Keir Starmer (5)

What a gay day for another cunting for Dame Keir (look at that photo – either he has just smelt one of his own turds or he is taking it up the arse from David Lammy):-

Anyway, her ladyship has decreed that because some of us were naughty in 2016 and voted against his wishes, we must have our minds changed.

What is he going to do? Send Russell-Moyle round to hit us with his handbag?

What a smug little arsewipe.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

67 thoughts on “Keir Starmer (5)

      • just look at what the poor cunt is giving up
        due to us retarded naughty voters.

        a chance to be the primary ‘do nothing of europe’

        there’s a nice list of the unelected do nothings in europe. id love to be the promoter of the top 10 Eurocrat unelected money pocketeering way of life. after i self appointed 20 mates a cushy job of 300000 euros salary with expense accounts of 125k that dont need receipts to be shown. ?

        on another note did you see the silly picture of macron speaking with a dick up his arse today about how nato is weak and feeble? just remove the french troops then it’d be a great army. also pay some money into nato and maybe you wont be so impotent. nato would then look like a cock for fucking arseholes instead of a wide on or chem sex hole for putin to take advantage of.

      • Thierry Breton looks like Jess Phillips when it is dressing up as a man (or Dame Keir when he’s dressig up as a woman).

      • Tower moat,
        Prince George’s crocodile,
        Flimsy raft,
        Limited tickets available, standing room only.

  1. Even coming to terms with the fact that Brexit in its intended form will never be allowed to happen – it has been a revelation to see the political establishment utterly lose their collective shite over us plebs’ decision to vote out.

    Starmer is right on one thing however, it will never be the same post-Brexit. I personally have been taken aback at the true contempt in which both the political and social elites have held leave voters. The sneering condescension which has been virtually non-stop since June 2016 will forever tell me what hypocritical cunts these individuals are when they spout verbal diahorrea about ‘democracy’.

    I can genuinely, unequivocally, hand-on-heart say that if Keir Starmer was burning to death in front of me, I would literally stare him in the eye until he twitched into his death throes. The absolute fucking arch-cuntfuck.

    Things will never be the same, alright.

    • Yup – they’ll never let us decide for ourselves ever again. As they say, if voting ever changed anything, they’d ban it.

      Cunts – we’re stuck with the cunting EU for ever.

  2. I’d like to tie this fucking shitbag to a chair and apply propellant and ignition source.
    Then settle down with a pint of G&T and watch the show……

  3. Keir “cunt” Starmer is the poster man boy for why a corrupt civil service should not be allowed to become an MP (parachuted into a safe seat) . He is the reason our parliament is corrupt and this election will do nothing to change the fact we live in a banana republic. ( George VI would have sorted this crap out three years ago)

    • He comes across like a petulant, 15-year old drama queen who’s had his iPad taken away and cried so much he’s got constipation.

  4. I love hearing the arguments either “we didn’t know what we were voting for” or “we know so much more know, that we would vote to stay in”. What are they, fucking mind-readers? I know what I voted for – leave the EU. And on the other basis, once we know how shit a labour government are (Blair), then we can vote again after a year. What a bunch of fucking tools.

    • Or “having another referendum is the democratic thing to do”. Well not really when you’ve spent over three years doing all you can to weedle out of enacting the result of the first fucker it isn’t

    • I bloody know what I voted for, and I know what I’m voting for on Dec 12th.
      Oh, if Thornpiggerry loses her seats (she shurely needs several, feckin lard-mountain), likewise Granny Grieve and those other cunts, so so many cunts I’ve forgotten the hundreds of names…
      Off topic, but had to give up on Wales at Six news tonight…”Because I’m…black, am da wimminz, am…hijabi…”
      As Lord Fiddler might say, “There just aren’t enough fuck offs in this galaxy.”
      And Hesselcunt has been telling people to vote LimpDump. Christ, I bet his armchair smells like an over-ripe camembert. Or Swinemong’s front bottom.

  5. Just his fucking name screams cunt.

    I mean…Keir.

    What sort of shitbag name even is that?

    Thats the sort of name the aids infested sluts down the local park call their seventh baby as they rack up the child benefit claims.

    Cunt by name…and certainly a cunt by his nature.

    • came across a name in the snooze papers today, female ‘Jlloyd’ wtaf! could’nt even begin to pronounce it dozy sherman cunt.

  6. The caption on the picture should have read: “Yes, but WE don’t care what YOU want!”

    I fail to recollect one politician of our times who exudes so much superiority over the electorate as this cunt.

    More plumbs in his gob than a fig pudding, and yet expects everyone to believe he’s a good little socialist and really cares about the lot of the working man.

    Sir Starmer cares about as much for the working man as David Mammy cares about the huge increase in the numbers of suicides in young white men!

    But like most superior cunts, theirs in only one vote, and their vote lost.

    Live with it, cunt!

  7. Wouldn’t piss on the cunt if he was on fire. It would spoil a good piss. I’d like to drop a hundred tons of rancid dog shit on the cunt.

    • I can oblige – I seem to have almost that in the garden. Once I find out how to make money from dog-shit, I’m going to be a milionaire.

      • Used to use dogshit in the tanning of leather, true fact!

  8. Queer Starma is a total cunt
    Respect the Democratic vote of the People Leave Means Leave
    Labour for the many but not the Jew
    Roll on 12th December

      • Evening Rtc!
        You well mate?
        These chaps dont like mr Starmer much do they?
        I thought he was awfully nice, well turned out, hair combed etc.
        People also saying that nice old gentleman Jeremy from the Labour party disikes Jewboys?
        Doubtful, as i clearly heard him say he doesnt!
        And politicians can be trusted.

      • Evening Miserable. Not at all well thank you. So utterly sick of our dissembling political pygmies.

        This country is finished.

  9. Why don’t you get a proper name instead of sounding like a character in a sci fi novel. May I suggest Sir cunting traitor.

  10. I have never liked this cunt and the more I see the less I like, one of the many MPs who will do and say anything to make sure we are locked in the fucking EU forever.

    If Dame Keir had his way there would be only one choice on the ballot paper Remain of Remain.

    First class Wanker!

  11. Indeed a titan of a cunt, I missed the Hilary Swinson cunting, she also has a titanic cuny, she calls it the LibDems.

  12. Cunts who go to a cinema armed with machetes are cunts. I don’t care what colour they are. They are their because of a certain film about gang Violence. Pulling the film. Is not wwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyycccccciiiiiissssssttttt but common sense.
    So, suck Dick Khunt shut the fuck up.

    • No no no, some of the kids there were under age to see the film, obviously they were going to see Frozen 2, everyone goes armed to see Frozen innit.

      Besides most of the antagonists were Asian and not black. LBC had a phone in about it and only black people seemed to get through, if I was cynical I’d almost believe they screened the calls to filter out white cunts.

      See it’s nothing to do with the film, the antagonists could of clashed at any movie. It’s racist stereotyping to jump to conclusions, the film is a story of love and the stabbings are just part of the story.

      I’ve never heard such a load of apologists, black youth culture is riddled with violence and misogyny and crime but the lefty cunts don’t date consider there may be a link between the reality and the propaganda pumped into these kids.

      Whilst the community and politicians and media keep ignoring the elephant in the room, more and more kids mainly black kids are going to bleed to death on the streets. What will the media, the community and the political class do?

      Yet another enquiry into Stephen Lawrence I suspect, there’s white people to blame there.

    • I went to the cinema to see a film a couple of years back – it was either Dunkirk, or the other one about Sir Winston. Violent, in a documentary sort of way, being about WWII.
      Oddly, I seem to have forgotten to take a machete with me, and was able to leave the cinema without stabbing any plis, or anybody at all, for that matter.
      But then I am not some uppity twat. Which seems to have escaped various spokespersons of colour. Violence so obviously perpetrated by…yet there’s none so blind as those who don’t want to see.

  13. It is clear that the Labour party are wanting to rid themselves of Steptoe (but not McDonnell, strangely) and it wouldn’t surprise me if the pansy Blairites tried to get Dame Keir to be new leader. It is supposed to be wimmin only, but all wimmin shortlists didn’t stop Jack Drohmey (Mr. Harman).

    There is something camp, fey and limpwristed about Starmer just as there was with Blair.

    Meanwhile the junior Marxists are going to try to look on the bright side of life following another disastrous Steptoe interview tonight:

    • There may be a sizeable portion of labour MP’s and associated acolytes who would prefer steptoe to step aside but they are dwarfed when it comes to the labour party members and affiliates who are entitled to vote for a new leader, and the radical left have got that more or less stitched up in favour of steptoe

      • Evening Star: I honestly think that a good drubbing at the polls (though it is reported that the gap between Labour and Tories is closing Christ knows how) would change minds very quickly. I have just been to the oracle of Labour thinking, and though lovely Sienna admits it wasn’t Steptoe’s greatest hour, the biggest admonishment goes to that nasty Mr. Neil, but don’t worry comrades, Mystic Meg-Sienna predicts (the left love double barrelled names), she predicts Boris will be worse.

        I suspect even the most ardent Steptoeist like Dawn Butler Burgen and Ashworth will advise a change, and you can’t get much more arse-lickingly loyal than those three

  14. As it is panto season soon the grand dame is perhaps given to a little overacting, there can be no more suitable candidate to portray a christmas turkey wildly flapping about the stage in a total panic.

  15. Fuck me, reminds of that campy old horror film “night of the bloody apes”, scared the shit out of me when I saw a pirate video of it when I was about 7

  16. He always has this gormless look about him. If you notice Labour very rarely let him do interviews.

  17. Got my first election pamphlet today, from my MP , the Blairite remoaner Helen Hayes. Never heard of her? Neither have 98% of the cunts round here but they’ll still line up to vote for “Hard working Helen.” Perhaps it’s because she works so hard that we never see or hear of the bitch? Six photos of Helen but no photos or mention of a certain IRA loving commie bastard.
    Also got a pamphlet from Help the Homeless. Yeah, come back when you’re called Help the British ?? Homeless. Cunts.

    • About all that I could discover about Hayes is that she ‘attended’ Balliol College, Oxford, like 9 other not-at-all-elitist MP’s. But accounts of this omit to mention whether they gave her a degree.

  18. If Steptoe Corbyn apologises for the anti semitism (and he won’t) he will lose loads of his core vote…. Fucking muzzies and camel shaggers… That’s why we’ve never heard him say a fucking word about the tens of thousands of underage children raped and trafficked by Parking Stan Lee grooming gangs…

    The man is a fucking disgrace and a total cunt…

      • Cheers RTC…

        Labour under Grandpa Semtex have chosen the guacamole over the Lancashire l mushy peas….They’re the party of the metropolitan middle class: anti white, anti British,
        virtue signalling cunts…

  19. Katie Price declared bankrupt at High Court?
    Ah well… She can always rent out the vast space that is her overused cunt…

    • Ooh there’s a thought, I’m after somewhere dry and spacious to store a pair of dinghies. Tenner a week?

  20. That utter attention whore circus freak cunt, Kate Lynn Brucie ‘Bonus’ Jenner bleating to the tabloid tat how the 1972 Olympics massacre ‘traumatised’ him/her/it… This shameless cunt would use anything to get itself noticed… Being on I’m a D-List Celebrity Cunt proves that, but cashing in on this and all?!

    It’s a pity those Black September cunts didn’t do us a favour at the time and do the fucking cunt…

  21. Labour have said that if they get in power, they will make the teaching of Britain’s colonial past and its participation in slavery and other shenanigans, part of the national curriculum.
    As this went to print , it was unclear whether or not the teachers of this wholly balanced and it’s not indoctrination and brainwashing …. honest, claptrap, will be self loathing, white shitstabbers in frocks.
    I hate these Cunts.
    Get To Fuck.

    • I don’t know why the media bother setting traps for Corbyn. His whole agenda is obviously shite, and I reckon Mirvis and Welby’s carefully-timed intervention has probably helped Steptoe grab the Muslim vote.

      Politics today: cunts tussling for the crowning cuntishness. I no longer despair. I shall cultivate my garden, as Voltaire recommends.

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