Identity Politics
‘I’m pink therefore I’m gammon’. Great play on words. And how profound -capturing the supposed prejudices of the older white male. But wait I am lesbian therefore I have pink hair. Or I am gay so I read Pink News. I’m black therefore my ancestors were slaves. And that ‘colours’ my whole political outlook now. What am I getting at here?
Something in Chesterton where he said ‘We cannot controvert because we cannot even converse’. Meaning there is no OBJECTIVE standard anymore from which we can gauge the rightness of an argument or indeed the wrongness. Its all just the The Personal.
Cool Hand Luke suffered from ‘a distinct lack of communication’. But yes with all the talk of ‘communication skills’ it really is that: NO COMMUNICATION between people, groups. That’s where identity politics is taking us- the breaking down of all rules of communication.
To make my point again-‘Interpersonal skills’ people talk of as being important. But if you see the world only from the perspective of your Personal Identity then you don’t need these ‘skills’ because (in your head) the only people you can really communicate with are people who have a similar identity to you. We must get beyond our identity, look beyond our sexuality, race, gender if Society is not to break down all together.
Nominated by Miles Plastic
Now that’s genuinely thoughtprovoking, Miles. And the top of today’s Times front page (paywall) plays into that:
Students turn against free speech amid ‘culture of conformity’
” Fewer than half of students consistently support freedom of speech and two fifths favour censorship and no-platforming of controversial speakers, research has shown…”
This comes from a Policy Exchange survey of “more than 500 undergraduates”.
Mind you, you might see that in the light of the suggestion that most undergraduates regard Class A drugs as essential to a night out…
That guy in picture?
Is it Mo -HAM HEAD?
Well fuck yer then.
Are we not men?
We are Cunters …..
JTC, on a job, in the fucking rain, dying for a piss and ready for me dinner.
Good afternoon.
“Please enjoy your meal sir.”
Afternoon Jack.
Afternoon Jack! Hailstones, an rain while ive been working today, need fuckin scuba diving gear not a hi vis!
Working in Burnage home of Noel & Liam Gallagher.
Deepest sympathies MNC.
If you don’t agree that Jeremy Steptoe is a living saint you should be no platformed forever.
Now, where’s my safe space?
” I Cunt therefore I am “.
Get To Fuck.
I identify as white English, immediately that sends me heading for the facist label.
Define facist as someone who is concerned about high levels of immigration, concerned about the constant barrage of the evil of whiteness then I guess I am a facist.
As a white English, I am told by mainly black people that I am responsible for slavery. As white English I am told I don’t appreciate the positive benefits of Immigration.
OK so I don’t understand but neither do the people who are ‘anti white’ either consciously or subconsciously.
So fuck off….. when the minorities accept Britain is a white Christian country then I may start to engage.
I don’t think your critics appreciate the positive benefits of slavery:
cheap labour for us and an improvement in living conditions for them (from a mud hut in a fever swamp surrounded by hostile savages)
Rather like economic migration, in fact, just controlled….
I was in Sainsbury’s on Saturday. They are selling a Coca-Cola Christmas tee shirt except they don’t use the word Christmas, it’s holidays or some other crap. In my mind it’s actually Christmas, whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu et-al. Simple really. I don’t understand this world, who is offended by a Christmas tee shirt? No one, same as I’m not offended by Diwali or Eid. Bollocks to Sainsbury’s and bollocks to Coke too.
O/T, breaking:
Farage has done the sensible thing (prompted by Arron Banks and many of his candidates)
Farage says the Brexit party will not stand against the Tories in the 317 seats they won in 2017.
It’s Maastricht all over again… except worse.
Inclined to agree RTC.
He’s not done the sensible thing at all. Farage is a cunt who has stolen the democratic right to vote for the Brexit Party, something I was really looking forward to (as were a lot of people I know). Now we are stuck with the same old useless cunts. No choice.
If anybody thinks voting for the Brexit party after this is a good idea they are fools. More hung parliaments here we come…………..
Which rather supports the idea that in a Leave constituency, two Leave (ish) candidates could fatally split the vote, and let the Limps or Labour in. Especially as the Limps, Greens and Taff Cong are now allied. Probably doesn’t make the situation any worse in Scotland, where Farage has no traction, and this saves him having to demonstrate that.
Best of a bad job, and I don’t deny it’s a bad one, but I’d rather see a few TBP MP’s plus Tory gains than none plus Tory losses. I have never voted Tory, I am pro Leave, and that’s the way it seems to me.
If Johnson had wanted to fold, he’s slippery enough to have done it by now.
Exactly. Johnson is a lying cunt who never wanted to leave anyway, which is why Farage should have given us the chance to vote in a party that actually does believe in Brexit.
Farage has caved in and chickened out, and sold out to a set of ideals he doesn’t believe in.
Given his personal success in previous national elections, I’d say he’s accepted reality. Still, we’ll see how this pans out. If it gives Johnson a working majority, at least the farce can continue, and if it doesn’t, it’s his own bloody fault. Which would not be altered by having had his vote split in previously safe Tory seats.
I identify as a privileged white male with a large sledge hammer ready to cave in any snowflake cunt head that gets in my way.
I am a fat middle aged Jewish arse bandit who is to the right of Genghis Khan.
Fuck, you are shoo-in for the house of cunts!
Well, at least he’ll never be a politician. Far too honest.
As my granny used to say “it takes all sorts to make a world” i didn’t understand that as a kid i do now.
Don’t worry. IV got the sledge hammer and am prepared to stand in front. Won’t be bending over though.
Never understood how the epithet “gammon” when applied to a white Male is absolutely fine, its use even encouraged among the brainwashed cunts of today; yet try calling any of our dark key or moose limb brethren by their respective slang terms for skin colour and see how long you last on Twatter…..
I like a good pun, play on words. It is cleverest one around. I’m pink there I’m gammon. What has happened paradoxically is society has become so superficial any question that arises goes straight to the DEEPEST part of you. Your identity. David Lammy is wandering round Africa at the moment looking for black people who died in the two world wars. His whole political, ideological nay philosophical outlook is based upon his Race. There is nothing else. A woman. Say Sugartits. She purportedly is interested in the ‘issues’ but behind it she only one issues; Gender. So when some policy comes up for debate she’s not weighing up the pros and cons of any idea and it will impact on the greater good but ONLY how it will the affect women. The Russell Moyle creature how will this affect hard won our bum banditry freedoms. I’m not interested If there’s any evidence that a relaxation of homosexuality has had a deleterious effect on Society. Nothing matters but my predeliction WHICH YOU MUST ACCEPT. Religion. How will this affect myself and my co-religionists. If we are feel we are being pressuriezed even in the slightest way we will hunker down, become even more entrenched in our. Views.
And if you don’t agree instance OUTRAGE. In the more honest days of old a politician would be ‘shouted down’ The way it is done now is by immediate outrage. ‘How dare you…’
No real debate, no coming together.
Has there been any real debate in this General Election campaign? I don’t think so. I was watching some woman the other night about The Mogg comment about Grenfell she almost screamed when she was SLIGHTLY challenged on her position. I thought she was going to stick her fingers in her ears ‘not listening, not listening, not listening’.
In fact that’s maybe how The House of Commons will end up the way things are going – the whole crowd of them sat there with their fingers in their ears.
Well stated Miles.
Trouble is, these days there seem to be a lot of ‘identity politics’ types around who expect me to conform to their way of thinking, and to be apologetic for being born a white English male. I grew tired of tiptoeing around SJW types very quickly. My response now does not involve, as the Yanks put it, ‘checking my privilege’. My response to anyone inviting me to do that is to tell them to get their head out of their arse and fuck off, fast. That’s my method of communication with these smug cunts.
I identify as an awesome cunt and thankfully there aren’t too many of us about so Its very rare that I have to communicate with lesser beings , mutations, lib-fucks ,pansies etc but when I do I make sure I call them cunt.
There are too many ‘voices’, too many interests. Liberal Democracy cannot take the strain. I was watching a programme the other night-‘ The World according to Putin’. On Channel 4. I suspect the hope of the producers of it was to show his these backward Russkies carry on. And yes there was a bit of fisticuffs but I kind of liked it. It’s more honest. How refreshing it was-real people having a real debate about really issues. No nonsense about tranny rights or homosexual liberation or any NON issues we are taken up with in the West. A real HOMOGENEOUS people taking earnestly about how to carry the country forward. Contrast that with here where almost the debate is how can we carry the country onto more destructive path.
‘A house divided against itself cannot stand’.
That’s all very well, but good luck to if you dare to oppose Putin and his thugs. At least in our useless, fucked up country people can say more or less what they want without worrying about some stranger slotting a bullet in the back of their head.
Think websites websites like this would exist in Russia? We’d all be dead in a week.
But they can in Russia hence the fisticuffs. We have only a semblance of free speech here.
Oo-ee-oo, as Ed Sanders would say.
Great nom Miles!
Didnt understand a fucking word of it like, but good.
As far as identity, just Englishman and Northerner, dont really like labels and im awkward as fuck anyway.
I was thinking about ‘I think therefore I am’ once while reading the back of a box of matches-‘Contruct out of six matches…’ then my thoughts ran ‘I think therefore I am or is it I am therefore I think…?’
The answer: ‘wigwam’.
That thick racist cunt, Flabbot, once said, “White people like to play divide and rule” without knowing what it fucking meant. She must’ve read something online criticising ‘divide and rule’ (probably from a right winger or libertarian type posting on the Guardian, BBC or similar) and thought it sounded clever to critique. She probably thought a fellow libtard posted it too. That’s my guess. The thick cow.
Indeed, some white people do play divide and rule. None more so than the leader of her stinking party, the dumb bint. Pushing different rules and allowances depending on your ‘group status’ (see Equality Act/diversity/inclusion) is the sort of shite her mob support!
Divide &rule i know where she got the qoute from !POLITICS DIVIDE&RULE IF THE PEOPLE IS DIVIDED THEN WE ARE NOT TOGETHER AND ALL THIS KILLING ONE ANOTHER*CHEATING ETC ETC ETC IS THRU POLITICS.but she would not know that to fucking thick
Absofuckinglutely brilliant response ?.
As a species, humans have forever had a lust for violence and an almost obsessive desire to go to war. We are the biggest idiots in the history of the universe, and so we won’t change.
Good luck to any aliens that try to take us on, and good luck to any foreigners who try to settle in this country but bring their backward ways with them. Multi-culturalism? Who fucking asked us if that’s what we wanted?
I think therefore I think I am, is the correct interpretation. See also superposition of wave functions.
I identify myself as a small unnamed tropical island /unclaimed &untouched by man i have been here for thousands of years but then again i am completely fucking barking!
As user names go yours is right at the top of the bad taste tree.
Well cunted sir.
the worst kind of fascism – it’s in yer face and based on totally corrupt language and communication – identity politics at its most personal and hateful – cunts
Self affirmation sums it up , people just want the outcome of any decision or policy to get in step behind their viewpoint regardless of any reasoned argument to the contrary. I suspect it has always been thus though it does seem to have become more extreme in that the left and liberal classes no longer tolerate any opposing view whatsoever and try every type of chicanery to prevent an opposing voice being heard through intimidation, boycotts, false allegations and the promulgation of obsequious laws to favour the merest of slights. Is it any wonder when faced with such an opposition which have stacked the cards in their favour that you end up only talking to like minded individuals
That picture for the nomination is making me hungry.
The other day I ate a ploughman’s lunch. He was livid!