You, as a typical LibDem, non-representative cunt, are supported by daft old wimmen, testicle-neutral semi-men & think you have a mandate.
Seriously, give us a chance and we’ll show you what we think about your anti-Brexit stance, you cunt.
Nominated by The Stained Gusset
Today the cunt that is Swinson said this:
She adds: “It seems that Jeremy Corbyn has thrown Mr Johnson another lifeline this morning, as six white men met to discuss pushing through a Brexit deal which will wreck our country.
The hypocrisy of identity politics in all it’s naked glory.
If it has been six BAME women she would of said fuck all. Even if it was six women, Jo would of said nothing.
Her agenda is blatant and it’s unacceptable.
People in possession of intellect and not driven by a discriminatory agenda can see this is the absolute antipathy of anything resembling a genuine wish for equality.
Are you saying that women would of done differently, that would mean women are inherently different to men, it’s a strange road you travel Jo.
I cannot believe you have been elected on your own merit, you have none.
What a cunt.
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
A complete waste of a decent pair of tits.
This undemocratic little mongs been bugging me, reminds me of someone,
Couldnt think who?
Remembered!..Bonnie Langford!!
‘Ma hes makin eyes at me, ma.’..
That was Lena Zavarone Miserable.
Oh yeah.
Well Bonnie langford singing the best of Lena macaroni.
You mean Lena Zavaroni. And I need to get out more
You mean Lena Macaroni….. that’s what we used to call her.
I used to go to school with Lina Z cousins and worked with her uncle.
I had chips in Rothesay at her relative’s fish and chip shop as a kid. The best ever batter. They fried everything in animal fat.
How do you know they’re “a decent pair of tits”?
Are you a peeping tom or summat?
Filthy pérvert.
She showed em me Rtc!
Pissed up backstage at a Motorhead gig,
Said really belligerent “oi you! What do you think of these puppys?”
Well ive never blushed so much in my life!
Lewd and bawdy she was Rtc!
I ignored her but she said
“Talking to you yer cunt! You a puff or summat?”
Well i didnt know where to look!
Even Lemmy went pale!
But her nipples were like walnut whips, and firm enough to get a foothold.
Youll just have to take my word for it.
Nearly spat me tea out at that!
In fact are you Derek or Clive?
Just a awful liar and fantasist!?
Totally agree mate, Jo Swinson is far too Liberal where it comes to Brexit and far too Undemocratic. The 17.5 million plus of the electorate that voted leave can get stuffed isn’t that right Jo. Now you’re moaning you’re two faced arse isn’t being invited to Channel 3 Election face off programme with those other two twisting cunts from the Torys and Labour parties. I’ts cos you’re a woman you shriek and you should be able to take part because you are demented enough to think that you and the other cunts in your backstabbing party can win.
Sorry love they only thing you might win is a wet T-shirt competition maybe!!
If she was like me she could polish the floor with them standing up straight. You are right. Those tits are no use for anything especially with a brain and a mouth like that putting you off them.
Mine are huge, soft, warm and…oh no… horror of horror…. cut them off…….they are…………white.
Swinson is a hypocritical bitche that whinges about racism then attacks people for being white. Such a cow. Has she noticed she is white and privileged yet? Is she adopted into a black family and no one wanted to upset by telling her she is white?
When she slags off white men she is insulting my son, my dad, my cousin, my friends etc.. She is thick as shit and a boring prefect type. Does she really think most sane women will throw over their loyalty to people they love for a fucking whoring politician?
She should be a manageress at Marks and Spencer. She is totally boring and looks like she shouldn’t be on the stage. You feel like you are waiting for the real leader to turn up and that’s nothing to do with her being female either because whether you liked Thatcher or not no one ever said that about her.
What moron thought she would get people to vote for that shitty party? She’s everything people hate about it – identity politics, shit stirring and with the cheek to lecture us when she is our servant and politicians have no morals worth mentioning and are serial con artists and liars.
Still on the bright side the Dems will never get anywhere picking losers like that.
What the hell is wrong with these arseholes whinging about colour and gender etc.? The rest of us have been over that shit for generations. We just have to get along with people because we aren’t spoilt brats who live in all white spoilt brat areas.
Have they all just worked out that brown people are people too? Did they try talking to their cleaners or something? Are brown people the latest pet or accessory?
Turds like Swinson loved the white working class and collected them like pooches not so long ago. Blair had working class Manchunian crooning lads Oasis round to number ten in those days and did a terrible cockney accent to pretend he had working class cred. The middle class suddenly wanted to sit near us at football. They hate us now that black is the new black. WE are so last season.
Back to them finding ways to offload their class guilt and fears on us again.
I hate these fuckwits. They might as well spit in your face assuming you are stupid enough to fall for their identitarian divide and rule utter shite
If any of you are going to tell Swinson she is white let me know. I want to see her face when she finds out. Has anyone told Hillary CLinton she is white and privileged yet?
She certainly whinges enough about Trump being white etc.. That witch is so foul. I won’t start on her because really it could take the rest of your life to catalogue her crimes. Sunday with Charles on Youtube does for hundreds of hours. The man who dicovered the fraud in general Electric has been studying the Clintons. Those people are sick as hell.
I love Trump if only for how much he upsets the usual crowd of politicans arounfd the World. He is hilarious too. I think I may even fancy him a bit.
His wife is great – beautiful and bright. She speaks lots of languages etc..
Where is our Trump? I keep asking Americans if we can borrow him. Maybe Farage can be our Trump in the elections after this one because you know the Tories won’t deliver a real Brexit. They pledged they would but then they said they would last time didn’t they?
I think we will be needing Fraage or some new party because the old ones are bloody awful.
Love to you lot. I love finding sane people. You start wondering if most people fall for this rubbish from Swinson et al when it’s the only point of view allowed on mainstream. Thank goodness that’s a dead man walking and we can check stuff ourselves without the BBC etc. mediating and twisting reality.
She needs putting to a big dog.
As my nomination for this cunt wasn’t selected, I’ll post it here :-
Potty Jo Swinson thinks she will be the next ‘Pryyme Minnahstah’
Mad as a box of frogs, country bumpkin Jo (39) Member of Parliament for East Dunbartonshire, believes she will lead the shit for brains Liberals to a storming victory on 12th December, gaining 310 new Parliamentary seats. ?
Whilst you may suspect that the harebrained Miss Swinson is not playing with a full deck, she is completely serious in her belief the Millions will buy into her demented delusions, & accept that we all need to bask in the warm embrace of Junkers 88, Macaroon, Gruppenfuhrer Merkell & their EU stormtroopers at the 4th Reich.
Barking mad Jo may have been born under the zodiac sign Aquarius, but she clearly doesn’t have both oars in the water.
Pass me a duffel bag full of whatever this mouth foaming Loony Tune is smoking, because it’s ‘grade A’ Whacky Baccy.
Call the men in white coats, as an emergency ambulance is needed to transport Crazy Jo to ward 17 (ask for ‘Jesus’ when visiting) – ?
No not a full deck – no deck at all. She hasn’t realised she is white herself yet and when she does she will have to kill herself because of the shame.
The most remarkable thing about her is how unremarkable she is. On what basis was she chosen? These people are thick choosing this tedious, lecturing prefect cow.
My tits are better too and I have a vagina. Maybe I should run the party. It would be instantly improved. Mind you a turd would run it better just by doing nothing at all except stinking and rotting and it would be more appealing on almost all fronts and frankly I’d rather leave it to the turd. It would fit in better and I wouldn’t have to talk to the rest of the gits in the party.
This harridan’s excuse for being undemocratic is that it’s not undemocratic to vote to cancel Brexit.
Well if that’s the case, she and every one of her shitcunts who win a seat next month wouldn’t mind then if we obstruct them from office for over 3 years, and then demand their original election ‘victories’ be cancelled?
No, I didn’t think they’d agree to that either.
She’s now trying to bribe public service workers with free cash now.
Complete harridan with big, but sadly, saggy knockers.
I’m umming and arrring in whether she’s worth a tongue up the arsehole!
I fucking hate this bitch with a passion…….and the stinkhole fascist party she represents. Their blatant pursuit of the traitor remoaner vote is fucking shameful. There is a chance that the SNP cunts could kick her out of her seat so i’m keeping my fingers crossed. Oh, how I would fucking laugh. ?????
I wish people would stop talking about her tits. I’d like to rip them off and stuff them up her arse. Fucking cow.
Despite all evidence to the contrary this site likes to find the good in people. In this case it’s her tits, there is absolutely fuck all else this cunt has to redeem her.
They’re floppers held up with socks. Fact.
Please stop talking about her tits Freddie!
Change the record Freddie!
Tits mad you are!
Like a cockney Benny Hill..
Fuck you wankers, i’ll stick her dismembered tits up your arses instead.
? hehe! Dunno about Rtc, but please could you oil minevup first?
Bravo Freddie, That told them
Nice Chubbers though, only thing going for her, silly cow
She knows her party of castoffs, rejects and retards won’t win an all out majority at the next election; but what’s she hoping for is a coalition, just as what happened 10 years ago with Cleggy and Cameron.
With that kind of power and influence she’ll be at the Grown Up’s table, bribing & blackmailing her way to better policy deals on pain of death. She may even have enough sway in a coalition to insist on scuppering Brexit and/or opting for a 2nd referendum.
She’s a nasty cunt, but the snowflakey liberal Left will love her because they’re so disenfranchised with Labour and what it has become.
Be afraid!
Many thanks for typing that Techo; I’d say that you’ve just perfectly summed up the IsAC view on this dog-faced fucker.
Sounds like Corbyn will fuck up Brexit all on his own. Apparently, we’ll get a referendum to decide to leave with his deal or stay in eu. His deal will be fucking shit, so that will fuck us Brexiteers up. Cunt.
She reminds me of that annoying, spoilt, nine-year old girl that sat at the back of your Primary School class, sighing petulantly and picking her nose and scowling at her lunch.
In three years time we won’t be able to remember her name nor what she achieved or who she was or from whom her husband recieved money and we’ll glance at IAC’s Wall Of Cunts © and scratch our noggins and ponder… ” Who exactly IS that dowdy old bag who looks like she smells like an old lady’s fart passing through a stale onion.
The lies coming out of these cunts when this fucking election hasn’t even started is getting on my tits. She is a lying, corrupt cunt. They lie, promise the world with our fucking money and then fuck it all up over and over again.
Typical sjw whinging cunt….
When she found out that ITV were only going to allow Tory and labour leaders on their debate, she said it was because they are sexist…
So if treason may was still in charge they’d have just had comrade compo on debating himself?
The reason that you won’t be on ITV’s leaders debate is because you have no chance of being the leader and are nothing more than an over privileged, self satisfied, deluded, ugly CUNT.
And I bet her minge has fishy porridge coming out of it….
Sly news have caved by the way and allowed her on so as not to seem sexist to the feminazis. No doubt ITV will cave too before long. Cunts.
I received a Lib Dem leaflet last week emblazoned with a picture of Swinson under the heading ‘Britain’s Next Prime Minister’.
She is truly deluded.
Very pithily chosen picture.
“This is how big acunt I am”
Imagine if this cuntish slag and grandad semtex tried to form a coalition. Fuck me, it would make the cunt of the universe contest look like the fucking library of Alexandria.
I wouldn’t stick my tongue up her arsehole but she could stick hers up mine if she wanted…..After a Carolina reaper curry.
Or maybe a potent combination of half a dozen satsumas and a bag of dried apricots. Did that once and my fucking ringpiece was in a coma for about two days. Colon like an EM rail gun!!
That’s the size of black cock she wants.
No longer a vegan, then, Captain?
I sir am a spectacular cunt, but I’m not that big a cunt!!!!
Ms Swinson should stick to doing those naked star jumps that she performs for me in the ‘wank bank’.
They go boom, boom, boom and she’s no where near as annoying, in fact she keeps her gob firmly shut.
I read her husband is a policy director of some ridiculous organisation that took a huge bung from the EU.
Curious I looked into it and it’s partly true, however the bung wasn’t from the EU directly but wait for it, from the Dutch government, I wonder if this is how the EU is now trying to disguise its bungs
These corrupt bastards will always exist whether it’s the EU or U.K. Parliament (Keith Vaseline) but I am looking forward to watching this 30 something fucking know all get a complete cunting on December 12th.
Then she can slip back into Cunty’s wank bank and we’ll all live happily ever after.
God awful feeling the election won’t finish her off, we will be listening to her hysterical rants for quite a while, the media (unbiased of course!!!!) are giving her far too much air time
Testicle-neutral semi-males voting lib dem
Pretty much most of themen who vote liv dem around here fit that description.
The most recent lib dem candidate for my constituency used to share posts from Electronic Intifada.
*Lib dem.
Trotters for hands.
She’s a revolting, hectoring, smug and irritating cow, but she’s not stupid. She’s aiming straight for the weak point in the Leave vote….the wimmin.
Who naturally tend to support Remain, rather than a stimulating challenge. So: target the wimmin, dangle Remain in front of them and electoral gains will follow. Be a strident cunt quoting from the empowered feminist playbook. And don’t forget the obligatory disparagement of your own kind to attract the BAMES.
If Swinson ever visits ISAC she will be overjoyed to see that the demographic she isn’t so calculatingly targeting hates her fucking guts…#metoo.
Definite BOBFOC……..Body off Baywatch, face off crimewatch.
She’s also got felching teeth.
That must have been the cut-price Bulgarian spin-off
BOBBFOC it is.
She looks more like an evangelical preacher with her arms spread out like that.
This fuckin’ cow really does think she’s special.
Her wimp of a husband gave up a job in the coalition government so he could be a hands on Daddy. ?
He said: “There have been times when I’ve needed to look after Andrew, or collect him from nursery when he wasn’t well, and the Whips’ Office would have to work with that.
“I don’t think colleagues anticipated the things that I was going to need to do.”
Grow a pair you fuckin’ stupid eunuch.
She’s had to do that so she doesn’t tip over. When she wanders round her house she keeps her tits in a supermarket trolley.
Nah, she just unshackles the hi-tensile supporting cage, lets them flop and tucks them into her belt. File under ‘unrealistically promising’
If hubby does manage to grow himself a pair of balls can he shove them in his wife’s (poor sod) gob , the sound of her voice drives me up the wall
Andrew Neil took Jo Swindle apart last week and brilliantly skewered her pretensions to be prime minister. Swindle’s politics are those of the 6th form and she’s as thick as a plank of wood. The way she resorts to the gender card shows her to have absolutely no intellectual ability and demonstrates her moral poverty. If being PM was based on who has the best tits in Parliament then she might be in with a chance. Otherwise she can fuck off.
So typical of these empty-headed twats. No original ideas, but the first hint of being put on the back foot and out pops a shitload of identity cards to hind behind – not least the S card, or the R card, or the H card et al.
Well there’s no hiding behind the C card here!
I saw the Andrew Neil interview showed her up for what she is, a nominal intellect if any, just repeating her stock mantra and got quite annoyed when A .N. didn’t buy it even resorting to wagging her finger, a petulant child of a woman, how does this country manage to get these women into positions of influence, as they say ‘thar’s nowt so quee-r as folk’
Her husband must be a fucking suicidal basketcase of a masochist!
Imagine the scene when she returns home from a busy day of scratching her arse, and constantly taking a pop at him for being a useless white man!
Imagine if he had to go down on her? Fucking hell, doesn’t bear thinking about!
I’ve never done this before, so if it goes tits up, ignore it. I’m attempting to copy and paste a link to my own personal favourite photo of Jo Swinson. Enjoy! Wahwahweewah.
Lets say it didn’t do well I have tried to polish it though.
Aahh , thank you so much. Very much appreciated, not just by me for salvaging my hopeless attempt at copying and pasting the link, but no doubt appreciated also sure by the good folk of IAC who can enjoy this image of beauty and wonder. ???
Was this fucker in Hellraiser, or From Beyond?
Hell’s teeth (literally!)
I think that’s what is known as a rictus grin
And that’s posed. What the fuck would she look like in the unlikely, but desired, event that she was subjected to strychnine poisoning?
Lol hows that southpark song go sgain that cartman sings /change name to swinson obviously .boys&girls around the world!bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch!lmfao!
Sums her up perfectly. Could have been written for her. Substitute “ bitch” for “ cunt” though.
What’s the difference between Toes Swinson and a bucket of air?
No, I couldn’t think of any differences either!
How is it that this hand-wringing bed-wetting bunch of sanctimonious degenerate fuckpigs always seem to end up with at least a knighthood, but mostly in the Lords? They are fucking CRAP for fuck’s sake. No normal cunt ever votes for them. They’re all mental- and that pointy-titted cunt Swinson is the absolute Queen of Mental. “I’m a candidate to be Prime Minister”, yeah, OK love, now fuck off and get me a beer then give us a soapy tit wank.
Every time I see this yellow dressed person I want to explode with rage.
Somehow she’s even worse than Corbyn.
I had a fling with a woman in the head office in Glasgow. Trust me, she was stunningly beautiful. Obviously not related to Swinson.
Until she took her top off and her tits were all long and droopy.
Still, all cats are grey in the dark.
Round my way, all the cats are in kebab-shop fridges.
Dog in one of the Indian restaurant freezers in Cambridge I’m very reliably informed.
Decades ago – 80s, it was said that a caff called, I think, The Whim, served up dog food in its pies. Believe it’s the turreted place, possibly corner of Green St. and King’s Parade. It’s a few years since last visit; was never a Cambridge man – applied to do Russian and Hungarian, was interviewed by a prof of German, and of French. Ironic, as my school NEVER taught German (that’s how I came to do Russkie), and I loathed Frog so much after 9 years of it, had made the decision not to do it any more. But it’s a lovely city. I like E Anglia.
Fucking hell admin, Could you have gotten a photo where she don’t look like she’s an Easter island statue with a load of razor blades up it’s arse?
Alright lads who wants a go on Ms Swinsons titties threppenny bits Bristol’s devils fun bags or TITS? My advice would be fondle one at a time you dont want to strain your backs now, do you?
Fucking Nazi bint, what’s her tally up to now on her climb to the wall of cunts?.
Oh, did I call her a CUNT as well?
OK, how’s this? JR-M’s just been monstered for 19 minutes (and counting) on the R4 5-o-clock news, for daring to express the opinion that he would have ignored instructions to stay put if he’d been in Grenfell, and this, it seemed to him, would have been the commonsense approach. He’s been forced to apologise, but for what? Stating an opinion?
What the FUCK is this cuntry coming to?
Incidentally, it is already clear that the BBC is backing the LimpDumps as hard as it can. Coming up – Umunna. (#chuckingup)
R4 were backing the Tories earlier this morning… gave Sir Ed Davey (LibDumb deputy PM in waiting) a right good spanking on the Today Programme.
J R-M is a foot in mouth Boris Johnson brown-noser.
Regardless of what he is, or isn’t, take a moment to find out what was actually said (in the actual video, not the slanted report of it), and tell me anyone but a complete snowflake could have even pretended to take offence at it.
Or fucking Stormzy (real name unknown) who appears to have been instantly available to grant the story the blessing of BAME. Obvious put-up job.
Just remembered I heard the Today piece with Davey. It wasn’t top of the news (Mogg’s indiscretion was, at 5, a day after it occurred), and it wasn’t longer than 10 minutes. Which fell into two parts:
(1) Wasn’t Davey being hypocritical? (along the same lines as la Swinson, similarly accused here:
The Lib Dem leader has been campaigning to overturn the result of the European Union referendum through either a people’s vote or a snap election. But BBC host Justin Webb pointed out her demands appear similar to SNP plans for a second referendum despite Ms Swinson’s vocal opposition to Scotland holding a new vote on independence.) (Express, Sept 16th)
Despite the sub-Paxman grilling on this, Davey managed to convey that he didn’t think being a UK unionist excluded being an EU-unionist. Having done this, the heat was off and topic (2) – I forget what that was – was dispatched quickly and without rancour,
I was surprised at topic (1) being raised at all. The hypocrisy charge is an old one, scarcely newsworthy then, and far from being the first one I would assault a LibDem with, let alone persist with.
I’m getting very interested in the manipulation of context to obscure facts these days.
I saw the entire ‘Ring Rees-Mogg’ on the Nick Ferrari show yesterday morning, when it was originally broadcast live on LBC. But thanks for the link anyway.
Agree they’re making a mountain out of a molehill. Must be an election going on or something.
Indeed. I think it’s going to be the dirtiest election since Victorian days.
I’m in a safe Tory seat but these cunts have massive pretensions in my constituency. I cannae wait for cunthole Swinson’s libtard representatives to knock on my door…I truely am going to fucking monster them. Cunts!
Still would tongue her shitehole though….beggars can’t be choosers and all that.
I am getting prepared this weekend penciling in a stint working under the car in the driveway again, with a full of spanners to hand, just you dare !!
If one of these cunts knock on my door…..
Front or Back, Krav ?!
They’re too cowardly. Leaflet drops though the door (“Swinson – the next PM” – my arse) and by the time you open the door to offer a frank opinion on the matter, the fuckers are away in the distance.
Such a shame as a little chat would be quite therapeutic.
Referendum about putting this daft mongers head in a vice after 2 weeks of the Mouth Pear?
I vote YES you fucking witch.
I can’t stand the Un-democractic bitch.
If there was a recipe for the human being I dispise the most it would be this waste-of-a-cunt.
A frumpy scotch liberal saviour, who’s a Mother don’t yee norr.
Well, Jo the fucking swindler, your political career is almost over, but don’t worry, the gruniad will keep your pockets lined with cash for a few pictures of your bairns swinging from your tits in public, or an inside exclusive about that horible sexist man cave that is parliament.
Fuck off you swindling cunt.
Swinson and her husband, the equivalent of a pimp and his political prostitute.