Pudsey! & The Bastards who Milk it !
It’s that time of year again when the flag waving, virtue signalling cunts at the Londonistan Broadcasting Cunthole wheel out that fucking ridiculous Teddy Bear and surround it with fucking sob stories. Most of all, every fucker in need seems to be some 2nd or 3rd Generation “Noo Brish” with uncles and aunts who speak fuck all unless with an interpreter. “Donate” ” Donate” and fucking “Donate” £10 £20 or even more dosh to an outfit that would hoover the country dry given the chance. IF! We ever leave, IF we ever get Politicians who work for the people, then let their first act be the abolition of shite like this !
Nominated by Asimplearsehole
Though Mrs Boggs is an ardent viewer (except for her Emmerdale Farm and Coronation Street breaks) I have to keep out of the room,because it is embarrassing to see people letting down their hair and their reputations by trying to “entertain” and being election time what horrors are we likely to see? Jo Swinson and Jess Phillips Nipple Tassel Challenge, Drag Queen of the Year fight-off with Keir Starmer and Dominic Grieve, Yvette Cooper revealing all, Emily Thornberry unhitching her knickers and flinging them into the audience….all for charity of course.
After picturing those scenarios I feel more than a little
Too late…
Drive by cunting for Labour MP Mhairi Threlfall, MP for Filton and Bradley Stoke.
This mealy-minded cunt with the IQ of a darning needle has announced that the public should wear poppies if they want to support “continuing mass murder”.
A real Grandad protege, this one. Well fuck you Threlfall and the bike you rode in on.
Nom her Paul shell be a IRA supporter.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Not much more I can think of to add at this time of morning….
She’s really doing well to convince her constituents to vote for her this coming election!
What a complete bellend
Just seen she’s signed something called the “stop the nastiness” pledge, some touchy-feely shite; bet the love doesn’t extend to anyone who voted for Brexit etc…..
All these tart MPs use words though they are still in the nursery – but just look at them – flabby faces, glasses miles too big for them, appalling dental arrangements. You can picture them with their fingers up their noses pulling out the bogies. Retarted bitches want to be MPs and poofter “men” like Russell-Moyle
….. and you forgot to mention that Tory Cunt with the cheap blond wig that needs to be put out of it’s misery…. oh & him too
Words fail me ……
err actually they don’t
Foot-Fuck her!!
As usual the voice of reason…. ?
Morning RTCP ?♂️
Afternoon Q.
ISAC site is a bit slow today innit?
It’s up and down like a bride’s nightie.
Another one who wants to rewrite history and leave out all the horrible bits so that it comes packaged in happy, touchy feely soundbites.
Yet another Hitler apologist.
Ironic isn’t it, she is against violence but is happy to shoot herself in the foot.
Put the ‘orrible little yellow cunt in the washing machine, on a boil cycle. That’ll knock the stuffing out of him. I bet if he came to life, he’d be the reincarnatiof of Jimmy’s a vile…
Oh yes, charity!
At this time of year im sure my fellow cunters will be overcome with generosity and dig deep!
Yes the happy ISACS will fill aunties coffers if im not mistaken or ill be a monkeys uncle!!
Blunty and Percy are doing a rendition of My Ding-A-Ling and have raided £4.22 so far.
I wonder do the people of Pudsey give generously to Pudsey Miserable? Near Leeds I know that at least. Yes in the North. See I do know a little bit of Geography.
Morning Miles!
Yes its in west Ridings Yorkshire!
Sure they do, us northerners are renowned for our generosity especially yorkshireman.
Id love to give a donation but ive my eye on a fine whisky for Christmas and a new sheepskin flying jacket,
But this winter as i snuggle against the snow into the plush fleece of my new jacket or sip my whisky ill think of little mtembe fetching water for his family.
Whenever I see them struggling fetching their guinea-worm infested water from 20 miles away, best charity I can offer is to shout at the TV “MOVE NEARER TO THE WATER HOLE YOU STUPID CUNTS!!!!”
Yeah not thought it through have they Cuntan?
Mtembes dad never seems up for getting the water does he?
I see that adayu kid is still doing the rounds on TV 3years later… can’t spell name sounds like a Jap car..
Hi MNC. Nope; he’ll be back in the hut working on banging out another half dozen little gollies with his slack-fannied mrs (they must get plenty of carbs from somewhere, got the stamina of fucking triathletes)
I wonder ifn they’ll dig up Terry Wigan this year??
See below fluff were talking about Terry!
Hi MNC. Nope; he’ll be back in the hut working on banging out another half dozen little pint-size dark keys with his slack-fannied mrs (they must get plenty of carbs from somewhere, got the stamina of fucking triathletes)
Yeah plenty of energy for shagging but flies all over my face?
Ill just leave em too much effort.
We drive from Manchester for the fish n chips. Pudsey or Morley worth the mileage.
That good buggritt?
Cooked old school in beef dripping?
I fancied some fish-n -chips one evening whilst in Leeds some years ago, walked for ages and for many a mile ,just couldn’t find one, just wall to wall doner/chinese/chicken places ( and I’m not talking about Chapeltown) had to settle for liquid sustenance
ain’t flies nutritional??
Whilst the whole Children in Need thing is dubious – I’m sure there are highly paid Trustees behind the scenes – long may this cuntitude continue. If simpletons are happy to hand cash over to parasites, presumably I have to pay less tax. I am utterly sick of the sob stories about food banks etc. Sell the iPhone and the telly you scrounging cunts.
you would like this, its Quite an insight into cross overs amalgamations and “Think tanks”.
Its quite surprising that some lobby groups have charity status and no support.
The Charity sector in this country is vast, while there are some worthy smaller charities, the bigger the charity (more so with any oversea interests) the greater the chance of it being a racket
Musn’t speak ill of the dead and all that, but I remember years ago it being reported that though Wogan did not receive a fee, he did receive “expenses” which I suppose were on a par with those of Keith “Barbeback” Vaz” and the other Westminster crooks.
so what we do?? burn all the food banks?? lol….. raise em all to the ground?? where would they all go??.
like mindless zombies “food” “food” “f o o d” I’m not keen on Tories but. I can imagine the laugh burning up £50 notes in front of poor homeless people… It’s not nice I know but it does sound quite fun what?
Never given money to the cunts and never will. The whole shower or shit gets right on my fucking tits. So fuck off you ingratiating arseholes.
Like tipping, I also never give to charity. I pay enough tax.
Why can’t rich cunts like of Gary Linekunt and Lilly Mong, hand over a few million (without claiming it as tax relief)? They seem happy enough to have millions of gimmecunts come over here, but then expect the plebs to subsidize them with shit like this!
They should go and rattle the can outside one of Bono’s castles of whichever off-shore country he’s living in. The tax-avoiding cunt.
Lily the musical mong has said today that ‘Rule britannia’ should be banned!… it’s you lily that should be banned, exiled, decapitated, take your pick you abject cunt of a ‘wimminz’.
you are so correct… I hate these cunts that knock on the door & they start saying how are you as if they fucking know you… all that bullshit I just cut em off & say if you’re after money No!! same as bloody jehovna witnesses & their watchtower leaflets… I am miserable so it gives me great pleasure…
Thought you were bellybuttonfluff?
Think youll find IM miserable.
lol MNC I’m still a miserable cunt in my spare time!! … like now for instance my new neighbor 2 houses down is using a power grinder while I’m tryn to sleep… bin upp all night
they just don’t care nowadays!!!
Throw a firework next him Fluff, let him know how it feels!
Are you sure that that isn’t the chugger for whose unknown charity you declined to sign a direct debit form?
Karma is a terrible thing.
I tell people in the office that I don’t believe in charity because :-
1. If something or someone needs charitable donations then there is almost always someone who should actually be paying for it and is too much of a cunt to do it. I’m not picking up the bill directly because of their cuntitude . Sorry.
2. The government takes a big chunk out of my salary via PAYE which it gives away apparently. Not only that but to cunts overseas like peacefuls which I wouldn’t do in a trillion years given the choice. So again. Done my bit already , so fuck off.
Spot on. We had one virtue-signalling cunt do “voluntary” work (most likely involved spending six weeks administering his special brand of protein-based medicine to the local saggy-titted dark key slappers) in Botswana the other month, during the run-up to which he would loudly proclaim his saintly status and beg for cash on a daily basis.
When he was over there his out-of-office email was something like “sorry I can’t respond to your email, I am currently in Botswana carrying out important life-saving work”. You. Utter. Cunt.
I was hoping he’d upset some of the local cuckolds and end up being ripped limb-from-limb Cannibal Holocaust-style.
Jesus wept, that’s the best out of office email ever. What an utter cunt.
Let’s face it , none of these volunteer types are doing it for the people out there, it’s more so they can feel good about themselves and tell other people.
I bet wherever he goes, he tells people about it within 1 minute of meeting them.
Like you say if it all went a bit “Rwanda” whilst he was there, he be banging on the British Embassy door sharpish asking to be saved from his new found friends .
These types always remind me of the DJs Smashie and Nicey; “I understand you do a lot of work for charridee Smashie”, “Yes but I don’t like to talk about it Nicey”. You know who else did a lot of work for charridee….. Jimmy Saville. Just saying
you should apply.. to “rent-a-fucking-tax haven”
All I can say is if this little fuck or any of his chuugers come near me then he is going to need that fucking bandage….
Why do these cunts always open up with “do you have a few minutes buddy??”
Buddy? Really?
Do people never get wise to the fact that throwing endless money at the Starvin’ Dark key problem just doesn’t work? It just encourages them to continue breeding like rabbits. We’ve had years of virtue-signalling Wankers(both celebrity and “normal”) expecting us to pay for a bunch of feckless,idle,stupid condom-dodgers and it hasn’t done a bit of good. Still the “heart-rending” pictures of some moon-eyed stick insect sitting about with a ratty-looking infant hanging off her soggy tit….both of them too fucking idle to even wipe the flies off themselves. There are very few men seen,most of them are too busy butchering the neighbouring village or eating KFC in Toxteth high street.
As for the work that “Pudsey” has supposedly done with disadvantaged kida in this Country….load of shit. All children in this country are eligible for Child Benefit..if their “carers” choose to spend it on drugs and Reebok trainers….well,that’s not my worry,I’ve already been forced to pay once,they can get fucked if they think that I’ll pay twice.
I’ve said before that if Pudsey comes anywhere near me, he’ll get his good eye gouged and his collection-bucket stolen. I’ll spend the money on a nice meal out and a few pints…the thought that I’ve deprived a few leeching charity cases will make everything taste just that bit sweeter.
Fuck them.
Always amazes me that when on camera they can never even muster the energy to swat the flies off, yet whenever they’re not being filmed they must be shagging constantly judging by the amount of coffee-coloured brats they squit out on a never-ending basis
Heartwarming that Fiddler!
Not dressing up as a bear and spending the day begging for foreigners then?
Im curious how pudsey lost that eye?
He wasnt working with Abu Hamza when it happened was he?
Abu Hamza – blimey, now there’s a blast from the past!
What’s that cunt doing these days? I assume, by some miracle he’s still alive?
Wouldn’t surprise if he’s in the House of Lords, just like that other racist bigot Daureen Lawrence. He is probably traumatized after all the racial hatred he’s been at the shitend of the stick with over the years. Poor cunt.
Hes good at hook-a-duck on the fair
Pudsey lost his eye when he approached me and asked for cash. I lit a fifty-pound note and then stubbed it out on his peeper…you’d think the Cunt would have learned his lesson the first time
I like to throw a packet of condoms in the bucket…they’ll do far more good than any money….hopefully Um’Bongo’ll try and do that trick that causes such hilarity at my rugby cub where someone pulls one over their head and inflates it…with a bit of luck the Dark Key’ll forget to breath through his mouth and suffocate.
I recon you tortured ants & stuff with a mag glass as a kid? lol
as a kid in these days one can get a strong laser beam and burn em with that.. much more fun eh?? as for Pudsey… petrol & a match would sort him oot
Isn’t Pudsey gender neutral these days?
If not “he” soon will be once the usual offended types get around to it.
Fuck all that bollocks – it’s never ending and doesn’t solve the initial problems anyway.
Just like with Band Aid back in 1984. Yes it raised £60m+ for famine relief, but did it solve anything? No, of course not because they’re still fucking dying in their thousands over there.
Same here with Cunts in Need, charity money only plasters over the problem, but never fixes it. And in any case isn’t this the government’s job to prevent “poverty”; moreover I wonder what kind of salaries the CEOs of these charities are on?
I give money to local causes that I know are genuine and desperate for aid, and don’t involve humans. I would rather give £50 to malnourished/ill-treated dogs, horses and ponies than fucking kids, who are never grateful and are always on the want (I remember a local news article a few years back of a child in need, who wasn’t happy about receiving a smart phone, purely because it wasn’t an iPhone. Ungrateful little turd!)
Children in Need, can do one, especially if they all turn into arrogant whiny twats like Greta Cuntberg!
Greta does rather give lie to my fantasy that all 16 year old Swedish girls are stunning tarts looking for a damn good Porking…she’s certainly no stunner and can Fuck Off if she thinks that I’ll slip her the old mutton-dagger…even I haven’t resorted to tackling mentally-ill Mingers.
Bet shes a good ride if you trigger her though!
Bucking biting and scratching!
Tell her you fed a dolphin a plastic bag then when shes frothing at the mouth get yer belt undone quick.
Do her “rodeo-style”…mount her from behind,grasp her pony-tail then lean forward to whisper in her ear that you enjoy burning old tyres…. see how long you can stay in the saddle.
I’d take her up the arsehole,but then she’d only complain about it, and how damaging it is to the environment, and that she’s only got 11 more years before she’s toast!
She’d then get on the nearest Boeing 747 and fuck off to the States and tell the world all about it before planting a couple of trees to replace her carbon footprint!
Fucking hell, I’ve gone right off my bacon & egg sarnie now!
Just dont mention that you drive a V8 while she’s sucking you off.
*Do her “rodeo-style”…mount her from behind,grasp her pony-tail*
That’s uncanny – it is as if you had been in the room with her and David Attenborough on the evening in question.
She will settle down when she has to go out and get a job in CarpetRight, and some fitter will ask her if she’d like a length laid up her back passage.
Dick are you a tender lover?
I couldn’t put my finger on what it’s about her that’s so unseemly until I saw the mural of her being painted in San Fransisco, she bears a most unsettling resemblance to Herman Göring. Could she be a transgender or a transvestite clone of and like the original? No wonder you are repulsed by her/it Mr Fiddler. Are there more lurking in a Schloss in Argentina? I think we should be told.
She looks like David gray or Terry Christian
She looks like she could do with a swift boot in the cunt!
Terry Christian is an aerospace-grade anti Brexit cunt now!!! Lofty words he comes out with on Twatter for someone whose career is based on getting yoof’s to eat worms and French kiss grannies
A couple of years after Band Aid I visited Washington for the first time and was astonished to find several Ethiopian restaurants that were highly regarded for their cuisine and were in great demand by the great and good. Nobody could understand my surprise as I thought there was no food in Ethiopia never mind fancy cuisine.
Theres several in Peterborough
Johnsons of *Old Hurst” near Huntindon, breed exotic animals for the local meat market. There is a special enclosure for Nile Crocodiles which are sold locally to the many and various tribes that live around here. No shit. Its for real.
What a not inconsiderably great pity it would be if the Grey Major ended his days being fed to the local crocs.
It would remind him of french-kissing Edwina.
The funny thing is that loads of these countries are absolutely rolling in natural wealth.
Imagine if the Swiss owned say, Sierra Leone. Would it be one of the poorest places on earth?
I’m going with no.
The Chinese are on it. As is Tony Blair, incidentally. Big mate of Kagame (Rwanda) and showing a lot of interest in Sierra Leone lately.
5 billion in revenue but uses the public to make itself look like a caring and giving organisation. The celebs get to look like caring people but the attention whores see it as another gig and good publicity and exposure.
The BBC just applied the license to over 75s because money is so tight.
Maybe they should do old people in need since they just made millions of them worse off, cunts.
Don’t watch, don’t donate, don’t care. Fuck ’em.
Stick a red nose on the fluffy cunt and stick it up Lenny Henry’s arse.
Terry Wogan used to say ” every penny goes to the children “. Except it didn’t, turned out he was getting a nice wedge for his input. He claimed to know nothing about it as his agent dealt with all the finances.
Yeah right. Fuck off Tel. Oh, you have done.
Never understood the appeal of Terry wogan, i know a wig wearing mick is some peoples idea of a prime time tv host but not mine.
Shite interviewer too
But did like ‘the floral dance’
Conflicted in my hypocrisy
Moderation ? On a Tuesday ?
Get To Fuck.
Bastards got me too!
One of the admins related to Terry wogan?
Fuck off
Jack its Terrys surname that triggers moderation!
Took me 2 posts to learn that im not a quick learner apparently
@ Miserable – It’s the wôg in Wôgan that triggered moderation. ?
Yeah your right Rtc, sussed it now!?
I had a strange dream last night, Diane Abbott was riding my face with Jeremy Corbin and Tony Blair cheering her on, I woke up with a massive hard on that I don’t seem to be able to get rid of.
A diamond cutter eh….. haven’t had one of them for ages
Cut it off before the infection spreads.
Giggle, Giggle 🙂
You need psychiatric help!
How anyone can not only dream of being ridden by that hideous hippo, but end up with a stiffy, is beyond my comprehension.
Haha nicely done admin!
You monster!!???
Ah! You seem to have poked admin with a stick, Not wise, Next thing you know you will have a grinder account 🙁
Lord B, sometimes i get overexcited and naughty admin quite rightly punishes me, sometimes by doctoring my posts as above.
Admin thinks itll keep me on the straight an narrow, but hadnt taken into account the level of stupidity i can reach.
You need many years of therapy my friend. Many, many, many years of therapy.
Was Blair bumming Jezzer whilst wearing a summer frock ?
I don’t know why I asked that question.
Good afternoon.
Evening Jack, the sites had tech issues inbetween that admins been slandering me and doctoring my posts!
Well the jokes on admin Jack!
I havent had a hard on in years!!?
How about a “Wanker In Need” gig?
I wouldn’t mind if Priti Patel gave me a hand job! Or perhaps donating her worn knickers to wrap my cock round.
Surely to ‘wrap around your cock’, otherwise I suggest a visit to a GP.
Yes, you’re quite correct! I really should have checked what the fucking hell I was writing before posting!
But then Priti does have the affect on me!
I used to live on a small Scottish island with a population in the hundreds. Surrounded, as is the way with islands, by sea, dramatic coastline, great views, etc, etc…a white settler magnet. with the locals making very good beans from fishing and farming. No poverty, no mendicants – the Isle of Hunky Dory. The local busybody wimminz decided their rugrats needed a playground – which they could perfectly easily have had a whip round and got their menfolk to put together. But no. They asked Children In Need to fund it, and they did, the cunts. If I had ever had any sympathy for CIN, and I don’t think I did, tbh, it died at that point. Children in need of a playground? The whole fucking island was a playground. Children in need of healthy exercise? Well, yes. Half of them were clinically obese, and stayed that way, as the playground was barely used.
CIN is a con, and Pudsey is a cunt. Their main function is to promote the flagging careers of virtue-signalling luvvies once a year.
Duly cunted.
If utter cunts like Lineker think Children in Need is a good idea then you can deal me out.
He can stick his crisps up his fecking overpaid arse.. piles & all
Fuck Pudsey to Hell… these greedy overpaid cunts at the rat infested BBfuckingC…. biased cunting cunts…
That’s all Thanks
Good Morning
It is all about reviving the flagging careers of D list celebs. Rivalled only by those other wankfests (I am able to supply socks if necessary) Sports Relief and Comic Relief.
Pudsey and his show of virtue signaling celebs with their faux bonne acclamation has become the unflushable turd of British TV ..
Personally I don’t know a single person who tunes into this evening of truly sickening , gut wrenching torture!!
Who would want to expose themselves to it? If you want to donate that’s your decision but why you would choose to sit through hours of faux Bon ami and 4 th sketches is beyond comprehension……
It’s bad enough having to fucking pay for it without watching and donating as well.
Top-Tip: try using the the channel changer or the off button. Satisfaction guaranteed..
Oh, trust me, I will not be watching. I’ve never seen it yet and things won’t change this year.
4th rate sketches……
The furry little BBC mugger can fuck right off.
That jug eared cunt Lineker can cover my donation…
Iike that !lmfao! Pudsey the dodgy mincing bastard bear can go &get fucked and i dont mean by a koala with a 2inch prick either! Send hjm on the plane to his destination lets see how much fun he has there the cunt!
I would wholly support CIN if the money raised was put to establishing sterlisation clinics in Africa, where NTembe would be handed a small hessian bag of brown rice in exchange for having his knackers removed.
After the knackers are removed they would be thrown in a boiling vat with thousands of other appendages, boiled and then the resuting rendered sweetmeat ground down into a paste. The paste would then be chilled into blocks of ‘pate’, packaged up ready to go.
NTembe would not only be given a bag of brown rice, but also some tasty ‘pate’ to take home and share with his ‘fambly’.
This is true humanitarian work, not perpetuating the disease/copulate/spawn/birth/starvation/death/disease vicous circle.
In Pudsey park, in Leeds there is (or used to be) a topiary version of Pudsey Bear that looked like something out of Silent Hill…..fucking horrible and the stuff or nightmares.
As for the TV show, the scrounging, the sob stories of little piccaninnys not having the latest phones and stabbing weapons, they can blow it out their asses.
Obviously Pudsey and chums have been a complete failure.
Otherwise why do they have to keep doing it?
Oh that’s right..CUNTS.
Pity we can’t donate a few trident missiles to the aids riddled, grub eating, bilharzia infected cunts.
If theym all starving over there snd all the corrupt goverment takes the money i vote we send them the fucking bear to eat!
Fuck Children in Greed, fuck the BBC as well. Shite of premier league status.
I couldn’t give a flying cunt about the kids over here never mind all the little Aisha’s and N’golo’s.
The only decent thing about Children in Need was Terry Wogan and his insistence on being paid to present it, in turn not being cowed the charidee cunts who think people should work for nothing.
End of the day , TW was just a TV presenter, nothing more, nothing less.
Cunts who tried to shame him into providing free services made the mistake of assuming he actually gave a fuck about the ’cause’ in question.
Is they a gender neutral bear?
I’m just surprised the fucker ain’t black.