We recently had some exceptionally heavy rainfall here in the southern part of the Lake District National Park in Cumbria. It rained for 2 or 3 days and nights, coupled with some strong winds to boot.
Naturally enough some rural village areas suffered from flooding due to the lack of proper storm drains, as well as having to tolerate rain water cascading down from the nearby Fells – including Scafell Pike – the highest mountain in England.
But then towns and some cities also suffered from flooding (Workington, Barrow, Carlisle, to name but three); and again most issues were due to lack of storm drains, or drains that haven’t been cleaned out in years; or the various rivers that run through these places, and that haven’t been dredged or fully reinforced as a form of flood-defence.
But what really is annoying – and this isn’t just a local problem – is how planning committees just don’t seem to care much about the issues of flooding when it comes to approving new housing estates, some of which are actually in or near floodplains!
All these councils care about is the extra council tax revenue when they sign off on the latest application for 500 toybox homes. The issue regarding possible flooding is just kicked down the road for some future council committee to worry about.
How the fuck they’re allowed to get away with this pisses me off. Plus they always plead poverty when it comes to “doing something” such as cleaning the storm drains, improving how rain water is redirected away from built-up areas, or building flood defences.
And then you have insurance companies dragging their fucking feet trying to wiggle their way out of not paying out on perfectly genuine claims!
Every year its the same old shit: heavy rain = floods = fuck all gets done about it.
Nominated by Technocunt
Proven link between deforestation and erosion and flooding.
They know places will flood, every year the same places round here flood, but do they do anything to prepare?
Do they fuck.
Comes as a surprise to them every year!!
The place I work used to be grade A real estate, nice village very bespoke.
Then the Rich fuckers extended lawns and back filled ditches.
Then it rained, fuck me did it rain and the soil is clay, guess what happened!
too fucking right no power terrible floods, village underwater.
1, do not back fill drainage ditches.
2, if you live on a flood plain put in flood guards
6 years later the council has given the green light to around 300 houses in an area that was 2 to 3 ft under water 6 years ago, They are not selling very well admittedly but hey ho.
Yes and I will do it again, they are a bunch of cunts in that place!
Hmmm. Why don’t we house the peacefuls and other gimmegrants in those flood plain homes.
Though 2-3 feet under water isn’t really quite enough – can’t they find some area where 10 – 15 feet is at least 99% likely (in a drought year) ?
Similarly with road and railways – first bit of rain and everything goes tits up, especially with train cancellations.
But those in power just shrug their shoulders and hope the problem will quietly go away.
On the flip side, it is quite amusing when you see twats trying to drive their cars through a flooded road despite signs and warnings to the contrary. They get half way through and all of a sudden the car dies, starts to fill with water and then they’re well and truly fucked!
Investment in vital infrastructure 0: profit to taxpayer-subsidised corporation 10
Laughing all the way to bank….see also water companies, railways &c &c.
Don’t like nationalisation? Ok, don’t agree, but that’s your right, so –
One way to avoid it and defuse Corbyn at the same time might be for the companies, planners, builders etc to actually DO SOMETHING about this perennial cuntscape, no? It’s not as if it’s a secret that building on floodplains causes flooding. Or indeed that we’re getting more severe rainfall events.
Then you have boris who didnt give a fuck about the flooding said iy wasnt an emergency /wouldnt have a meeting fir 5 days /corbyn demanded one got it seen to!thats probaly the only reason folk turned up to do anything about the floods.
That cunt Fuhrer Corbyn never said anything. All the cunt cares about is “Palestine” and sucking off its corrupt genocidal leaders. Everything comes from his puppet-master Seumas Milne-Goebbels who has his hand so far up Corbyn’s arse he can operate his vocal cords.
Anyone who thinks Corbyn, Reichmarshal McDonnell and the likes of Idi Abbott Amin give a tuppenny shit is sorely mistaken. Once they get your vote you can get fucked, oh yes and hand over the rights to your property plus an unlimited influx of peacefuls to keep him in office.
Credit were its due your right/what i meant to say in effect was how it was portrayed by the media as boris was slow to react initially.would have have been a more accurate description depending on which news outlet you believed!
I had a good laugh about that Old lady from South Yorkshire that they interviewed, when Boris came to visit the centre she runs for the flood victims.
They asked her what she thought of Boris and she said
“Do you want the truth?”
“He’s an arsehole! He does nowt for us!”
Comrade Corbynski and Jo Swindler are just as bad.
They don’t give a flying flamingo (to quote John Bercow) about any of us plebs until there’s an election.
They’re like fair weather friends.
Get yourselves over to ytube type in” Im a right c***-Extinction Rebellion/Momentum/Antifa PMSL
A cunt music tune if ever i heard one lol
brickbat…long time no see.
Where the fuck have you been?
Flooding is God’s judgement for gay marriage. It’s not fucking rocket science.
Christ… is God a trigger word now?
Easy solution – build all homes underwater then get “drying out insurance”!
My singing and dancing are also terrible..
An EXCELLENT cunting. The politicians and CUNCILS will bleat about the fucking “cuts” while hosing millions over fashionable high-visibility shite like does pissing on a lamppost, but plead “the cuts” for basic maintenance of infrastructure, well, it isn’t visible so no brownie points.
Let usalso not forget the EuroCunts of the commission
lied to by the mentalenvironists, who actually banned most dredging in case it affected “endangered species” such as the Depressed freshwater mussel (yes it’s true) habitat, while taxpaying householders were effectively told to fuck off and fuck your home’s too.
Add in the import of millions for which we’re expected to build homes and fuck us British citizens the sewers and drains are overloaded, plus, as you said, they’re building on fucking FLOOD PLAINS, dwellings that are nigh on uninsurable.
But who fucking cares, just so long as the cunts can take in the exorbitant Cuncil Tax for fuck all.
No doubt some cunt or St. Greta Høwdäreyöu of Schittbückett will blame global fucking warming or that non-existent “climate emergency” when the reality is that it’s lazy, uncaring arrogant official CUNTS who hold us in complete contempt while our overpriced homes and possessions drown.
Dredge the rivers, clear the drains and then do us one last favour and FUCK OFF.
Doncaster council – new housing approved around Doncaster airport which is low lying, huge water run off from tarmac areas with inadequate drainage. And is a few miles from river Don flooded areas.
N Lincs council – Vast new estate approved, aptly called the lakes, directly next to river Trent and on it’s flood plain.
So we have gross stupidity coupled with lack of silt dredging having to cope with improved run-off in upstream towns and cities.
Add to the fact that these places are not London or the home counties then flooding is inevitable.
The twats that buy these houses deserve every pint they get. They’ll probably only find out what cunts they are when they try to get insurance and are told to fuck off, leaving them with a worthless cardboard box full of things that will help with the flooding by soaking up as much water as they can.
Winky wanky house builders have been putting up houses in areas known to flood for years!! The cunts….
but there’s definitely more flooding than I can remember, some fuckers need to dig deep and put in proper flood defences as this shit ain’t going away ….
King Canute get fucked……..
Council planning committee’s have to shoulder a heavy responsibility for allowing vast areas of housing to be built in at risk areas as you say as long as they get a new school funded by the developer and the council tax keeps getting paid so what few weeks of hand wringing should suffice. However as is patently obvious flooding has become more frequent a bit of both be it changing weather patterns and/or alterations to the built and rural environment, which to my mind should encourage a total redesign of houses. In most countries where similar problems occur they build their houses on legs or pillars be it a couple of feet above the ground or even more in extreme cases ( not that would do anything to help the existing housing stock ), so anyone with any foresight should give thought to wholesale redesign of modern houses when at risk, and if I was an insurance business i would insist on it , because you can’t just keep funding one disaster after another
It’s global warming/mini ice age/climate change (take your pick) innit.
Winky Wanky Houses. Is that a pseudonym for Redrow Builders?
I reckon it covers any of the big ones.
Amongst others BBR ?………..
Wouldnt the developers be legally obliged to inform any potential investors and home buyers that the area is a flood plain and insurance would be a issue?
Surely that if they didnt they could be sued?
They shouldn’t get planning permission in the first fucking place. Builders are greedy cunts because they work the system, not always above board either. The cunts.
When you buy a house you should get a flood survey (at a small cost) but it’s not part of the legally required package, though it probably should be.
Even simpler though (and free), just go to the Environment Agency’s website under flood risk, put in your post code, push the button and you’ll get an assessment. (Yeah, I know that this all seems a bit too efficient and organised for a government department, but the information seems to be OK).
I would have thought that when lawyers do the “searches”, asking something like this would be on the list.
Unless, of course, lawyers are getting brown envelopes to stay quiet…no, that couldn’t possibly be true.
There’s a village near me where developers have recently completed an estate of “executive-style” modern houses. It has been built on land that was covered in rushes and not far off being a bog. Hopefully the “executive” occupants will soon be flooded and their shitty rabbit-hutch houses washed away.
Most of the occupants are probably veggy, pushbiking,office team-leader types plus their appalling frumpy wives and pasty-looking (stay indoors,darling..it’s mucky outside) brats…”executives”?…my arse.
Fuck them.
It seems that we have a huge number of “executives” in the UK, for every new estate going up is “executive”. Ive yet to see an estate for “Plumbers” and “”workers”. Ah well….
And good morning Dick. I trust you are keeping Keilder nicely trimmed?
I was up past the dam just the other day on my way to a private felling job.Even I had to admit that it looks beautiful on a hard frosty morning.
Hope you’re keeping well.
Many Thanks
Not forgetting the Drew Pritchard sourced tatty overpriced piece of sh*t in the magnolia living room – oops, I mean “statement piece”..
Hopefully the “patina” will make it waterproof!
Plantation workers daughter / CH supt Robyn Williams has been found guilty of possession of kiddie porn.
Former poster girl for the negroid police association.
Lord have mercy.
Ole man river.
Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ
Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ… ?
Some people seem obsessed with black cock and black people.
What great contributions some cunters make, what a pile shite.
I wish I had a final solution…that gas bill won’t pay itself.
That is not even worthy of a reply.
Plantation worker…ain’t worth a reply…I don’t know what you mean by the way, I’m skint and can’t afford the bills.
Hey B&WC, where are the white women at?
Well i wouldnt mind some black pussy!or chinese or even vietnamese!yehbut theres no fucking way when im on my arse!im tempted to have a vietnamese escort next time/as long as i aint gotta defrost the bitch!
Burned my bread today.
black loaves matter..
Flooding is God’s judgement on BRINO.
I’ve become so bitter I no longer care if they put up these cookie cutter houses and they get flooded. You must have zero brains and zero aspiration to buy one of these soulless things in the first place.
You misunderstand:
The MET used and abused this officer for years. At every opportunity they wheeled her out at Nothing Hill carnival and touted her as a potential commissioner.
The MET are so PC obsessed that this is common place. What they are also good at is dropping people even quicker…..
What are you talking abaaat?
Ole man river.
not commonplace – it’s common purpose :0)
Also, I gave never had black cock.
I snogged a black guy once in 1997. Does that count?
I personally don’t give a fuck who you’ve kissed or let up your shitter…
I like hearing witty, funny and relevant cuntings and responses.
When certain cunters chime in with the same old unfunny shite I usually ignore it or yawn.
This is a great site… unfortunately let down by monotonous non relevant shite.
My opinion only.
Perhaps you should widen your circle of acquaintances, Krav, and sample some smooth, dark schlong.
They say once you’ve had black, there’s no going back…
Thanks for putting my mind at rest. I was beginning to think you might be a tiny bit raaacist.
How very dare you!
No silly – that was a reply to Krav’s post!
Oh, sorry old chap.
Krav would be an all-round, collier kind of Gay guy and his evenings would be complete with some hot black meat wedged in his seat.
Puts one in mind of the old Frank Zappa song – “he’s so gay…”
Collier? Jollier. Fucking arse-biscuit autocorrect.
Of course, his evening’s not complete
Without some meat in the seat ?
I hate racists almost as much as I hate the French..
My Pakistani neighbour told me that the local estate agent had valued his property at £600k.
I’ve been thinking about moving so got him round to value my property.
He said around £500k.
I said, “Hang on a minute, the property next door is identical yet you valued that at a £100K more. Why’s that..?”
He said “That’s because Mr Patel doesn’t have a p@ki living next door”….
I bet when a gay farts it hangs around like a bad smell that won’t go away…reminds me of someone else.
When these poxhole estates are launched and vaunted as ‘an exclusive development’ or some other bollocks, it got me wondering:
Who the fuck are they seeking to exclude? Someone with sufficient IQ not to purchase one of their overpriced, dooshka-built shitboxes I should imagine.
AKA “Young professionals” – best thing to do is demolish all the local authority housing in the city centre, dump the locals into “affordable private rented housing” and build executive apartments for the aforementioned “young professionals” – no social cleansing of the poor there!
Welcome to Leeds.
I was looking at these shite new houses and noticed the fake stone shite they clad them in…what a pile of cunt.
Imagine showing your cunt mate your new home and they notice the fake stone…what do you say?
I’m sure they are super warm and energy efficient but I’d rather an old cold real stone house.
What kind of kunt would pay more than a tenner.for that?
I could probably kick one of them over.
Go fuck yourselves.
Evening B&W, some of these new builds have a list of problems like unfinished skirting boards, doorframes, damp etc and the company drags their feet fixing them while the chief execs bank millions in bonuses. I have also thought of houseboat cunts as Limp Dumb or Green Party voting, EU loving eco nutters.
Evening LL, the speed in which these houses go up would worry me if I was buying one.
Not surprising they have issues, I drive past a development often and the workers are pissing abaaaht as well.
It seems nothing not even houses are made to last these day’s
If I could afford it, then an older house with a bit of character and history would be good. Fiddler Towers is probably a cross between Colditz and Winterfell.
What do you mean probaly!if he ever gets any carol singers theym in for a fucking shock!!!
But you can moor up sooooo close to Waitrose – let’s face it, that tofu and sun blushed tomato snack won’t sell itself at a tenner a time!
Wasn’t that place called Fishlake or something like that? What do they have to call a town before it puts you off? Soggy Bottom? Atlantis? How the fuck do they get house insurance? When all these dull cunts say how much land there is that isn’t built on, they have no fucking idea if it’s a flood plain, or if there would be any effect on natural drainage.
After the last incident they changed the name from “drowned clown”
Caveat emptor. If you choose to live in a house in a low-lying area that could get flooded, that’s what happens….
Here’s the link to it:
I have rebuilt a 1961 bungalow with a new outer skin, high performance cavity wall batts, thick celotex in the floor, 400mm of loft insulation and a mechanical heat recovery system.
It has a slate roof, stone cills and lead windows – a traditional olde worlde look but with a quality build.
Fuck me, you only have to fart to make it warm in there.
I watched ten minutes of the leaders debate, what a pair of cunts. Now, I’m watching ten minutes of a question time special with Farridge. Cunt that he is, the audience is completely filled with cunts that hate him. No change there then.
Let’s have a national tree planting scheme – trees draw up water, provide a degree of rainwater storage and sequester CO2. It could be like a national service scheme and could be done in any part of the UK. Any takers? Dole scum? ER hypocrites? Wealthy cunts living on flood plains? No, didn’t think so.
Buy a house on a hill ya daft cunts.
An english mans home is his castle(or in fiddlers case colditz castle)not enough brain boxs in uk at mo b&w c thing is they all want this new build shite it appeals to them but they negate to think about potential flooding!i dont get it personally 120 grand plus(new build)and there surprised ir dont make the grade!
Agreed AF.