A blue and gold, Tena Lady, last hurrah cunting please for this terrible, AmDram actress:
Can anyone imagine old mother gin guts being scared of anybody? (except perhaps the threat of a sweaty, long, hard, brutal shag from David Lammy), yet here she is in court calling somebody else *obsessed* (pots and kettles comes to mind), and saying she was too frightened to use public transport.
Hopefully the defendant will be found not guilty and Soubry, losing her deposit at the next election, will slide into the obscurity she so richly deserves. If she needs a part-time job, perhaps Keith Vaz will take her on as a mechanic in his washing machine repair company.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
When you lie to the electorate in an election you should go to prison. You shouldnt get to piss all over democracy like this cunt has without consequence. Those consequences shouldnt be to get to go on the BBC nearly everyday to shit on the people who elected you. Soubry is a rancid, bitter ,here today ,gone tomorrow fucktard CUNT.
What a cunt…
I’ve found a link abaaaht her ‘obsessed’ activist stalker cunt.
If it is her then obviously Dallamura is as mental as Soubry.
Perhaps they could both go on a permanent holiday together to sort it aaaaht… preferably a mental institution.
Piss off
Just clocked your link there B&WC, She sounds like a keeper.??
As long as she was insured with suicide in the policy. I Think id push the cunt off the pier.
Here’s what you do, Amy. You keep your head under water while attempting to breathe. The water will fill your lungs and you will suffocate. Now do you get the idea? Off you go then.
Agreed that Sourcrotch is a cunt but check out this zoomer.
Fuck knows if the link will work, I’m fucking shit at links.
Crazy Cat Lady Amy Dalla Mura.
Too scared to use public transport? Listen you whore, getting a black cab and claiming it back on expenses doesn’t count as public transport.
If you want to use public transport jump under the next Tube train you fascist slag.
Perhaps she could sit on the Circle Line, going round and round for all eternty, sitting next to Tje Flabbott, getting damp and smelly on some alkypops…
In all honesty I’d give Anna Soubry one…
She has that older woman look abaaaht her who would love a young, handsome strapping lad like me to fuck her. She no doubt has a few quid in the bank so could pay for my expensive taste (so I don’t have to spend my own money).
Plenty of slaps in the face with my stained schlong and if she mentioned another referendum…she get it up the bum.
Give Mrs Soubry a week with me and I’d change her political views, I’d put her on the game after I’d finished.
Piss off.
No tongue up her arsehole mind…I have standards.
Standards B&W ? This from a bloke bragging about fucking the Sourberries?
Fucking hell. What would you do with Eddie Izzard I wonder?
I’d give Soubry one out of patriotic duty…to help the nation get rid of her.
I bet she’s a kinky bitch… fishnets and high heels.
Cmon Freddie you know you would.???.
As for Eddie Izz-a-trannie I don’t fancy no batty man.
But he’s far prettier than Soubry…..
She needs some stern discipline, right enough, but hasn’t she lost the Whip?
Receiving the whip isn’t a right, but a privilege…
Or at least, that’s what Mistress Dianne Dildo told me… I have to beg for it, on my knees.
When these fucking cunts like Soubry, Phillips and that other badly dressed slag whose name I forget stop snarling with screwed up faces in Parliament they may not get snarled at by screwed up faces of Joe public.
Fuck off Soubry, Change uk, you couldn’t change a fucking light bulb!
I am encouraged to think that the message, that MPs who do not represent the people are cunts, appears to be getting through.
MPs of that persuasion are not representing the people either because they are representing themselves or because they are representing lobbyists for special interests. No argument; the system is rotten and we need to start again.
Perhaps we could try a system where the person chosen by the highest number of people represents those people?
Bloody hell, you’re a genius, Moggie! Think the people who currently “represent the people” would buy that? Everybody write to your MP!
/Definitely veering towards the benevolent dictator solution, personally…
These assholes thought they could just fuck the leave voters over without there being a backlash . And now they’re probably worried about abuse or worse every time they’re in public . It’s fackin wunderbar.
As crazy as this now sounds soubry had aspirations to be leader of the Conservative party!, just shows how utterly deluded she has always been …..
Definitely one of the biggest turds in the Brexit swamp
MP s who defy the will of the people but more importantly their constituents.Who then change parties should automatically face a bi-election
Or leave Parliament easy as that no staying in Parliament causing mayhem and frustrating the democratic vote of leaving the EU.
Anna Soubry is a sad old hag her constituents cannot wait for Dec 12th to boot her out and good riddance. Let’s hope the same thing happens to that smug puff Chris Lesley
Madam I earnestly request that you give considerable thought to admitting your good self to some institution that may assuage you of your delusions, it is plain to all that you stand on the wrong side of being completely bonkers. Now it is unlikely you will be thought of as anything but a complete cunt, but there does exist a far worse outcome an embarrassed cunt after your inevitable comeuppance at the forthcoming election. I for one intend to forgo the comforting embrace of the duvet on election night to relish your unseating in front of us all. As a parting gesture I wish a pox upon unseemly cadaver
I may have pointed this out before, but she bears a disturbing resemblance to 1980s American rent-a-baddie actor Richard Lynch.
Check out the Chuck Norris film “Invasion USA” if you don’t believe me…
I heard this hag is going to ‘retire’ rather than stand for election again.
She just wants to cling to power and privilege for as long as possible before denying us all the schadenfreude in seeing her lose her seat (like that other twat, Bercow).
Complete cunts.
Id fuck her.
By fuck her i mean swing on her ankles as she spun on the gibbet.
Feed her to Komodo Dragons,head first.
What a fucking rat.
Ugh. No thanks…
Terribly sorry old chap.
De nada. But I don’t eat carrion unless I absolutely have to.