I want to officially cunt Ken Loach and Danny Boyle. The two look interchangeable as arsehole-faced ‘socialists’ who churn out guff for the deluded left to lap up with gleeful gluttony. I had the misfortune of being somewhere this week where some Public Sector twat was telling one of his colleagues what a ‘brilliant’ film I, Daniel Blake was. No. I, Daniel Blake is the worst British film ever made. An absolute pile of propagandistic shite to make its mentally ill Left viewers believe that the Benefits system actually leaves people homeless and hungry. IT DOES NOT. If you follow the rules correctly, you’re covered. If you DON’T FOLLOW THE RULES, you get fucked just as much as your lazy arse deserves for what you didn’t do or what you didn’t submit.
And as for Boyle, and the whole Olympic, “ooh look, we’ve always had black nurses in the NHS” ceremony bollocks, I hope he ends his days on top of a red-hot poker in Hell.
PPS – and they can take fucking Mark Tosswanker Rylance with them.
Nominated by WokeUpTodayAndRealisedWhatACuntIAm
Terrorist shot dead on London Bridge.
Piss be upon him.
Get To Fuck.
Must be fucking satisfying to get to do so too.
Will look forward to hearing about how a poor man with mental problems was radicalised by us heinous white people all over again I guess then. It’s certainly nothing to do with pisslam and the other 1600 pisslamic inspired and sanctioned terrorist attacks that have taken place just this year alone.
Do we know if it was a “peaceful”?
By virtue of the fact that the lamestream media haven’t mentioned it, one can only surmise.
It’s to be sure if it wasn’t a BAME then the perp would have already been named, labelled as a far-right terrorist extremist, address given out, along with their inside leg measurement. It would also be “World News” worthy for a month!
If it is a “peaceful” then they will no doubt have mental issues, be a lone wolf, the incident branded as a “tragic accident”, and absolutely NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING, to do with the religion of peace! It will also be forgotten about by tomorrow, with the Heads of the Met inviting us to “hug a peaceful” and promising to clamp down on any “hurty feeling” aspersions cast towards the members of that religion!
The Groan has some Twatter footage here:
The perp looks a bit “beardy” so fingers crossed eh! ?
My money is on peaceful. As we all know, as oppressed as the aspiring architects are, they know that there are too many of those tyrannical white policeman on London bridge. They would be bound to have to suffer the indignity of being searched and having their machete, or this case gun, found.
Latest update from the fuzz is that they “want everyone to not overreact on soshul meeja”!!!! Yeah as long as the guardian readers dont get upset cos a few ray cysts have slagged off the peacefuls everything’s hunky dory
So true – if it was whitey, a far right activist bang to rights. Mozzer or dark key – mentally ill.
There was a photo somewhere of a write-on board, possibly at the station, burbling on about “No room for haters” etc.
How wringing-feckin WET can people get.
Am 1000% certain that, by “haters”, the implication is those of us who do NOT have any truck with the religion of piss.
I wonder if the simple-minders fuckers who do things like that, would be quite so fucking keen to stay on side with the peacefuls if it was one of their family lying dead in the gutter. Utter, utter bastards – no better than the scüm that commit the murders in the first place. (It’s fucking murder, don’t elevate it by calling it a “terrorist attack”)
Thanks for the link admin.
Yeah. Like when I was made redundant and rang them up. They told me I didn’t qualify for any benefits and when I asked why, the cunt hung up.
Been through the exact same myself mog. Was told my mrs 7-hours a week cleaning job was plenty sufficient to support us both and a then 8 year old daughter. Funnily enough Santander weren’t that interested when I offered to pay the mortgage in nicked Brillo pads
Well, what would the spanish know about cleaning equipment?
? good point
I think the pair of you should stop whining, and tighten your belts.
Ive recently had to drop a few necessities to get by!
Nowaday i polish my own shoes rather than the boot black on the high street and buying chicken rather than pheasant.
Throw sone more furniture on the fire , warm yourselves up and have a good hard think.
I’ve dropped my standards considerably. For instance I no longer wash the gravel before putting into some homemade tarmac pastry to make a pie.
There you go! Good man!
See Cuntan, small sacrifices like moggie!
Stop snivelling.?
I thought you bought industrial quantities of boot polish MNC for your minstrel-themed street parties? Ps peace be upon you all for the London bridge goings on ????
I too have coughed up thousands and thousands of pounds over the years. So, what do I get after having n o new contracts since 2016? Yup, you guessed it – fuck all. Maybe I should go and buy a dinghy and rock up on a beach next week,
Save your money and just tell everybody you did.
Welcome to Capita
I’m so glad Danny Boyle got the sack from directing the next Bond film even though it looks like it’s gonna be a pile of feminist shat it could have been much worse with commie cunt Boyle for example Bond forms an assassins trade union and attacks the royal family and then finds out about a plot to blow up the conservative party conference and decides to help the bombers . As for Loach he’s a Britain hating cunt like the rest of the Labour traitor s.
Yeah Boyles a cunt alright. Not that the recent James Bonds have been owt to shout about (new one will be much worse with that fucking woke fleabag thing involved) but he would have done a proper number on it. Student-level filmmaker still riding the coattails of Trainspotting
Yep I think it’s time to fuck Bond off ,too many identity cunts with their agendas trying to destroy anything British, white or masculine now. And instead of just saying fuck off to the lib cunts they make concessions and it will continue to be drip fed into future films for instance we already have had a female M a black moneypenny and a gay Q that’s not enough for them though next we have to endure a black female bond then a transexual Bond . Let’s all boycott the next film and try and kill the franchise off before it becomes a complete liberal cunt extravaganza. James Bond will return. As a lady.
Student level filmmaker, spot on. His films post Trainspotting are all shit, Slum Cunt Millionaire being a prime example. I couldn’t believe how bad the sequel to Trainspotting was, a stinking, steaming pile of manure.
Slum dog millionaire was absolute horseshit I forgot what its about but I can’t be arsed to rewatch it again.
All i remember something bout poor Indian kid who gets a chance to go on a Indian who wants to be a millionaire and wants to screw some bollywood cunt but honestly didn’t mind trainspotting 2 had its moments and wasn’t overly long it wraps up the junkie friends reunion with adulthood and their squabbles tho I would of been pissed had I paid full price to see it at theaters
The Olympic ceremony was one of the biggest lefty wankfest’s ever broadcast.
A right pair of Cunts.
Good afternoon.
Too right Jacky-boy. All that fucking NHS and Windrush shit made me sick. God knows what the rest of the world must have though (apart from to come here, get a free tower block flat, health care and education for their numerous brats). Pair of cunts.
I couldnt watch it. It was tacky blairite crap and a propaganda spectacle worth of Pyongyang.
Shame so many of my BBC-programmed friends and family lapped it up like the obedient mutts they are.
I get pissed of with these cunts when they bang on about poverty, poverty is relative, if you asked people in parts of the third world they will have a totally different definition of poverty.
The UK has a benefits system that is designed to protect people when they, through no fault of their own, find themselves in difficulty.
The reason everyone is suspicious and why there is all this talk about unfairness to the disabled is because there are far too many people milking the benefits system and sadly sometimes deserving cases get fucked over.
If you said to these new millennial cunts that they had to live in a house which gets ice on the inside of the window in winter, has stone flagged floors and one coal fire for the whole house, take a bath in front of the fire in a fucking tin can, go to take a piss or dump in the outside shithouse the fuckers would cry.
That was my childhood!
CUNTS have never had it so good so fuck off!
Why do they think that half the world’s population want to come here? Exactly as you say – poverty is relative. If you’re a Somali living on 3p a year, then benefit are like a lottery win,
Ken Loach made Kes, so slightly guilty cunting him.
Right im over it now!
Fuckin champagne socialists, never missed a meal, never worried themselves sick over paying the bills, FAKES!!
Stick that commie shite up yer arse you fuckin bedwetting ,wannabe , shyster cunts!!!
Im working class and despise you an your politics!
Suck my cock, an sieg heil!
I thought I recognised old Billy Casper!!! Brian Glover too, class
Ken Loach’s latest leftist vehicle “Sorry We Missed You” is also so cringe-worthily bad, it makes “I, Daniel Blake” look far right!
Nobody buys the bullshit these “champagne socialist” cunts peddle anymore. It’s just entertainment catnip for the Tristram and Poppy set to walk out of a cinema feeling upset and so disappointed as to how society could treat poor people so badly…before stepping over/ignoring the homeless person sat in the cinema entrance!
Complete bollocks!
I’d like to batter the cunts with an oar.
Its spelt ‘whore’.
According to Ken Loach it is ok for Labour to have a fringe meeting discussion on the Holocaust, after all ‘all history is there to be discussed’.
Why is it the Labour twats need to discuss the Holocaust in the first place? Without doubt the Holocaust was utterly horrific but these cunts need to discuss it.
They are looking for a way to dismiss it maybe?
They clearly have issues with jews, but see themselves as non racist, they struggle with it, they feel much safer on the subject of black slavery or apartheid.
Yes, very insightful mnc.
Perhaps getting ideas about starting their own.
Entitlement, that’s the ruin of modern Britain, every body thinks they are entitled to whatever they want, people no longer want to choose between having one thing and not the other ie making sacrifices and the benefits system perpetuates that mindset. And with the usual crowd of social/political acolytes of ‘Social Justice’ shouting about perceived childhood poverty and exclusion from this that and the other it is not in their interest to admit things are far better here than most countries otherwise who would listen to their polemic dirge.
Both Loach and Boyle are career Socialists who utilise their art !! to broadcast and emphasize their political leanings, indeed in a Corbyn Britain they would become state sponsored film and documentary makers given the task of rewriting history, a pair of complete cunts and that Olympic ceremony to my mind was a national embarrassment
It’s all so very long winded and tiresome.
Can’t we just gas the fuckers and have a piss up ?
Finally; a solution!
Sunshine and Shallow grave were pretty good.
28 Days later seemed pasted together from bits of other films (Day of the Dead mostly).
Trainspotting just plain depressing…