A hilarious Cunting for the remoaners “Brexit; People’s Vote Coalition”, the members, the campaigning staff, the organisers and the chairman, yup, the whole bally fucking lot of ’em!
Now here is why, it seems not happy with their Chairman Roland Rudd ( I know, a prime example of cunt by name, cunt by nature! ) all the people involved decided to have a ‘people’s vote people’s vote’ about how their campaign is run as there is discord among the troops about how Roland is steering the ship, so by way of a show of hands it ended up with a vote of no confidence for poor old Roland.
Guess what, a spokesperson for Mr Rudd described the vote as a “complete nonsense” and “This vote has absolutely no legal weight whatsoever, and the fact remains that we will be pushing ahead with the changes announced,” they said.
So surprise surprise, the person running Brexit; The People Vote campaign, which has numbers in the millions, isn’t respecting the will of its members, although in fairness it was the staff and other coalition leaders voting, but still, does this sound familiar anyone? I wonder why. I’m shocked after the vote of no confidence Roland didn’t ask for another vote as perhaps the people voting against him didn’t know what they were voting for, still no need I guess, he just ignored the result anyway!
You couldn’t make this shit up, Roland Rudd chairman of Brexit; The People’s Vote coalition didn’t even respect the votes of his own members. This shower are basically the personification of everything they think they stand for but don’t, they are quite simply anti-democratic hypocrites of the highest order as this fiasco proves.
I hope the irony of all this is not lost on these traitorous cunts!
Fuck off!
Nominated by Coolforcunts
Didn’t we have a “People’s Vote” in 2016?
Why do they want another one? Didn’t they get the result they wanted, I wonder?
My response to the following:
Remoaner: There needs to be a people’s vote.
Me: Too late I’m afraid, cupcake. We’ve already had the people’s result.
No, didn’t you know – it wasn’t people that voted first time out, it was lamp posts
I think it was the lampposts that voted as we have all been pissed on since
it was just a practice run
Only advisory!!
Did anybody mention a red bus?
Yeh that weapons grade cunt chukka a 1000 times ……
Yes 17.4 million of us voted to leave
Get On With It
Once again, events have overtaken the cunting. Rudd’s stepped down….and the PV’ers are still fighting like cats in a sack. Popcorn. Enjoy. The last thing we want to do is discourage them.
1. Roland is a rats name.
2. People? What people? We voted! I clearly remember doing so!
Oh you mean Your people.
Suck me plums.
Eeeeeeeehhh rat fans
They should hire someone called Kevin. No! That’s a gerbil’s name. Damn.
Kevin Rudd? With all you’ve gone through you don’t deserve to have to endure that vainglorious cunt.
I think he meant to say, “It was only advisory.”
He should’ve brought in Bercunt on his payroll. He would’ve stopped there being a vote in the first place if the price was right.
Great cunting. Hilariously predictable behaviour from these utter cunts though.
Hard Brexit, soft Brexit, people’s vote, cliff edge catastrophy etc etc etc on and on an on. it’s as if a central command were controlling the narrative. How about this . No Brexit. War!. Fuck remoan. Cunts all round.
Couldn’t agree more. Let’s declare war on the European Union.
They’ve pissed us off for far too long. Even with their 27 odd Countries, and with us having only one aircraft carrier, we’d still kick the crap out of the cunts. I imagine Comrade Putin might be inclined to lend a hand too.
Let’s declare war on Scotland too. They want independence, they can have it on the end of a Trident missile.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we used Trident on ourselves.
Well, let’s start with Parliament and go from there………
Alas the Vickers Tank Factory (Challenger 2) is no longer in Leeds nor is the Tetley Brewery, Leeds is getting a bit wishy washy these days, going to wage war in the Challenger with a few slabs of Tetleys has a certain appeal
It’s obvious that Gaylord Mandelson and Alcoholic Ali want to take over from Ruddy Roland – both feel they still have a few minutes left on the clock of their 15 minutes. Perhaps Campbell feels he will be rewarded with a soapy tit-wank from Gina Miller (she will have to take off her Salvation Army bra – it uplifts the fallen), as for Mandy, if it all goes pear-shaped I am sure that nice Mr Vaz will take him on as an apprentice washing machine engineer – he would bend over backwards to accomodate the qu eer peer.
Seriously, a load of elderly rich queens trying to undermine democracy – they need a bloody good hiding.
The three big players in this one are Peter Mandelson ,Alistair Campbell, and our old friend Anthony Linton Blair. ?Apparently the later has banged the heads together of the People’s Vote Team??? Can someone tell me what Alistair Campbell actually does in life Minister Without Portfolio under Blair unaccountable to anyone sounds like he’s at it again ?17.4 million people voted to leave the EU get on with it ???
It would be interesting to know where alcoholic Alistair gets his money from, although his finances are probably as obfuscated and illegal as Mangledbum’s; CUNTS to a man (and Brazilian rent boy’s wife)
On a semi serious note does anyone else think the chances of us leaving the EU are actually now zero? It will just go round in ever-decreasing circles until one of these cunts actually has the bottle to announce the inevitable second (loaded) referendum, on which the options will be something akin to “do you want to A) remain in the EU and receive a free rainbow-coloured butt plug and a handjob/kit kat shuffle as appropriate from Thunderberg Newman, or B) leave the EU and have your eyeballs removed with tweezers and replaced with lychees”
Never going to happen. I’m more likely to look out of my window at midnight on the 24th of December and see Santa Claus fucking Rudolph up his arse on my neighbour’s roof than ever see us leave the thing we voted to leave.
Once in a generation referendum my arse.
“The second worst deal in history.”
“Boris Johnson’s surrender treaty.”
“I won’t split the Leave vote because Boris’s deal isn’t Brexit.”
“Boris tells us this is a great new deal. It is not. It is a bad old treaty.”
“The Prime Minister’s deal is not a proper Brexit. It is far removed from what 17.4m of us voted for in 2016.”
What did we vote for in 2016? My senility has taken a grip on me since I remember voting for something.
I think the intention all along was to confuse elderly people like myself who didn’t know what they were voting for. Must go, nurse has arrived with my 19.00 injection.
Evening RTC. I can just about remember you as a friendly face.
Evening Bertie my good friend.
You bin on secret manoeuvres or summat? We’ve been a bit concerned… Miserable said the milk bottles were piling up on your doorstep. Nice to see you back.
Regards to Nurse Cunty.
not been so good the last week or so. I’m on diet of antibiotics for an infection and then flu with a strep throat. Nearly at the point of booking DCI Cunt’s big yellow taxi but feeling a bit better today.
You know the number. Ready when you are.?
Sorry to hear you’ve not been well Bertie. Glad you’re on the mend now though.
Didn’t I warn you not to put off getting that flu jab? It’s not bird flu is it? That parrot’s a fucking menace!
The sooner you get him in the microwave the better.
Hi RTC. You wouldn’t believe that I requested a flu jab at the end of August!
My GP has got round to doing them this week. Horse, bolted, stable all spring to fuckin’ mind!
……and still some people think Farage isn’t a cunt?
Honestly, do you expect consistency from ANY politician? This shit is par for the course. I mean, didn’t you say you’d voted remain in the referendum? “Politics is the art of the possible”.
Well, the Chinese have bought British Steel Tatafornow, folks, so lychees might well be on the menu.
I wonder what number BS is on the Wun Hung Lo menu of world domination ? About 294, below plastic chopsticks ?
This is now the second referendum but by another name.
Slightly different though.
Then it was “In or Out”. Now it is “This useless, duplicitous cunt or That useless, duplicitous cunt”.
I have no-one to vote for now… will therefore be spoiling my ballot paper.
ALL CUNTS will be scrawled across it.
I won’t even bother. Will save me a trip to the community centre. I can stay at home and moan instead!
Always vote – our ancestors sacrificed their lives, fought and died for your right to wipe your arse on the ballot paper.
Brexit party all the way for me, my electoral ward is one the Tories supposedly have to win.
Labour majority of a shade over 1300, with a proper Brexiteer in charge they would have pissed it in 2017, angela smith escaped by the skin of her teeth.
If it splits the leave vote so be it, fuck them they’re still not listening to us.
The tory leadership contest this time round was just as big a stitch up as last time.
In my cuntstituency, Tories have not a bat in hell’s chance – 68% remoan, massively liebore…
I am praying, therefore, there WILL be a BP candidate against liebore…
Proxy vote this time.
One has to place “All Cunts” in parenthesis to indicate your meaning. Not to do so would entail writing the names of every cunt going, a task far too onerous on such a small piece of paper.
Sorry for the Speddingism but I did attend Cambridge.
A 2nd referendum would have the choice between ‘remain’ and ‘stay in’.
Voting is so last century. All it’s fit for now is making money off the back of idiots by giving them the illusion that they pick the winner on a dreadful TV talent show, like one of the many that plastic headed cunt Simon Cowell shits out, or strictly cunt dancing. At least you know for definite that it’s a fucking fix, and give it the disgust it deserves.
It was with some considerable joy that I heard shitty knickers Sturgeon bleating about the Brexit party not contesting some of the tories target seats. It must be a right kick in her balls, the way she was whining about it. Funny, she wasn’t so vocal about all the other undemocratic cunts joining forces last week to do much the same thing. Democracy, like hairstyles, is something s/he knows fuck all about.
I can’t help scratching my head in wonder at the utter moronic stupidity of wee jimmy krankie. She wants independence from the UK, only to then immediately give Scotland’s independence away to the EU.
You really couldn’t make it up.
It reminds me of some of those backwards countries that made up the Soviet Union. When the wall came down and they were confronted with democracy, they weren’t having none of it, and found solace in that Middle Eastern religion that’s well known for its tolerance.
Well if she got Independence I would like to think our handouts to the Scotish would stop (though I am sure they’ll be getting transitional payments) so she will have to get the money from somewhere
There is no fucking way on earth an independent Scotland would ever be accepted by the EU. They would never pass the tests and are bigger cunts than Turkey. Scotland and the Scots are on a par with Somalia and stinking fucking Somalians.
fuck off remoaner cunts, one and all – deselect the fascists who want a peoples vote – what have we already had? fucking fuckwit cunts
Im not a intellectual.
Shock you all eh?
But its clear as day you cant trust any of these cunts, theyre politicians for fucks sake, the job description gives it away
A Liar✔
B corrupt✔
C sexual deviant✔
I know some of you think Nigel farage is the second coming, but I personally think hes a dodgy cunt.
They all are.
Dont kid yourselves none of this shower of shite has your interests at heart.
Amen brother
Anybody who actually wants to be a politician should be put against a wall and shot. Just think, without any politicians there wouldn’t be any wars, as a bunch of farmers, factory workers and shopkeepers in Biritain would never have gone to war with a bunch of farmers, factory workers and shopkeepers in Germany. Twice!
Nigel Farage has today confirmed himself to be the Flash Harry /Arthur Daley of politics I always suspected him to be. The scales have well and truly fallen from my eyes now. A duplicitous cunt of the lowest order, second only to Boris.
Think Fiddlers got a nomination for Nigel coming up.
I already did one but it disappeared. I think someone in charge is a secret Farage fan!
Admin might add it too Fiddlers nom, sometimes do Robin.
All noms disappear while they’re being prepared. Being a very topical nom I wouldn’t be surprised if it was up and running tomorrow.
Know why i dont trust him?
Dont get me wrong liked his message and id vote BP,
But his second rate Andy Capp act,
Sat in a pub, flat cap on, pint in hand, fag in mouth,..
Its like a rich cunts impersonation of a ‘ordinary bloke’!
But its the fact he never has anything but a freshly pulled pint, not a sip, hes a fucking fraud!
One thing i DO know about is drinking ale, hes like a undercover copper or something, if he was in my pub hed be asked to leave.
And put that flatcap at a jaunty angle you fuckin stiff!
For £50 ‘Nigel’ old MNC can teach you how to be authentic.
Plastic John Bull
I used to be a fan. He would have got my vote because of my utter hatred of the EU.
I can’t believe how blinkered and stupid I have been. He is a snake oil salesman of the highest order and I bought into it. More fool me.
He is not only a one trick pony (Brexit is, literally, the only thing he ever talks about), but we now know the cunt is a fucking thief too, as he has basically told Brexit party members and prospective parliamentary candidates to fuck off if they want their money back.
What an utter, utter CUNT.
That scaly eyes thing sounds serious Rtc, go see your GP
Not lizard lense or iguana eye is it?
Corbyn always reminds me of Fred Kite the Union Leader character out of I’m Alright Jack played by Peter Sellers .
I had a lecturer at uni who was Corbyns double he spoke the same rubbish too comrade.It will be a sad day in hell if Communist Labour get into power.
Alright George?
Yeah, W C Boggs mentioned Fred Kite the other day on here!
‘Tools down! Everyone out!”
Thinks come the glorious Revolution its all wheatfields an ballet rather than bread queues an secret police.
Ps loved peter sellers, a genuinely funny talented man who was his own worst enemy, he couldnt keep his dick in his pants, but his inspector Closeau is my go to cheer up films.
If I’d had Lynne Frederick, my dick would never have been in my pants either.
Ok you fuckers, i’m going to try and defend Sir Nigel here. Firstly, it’s not his fault he was born posh and went to Dulwich College. You can’t make a geezer out of him no more than you can turn me into Little Lord Fontelroy, or whatever the cunt’s name is.
Secondly, we don’t know what negotiations have been going on behind closed doors. The Tories can’t be seen to stand candidates down any more than Labour can. It’s an admission of defeat.
Thirdly, yes I think they should have challenged the Tory remoaners. I know most of the prominent cunts have run away but there are plenty more of them who should have been challenged and it should have been made clear why. That’s a mistake.
Fourthly, and this is the killer, imagine Steptoe waltzing in to No. 10 backed up by Wee Jimmy and Mrs Swindler! Fuck that for a game of soldiers.
It’s important that Sir Nigel gets a foothold in this next Parliament and has some influence on the Tory cunts. He certainly won’t have any influence on a remoaner alliance government, that’s for sure.
Yeah we’re between a rock and a hard place but you have to have hope. If nothing else we can enjoy the libtards crying on the BBC on election night…….fingers crossed.
“Sir Nigel”?
Fucking hell, if they ever give this lying, dishonest, deceitful, cowardly cunt a knighthood I’m fucking emigrating.
Didn’t you know? Having a knighthood is the true mark of an establishment cunt… with a few honourable exceptions.
Agree in regard to keeping Steptoe out Fred, and will vote BP, just saying if you think for a minute hes anything other than a politician and a sly cunt your going to be dissapointed.
Yeah be nice to see those remain cunts cry on the night.
I’m with Nige. As I said before even if it is BRINO (which I dont think it is) I want the Remainers to lose. We need a symbolic victory to boost morale in this war. As Nigel said tonight (words to the effect) to achieve something big takes a hugs effort. There are many more battles till we win this war.
I think the Brexit Party will end up without a single seat as did UKIP, the Tories at least have a sense of hope under Boris unlike May who would have been steamrollered by steptoe and his bedfellows
To be fair I roundly mocked the (literally) crying ponces last time on the night of the vote, it was hilarious; can’t help but think due to their non-stop, shameless chicanery this time round though it’ll be us Brexit voters that will be crying. Trouble is we’re adults so will probably just accept the vote for what it is rather than spend three years blubbering about how “people were lied to, those thickos up North or anyone over 60 shouldn’t be allowed to vote (unless they vote remain), it’s not democratic waah fucking waaaaaaaaahh”
(might be a repeat cos I used a bad word I think)
I am hoping for a mass suicide of the Remainers after they lose the election. They might use St Pauls. Choirmaster Granny Grieve at the organ, The Reverends Blair and Adonis urging their followers to drink poison. the corpses in the pews – Sourberry and Sturgeon, eyes wide open, a grin of horror on their faces, and after ensuring that every fucker is dead Blair will shoot Adonis in the arsehole at point blank range then drink some of the fatal brew. “A new day has dawned, has it not?”
I think you are far too optimistic. If we ever escape the clutches of Brussels, I am quite sure that Blair, Mandelson, Adonis, Rentoul, Grieve, Sturgeon, Swinson and Hammond will rise from their political graves, eyeballs dangling, mouldy skin hanging from them in strips, and scheme, bitch and manipulate until we are recaptured.
Check this out –
Thanks for posting this Cool. I was in need of a bit of a laugh, and this cunt provided it!
Whenever I hear the name Roland I think of that fat fucking four eyed cunt from grange hill played by Erkan Mustapha and his little black friend Janet. Man he could really polish off a bag of fizz bombs the portly fucking myopic Turk.
I remember Roland from grange hill the portly myopic cunt. Nobody listened to him either apart from his little friend Janet who kept giving him bollockings for eating too many fizz bombs.
I savoured this cunting. Remainers are superior to us plebs. Right about everything and unable to accept a democratic outcome.
Great cunting which highlights precisely why these cunts can’t be allowed to win.
Emily Thornberry is on course to lose her seat, fucking hell, I may have to drive down to Londonstain to step point and laugh at her.
What could she do for a living after?
Become a cold meat and sausage roll/pork pie/quiche taster for LIDL?
Depend on her multi-millionaire husband?