Muslim Pride


Yes it sounds like a joke but it isn’t. No doubt Saddik Kunt will turn up to give a grovelling, unctuous speech, in addition to making sure the organisers get a shedful of public money for the event:

Let’s celebrate diversity – or not, as the case might be.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs


89 thoughts on “Muslim Pride

  1. Oh, the irony if some big fat lorry driver called Bill decides to carve a swathe through the parading peacefuls sending them all to Al Larr…. even better if he does it in a Danepak lorry

  2. Yeh I can just imagine that “ son of a bus driver” turning up dressed in leather chaps, fishnet T-shirt and a leather cap!
    Carry his Donald trump blimp in one hand and the London knife crime statistics firmly in his back pocket the CUNT!
    Like you said WC suckdick will be showering this shit show with plenty of public cash whilst sucking up the plaudits from his sycophantic Virtue signalling diversity loving London fuck wits ….
    fuck Them all …..

    • A cult of loonies who believe in fairy stories from an eighth-century desert are angry because another cult of loonies who believe in the same fairy stories from the eighth-century desert have decided they want to indulge in some bum-foolery though the former loonies violently disagree with this as their Book Of Fairy Tales says it is not allowed and both sets of loonies who believe in fairy stories from an eighth-century desert are playing out their dispute in 21st London while Lord Nelson watches on from his column and wonders where it all went awry.

      Morning Lord Q.

      • this tweet caught my eye.

        Homophobia, stigma and shame accounts for so much of the poor mental health we see in our LGBTQI Muslim communities. I’m proud to work with a charity that has been fighting that culture for 20 years.

        remove the jumbled letters and the last line and you have a credible statement.

      • of course that particular tweet may as well be referring to the Muslim countries themselves. But again such charities aren’t allowed to exist due to religious intolerance in those countries.

        But I doubt this particular tweeter would dare “to fight that culture” in Saudi Arabia or Iran or Pakistan for fear of having his/her/it’s head chopped off.

      • Lord Q ? I wished , being a somewhat forgetful and incontinent cunt £300 a day to sit snoring on a nice leather bench sounds an attractive proportion..
        Afternoon El capitano magnanimo

  3. I paraphrase, “I am in earnest. Go and buy the prize halal cow, tell them to bring it back here, that I may slit its throat and watch it bleed to death. Come back with a backpack, some fertiliser and a bag of bolts in less than five minutes and I’ll give you half a crown!”

  4. Sits back taps lip and thinks.
    This is going to be interesting, the article says that the organiser will not give their family name.
    Why not? surely the peaceful and ever loving bretherin do not pose a threat, its not as if they are likely to herd you all together and throw you off a viewing platform on the shard is it.
    This is going to be good, and probably use up more police resources than a Donald trump visit.

  5. Why would any sane person have pride in marrying your first cousin or you brother daughter for forty generations producing precisely 2 nobel prizes for science in the entire Ummah of 1.8 billion people. One has his grave constantly vandalised in Pakistan the other has spent his entire career in the State. Following the warblings of a deranged warlord in nothing to be proud of. Cunts the lot of em.

  6. I dunno, makes a change from spitting on soldiers and the like. Maybe they could do it past some Birmingham schools. That would be interesting.

  7. Of course that kind of thing would never happen in the Middle East for very obvious reasons.

    So why don’t all these virtue signalling cunts, including Suckdick get on Saudi Arabia’s case and lighten up on their strict rules about the Gayness?

    But they won’t because it will all kick off big time, and we have too many vested interests over there (oil and football club ownerships, to name but two) to want to rock the boat on civil liberties.

    Is it any wonder this country is being swamped by immigrants knowing how soft as shite we are on most social, religious and political issues.

    • Wonder if they have porn?
      Mud slime lezzie stuff!
      2 darth vaders, fingers an tongues!
      Glad theyve not invented ‘smell o vision’yet!
      Fish curry anyone?

      • I have been kind today in not cunting Tom “Slubberguts” Watson, former MP and little Sir Echo to Carl Beech, who failed to apologise to the last living person the pair of them libelled about sex offences, which were a pack of lies. Sadly Lord Bramall died yesterday, and no real apology ever hovered over that vile little cunts greasy lips.

        Nor did I cunt Steptoe yet again, for hardy saying a word about Frank Dobson, who also died yesterday, whowas a sensible and decent Labour politician (and once during the London Mayor 2000 election referred to Mandelson and his ilk as “fancy nancies”), yet gushed with pride the day before about the “achievements” of washing machine engineer Keith Vaz “the first Muslim MP, the most senior (in terms of time served) and a great example to the Community”. Frank Dobson was no saint but he was a bloody sight more honest than Vazeline, so 2 people escaped my cunting today, due to my inate kindness.

      • Did Frank Dobson really describe Vaz as “the first Muslim MP”?

        Cos Vaz is a Catholic! ?

  8. Perhaps we’ll see a glut of hômo Muzlim TV shows like an Alláh-inspired Glee when young Muzzies dance about practising their Jihadî moves. We could have a Queer As Alláh with young Jihadîs experiencing homophobic attitudes with 8th-century parents blocking 21st-century life. Better still, let’s have Britain’s Got Terrorîsts with nancy believers trying to impress a panel of botox’d cunts and have it hosted by a hateful, opinionated, unfunny lezza like Sue fucking Perkins.

      • Mo the mincer seems a likely fly by…

        ”’from a tall building. ( and apparently that is legal where the arse crusts come from. )

    • We could have a moz version of that show naked attraction where attention-seeking no-marks show their goolies on national tv, but with the entrants limited to the Male mozzas preferred demographic of twelve year old white girls

      • What about a version where they keep the burqua on until you’ve whittled it down to the final one.

        “And now Mr.Cuntarian, we know she’s got a decent body and that you’re having a weekend away so let’s reveal your bunk-up….!

        The burqua is removed to reveal a moustachio’d Freddie Mercury with missing teeth and purple hair.

        Cuntarian: Could we put the hood back on?

      • Ha! Days of pillage are long gone though so I’ll take what I can get. Rumour is some of these mozza lasses are proper filthy when the lights are out

      • Not sure, Spoons. Middle-aged, slim, acts like a posh gay man, hugely over-confident, unfunny, young KD Lang? She/he always hides her misandry under a veil of “jokes” and jerky Oxbridge grunts.

  9. Can you envisage a “Christian Pride” festival in the heart of Tehran?

    Mo, me neither. Can’t imagine why!

  10. Whatever next? Pieces of former ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, would be rolling in his grave.

      • Alright B&W, soon this will be the norm and straight people will be the ‘weirdos’. They have got drag queens reading stories to pre-schoolers in public libraries over in the States, probably here too or its on its way. The West if fucked.

      • How’s it going LL, We have to fight back, they rely on the right on liberal types to push their bollocks.
        We need someone to stand up and say fuck off.
        I should have becone a politician… can’t now as some of my colourful past would surface.

      • Let’s face it if you are a white male the only way to become an M.P is to be a poof, and a rabid feminist to boot. The balance has switched to bulldykes and mixed race wimmin

  11. Which way will Jezzbollah Corbyn jump… If he supports the gay Muslims hell fuck off the mainstream gay hating mass Muslim Postal Vote legions, if he supports the gay hating mass Muslim Postal Vote legions, he pisses off the leftist gays. Oh the fucking irony. Likewise with Sadiq Khanage. Knowing Corbyn and his odious puppet master, Milne-Goebbels, they’ll find something to blame on Israel while saying fuck all about ol’ Jezza’s bestest buddies of Hamas/PLO killing gays and dragging them around the streets from the back of a motorcycle. Waiting to see the hypocritical cunts tie themselves in ideological knots and contortions over this. Pass the popcorn, oh yes, and fuck off…..

  12. I think that “Gay Pride” week is a tremendous leaves the other 51 weeks of the year free for them to feel thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

      • Morning,RTC.

        Medical science will eventually find a cure for that most self-indulgent of psychosomatic illnesses…The Gayness,but I feel confident that you and I will be total Wankers until our dying day.

      • I’ve heard that Boris Johnson will be putting in a word for us onanists during a speech he is giving later today.

    • Would you want to be associated with its chief patron, the biggest wanker of all, “magic grandpa” Jezzbollah Corbyn, Order of Lenin’s wife’s Cunt and bar

  13. It’s all an act by our Snackbar neighbour’s…they have organised this to root out the gay amongst them.
    This time next year all the Benders who took part will mysteriously fall off a high building, or end up in the Lamb shawarma they sell us.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • When our fathers and grandfathers fought the hun in the 1940’s, I wonder what they’d have thought if they knew their options were either to have the Fuhrer’s jackboots goose-stepping through our country or allow sweaty muslims to block our streets publicising their desire to put their dicks up our arses.

  14. Slightly off-topic, but as a bit of a techie person, be advised Microsoft is rolling out its latest cumulative updates (version 1909) for Windows 10 machines, as of November 12th.

    Given their appalling record of clean trouble-free updates in the past it might be wise to “pause” the latest updates for at least 7 days (I think only versions Windows 10 Pro and above, have this delay option). This is especially apparent if you’re running an older version of W10 (Update version 1809 or older)

    By holding back on the updates you might not end up with a fucked up machine for a few days until those cunts at Redmond get their shit together.

    • Thanks, Techno. I dread the sodding “updates” – making a bad situation worse IMO. A friend has an HP stream and the machine has never been able to take the updates (though it tries for hours) because it is too puny – even though it was designed for 8.1. It is still available – sjupposedly for 10! He had to buy something else. Bring back 7 – or even Vista

    • I love those updates, as I am all Linuxed up except for one box with XP. Which Microsucks no longer supports, and is not on air, so it just carries on working.

      • I have 3.1, 95, 98s2, XP, 2000, 7 and Vista on VMs – most of them piss all over 8.x and 10 even though they’re no longer supported.

        But I’m not complaining because supporting W10 keeps me in clover

    • Good idea – checked mine and it was pending download so just suspended for 7 days (W10 Home)

  15. This noms getting on my tits!
    Everytime i go near the top of the page it unravels about 6ft of Twitter posts, like some unravelled bogroll!
    Look your gay so fuckin what?
    Id be more worried im a fucking Pâki mud slime!

    Fuck off an burn.

  16. Gay peacefuls! Go to the top of the victim tree you cunts.
    In answer to a previous question, I have seen some peaceful lezza porn. To be honest I don’t think they were real peacefuls. Just because you are wearing a headscarf while you’re licking some bird’s snatch doesn’t make you a fucking peaceful. Now, if she had been wearing a suicide vest when she stripped off her kit I might have been convinced.

  17. It has just occurred to me, yes my mind sometimes takes a while to think, that all those things for example gay pride, fat pride, black pride, etc etc.
    Replace the word pride with the word parade. Parades are sometimes ways of advertising.
    To me, that’s what it is. I’m not begrudging anyone at all.

    I’m proud of things that I have accomplished in life but I don’t expect a parade.

    Does that make sense? I hope I worded it the right way.

    • And yet if you have a “White Pride” the old bill come round kick the shit out of you and lock you up for a million years!

      • There could be parades for anything.

        People hopping on one foot down the street for Stubbed Toe Parade.

        An epilepsy parade. Just be mindful of using flash photography.

        Prisoner parade. Prisoners released just for that special occasion. No one should be proud of being in prison. The public should be allowed to throw rotten fruit and vegetables at them as they go past.

        The list is endless.

    • Spoonington pride parade
      13th-15th Dec 2019
      Brighton pavilion
      Tickets £10 see admin

  18. The local stone shop is going to do a roaring trade when this bunch of curry dicks prance through the town. Cop that fucker Iqbal.

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