In my day a doublled barrelled surname meant you were some private schooled educated cunt like Tim Nice-But-Tim. We respected these cunts cos they were posh and knew how to manage us Hoi Polois. Nowadays ever double barrelled cunt is a dark-key footballer playing for some Liverpool soccer outfit.
Doubled barrelled surname should be reserved to proper Eton, Harrow etc. educated upper class ruling class types who are a product of proper servicing not some Scouse rendering of a white flag by a hugely hung blackie.
They are just highlighting that mother got sorted by some massively hung rasta cunt with a surname like Alexander or Arnold or Oxlade or Chamberlain.
Nominated by Cuntrycunt
Good cunting. My Mrs’ mates are the Weatherall-DeCrostas; Sounds very grand doesn’t it, except for the fact they are a couple of rank lezzas, one being a scrawny, tattooed, pierced specimen, the other your standard check-shirted, doc-martined great fat blumper of a bulldyke. Now blessed with two turkey-baster fathered little abominations; presumably when they breed they will be the Weatherall-DeCrosta-Bernardmatthews?
my understanding was the double barrel name was the amalgamation of two wealthy families where one was about to die, so say Rothchild only has daughters pleb Smythe wants to marry Fanny so they become the Smiythe-Rothchild family.
I don’t see the requirement for it nowadays.
Mrs Benny Mk II retained her old married name because she liked it, had her bank in her maiden name, and didn’t take my name, (which didn’t fuss me but lead to a lot of confusion in house sales ect).
Mrs B Mk I Did take my surname, which was unwise as most slavs have difficulty enunciating it (Been called some funny names in my time).
I completely agree, where is the differentiation between the posh and the riff-raff if not in the name.
When you see the name Rees-Mogg, it does what it says on the tin, a posh bloke and not some fucking gangsta type.
Double barrel for the Posh!
Being double barrelled doesn’t stop Rees-Mogg being a total cunt though does it?
Normally these cunts just don’t want to take their husbands name because of meesojany. They seem to be unaware that they are just taking their father’s name and tagging it onto their husbands name. So men win twice over. Cunts.
They could take their own mother’s maiden name, and that of their new mother in law’s maiden names; and shunt those together; that would really fuck up future entomologists.
Maidens! (my singing and dancing are also shite)
A little-discussed subject for cunting, and most welcome. The upsurge in pretentious double-barreledism is mainly due to the wimminz, I think. They object to the long-established custom in Northern Europe that surnames descend only through the male line because it’s patriarchical and stuff. So they add their own surname to their husband’s for the benefit of their inevitable mewling puking spawn.
Ulimately the system will collapse, however, and this is how
Mr. Aspirant and Mrs (nee) Tosser begat A. Aspirant-Tosser
Who plighted his troth or was forced to wed at shotgun-point, Ms Millen-Ennial, Mr Millen’s daughter by Mrs (nee) Ennial. They begat B. Aspirant-Tosser-Millen-Ennial.
Whose child, to cut a long story short, was called, with continuing acknowledgement of patriarchal oppression and the right of wimmin to be bloody awkward, C(hantelle Pigflaps Plumbago). Aspirant-Tosser-Millen-Ennial-Givusa-Braik-Forfar-Xaik.
This will continue with power-law expansion of surnames until a single name occupies the whole of an internet server and communication becomes impossible.
There is always hope.
In just five generations a double barreled surname compounds to 64 surnames, addressing a letter gets tough, in ten generations it is 1026, in 20 over a million and 30 over a billion etc. Should be able to clog up this particular brand of fuckwittery well before that.
I like having a double barrelled surname – it edifies me greatly shouting it as I stand on the South rampart tower pissing on the servants – good form!
Should be a requirement of law to take one surname when joined as a partnership. These pricks are doing it to try to improve their social standing and it makes me fucking puke, because we all know who are doing it, fucking oar-paddling cunts.
I agree, manufacturing a double-barrelled name just to include the split-arse bit (and faux kudos) exudes cuntitude.
The biggest cucked cunts are the ones who take the woman’s name as the family name.
I don’t know of any UK cunts who have done this but it’s rife in cuck-central Sweden. There is a Swedish golfer who used to be called Magnus Person but now he goes by Magnus Atlevi – his wife’s surname.
Now I’m no rabbinical college expert but I know (from friends) that you can only be Jewish if your mother is Jewish.
If your Dad is Jewish but your mother isn’t then you are not Jewish. I think this is totally sexist and I intend to overturn 4,000yrs of Judaism for the sake of progressiveness!
Go Jewish Dads!
Utter madness!
Does taking someone’s name necessarily mean you’re adopting their religion? Or am I reading your comment wrongly?
I certainly read ‘Atlevi’ wrongly. I know a little more Turkish than Hebrew, and I misread it as ‘Atevi’…’horse’s house’
I hope the relationship is a stable one.
I’ll get my numnah…
No Komodo, you miss the point.
There is no relationship to the golfer and religious doctrine (or his – sorry – her surname), it was an example of 1,000s of years of normality flipped on it’s head in 2 minutes all in the name of “woke progressiveness”.
The name of the child always inherited the patriarchal family name. It’s always been like that for millennia.
A married couple always inherited the patriarchal family name. It’s always been like that for millennia.
A child is Jewish through it’s mother’s lineage. It’s always been like that for millennia.
But hey, for the sake of “woke progressiveness” let’s just flip all of that on it’s head. This is the generation that knows best, the generation that has done fuck all for society apart from tearing it apart!
try this then
O, I see. Semi-separate topic. Sorry. Still, there’s a biological objection to what you propose. Apologies for technicality in advance.
Mitochondrial DNA – associated with energy production in the cell – is inherited only through the maternal line. If you allow shiksas ( the delightful and derogatory term for non-Jewish women) into the lineage, the connection is broken with demonstrably Jewish ancestors. And the offspring may not manifest the full spectrum of Jewish characteristics -whatever they are supposed to be – physically. Add to that the immense faff involved when a Gentile wishes to convert to Judaism – it’s a spiritual obstacle course – and it’s no wonder that many gentiles marrying a Jewish bride don’t bother; they will never be fully accepted by the community in any case.
When you read the latest court appearances in your local rag you’ll notice that most of the cunts have double barrelled names.
Mind you having a double-barrelled name does open doors to you that are denied to the general public.An appearance on the Jeremy Kyle show springs to mind.
“Mind you having a double-barrelled name does open doors to you…”
Cell doors in this case.
“Morehamhead Pig – Fucker”!
I thought it’s mainly because they’re bastard’s so they just take their mom’s and dads surnames if they know who he is. Ainsley Maitland-Niles and Reuben Loftus-Cheek sound like something dreamt up by PG Wodehouse. Daft cunts.
Miserable both barrels northern cunt
Of cheshire.
See double barrel works .
Posh as fuck.
Remington purdy miserable cunt.
I am clearly lower class – I always thought “Fuck – Off” was a posh double barrelled name in Yorkshire, then I realised it wasn’t a surname, it’s just that the good lady f*cking hates me!
You notice that many of the Dark Keys, who end up in court charged with serious offences, or on a slab, have double-brrelled names. I suspect it is the fact that most of these aspiring boxers and rappers are just acknowledging how pathetic they are and are doing it to bolster their self esteem, in the way bald men buy a syrup or short men wear high-heeled shoes. Pretentious motherfuckers.
I wonfder we don’t have Dawn Butler-Pratt or David Lammy-Curruthers
Like you say, they are inadequates who feel the need to ‘improve’ themselves so that they’ll measure up. Like African Americans who wear gold chains.
10,000 Years in chains – and what’s the first thing the fuckers buy when they are free..
Being a new (ish) but regular visitor to this site I hope to start regularly responding to posts placed on this fantastic forum. May I also say that some of the content on here is superb, to the point that if i am having a shit day in my boring, monotonous job I come on here to do a bit of educational reading, if having had a five knuckle shuffle isn’t sufficient to ‘perk me up’.
Coming to the subject Double Barrel surnames, I don’t get it. Is it some hangover of wanting to keep the legacy of the family name going or, as suggested some cunt trying to ponse their name up with a fucking hyphen in the middle.
Someone in my family, a right fucking chav from Saaarf London has a double barrel surname – she struts around like a cross breed from the only way is Essex / Made in Chelsea but a chav is a chav at the end of the day, mutton dressed as lamb!
She’s also passed this on to her sprogs, who are equally as chav-tastic. It caused ‘issues’ in said family and the two surnames are so fucking absurd on their own that when put together they make the cunts sound like proper fucking retards – bit like Frankenstein (though he was probably more intelligent).
Anyway, time to cunt off – I hope to be able to contribute more soon.
Please do, and thank you, we are sure the others enjoy your input.
Couldn’t think of an original name then ??
What about cunts who have multi barrelled names such as de pfeifel foxchaser and so on? These are the true nouveau degenerates.
or Acting Chief Cuntstable Cuntbubble-Bollockbag
It’s a horsewhipping for you,you common man.
Club them with the Holland and Holland!
Sir Ranulph Twiselton – Wykeham – Fiennes. Mad as a fucking cunt.
Give me a double-barrelled surname any day of the week than the unpronounceable Owonamana M’boudooga from Nigeria. At least your Indian mate called Bhattacharya Chadowropadhyay “Hello, please be calling me Chad.”
could be worse.
This African fella has about 4 generations compounded already.
After decades of improved health care, there are too many kids, the lands can’t be divided any smaller, and the names are getting too fucking long. To solve both problems they schedule a civil war, kill 90% of the people and start all over again.
Here’s one they could all use :
Iman Utter-Cunt.
Morehamhead Trainer – terror
In some Latin countries you have no choice but to have a double or triple barreled names as the wife´s name is added to the husband´s by law and she often has a double barrelled name already. I have personal experience of this and can´t tell what a bureaucratic nightmare it is in certain cases.
In Brazil, for example, it would not be uncommon for someone to be called Jose Eduardo da Silva dos Santos Perreira Moreira Gonçalves – and despite all this, he could be a homeless wretch without a shirt on his back.
The Spanish system …perhaps that’s an oxymoron. A nightmare further compounded by the rise of feminism inverting the accepted order of inherited surnames. Not helped by several common Christian names also featuring as surnames. We’re getting there, though. When chaos finally reigns I guess eventually we will have to be issued our names by the Ministry of Names, along with a forgettable password.
Or: “Hi. I’m Please Read My Microchip …got it? Great. And you’re…? Oh, you’re still running Microsoft Windows for Implants 2035, you’d better upgrade.”
Another aspect of the Latin countries is that non-Catholic immigrants in many countries had to christen their children with the surnames of saints in their Spanish form. One example of this was a woman I met in Buenos Aires called Paz MacKinlay. There are plenty of more famous cases like Ernesto “Che” Lynch Guevara, Edmundo O´Gorman, Vicente Fox, Teofilo Stevenson, Cristina Kirchner and Carlos Drummond (although he was from Brazil which never had this rule).
Damn those shirtless homeless wretches, getting under the wheels of my new Range Rover!
Great cunting. This double-barrelled shit is spreading like Katie Price at a footballer’s convention.
To me it screams that Mummy and Daddy are unmarried, don’t want the world to know, or don’t want little Wayne or Kylie to be singled out for not having Daddy’s surname, so they glue the two names together, to make it look ‘respectable’.
Trouble is, Mummy Dearest then subsequently gets knocked up by half the estate, so every sprog that spawns from her noo-noo ends up with a bunch of different, ‘two for the price of one’ surnames, culminating in little ‘Chantelle Bloggs-Mohammed’.
What utter cuntery.?⚕️
I found a nurse cunty emoji!
Nah. The emoji’s smiling…
True, very true.
You know me so well, Komodo.
Using RTC’s emoji web page eh admin?
And some
Good innit!!
Yay! I am humbled and honoured (which is a medical first)
Thanks Admin.
Unfortunately this PC world has made you a female healthcare worker
They do not seem to have one for me.
Fuckin’ ‘ell.
Like to say it surprises me, but it doesn’t.
I find myself typing w⚓ or calling someone a ? end in whatsapp messages.
Does that work?
Fuck you. I’ve got a double-barrelled surname. I didn’t ask for it – born with it. I don’t have an ‘all year round tan’. Does it make me a cunt? No. I would have been a cunt no matter what surname that was imposed upon me. I can think of far more cunts without double-barrelled surnames than with them. But let’s not forget….there are some cunts out there with triple-barrelled surnames…
look on the bright side could have been Brady-Huntley-Sutcliff.
All the Lezzers that work at my head office ( and theirs a lot of them ) all have double barrelled names. Some of them sound ridiculous. I wish I could put some of them up on here but I would probably get rumbled
Conventional names can be highly entertaining, we had a well-endowed lass in the office by the name of Ms Titcΰmb
It’s a justified Cunting.
I.Dick de Pfeffel Foxchaser-Fiddler, really am a true Cunt.
Fuck Off,Plebs.
Three words: Rebecca Long-Bailey.
Interesting fact, if you type =Concatenate(Rebecca Long-Bailey) in Excel it comes out with the word Cunt.
This is not my cunting..cunters So I don’t know why it’s got my name slapped all over it..
Since I’m here, I must say that Rees-Mogg has some serious taste in motors though, seen his Bentley? He’s also making a considerable effort in the effnik outbreeding program with a score of +5.
Where’s Sir Limply gone? He’d appreciate such refined stiff upper lipped automative taste.
Gormless looking… ministry of dick head walks.. stuff this “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis” up your arse..