Cunt’s without travel insurance

I would like a well deserved cunting for all these penny pinching cunts who think its a good idea to go abroad without travel insurance and then surprise fucking surprise when they end up in hospital, they cant fucking pay, and the usually some fucktard tell a story about what a great person they are and why we should all donate to a Go Fund Me account and help these fucking morons with their costs.
If you go anywhere abroad without insurance you need your head read, case in point some girl from north Wales has been involved in a car accident in Vietfucknamnam, you know the place known for its super safe roads and traffic, exactly the kind of place you make sure you have insurance in place before you end up in hospital there, I bet once the little people realise she cant pay, they will stop feeding her or sell her to a brothel or worse.
I have no sympathy for cunts who are so tight they would scrimp on something like fucking travel insurance, how fucking stupid can you get,and I would never give a penny to a go-fund me site for that, infact go-fund me aslso deserve a good cuntingt.

49 thoughts on “Cunt’s without travel insurance

    • I bet she loves the smell of napalm in the morning. Or the smell of sweaty cock; she’d better learn to love that before she can pay her way home

      • Daft Bint : Hey, baby. You got girlfriend Vietnam?

        Punter : Not just this minute.

        Daft Bint: Well, baby, me so horny. Me so HORNY. Me love you long time. You party?

        Punter : Yeah, we might party. How much?

        Daft Bint : Fifteen dollar.

        Punter : Fifteen dollars for both of us?

        Daft Bint : No. Each you fifteen dollar. Me love you long time. Me so HORNY.

        Punter : Fifteen dollar too beaucoup. Five dollars each.

        Daft Bint : Me sucky-sucky. Me love you too much.

        Punter : Five dollars is all my mom allows me to spend.

        Daft Bint : Okay. Ten dollar each.

        Punter : What do we get for ten dollars?

        Daft Bint : Every t’ing you want.

        Punter : Everything?

        Daft Bint : Every t’ing.

      • Horror has a face, and she must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared

  1. Reminds me of those fucking retards who set up go fund me accounts to bring stray dogs home. Or, the best ones are the ones who get arrested in Thailand and swear they did nothing wrong. Yeah right. We should leave these fuckers to rot there.

    • There’s a charity near me that imports Romanian dogs. Don’t get me wrong – I’m a dog lover and have two of my own, both rescues. But we have loads of stray dogs here that need looking after. Why don’t these charities concentrate on neutering in Romania, rather than bringing them in. Or set a home up there? Fucking idiots.

      Romanians are cruel cunts.

      • Theyre subhuman callous fuckers Lord C.
        Dogs have funny accent?
        ‘I vont to go for a valk?

      • Got plenty on the streets of Bostongrad; they’re fucking subhuman. Even all the Poles/Latvians/Lithuanians/Portuguese/Russians etc. hate them

      • Romanian stray dogs? Christ, now I’ve heard everything. I bet ALL the donated money is spent wisely on the dogs.

  2. Why would you go to south east Asia or for that matter any exotic location without travel /health insurance?
    Tends to be backpacker types,
    Live the hippy dream! Beach party in Goa, hitchhike from India to Tibet,
    Elephant safari through the jungle in Thailand!
    I can see the appeal to a young person!
    Bur when theyre bitten off a venomous snake, raped at the roadside and battered, contract parasites and worms etc
    They want mummy.
    Well medical help an mummy.
    Get insurance you silly little cunts.

  3. I have zero sympathy for Cunts who can afford to go on holiday but reckon that they can’t afford insurance. I also have no sympathy for Cunts who “forget” to put down relevant details on their insurance application and then whine like bitches when the Insurance companies wriggle out. I know Insurance companies can be Cunts,but if they allow applicants to pick and choose what they declare,the whole system would be pointless.

    I’d also make it far harder for people to either leave or enter the Country unless they had adequate insurance.

    Fuck them.

    • Agreed Dick,
      Surely going somewhere ‘adventure’ holiday takes a bit of planning?
      Youd assume theyd have a plan B in case of something going ‘tits up’?
      Give me a week in snowdonia or derbyshire dales im happy
      White water rafting in Borneo?

    • I was going to go on a wild-boar hunting trip abroad next year but the cost of insurance was prohibitive. Instead I have decided to buy a few piglets,fatten them up and then let them loose on the fell. I feel that this is probably a far safer solution than having some enraged Slovakian boar try to turn the tables on me when I creep up on it as it sleeps and prepare to give it both barrels from my specially adapted elephant gun.

      One should always put one’s personal safety first when hunting wild animals

      • Come to Oz Mr Fiddler. Plenty of wild pigs, rabbits, foxes, camels, cats, roos, brumbys, goats, backpackers etcetera to hunt. We also have reciprocal health benefits for Home Islands and Dominion subjects.

      • I’d love to go to Oz Shackledragger but after being forced to sit through 2 back-to-back screenings of “Crocodile Dundee 2” when stuck on a violently pitching ferry (too rough to dock or even get out of my fucking seat) has cured me of ever wanting to visit the Country capable of producing Paul fucking Hogan..

      • You ever seen ‘the hunt for Hogzilla’?
        Look it up! Massive feral pig in the states, they have a lot of problems with feral hog.
        You ever seen the old boar hunting spears Dick?
        They have a bar partway down the shaft to stop a angry boar working its way down the spear and using its tusk to rip you a new arse!

      • No fear of me getting close enough to put myself in danger, Miserable. I’ll either be stood well back with enough fire-power to stop a charging rhino,wait until it’s asleep, or send in a few natives to take the sting out of the beast before The Great White Hunter moves in for the kill.

        I’ll also have “selfies” taken of me posing with my kill to put on the vast amount of Christmas cards that I send out every year.

      • Forgive me, but when you mentioned wild-boar hunting, I had a mental picture of you tracking down Boris, beheading him and mounting his head on one of your walls in your stately home.

        Clearly my mind is working over time so early in the morning

    • I had a fallout with one of my mrs’ mates years ago because she was a serial insurance fiddler; every few months she was claiming something massive like a new fridge or tv just cos she’d “had an accident” with the old one. I blew my top one day after listening to her hilarious story of how she’d deliberately chucked red wine on an expensive rug to get a new one; couldn’t seem to make her understand where the money to pay for said new rug came from, i.e. us honest cunts who pay our insurance!!! That was before they cottoned on to these cunts and just stopped waving cash at them

    • I would insist on any person coming to the U.K. has adequate medical insurance pregnant women especially. Anyone whose costs exceed their insurance will be covered by their carrier. Rubber boat brigade? Mines and a few hand grenades should suffice. Sit back and watch NHS waiting lists shrink.

  4. Interesting fact,

    Last year, road traffic deaths were 30 times higher than the number of people killed by pandemic diseases, Nguyen Thien Nhan, chairman of the Vietnam’s mass political organization Fatherland Front Central Committee, said

  5. Usually bogan’s (Australian chav’s) or trust fund prats, they do the country a service by dying far away before breeding. I’d crowdfund the local constabulary to put them out of their misery.?Come away to Bali island. Island full of drugfucked Skips. Come away to Bali island and die of an overdose or social disease.?

  6. Any cunt that spends £2000 on a holiday and then stints on £40.00 for travel insurance deserves to get sucked out of the plane en route. Silly cunts.

  7. Just read, that she had been there for 7 months and her insurance ran out before 6 days before.

    You’re playing dice with the devil on those zipperhead roads.

  8. Yeah the backpack cretins, to name but one dopey bunch of thickos, really do not bother with all the finer details of holidaying abroad. As far as they’re concerned all they need is a passport, airline tickets, a couple of cases for clothes, £100 in foreign currency; oh and their all important phone/tablet because they would be complete losers without their fucking phones!

    But they never bother with checking out insurance because they can’t afford it, or find it cramps their style, or “nothing will happen to me so fuck it!”, or they just don’t fucking understand it.

    Instead they continue to live in their fluffy world of unicorns and mermaids (sorry, merpersons!) thinking nothing bad will ever happen because “I’m young and I know everything, and I am never wrong and people far and wide will love me!”

    Fuck ’em

  9. Covering pre-existing conditions can cost more than the holiday, although if you exclude them you are covered for accidents etc. I would never visit S Africa, say (20 000 road deaths a year, about the same as the murder rate) without bullet proof insurance. I imagine SE Asia is as bad. I bet Mr Glitter was fully covered, one way or another.
    No time for entitled, sob story, crowdfunding cunts.

  10. Always makes me laugh when get twats intentionally breaking laws in other countries, and then bleating about how cruel the police and/or the justice system is because they’ve been thrown in a dirty stinking prison with 30 other dodgy characters in the same cell.

    They moan about injustice and bleat “Oh, mommy, daddy, I want to come home! Please crowdfund me my bail money! And in any case what’s wrong with getting drunk on the open streets of Abu Dhabi? And why can’t women like myself stroll down the streets in bikinis? No one told me about them out dated laws. How very backward!”

    And don’t get me started on dumb drug mules who get arrested at airports with 50 bags of coke stuffed up their holes, and they come over all innocent. But they still beg to come home for “justice” via CF’ing

    cunts – flog the fuckers!

  11. I’m going on my first Cruise and because I have high blood pressure and take blood thinners , what would have been £75 has gone up to £395 and that’s the cheapest quote I could get. Freinds going with me laughed saying don’t be a Cunt Fenton. I’ll have the last laugh when they have to sell their houses to pay for being Hospitalised .

    • In the same boat (not literally) last time I applied for travel insurance one chap actually laughed before getting a grip on his emotions one lady phone adviser accused me of taking the piss and making prank calls. Car insurance was hard enough. My days of flitting around the globe are long past. Considering the state of most of it, what’s left of my sanity and bowels just as well.
      FF hope you have a bloody good time, say hello to the ocean for me.

    • My mrs made me go on one for her birthday, thought I’d hate it, going on my fourth next year…. !

  12. These soft cunts always Fuck off to third world shitholes after watching a 10 minute YouTube video about said shithole.
    Surprise! ! They don’t have any infrastructure so if owt goes wrong you are royally fucked.
    Drive your scooter down a well and die!
    Happy travels you soppy wankers!

  13. Some of the medical facilities/institutions in Southeast Asia are very good , a healthy mix of private and government provision, the only problem being the locals have an opinion that medication will cure all ill’s accordingly there is heavy over prescription of drugs and the problem of counterfeit drugs is present

  14. Does this cunting also apply to those without house insurance? I have heard a few wails from those who have personal effects bobbing about in sewage water.

  15. Marvellous cunting.

    I have no time or energy for these tight wad cunts. 99.9% of the time I am broke as fuck and living on a budget. I go abroad twice a year to spend time with my other half who lives in Spain and I have to save like fuck to do so as I don’t earn much these days, but one thing I always make sure I do (even though I seethe about it as of course most of the time it goes unused) is travel insurance.

    It is worth every penny as you are up shit creek without a paddle if you happen to dive into the deep end of the pool whilst on your jollies, only to find it is the shallow end, and end up with a broken neck. You cannot bloody rely on always dodging that bullet, yet these fuckers won’t shell out mere tens of pounds to save themselves thousands, probably tens of thousands when catastrophes like this do happen. They just keep their wallets shut and their fingers crossed, fucking tight cunts.

    Why should responsible people then help them out when the penny pinching fuckers get into strife?

    Fuck the lax cunts.

  16. Shamima Begum set up a crowd fund to get her back to the UK.

    She raised £5.72.

    Unfortunately the crowd fund to keep her there is currently over a million!

    (A joke, but you know what I mean)

    There’s talk of a “peaceful” repatriation crowd fund that will require £10 million to get off the ground.

    The unfortunate thing is that it will take a good 20 minutes to raise those figures.

    (Again a joke, but you know what I mean)

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