the sink a warning “Hot Water!”

      Or Asda used to sell walnuts that carried a warning “may contain nuts!”


      • Wasn’t there a case against McDonalds for this years ago? A woman bought a cup of coffee at a drive-through, balanced it between her legs then drove forward and it spilled and scolded her. McMurder had to pay out a million dollars. That’s why they have to put a warning on them.

      • Yep, or the parent of the child that got burned by a coffee(?) after the parent allowed the child to carry it under her arm and the lid shockingly popped off as a result. That was clearly McDonald’s fault too.

  8. I remember years ago when I worked in electrical retail toasters had a cardboard wedge in the slot for transportation purposes. They actually had a sticker on saying to remove before use.

  9. Fuck me in a cake shop. Very sadly and tragically, we now live in an age where common sense has all but died and signs have to be put out with “Warning: Dying may be considered bad for your health” everywhere. If the dozy cow stuck her head out of a train window at 75mph and got it spread everywhere like a shattered watermelon, what did she expect? So many fucking brainless youngsters around these days, it would be funny if it wasn’t so embarrassing. Darwin Award winner right there.

    • No its still funny!
      Its natures way of cleaning house.
      Off Topic – wheres Willy stroker?
      Hes not posted in ages!
      An wheres candygram for Mongo?
      Know Gene Hunt was beastly to him but surely hes not gone due to that?

      • DCI Cunt didn’t say anything I would describe as “beastly”. Reckon Mongo’s too busy constructing gas chamber to post…

      • Beastly thing was a joke Rtc, DCI didnt say shit, just he agreed it was a bit distasteful.
        Ill miss Mongo, remember his catchphrase for long as i live!
        Gas central heating!!…

      • DCI had quite a spat with Angryman as I recall. He’s not been back since either.

        Am beginning to think DCI could be Dexter…. ?

      • DCIs creating his own customers,
        Practical, good business sense!
        Trigger them into a fit, then get the job of picking them up for hospital

      • The snowflake, entitled generation – ‘I thought I’d get it checked, just in case’. ‘Here’s a plaster for your paper cut, you cunt and see that building there? That’s the fucking hospital you live two minutes from’ and ‘111’ provide me with all the ‘customers’ I need, mate!

      • Not forgetting that cunt, probably banned, now, ‘Chicken George’. That nom brought a right few cunts out of the woodwork, that’s for sure. Who’s Dexter?

      • Lucky Harold Shipman didn’t work on HEMS. Reckon he works on the medical wing of the jail he’s in?

      • Morning DCI.

        Dexter is a forensic blood spatter analyst who works for the Miami-Metro Police Department. In his spare time, he is a vigilante serial killer who targets cunts who have evaded the justice system (or posted bad comments about him on ISAC) and deserve to be terminated….


      • Rtc is basically saying your a unstable serial killer type DCI.
        Dont stand for that, put him in the pit with chicken George, Angryman, and Mongo!

      • You’re sailing very close to the wind there Miserable… Dexter (aka DCI) is anything but unstable!

      • Dont threaten me in a nautical manner!
        DCI, give him 80ccs of muscle relaxant!
        Spoonington grab his legs!
        We’ll drop him off at Fiddlers Farm.

      • Admit it Miserable, you’re way out of your depth here. Either that or you don’t know who you’re dealing with. ?

        My arm is long and my vengeance is total!

      • Whoa! His sister Debs is hot!
        I started to watch this Rtc,
        First series, but then was a gap and never caught back up with it.
        My son did forensic studies at university,
        He tests blood &hair samples for drugs,
        He showd me some course work once about Fire, and the effects on the human body,
        Truly disturbing images and im no mardarse!

      • Pity you didn’t see more. I’ve watched all 8 seasons, and barring a few episodes it got better and better as it went along. As does Debs!

        You say your son tests blood & hair samples for drugs. I wonder if he’s done mine…

        PS: The Establishment and MSM shitting themselves over Nigel’s decision not to stand for Parliament but roam the country spreading his message far and wide instead.

        There’s no way he would be more effective wooing voters in one constituency alone.

        I don’t think I’ve ever known James O’Shithead sound so hysterical and shrill! ?

      • Hes appointed me as your new claims adviser, Blunty.
        Just leave it in my capable hands and relax.
        We’ll be ££££s in!??

      • Pity you didn’t see more. I’ve watched all 8 seasons, and barring a few episodes it got better and better as it went along. As does Debs!

        You say your son tests blood & hair samples for drugs. I wonder if he’s done mine…

        PS: The Establishment and MSM shitting themselves over Nigel’s decision not to stand for Parliament but roam the country spreading his message far and wide instead.

        There’s no way he would be more effective wooing voters in one constituency alone.

        I don’t think I’ve ever known James O’Shithead sound so hysterical and shrill! ?

    • I genuinely think these spastics – encouraged in no small part by St Greta – think if they refuse to drive and live on a diet of tofu and smashed avocado they will live forever. Fuck that for a game of soldiers, I’d rather do an Elvis and snuff it trying to push out a half-stone turd with a cheeseburger in each hand astride a 1300cc motorbike than live like these cunts expect us to

      • CV, you didn’t happen to be a chap named Sideways in another life? It’s just the avatar – this Sideways chappie had exactly the same one.

      • Nope, ‘fraid not – thought I was the first to ever use that picture!! The cunt beat me to it, bugger

      • Sideways stopped posting on the ‘other site’ in 2010. He was sorely missed. Your writing style is similar; seems I put 2 and 2 together and got 375.

      • Literary genius of his time as well was he?? Been reading the site for 6 months or so, thought I’d dip a toe in. (Think a search for “Sarah millican is a cunt” brought me here). I gave up reading the news completely about a month ago, sick to death of hearing how we’re all fucked and being shown that voting for anything in this country is a waste of fucking time: you lot are my only contact with the outside world now!!

      • Fucking hell Paul you must have a good memory! Assume you’re referring to C*nts Corner…

  10. The daft bint was probably leaning out of the window to try and get a “selfie”…I hope she did. I’d put it up on her Facebook page so that her friends could give her lots of likes and a couple of “U ok hun”….it’s what she would have wanted.

    Fuck her.

  11. There’s a building near me with about eight stone steps and a sign saying, ” Careful! Very steep steps.” They even have the tips painted yellow. They’re steps,ffs!
    Mind you, there’s a bunch of Dooshka-Booshkas that live there so there might’ve been some compo already dished out.

  12. I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the family of Bethan…
    I was looking abaaaht in the woods for the kilo of Colombian ‘product’ I had dropped off and decided to take a piss.
    I got my big cock out and this bird on the train saw and stuck her head aaaht to get a better look at my schlong…she shouted out ‘Meet me at the next stati’ but before she could finish… Bang.
    I felt like a right cunt for five minutes.

    Go fuck yourself.

    • “Take a piss”.indeed….” The Four-inch Flasher” strikes again,more like.
      🙂 .

      • I only go out flashing on Saturdays and Sundays… My particular favourite is surprising the sexy blonde dog walker women…only if they are walking a rat type dog… Any Alsations and I don’t bother, I blend in the bushes well this time of year with my brown complexion and the leaves turning brown…I have to piss two handed and there is still four inches dangling abaaaaht.

      • I met a lovely blonde thing the other day, gorgeous eyes, loves biscuits.
        I might go to the animal shelter again someday.

      • B&W, if you like sexy, blonde, doggy type wimminz, try that HM Gov ad for pensions…


        You know your Cardi from your little shitsu…

      • She was well up for it MNC, such a shame I did not get to meet her at the next stop.

      • Lost her head over you mate!
        One glimpse of yer loch ness monster an she was head over heels…

  13. I used to take a peek out of the window on the London to Glasgow train back in the 1970s as a wee tot – not too far out mind, just a tad, because I could read the fucking big warning sticker they used to have at the top of the window telling you about the danger of passing trains. Did this journey about 6 times a year.

    I didn’t think windows opened though on modern trains. Where was she in some non-passenger area? Don’t care. What an idiot.

    • On modern trains you can’t, but most of the country is still using trains from the 70’s and 80’s.

  14. Apparently there’s a warning sign somewhere about masturbation causes blindness, but I can’t see it.

    • Am looking forward to you doing your bit for a Guide Dogs for the blind ad, giving great detail about how you ended up in this most unfortunate situation…

  15. That cream Bertie was on about?
    Careful, he works for Avon cosmetics.
    Its a sales pitch if ever i heard one.
    Hes always trying to flog stuff on here!
    Sold me some beard glitter last Christmas, said it was gold flakes,
    Turned out to be iron filings.
    All that glitters is not gold…

  16. From an early age, I was told not to lean out of a train window. To most adults with a grain of nous, it is pretty fucking obvious; especially when you see another train passing close, running in the opposite direction.

    Most kids wont be aware until an adult tells them. After that it should be ingrained for life. What fucking excuse this daft hint had at 28 years of age, fuck only knows.

    Apparently she was a socialist and worked for some Welsh refugee charity. Therefore she obviously struggled to get to grips with the more realistic aspects of everyday life. Including having the very basic sense of self preservation in not sticking her fucking noggin out of the window of a moving train.

    Darwin at work. The fucking RAIB operates on the premise that no cunt has common sense.

    • Just let her go Paul.
      Shes reunited with her head now in heaven.
      She never fuckin used it on earth anyway.

    • Yes, head out of window and third rail accidents were self-inflicted sudden death in my time. The epitaph would read “A Stupid Cunt”.

      But when I were a lad, there were no measures in place preventing idiot kids like me chucking fireworks out of train windows at this time of year.
      Must have been a few unplanned bonfires in S. London in my time.

  17. Twats who are going to vote for that terrorist lover and anti Semite Corbyn, then saying they’ll stop supporting United if Prince Mohammed bin Salman takes over?

    Yeah….. Them cunts…

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