A cunting for – the Lincolnshire press (bear with me..). Now I’m such a cunt that I live in the infamous Boston, Lincolnshire; a place where we have to have street signs in about 15 European languages asking our fine ethnic visitors not to a) drink alcohol, b) shoot up, c) drop your kex any old where and drop a steaming turd in the middle of the pavement; I kid you not.
Now this has been going on for donkeys years to the point where the few English fuckers left are past caring; yet the local papers and TV news insist on reporting the many, many instances of these kind of shenanigans without any reference whatsoever to the fact that the retards responsible sure as hell ain’t English.
Just another reason my piss boils whenever I hear some smug Islington cunt lecturing us thicko Brexit voters about how racist we are; unfortunately while your immigrants may be able to make a top-drawer skinny mocha soy latte for you, the only skills ours seem to be able to manage is the superhuman ability to drink 14% Polish lager for breakfast on the park benches and dropping some truly jaw-dropping chocolate bombs in the kids’ sandpit. Oh and drink-driving, they’re fucking ace at that.
Cunts one and all.
Nominated by Cunting virgin
Although on closer inspection the first story I find is an English bloke taking a shit on a dead hedgehog!!!!!
To say nothing of the pressure on housing these people are creating. I live in a county just south of Lincolnshire and they are building on every bit of available
land. The local farmers are running off to the bank and moving out but the rest of us have to put up with it.
Mind you they can leave the Polish girls here. “Dobre pria dollich?” Is a useful phrase to know.
Feel sorry for you, heard about the ‘invasion’ in Boston. Brexit voters were hoping that they’d all fuck off if leave won, but, alas, seems more and more unlikely unfortunately..
The drink-drivings actually one of the worst things; they drink 8 cans of beer then drive at home so by their reckoning it’s fine to do it here as well, venturing out on the roads is a frigging lottery. Mind you they’re easy to spot, always a big Audi or BMW saloon with a massive exhaust, tinted windows and six blokes in it (all pissed including the driver)
Oh that and the frequent murders, they’re not all sunshine either (only plus is that they mainly only knife each other to death)
The powers that be have encouraged them to stay. And it gets worse:
Under Boris’s BRINO deal, EU citizens in the UK (and UK citizens in the EU) will retain their residency and social security rights after Brexit.
Freedom of Movement rules will continue to apply during the two years plus transition period. That means EU nationals will still be able to live and work in the UK (and UK nationals will be able to live and work in the EU) during this period.
EU nationals who have remained here for five years will be still allowed to apply for permanent residence.
PS: I have relatives in Boston
PPS: There is nothing to stop the ‘transition period’ from becoming permanent…..
And you can be absolutely sure it will be, RTC.
And we’ll be paying £39 billion for the privilege, plus a further £18 billion for every year the transition period is extended, while the trade deal is being ‘negotiated’.
Absolutely. Pretty much a given nowadays that any promise made will be broken as soon as the feet are under the table
We all remember the lie that only 15000 would come. Labour shite. These Cunts won’t be content until the country is well and truly fucked.
Keith Vaz was at Luton Airport to welcome the first Roumanian immigrant at Luton Airport.
Only to suck him off.
VAZ was looking for cheap, young, male staff to work in his laundrette the devious druggy CUNT.
Cunts. All of them. You can sit at a bus stop round my way and every white cunt who walks past is talking some jibber jabber language. Go in the supermarket and there’s three of them with a trolley full of booze, paying with a credit card. Who gives these cunts a credit card? Doesn’t stop them asking for 10p or a fag. I presume they think if I get my money out i’m going to give them a lot more.
I wouldn’t give them the shit out of my arse. Fuck off and beg in your own country.
My local Tesco at 7.00 p.m. there is a queue for when the discounted items go on sale. All EE’s and you are intimidated to not join in.
If it’s as bad as Kent has become, they’ll need to translate these phrases:-
Do not break into and burgle other people’s houses (Romanian)
Do not hold up post offices with sawn-off shotguns (Lithuanian)
Do not smuggle and sell Class A drugs (Albanian)
Do not chain your whores to radiators) Slovakian
Have regular AIDS tests (Ukrainian)
Get a fucking job (Bulgarian)
Moreover, translate the above into Polish so that those peasants understand everything.
The ironic thing is that in my experience each individual strain of these viruses are the most racist cunts you’re ever likely to meet; they all hate anyone from other countries….
We have a dedicated TB clinic here up at QE Hospital in Norfolk which has about 20-35 new cases a month. It was set up three years ago and would say about 80% are eastern euro background 10% Asian and the rest made up from locals getting fucking infected by them. That’s coming from the secretaries mouth not hearsay.
Put that in your local fucking rag. No? Thought so.
Or just translate this. Fuck off back to your shitholes. Cunts.
OdJebe Natrag
I live just on the outskirts of the lincs/Norfolk border and was watching that Look North programme as we can’t get the east one here in west Norfolk for some reason. Mast signal not strong enough etc Etc.
Anyway there was a piece on Boston not the other day interviewing “locals”.
Long story short and I should have recorded it but even a local eastern euro cunt said it doesn’t feel like England here.
What the actual fuck when a fucking immigrant says it feels like their country not the fucking one they have chose to live in.
By the way if it makes you feel any better it’s exactly the same in Wisbechistan and King’s Lynn.
And great yarmouth fast becoming awash with the cunts too!
To be honest I dont know of anywhere in the country now that isn’t affected to some degree. Only positive here is that it literally cannot get any worse (or if it can I’m fucked if I know how) – I’m lucky -touch wood – in that I live a distance from the town on a road where they can’t shove the fuckers hopefully. Never considered myself a racist before all this; people are people at the end of the day but these lazy, feckless cunts have absolutely nothing to offer, won’t integrate, won’t learn the language and are the dirtiest well-mannered cunts you’ll ever meet. On way home from remembrance day parade yesterday I passed a group of 6 of them drinking stella round a skip; says it all really.
*Meant ILL mannered obviously- poxy phone
This is a bit like Poker Gimmigrants:
I see your King’s Lyn and Great Yarmouth and I raise it to Kent.
Surely tgere isn’t anywhere in the UK with more Dooshka-Booshka Korrr-va in the streets than Kent-twinned-with-Bucharest.
“Never considered myself a racist before all this…”
Nor should you now! I don’t even acknowledge the term should it arise in conversation.
Good point well taken
14% Polish lager sounds interesting, I’d give it a go. I read that Gold Label barley wine is now 7.5%, that’s criminal, it used to be 10.5%. And didn’t Tennants and Stella used to be 9%? What are they doing to our booze? Watering it down, same as they’re doing with the UK population.
It tastes like cheap wilkos varnish with a thick consistency to match. They literally drink it for breakfast though (it’s mostly under-the-counter stuff they get smuggled in and hide in their shops to sell, no duty to the UK that way of course)
The post WW2 Poles who either came here, or were already here as soldiers/pilots/etc., settled all over the UK, learned the language and integrated, often marrying British women and raising a British family.
They also fucking grafted. In Stoke many of the Poles worked in the coal mines as face workers – like me Dad – and that’s no picnic.
The Johnny Come Lately 2003 mob onwards came over in droves, took a foothold in the likes of Crewe, Boston, Luton and Southampton but because – other than the first landers – they now had ghettos of their own there was no need to integrate into your own kind, or learn the lingo because now most small shops are Polish and the bigger mainstream ones are manned in those areas by Poles.
Every doctors surgery has at least one Babooshka receptionist, so again, no need to speak the lingo. Etc.
I have worked with Polish professionals (white collar guys) who have been mint and speak better English than myself. These are the “best and brightest” that we actually want here (and they pay handsome tax too).
Then you get your plumbers, brickies, etc., who will graft but you’re never quite sure if HM Revenue and Customs are getting their bit. They don’t rely on handouts at least.
But then you get the final group. These are effectively Poland’s Kyle scüm and the only reason they’re here is because – unlike Poland – the UK will happily fund and tolerate their idleness. Well we have enough layabout cunts like that of our own without importing half of the Eastern Bloc’s!
Moreover a number of them seem to have very tidy blacked out Mercs and Beemers and seem to congregate solely in gyms for the odd, discreet “wee baggy” exchange. You also know “that type” because their birds are always knock-out, done up in designer gear and dripping with gold!
This is why all pointless immigration should be stopped immediately, and that includes Mo’s mob being gifted passes for extended family members.
Anyone and everyone entering the UK has to have a point to do so and have a job to go to that will guarantee no benefits handouts.
As for the Pret/Costa/bedpan roles, well, it’s about time our own Kyle scüm were forced to earn their keep and did those.
I hear these handout twats crying about “fairness”, well why it is fair that I have to travel almost 1,000 miles a week all over the country to THEN do my job just to fund you sitting around all fucking day!
You need to draw a line under the free Poles, they are the last of a breed, those that chose to return after world war two were killed off in gulags by the Russians and the Home population was cleansed to make pleasing slaves to the state.
A pre 1940 Pole and a Post 1940 pole is not the same being although in my travels in Poland I have never had problems.
I have Slovak and Czech friends, all normal people and I have met many others on my travels to the two countries, they have piss heads for sure but the gypsies are cunts and when they joined the EU we ended up with lots of the shit end over here.
Two cases recently of people trafficking organised by Slovak and Romanian gypsies.
I know several Polish people who live in the UK and are nice people but sadly along with nice people we also get the crap!
We have a housing shortage, well not surprising as we import 200 to 300 thousand immigrants each year, the libtards say we need immigrants to work in the health service, OK great so we let in health workers but why the fuck do we need cunts to wash cars, half of whom probably aren’t paying tax so aren’t contributing to the economy.
It’s time the fucking politicians removed their heads from their arse holes and admitted Immigration is only good when it is CONTROLLED!
Ditto, Mrs B MKI is Croatian, she is a professor of English/ Italian a sworn court interpreter to both Customs and Criminal Courts and a member of HUPE, She does visit England but has no intention of living here, because lets face it she would not get a better Job or standard of living.
However Vladek round the corner who sweeps up after the market would probably be over here like a shot given the chance (Vladek spends a lot of time leaning on his broom and scratching his privates on the square).
So the Imigration thing is not really attracting the cream of the crops so to speak more the dross at a loss.
100 yards down the road from me the cunts operate a car wash. A few times now I’ve seen them put down their buckets and sponges and walk another 20 yards down the road into the post office to collect their benefits, bold as brass without giving one fuck who sees them. And no doubt a lot better off than some cunt grafting for 40 hours a week and paying tax, rent etc.
According to Labour unlimited immigration doesn’t impact on the NHS/schools/housing but its all down to the nasty tory cuts/ austerity blah blah.
But as we all well know Anything Labour say we take with a large pinch of salt .
Corbyn would love to blame the Tories for everything Ask him about Labour bankrupting the Country in 2008
Get back to your allotment Steptoe
It is unsustainable, uncontrolled, and unbelievably unpleasant. These Eastern bloc grot-holes must be entirely free of criminals. Even after we’ve deported them back to Prague and Gdansk they return within days. It’s a cancer on Britain.
Google “Mateusz Marcinkowski” and ‘Alberts Volkausks” for some light reading…..
How to fucking obliterate a country in a few decades without military action. Unfortunately all self inflicted by our politicians. We have so many useless white British cunts why do we want to import every scumbag nations shit to add to our gene cess pool. Yes but we need economic migrants said cunt God Blair. Doctors ,nurses ,scientists. All I see is fucking Balkan fuckers washing cars and Romanian thieves and Polish hit and run drivers fucked out of their skulls on bath tub vodka it’s like an epidemic, but the one that pisses me off most is the cunts stealing fish from rivers and commercial fisheries like a brotherhood of swarthy, dark haired, track suited Ospreys. When will the worm turn and expel this pestilence ?
Well said indeed.
We are fucked.
A cesspit that grows daily.
Thanks Londonistan!
Not just fish, we used to see swans with cygnets on the river in front of my house every year without fail; no longer as the Latvians, Lithuanians etc. eat them so think nothing of dragging them out of the river and barbecuing them in the remote park areas. That did make the papers a few years ago (ash, bones and feathers everywhere) but was deemed “a bit racist” so it was quietly erased from history.
I think a few on this site should pay a visit to Sussex to see Krakow-on Sea, formerly Bognor Regis.
The town centre is full of betting shops, nail and hair salons, charity shops, a grotesque Wetherspoons and a Polish convenience ahop.
The ‘court round-up- page in the local paper is full of Jerzys and Stanislaws stealing from Sainsburys and drink-driving.
Average earnings in the town are far lower than the surrounding area -around £17k a year, putting it on par with the midlands and half of Wales.
I know Boston is bad We read in our local rag (The Chad) some bad lads with foreign names were prosecuted for drink driving and other offences in Mansfield Law Courts Most of them had Boston Lincs addresses We would love to turn them into pork pies or dog food but the law much the pity won’t allow it The cries from the Court galleries of “Send Them Down” was overwhelming
“Send Them Back” would have been more appropriate.
Apparently you cannot say that anymore it’s Racist ?
What about fuck ’em off?
Works for me!
Given the toilet habits of the Eurotrash who by in large employed in the agriculture sector in Lincs , I shall be very circumspect in selecting the sprouts for christmas dinner this year. Sad to think of Lincolnshire now, once home to so many aerodromes in the war from which so many flew not to return indeed it would have been the last sight of this country many had (more than 50,000 deaths in Bomber Command in WWII )
ok i know this gets a mention every year, so let me be the first ( possibly) but for fucks sake it’s early Nov. and already we are being overwhelmed with Christmas adverts. just fuck off. the picture they try to paint cannot possibly be lived up to. it’s a fantasy world, the reality will an anti-climax and it’s all predicated on the falsity that ‘things’ will make you happy. the incoming government should introduce a new law. no Christmas ads until Dec 15th. bah humbug!
Xmas started the week after the kids went back to school in September advertising wise, with a 2wk hiatus to peddle Halloween bollocks.
The week before Xmas you get January Sales (starting on Boxing Day) intermixed with Xmas gorging ads.
As soon as Lizzie’s arse has sat down at 3.15pm on Xmas Day, that signals the never ending holiday adverts intermixed with the January sales ads, and the day after New Year’s Day you’ll see Easter eggs in the shops.