Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonard Dicaprio is a cunt, isn’t he.

Dicaprio, one of the most miscast actors in the film industry, and renowned for ‘movies’ with endless swearing and violence, has been bleating about climate change again, despite excessive travelling by helicopter, aeroplane, and luxury boat. He has a history of bleating which reached a peak at the 2016 Oscars when he bleated at people during his victory speech for his latest film containing endless swearing and violence.
This week Dicaprio met with weird, dówns scando Greta Thunderberk to listen to the climate change puppet snarl and chastise everybody in her tiresome starey-eyed, teeth-grinding manner. Dicaprio, ever one to collect popularity points, called her the “leader of our time.” Furthermore, he said that her message is a “wake-up call to our leaders.” Presumably he’s made himself exempt as he still travels by helicopter, aeroplane, and luxury boat.

Dicaprio’s films include Titanic (the story of the ship, into which was crowbarred a clichéd romance regarding a rich girl and poor Yank boy Zzzzz), Inception (can you stay awake…though the whole film), The Revenant (so shit you’re cheering on the bad guy, Tom Hardy), The Beach (utter shit), Gangs Of New York (so shit you’re cheering on the bad guy, Daniel Day-Lewis), and The Wolf Of Wall Street (so shit it has no wolf in the whole film!).

When Dicaprio plays a softie or a handicapped child he’s believable; however, when he is regularly (mis)cast as a tough man or gangster smashing down burly killers, it’s a touch too difficult to suspend the disbelief.

His acting is mediocre, his films are hackneyed, fantasy shite for cretins, and his preaching, unsurprisingly complementing his hypocrisy, is so far off the scales it’s almost Bonoesque.

Dicaprio, you are a Titanic cunt.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

55 thoughts on “Leonardo Dicaprio

    • He is also a complete cunt to everyday folk. Read a few stories about how he treats the working man, he had one of his house cleaners fired for daring to say good morning and make eye contact.

      All he cares about is himself everyone else can get fucked .

      • Amazing how often that crops up with these nutters. By all accounts one of the worst offenders was (not so much “is” as I dont think he gets offered much beyond sci-fi channel shite these days) Val Kilmer

    • Clint wasn’t in the least bit woke so he and his films should be erased from Hollywood history and he should be banned from all Oscar/Hollywood backslap fests.
      I think he’s also a ( shock horror) Republican.
      Go ahead punk…..

      • Clint is a goddamed sexual tyrannosaurus. If legend is to be believed the only one of these limp-wristed acting mob to not blink like a fairy when firing a fake gun and well.

  1. Sometimes an arch-cunt comes along and plies their trade with such suspicious perfection, that you actually wonder if they are just trolling everyone by deliberately being such a flawless pillar of cuntitude. DiCaprio is one such individual.

    The best film he was ever in was some family drama where he was a teenager and De Niro was an abusive stepdad – don’t know the title and the film wasn’t much, but a brutal head kicking scene inflicted upon a pre-pubescent DiCaprio was compelling to watch, going some way to mitigate De Niro of his own interstellar star of cunt.

    Now, not wishing to be confrontational on here, but I have seen some cunters on the topic of Greta Asp-berg defend her to the hilt, and are almost fatherly in their protection of her in claiming that as a 16-year old, she is undeserving of such widespread vitriol. While I agree that out-and-out abuse is not on, this is the simple fact: if Greta is fucking old enough to be on a pedestal lecturing the public at large on ‘climate change’, she is old enough to be put under scrutiny, challenged, debunked and given some straight-talking responses. She is no older than the Covington kids, yet we were all quite happy to see their lives ruined unjustly, eh?

    I mention this because the single biggest act of cunt which DiCaprio’s hypocritical demonstrations have executed in recent times is the championing of this little Sweirdo, claiming that the original Child of the Corn is ‘a leader of our time’. This exact sort of celebrity ’emperor’s new clothes’ makes me fucking vomit in a projectile fashion – cunts like DiCaprio using the platform afforded to them for pretending to be various characters on the silver screen, now use it to lecture and fairweather flag shite like ‘climate change’ and such.

    A solid nomination and assuming admins haven’t once again borked the cunt-counter™, then I am truly amazed this is his first nomination. Chapeau, Captain.

      • Leonards a fine actor!
        Revenant? ..fuckin mint.
        Catch me if you can…mint.
        I think the little cunts a good actor.
        Sacked some workman for eye contact?..fuckin A!!
        If i was as rich as Leonard id have the cheeky cunt whacked for stepping on my shadow!!
        Give this kid a Oscar.

  2. Another two-faced Hollywood cunt: he’ll bend over for anyone if it means looking good for social media.

    He was also one of those Hollywood cunts who shouted and screamed that he (and others) would emigrate to Canada if Trump didn’t step down as their democratically elected leader a few years back.

    Well guess where he (and others) is living right now? Yes, in fucking Hollywood! So much for the tantrum.

    And now that he is sucking on the tit that is St Greta he will again bend over for the libtards. But of course being rich and powerful he won’t care about climate change just so long as it doesn’t affect him and his lifestyle. Let the “little people” suffer, but not the rich and powerful.

    If these Hollywood types really cared about the environment then perhaps they should shoot all films in their own backyard rather than jetting all over the world!

    Or better still replace living actors with CGI versions: I suspect a lot of people wouldn’t even notice the fucking difference, but at least it would put the likes of Emma Watson, Helen Mirren and this smug cunt on the dole while their cartoon versions got all the acclaim, as well as saving the planet!

    • Question – did any of the cunts who proclaimed they would emigrate to Canada (or elsewhere) post-Trump actually go ahead with their promise?

      I mean, I know the answer, I just want to bash on these snowflake shitcunt pansies a bit more this morning.

    • I miss the mystique of the film stars of old; I doubt whether Lauren Bacall would have been tweeting about how pleased she was with the visible amount of fibre in her morning turd. Bloody hell, nobody (in the wider public that is) even knew Rock Hudson was an enthusiastic player of the pink oboe for decades!! Fuck me, he’d have been given a knighthood today

      • I’ve often thought about that. The problem with Social Media is that it is a fucking gateway into the most vapid and vain excesses, and I have a horrible feeling that even stars of old would have exemplified cuntitude which tarnished their image.

        It’s complicated, because social values even up to the 90s suggested that everyone had their place – sure, some actors always piped up on activism but it was rarely the in-your-face, do-what-I-say-or-die cuntitude exhibited today. I’d like to think that there was a bit more self-respect common sense but let’s face it, Hollywood has always been the bastion of the screeching degenerate.

        I am glad that, as you say, many stars of yesteryear keep that air of mystique.

      • Oh yes, if the tools to make yourself look a cunt were as widespread then as they are today it would probably have been just the same. We’d have had tweets from the aforementioned Rock telling us how he must pop down the shop for some lilletts for his battered ringpiece, and his followers telling us how brave he is.

      • And of course years ago you had Marlon Brando being all twattish about not accepting his oscar cos of the Indians or some bollox, so it’s not a new phenomenon

      • Why Scorsese chose him as the lead actor for all those films ‘The Departed’ ‘The Wolf of wall Street’ others is totally beyond me. Hopeless terrible actor. All that effort wasted. Stuck with a cypher in the lead role. Film after film. At least he’s back on form with ‘The Irishman’.

      • @Miles

        As much as I hate de Niro, I have to admit that The Irishman was an unexpected hit. One of those epics that truly absorbed and didn’t feel like 3.5 hours, at least not to me.

      • Sort of on topic did anyone catch that shitfest Liam Neeson got himself into the other month when he said he had in the past “beat up a nagger” cos one once raped his friend or something? Fuck me the liberal Hollywood cunts went into offended meltdown

      • Bet his publicity people had to have a lie down! Haha
        Fuckin ell, did hisself no favours there did he?!
        Bet his next film has to donate a million to the Malcolm X Foundation,
        Or the Bill Cosby fund for rape victims.

      • I love de Niro Empire. Not the Trump baiting of course. Just a great actor.
        I think what happened to Scorsese after the success of ‘Goodfellas’, ‘Casino’ he wanted to get right away from the Mob movie. But that was his subject matter; the Italian American mafia. That is what he knew intimately. But he decided to go with a ‘pretty boy’ playing sweary hard living characters from different workds (the stock ecchsnge in TWofWS) and it never worked
        He has returned to his true subject matter with The Irishman. I will have to wait to see the it because I don’t go to the cinema but from what I’ve heard it sounds a tour de force.
        He has criticized :the ‘fanchise movie’ (backed up by Coppola) as ‘not really cinema’ his right he is.
        I wouldn’t imagine you’re much interested in 16th century Catholic. Missionaries to Japan. But I watched ‘Silence’ for the first time the other week on BBC 2. Gruelling torture scenes. And really profound question at the heart of it. (for me). Images that have stayed with me.
        He’s back on form after going nowhere with de Caprio for years.

      • Marlon wasnt so precious when sucking Richard priors cock though?
        Funny old world…

  3. He’s a shit actor, a pompous hypocrite, and he has a face like a lumpy, bearded potato.

    I can’t think of one decent film when he played a believable character. Even in that flying film about the con-artist he almost out-cunted Tom Hanks which is a monumental feat.

  4. Notice how the slebs are moving the “climate change” argument to cover their outright fucking hypocrisy?
    “yes, I know I travel about in a private jet – but the climate emergency is soooooo important that you must listen to me and ignore my hypocrisy”.

    Fat reg, Harry Hewett and the rest of the cunts. Just fuck off and get out of my face. I want to be warm drive a car and go on holiday in a jet plane. I am already burning a load of waste oil in my home-made burner as I don’t give a fuck and want to be warm when it’s cold. I have a plan to start making my own diesel from pyrolysed plastic. Cunts.

    • No, seriously. We have a waste plastic mountain, and pyrolysis to recover useful hydrocarbons – not necessarily fuel – is a thoroughly sensible idea. Unfortunately it hasn’t been widely adopted.

      Round about the end of the Eocene, when I were a lad, ‘New Scientist’ had feature called ‘Daedalus’ for not-wholly-credible science, and I remember one issue in particular: the Waste Spectrometer. This accepted any and all household and commercial waste, split it (hence ‘spectrometer’) into processing streams, and recovered anything useful – in this case, most of the waste.

      Still to be invented, unfortunately.

      • one of the main reasons we can’t recover liquid hydrocarbons from plastic and use it as fuel is due to the stupid cunts in the Environment Agency. If you make fuel from waste, then you need to be a licensed facility to burn the oil that is produced. Therefore, each vehicle that uses it has to be registered as a licensed waste disposal facility involving hydrocarbons! Fucking idiots.

        They will need to catch me first.

  5. I saw this cunt, briefly in the 3 Musketeers or somesuch. Fucking woeful acting. And wasn’t he the cunt with the dodgy accent in Blood Diamond?

    Fucking hyprocrite writ large and talent-free.

    • Let’s hope the San Andreas fault gets a bit twitchy and swallows half the fuckers and a tsunami takes the New York cunts . Fackin slime.

  6. I think the midget cunt has done one good film and that was shutter Island….. He comes across as the smug little cunt at school that you would love to smash around the playground but you know he would grass you up for it

  7. The real question is: who has the best “spud” head?

    Leonardo Di Caprio


    Jo Swinson?

    Answers on a postcard to:

    The Jersey Royal Appreciation Society
    Maris Piper Avenue

    Or share your views with us this evening as the case may be?

    • P.S. He was ok in “J. Edgar”, probably because J. Edgar Hoover was a cunt in real life and therefore wasn’t too difficult for DiCaprio to reproduce.

  8. Funny, all this talk of Hollywood and associated has raised more questions than answers.

    Will film-making ever become respectable again?

    Will all this wokeness bollocks ever stop?

    Is it possible to draw Star Wars director Rian Johnson enormous, round head with just a draughtman’s compass?

    • The optimist in me says there will be a backlash against the hyper hypocrisy and liberal mafia but the pessimist in me just called the optimist a bigoted waayycist.

  9. Mr Dicrapio is highly qualified to talk about climate change having starred in the film Titanic, what with the big mention of an iceberg.

  10. I find it amazing that almost every showbiz ‘personality’ whether yank or brit has exactly the same political views.
    I mean what are the chances on the law of averages?

    • I think it’s a hive-mind thing: as you say law of averages would dictate that at least some would think contrarily. But those that do daren’t voice any opposing opinions because of the notoriously fickle Hollywood system, once you’re blacklisted you’re fucked; and sooner or later they just start to believe the same shit themselves

  11. Just do the acting then shut up and fuck off to enjoy money.
    Shouldn’t be difficult but nowadays impossible.
    Therefore CUNTS.

    • I enjoy the films (even diCaprio’s) and ignore actors’ personal opinions.

      If they make cockheads of themselves off screen well they are just actors and don’t know any better.

  12. Nobody should be surprised dicaprio is a cunt ….
    firstly he’s an actor which readily identifies as a cunt! , the only question is
    How big of a cunt is he?
    Well he’s American and a democrat so I guess a Oscar sized gold plated cunt!!!!

    • He’s got a little boy’s face, which I’m sure makes him ideal for some parts. I’ve only seen one of his films, Basketball Diaries, and it wasn’t bad. But like the overwhelming majority of actors, as soon as he starts speaking without a script he makes a complete cunt of himself.

  13. Dont agree as regards the acting climate change/hmm but difficult hes stumped up a lot of cash to help a few conservation efforts one being tigers.the departed was good/the revenant was good/catch me if u can was good/is everyone in hollywood limelight hogging all for good causes yeah of course theym all hypocritical tell me somet i dont fucking know

  14. It´s funny how you never hear anything about an early film of his called “Total Eclipse” (1995) in which he played the part of the French poet Arthur Rimbaud who was a Sid Vicious of his day and a homo to boot. He was only about 16 when he met the older poet Paul Verlaine whom he seduced. The film plays up this youthful, not to say boyish, attraction and contains pictures of DiCaprio flashing off his tackle and arse. One gruesome scene shows him being sodomized by Verlaine, played by David Thewlis, while another shows a doctor peering up his arsehole.

    Rimbaud gave poetry up and ended up Africa as a coffee trader and the film ends with a steamy scene in which DiCaprio gives a length to an Ethiopian bint.

    I think DiCaprio has done some behind the scene fixing to ensure that his foray into the world of boy fun and interracial sex has been tucked away in the closet.

  15. So he thinks that Growler Kuntberg is a “leader of our time,” is she ? Shut up, you cunt. Ian Huntley is more of a fucking leader than her.

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