Nicola Sturgeon (18)

Nicola Sturgeon and the fucking Jock Nazis. Again.
She appears on a fucking leaders debate when she isn’t a fucking MP and represents a Mickey Mouse backwater of aid dependence.
Then today she declares that scrapping Trident is an SNP red line for propping up Magic Grandpa and his merry band of anti-Semitic champagne Marxists.
Since when did a few fucking overblown councillors in an irrelevant talking shop get to decide the defence policy of the UK?
Time these fuckers got a reality check. And independence which would save the rest of us billions in jock handouts.

Nominated by Acting Chief Cuntstable Cuntbubble

76 thoughts on “Nicola Sturgeon (18)

  1. This hatchet-faced harridan deserves her OWN fucking wall.
    “Get the nasty weapons out of Scotland”. OK, I’m sure the 4,000 jocks who work there will be happy with that. We should do it anyway, and give them a taste of what the future under Princess Helmethead will be like.
    She won’t be happy until she’s got her face on a Scottish euro coin. No chance of that- she looks like a fire-damaged ventriloquist’s dummy, the cunt.

    • I am waiting for Krankie to explain how Scotland will survive without the ten billion annual payment we make to them, and the 30% of oil and gas revenue they take instead of the legally agreed 25% (Scotland owes us 122 billion because of this – when do we get this back?
      Nicola Sturgeon is telling a breathtaking lie about potential revenue from North Sea oil, basing figures on ten Year old prices when crude was $160 a barrel instead of today when it is $58 a barrel – does she use the Diane Abbott calculator?
      Both remaining Clyde shipyards rely exclusively on MOD contracts which under UK law would have to be relocated to the UK.
      Scotland would no longer have access to the funding of Sterling, leaving the Scottish economy wide open for a destructive run by Mr Soros and company.
      Under UK law all the head offices of the entire Scottish financial services industry would have to relocate to the UK to legally be allowed to continue doing business.
      Faslane nuclear base would have to shut and relocate.
      The reality then – 44 billion wiped off the Scottish economy and a realistic prospect of a quarter of a million Scottish nationals losing their jobs.
      And the BEST PART OF ALL – under UK law the United Kingdom would no longer be legally liable to provide housing, benefits or pensions to Scottish nationals, so two hundred thousand would have to make their way back to Scotland to try and get housing and claim benefits there.
      Sturgeon is a nasty little racist who hates the English so much she would plunge Scotland into bankruptcy, the dark ages and the third World – as she relaxes on a balcony in Spain with Sean Connery and all the other tax dodging traitors who love Scotland so much and continually bleat about independence whilst never doing as silly as actually living there or paying their fair rate of tax.
      Will the last one out please turn off the English funded lights..

  2. As she becomes older she looks less like that Krankie weirdo and more like Elton fucking John. The old 70s queen could probably run a tinpot economy better though.

    • Obviously.

      Only a fool would expect any sort of moral standards from Russia.

      Evil, nasty, miserable cunts the lot of ‘em.

  3. Hypothetical question:

    Let’s assume one particular nameless wanker, who shall remain nameless, returned to his wankshack one Saturday night with both alcohol and ‘the horn’ affecting his normally unquestionable judgement.

    Said wanker hit the TV switch and saw footage of Nicola Sturgeon’s legs and red stilettos during some news segment, and, having held a lifelong proclivity for legs and heels, proceeded to crack one out in the ‘shake ‘n’ bake’ 30-second style, what would your opinion of this particular wanker be?

    Asking for a dear friend.

    And you wonder why that went into moderation? is your moral compass a little off pole?

    • Fuck me. I would hope that a LOT of alcohol was involved. That is the only possible excuse.

    • Just alcohol? Not crystal meth?
      Nicola has released a new fragrance based on her morality – anyone for Canal Number 5?

  4. She’s probably an android straight out of Westworld or Bladerunner.

    When she gets home she probably removes bits of herself and gives them a good oiling, while plugging her “brain chip” into the national grid for a quick charge!

    A pair of jump leads twixt her metallic nipples and a combine harvester, and Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber shoved up her chuff, and she’ll glow in the dark until she’s fully topped up ready to face the world with more of her fantasy world bollocks

  5. To put these cunts in perspective.
    Scotland population 5.3 million
    Yorkshire population 5.4 million. Insufferable as Yorkies can be I haven’t heard them as entitled and needy as the SNP. Nor dictating defence policy. Neither do they have a glorified parish council funded by the rest of us.

    UK average spend per head £9300
    Scotland £10300

    Wales population 3.2 million. So why not a Plaid Cymru cunt on the leaders debate whinging about the English ‘stealing all our water’?

    Fucking sick of these sweaty cunts being given medie exposure.

    • Oi! I’m from Yorkshire. Leave off!

      Ultimately, unlike the jocks and their massive inferiority complex, we Yorkies know we are better than everybody else so we don’t need to go on about it.

    • It’s my job to be insufferable – all the rain and cold is rotting my brain, but pubs with a wood fire and Guinness at less than £3.00 a pint are a more pleasant aspect of living in shitville!

  6. Scotland’s deficit of 12.5 billion is more than half of the UK total.
    Scottish public spending is 13.5% higher per head than the average for the Uk.

    These are not figures to support independence, they are figures to support throwing them out of the union. The sooner we all have a say in the matter, the better.
    Like England and Wales are able to send a message to Steptoe, the Scots will only regain my respect if they send a similar message to Legohead at the election.

    • “These are not figures to support independence, they are figures to support throwing them out of the union. The sooner we all have a say in the matter, the better.”

      Been of the same mind for far too long. They’ve been fully culpable in the imposition and maintenance of labour governments over recent decades and it’s time to call their fucking bluff. There’s the door and don’t let my boot in yer sporran impede your fucking exit.

      • Agreed – fuck off whining scrounging treacherous transvestite parasites and take your shit whisky and fucking rank “food” with you

  7. Nicola Sturgeon is an unelected cunt nothing more nothing less A Scottish Nazis Leader if they want to leave let them.
    Emergency Cuntiing of Anthony Linton Blair
    I’ve just listened to this hard faced bastard on Sky News preaching how to put the UK to rights and how to block Brexit via tactical voting.
    The comment about trust and giving Boris Johnson a blank cheque book was laughable A case of pot kettle black) This bloke has a skin thicker than a rhinoceros back under your stone you crawled from under you pompous lying prick no place for you in politics in 2019 you have had your day now fuck off.

    • There is no need to cunt dear Tony. He is a walking talking, armwaving, grinning, selfpromoting autonomous self-cunting, and a stench of decomposing cunt accompanies him wherever he goes.

      He’s also completely forgotten how keen he was to give the Scots their big regional council, though he rightly regrets it now –—tony-blair/

      Note that Scottish independence is now Brexit’s fault, like the recent flooding and the local unavailability of chocolate Bourbon biscuits last year.

      • Forgot to mention that the above link is due to a Blair Institute for Global Blair press release. To every local paper you can think of, not just the Barry and District News. This is called opinion-forming, and it is done by Thought Leaders. (See also, Hitler, Stalin.)

      • Hopefully one day Blair will end up in the same position as Mussolini. I would have said Adolf but Anthony would have to find a brain in order to blow it out.

        Whay doesn’t the ageing old pansy just fuck off to the USA and continue to take it up the arse from George Wanker Bush.

        As for Jockstrap and Steptoe I suspect scrapping Trident would be the line that would be drawn by the electorate to stop the dirty old cunt getting a majority.

      • He’s looking for candidates for his
        Institute of Global Reform ?
        I wouldn’t be so sure matey people have very short memories This bastard is like a turd that won’t flush
        Tactical voting won’t work Tony We voted to leave ??

      • There is, indeed, no need to cunt him.
        If you look up “cunt” in an encyclopedia, there is just a picture of him.

  8. The anti nuclear group seem unable to realise that we have nuclear weapons to dissuade others from sending them our way. The Wee Krankie is quoted as saying that as PM (WTF with bells on!!!) she does not want to be responsible for ‘the deaths of tens of millions’. Well, getting rid of the weapons is the best way to ensure that you are responsible for the deaths of tens of millions only the would be your own people.

    • She hasn’t got “tens of millions” of her own people!
      I’m sure nobody outside of Scotland regards themselves as one of her people.

    • Yep all across the world we have nukes illegal&dodgy nukes this is because as a race/species we will eventually blow ourselves to kingdom come/of course we can always blow up other countrys.We should surrender our nukes itd be like asking a texan gunslinger to give up shooting

    • She isn’t allowed to press the button anyway, so it’s a little academic for her to say she wouldn’t press it. What a properly stupid pile of stale knob cheese she is.

  9. Scotland has a population of 5.3 million…

    Out of which the SNP received less than 1 million votes at the last General Election.

    So Sturgeon, contesting only 59 regional seats, gets to boil the entire nation’s piss in the leaders debate… whereas Farage, who is fielding over 200 candidates across the UK, is shut out… no-one representing Leave, unless you count Boris and his “oven ready” pot noodle surrender treaty shite.

    Never mind, here comes Magic Grandpa. He’s got £100 BILLION to piss down the SNP shitter, which works out at over £18,000 for every man, woman child and tranny in Scotchland – quite a substantial bribe when you consider Mavis bagged the DUP for a paltry £1 BILLION. A complete waste of money as things turned out.

    • Just checked – Brexit Party is standing in 275 seats, that’s nearly 5 times as many as the SNP.

      • What’s the bet, Ruff, that The Brexit Party will poll a lot more votes than the SNP, but will end up with far fewer, if any seats?? The electoral mechanism is so skewed that in 2017, the ScotNazis got 35 seats for a total of c.978k votes. UKIP polled c.595k, and got fuck all for it. It’s a pile of total wank.

      • That’s my bet Ron. The Brexit Party will get 5 million+ votes and maybe 1 or 2 seats. The SNP will get 1.5 million votes and 50+ seats.

        Either way, you can be sure the SNP vote will be MASSIVELY over-represented in Westminster, as usual.

    • Yep 1 million votes and 12 seats in Parliament.
      UKIP gets over 4 million votes and no seats in Parliament?
      SNP are a set of cunts

  10. Grudge, groan, grumble, grievance. It’s Wee Jimmy’s style. If Scotland became independent tomorrow, it’s odds on the country would slide into a long period of austerity, and fifty years from now, the SNP would still be blaming Westminster, claiming that it was the result of thousands of years of neglect and ‘misrule’. Why anybody listens to these whinging cunts is beyond me, but if they stick SNP rosettes onto fifty haggis at the election, thousands of deluded cunts with visions of bagpipes, mist and tartan will vote for them.

    • Ms Krankie reminds me of Robert Mugabe. He spent all his time after Zimbabwe got independence complaining that the woes of the country were down to Whitey. He over looked the fact that the place went from a relatively prosperous net exporter of food where the rule of law existed to a complete basket case with rampant inflation and thuggery. There are parallels to be drawn.

  11. Time to relocate the nuke subs from Faslane down to Pompey or Plymouth so then its less concern of this auburn harpy. Fucking playmobil cunt.

    • Ah, but remember, some fucking idiot called Theresa awarded the UK’s “Space Terminal” project to ……………….SCOTLAND>>>Yay yay !

  12. Not all Scots follow the stupidity of the SNP and their fellow travelers. The ones that do are the extremists, the brainwashed, the idiots and the gullible. Please don’t judge reasonable Scots by their standards. I almost forgot to mention that Nicola Sturgeon is a complete cunt and deserves garroting.

    • Spot on. The good lady’s a Scot, and thinks the SNP are (and I quote) ‘a bunch of fuckwits’. Most of my in-laws and friends north of the border think the same.

    • Officer Cuntbubble I wholeheartedly endorse your cunting but I do detect in lots of your posts a real underlying dislike of the Scottish people in general.

      May I just point out that over one million of us voted to leave. We are completely disregarded and indeed tarred with the brush that the entirety of Scots folk are EU spunk guzzlers, I assure you that isn’t the case.

      Having said that many of the electorate are unable to think in clear terms, ie they are so spasticated that they would leave the U.K. to become an EU province. These cunts have tunnel vision and don’t see the bigger picture.

      I assure you plenty of people up here are wise to the fascist fourth reich. Fuck Sturgeon and all the SNP, I blame them for the abuse we have to suffer.

      Fuck them all.

      • Oh and my local council are SNP and haven’t cut the grass in the parks for 9 months despite raising council taxes. Corrupt cunts.

      • Gash, I am anti fucking SNP but these fuckers unfortunately taint all Scots. I am Welsh and also anti Plaid Cymru but at least these deluded fuckers don’t hog the news feeds.

        I will admit to a distaste for Yorkies.

      • I agree the SNP definitely have disproportionate media and political coverage. I know I speak for many in Scotland when I say that I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing that fat ugly cunt Salmond get hauled over the coals next year.

        On another note, congratulations on the promotion officer. I hope it was on merit and nothing to do with the common purpose course you took last month!

    • Works for me! I wonder if Alex Salmond is soon to be visited by the three ghosts of sexually assaulted Christmas?
      “Nay, Miss Marley – ah didna do it..”

  13. Another “FREE! FREE! FREE!” merchant – for the sweaties that is!

    It’ll only cost England billions…


  14. This cunt needs strong medicine.
    Try spouting that shite if the spineless clowns in Westminsteristan cut off your funding.
    I won’t hold my breath.
    Get fucked.

  15. Andrew Neil quizzes Legohead this evening at 7.30 BBC1.
    Hopefully one great fuckin’ car crash.

    • Just watched the cunt and the immediate conclusion is that she needs fitting with a scold’s bridle. She doesn’t stop for breath with the objective that if she keeps on talking, she doesn’t have to answer any questions. Bring the fucker to our neck of the woods and we can stick her on a ducking stool at the end of Wigan Pier to try her as a witch.

  16. Brexit, Jockzit how much more of this shite can a mere mortal take? I have seen more appealing objects to vote for in the crushed remains of a septic tank after John (360) misjudged a gap in a customers garden and crossed the river shitz on his way to a total brownout. That image will haunt me forever likewise the fucking cost of repairing the damage. So wee krankie got less votes in the last election than the arch druid of doom yet due to our “democratic system” if compo gets in with a minority she and her minions will wield the power. Interesting times ahead! What about old Salmond ,smelt, parr whatever right dirty old bastard looking forward to the trial in the new year.

  17. I’m sure everybody would rather we didn’t have a nuclear deterrent but the fact is that are so many fucking nut cases in the world that we simply have to have it. Anybody who can’t see that is an irresponsible naive thick cunt that needs to grow up.

    • Totally agree Cupid. Only a totally naive twat like her or the useful idiot Steptoe (I know they’ve said they’ll keep trident just for election purposes) would think, in the current state of the world, that it’s a good idea to remove such security. Properly childish student politics.

  18. See i have a problem here.

    Not a problem with Jimmy Krankie being a cunt, as she so clearly is, the English hating bile spewing nationalist bitch.

    My issue is, and ive no shame in admitting it this, is that i really want to screw the bitch ragged as i regale her with tales of English superiority then unleash a massive load onto her plump jock tits.

    Yeah, i know.

    Sorry fellas.

  19. I only found this place today, wonderfully ironically through a search on Jo Swinsons fat tits, and its already had me mildly firm.

    Fucking Sturgeon, really.

  20. I know he did serve under the great satan and the great sulking monster but Alistair Darling was one Scottish politician who I feel is worthy of some praise, pragmatic and not given to feckless assertions, Sturgeon however probably the most rancid bint imaginable, possessed of utter bile, sails pretty close to being treasonable has zero interest in the broader interests of the UK, if her dreams do come to pass I suspect they would soon change into a nightmare

    • Yeah… Alistair Darling wasn’t such a bad egg as Labour cunts go… he got on Gordon “bigoted woman” Brown’s tits, so alright with me.

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