“I gave up a six-figure salary to join Extinction Rebellion”
A long cunting but hopefully worth it to give some clarity to the utter scam which is the group known as “Extinction Rebellion”! I know ER have been cunted very recently and in the past for their protests however this cunting is about their hypocrisy, shady dealings and alt left agenda and financial backing and the sooner they are on The Wall here the better as far as i’m concerned and if you read the rest of this you will see why, and no guesses needed where this snowflake’s testimonial found its propaganda platform either, yup BBC News.
The long and the long of it is, this ex banker Andrew Medhurst claims to of given up his six figure salary to join ER, fight the good fight against climate change, and…..look after the group’s finances and donations lol.
“Between the beginning of March and the end of September, gifts from large donors – those giving £5,000 or more – totalled £1.2m. The list of benefactors includes the rock band Radiohead, which gave the organisation £300,000. Meanwhile, an online fundraising page has attracted another £1m from smaller donors. And the donations fund a sophisticated financial operation, with two limited companies in the UK and plans to set up an international branch in Europe, which will pay for the group’s activism around the world.”
So, no flies on this cunt Andrew Medhurst nudge nudge wink wink. On the subject of flies, you won’t be seeing many on the swarms of “protesters” camped out and travelling into London, not when they as “activists” can claim up to £400 a week via ER “volunteer living expenses” which set the group back £130,000 for the months of June, July and August alone.!
“Another £120,000 went on “media and messaging” costs in October and it had put aside £70,000 to pay for so-called “regenerative culture”, which includes providing “safe spaces” for activists that need to recover after being arrested.”
This pre Greta Thunderbird puppet whole climate change protest lark may well of started off with the best intentions when it was small, but when the alt left get behind anything they have absolutely no problem selling their soul (and anyone else’s they have conned) to the highest bidder, as it is big business for them and yet another excuse as another well paid easy job for life, sitting around all day smoking weed, pissing everyone off, and getting arrested now and then but most likely just getting a warning! Still if any ER do get nicked I expect they get their fines payed anyway, why do you think they look so smug when they are getting carted off, plus they walk out the same day to a fully paid for “safe space” and such is the life of these professional protesters!
You’re morality mask is slipping ER, and that includes the alt left Thunderbird puppet’s extremely disgusting antifa parents, using a mentally ill child to do your bidding, like a creepy Renfield serving its master Dracula, indeed!
Extinction Rebellion, every last one of you deserves the same treatment as your well paid professional tube protesters got at Canning Town! After the kicking they got I hope the “safe space” you provided was actually provided by Dante and led them straight back to the top of that same tube train in a perpetual loop so they could get another kicking again and again from wrathful soul’s like the fifth circle of his Inferno!
Fuck off!
Nominated by Coolforcunts
An eloquent cunting at so many levels.
Firstly, it’s about time the tv licence fee was scrapped and the BBC assigned to the dustbin of history.
Secondly, I, for one, will be glad when the climate catastrophe wipes out the human race, especially the millenials.
I went for nice walk in the Gloucestershire countryside. No dar quays, unspoilt farmland, ol’ fashioned country pubs and no cunts with smartphones. On the coast is a NUCLEAR power station – silent and producing continuous, clean power for thousands. Contrast this with the Scottish Highlands all covered with useless wind turbines.
These ER cunts cannot explain how we would heat our homes. This would involve getting rid of 25 m gas boilers. And we need a national good public transport network like you get in London so that we can give up our cars like the virtuous, hypocritical ER cunts.
And a Labour government to pay for it all. Like fuck.
Me too sarge!! During the brief spell I was on Twitter (I only signed up to harangue these cunts as I was due to fly out of Heathrow the weekend they were flying their stupid little drones about) I got into many an argument with these cunts, once you make it clear you DON’T FUCKING CARE that the planet’s screwed, and that their smug lecturing makes you care even less, their tiny brains just implode and they fly into spastic rages! That said of course these are only the worker ants running the social media, not the real brains whose actual goal is ending capitalism as they have explicitly stated
Exstinktion rebellion ltd,
Soon to be registered at companies house.
Too white too middle class, thats the problem they admit to having at the moment.
Saw a article on Andrew, and thought bet he siphons off the money an does a runner! ?
Theyre gonna try an spiil Christmas for people with their antics soon, hope they get battered!
I doubt the above well-fed looking wanker really wants to smash capitalism, just grab power and loot for himself and call it “ethical”
Absolute cunt…
Father Christmas’s carbon footprint must be fuckin’ huge.
The amount of methane given off by his reindeer must be colossal, especially Trumper. Our only hope is to appeal to the new generation of little kids by telling them all about the threat that ER poses to Christmas. Only the very littleuns can save the planet now.
Thank you good Sir. I’ve managed to catch one of my own cuntings so my day has started well.
£400 a week from ER to piss people off, sounds like bliss if you’re a layabout cunt! Hopefully the department that hands out all the Job Seekers benefits will have someone watching tv to catch them out when they sign on declaring they have done no work paid or unpaid, but sadly I doubt it!
I’m waiting patently for Thunderpants’s 15 minutes of fame to run out! Once she is out of favour and desperate to be in the headlines again, the dirt on her manipulative alt left parents might well and truly get dished out. I wonder if there will be a Brimstone and Treacle type revelation from her, “selective mutism for two years” indeed! As sickening as that would be, it would be one headline that wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest!
A favour from Admin if you see this. This is a cunting for the faux rebel, self appointed, sneaky and smug looking, ER purse string holder, Andrew Medhurst but also a cunting for ER in itself, so perhaps this could be added to make it number five and see them half way to getting their hypocritical arses nailed firmly on the wall here please.
No it will just piss off the Admin who wrote it up, and he is bigger than me.
I’d love to see behind the scenes in admin central; I’m picturing a Willy Wonka style wonderland with lots of orange admin oompa-loompas, am I far off?
“admin central” is probably a seedy stripbar/boozer, with a Happy Hour, and lots of old geezers playing dominoes while drinking pints of mild or stout ale, and generally mumbling about hard ISAC is to admin until someone says “Who’s round is it?” and there’s a deathless silence 🙂
A club in knightsbridge with leather bound books, leather chairs a roaring open fire and the waiting ladies wear red or black crotch-less cat suits, and no smoking ban on the premises.
And a sign on the lounge door that says “No Riff Raff”
(In other words, Diane Abbott’s boudoir)
How does one get an invite???Does sound very cosy lol.
“A long cunting but hopefully worth it to give some clarity to the utter scam which is the group known as “Extinction Rebellion”
Oh and that’s my fucking Radiohead CDs in the bin as well then (well The Bends anyway, only good album they made before they disappeared up their own arses). What is it with fucking multi-millionare “artists” who have all enjoyed a life of unrivalled privilege, nowadays turning round to lecture everyday people about how they should live their common little lives?? Get fucked.
By the way how do you learned cunts put emojis (I hate myself for using that word) in the comments?
Nevermind, think I’ve got it – here is a cat
astonishing likeness 🙂 and that’s the only one I can do
Nope – I’m a cunt
? ? like this!!!
Morning Northern – how’d you do that then?
Morning mate,
Im posting on a Android phone so like a txt i can add emojis.
I’m on laptop mate, have to do it differently
Copy & paste from this page:
Assuming you know how to copy & paste… ?
Believe it or not I’m a CAD designer….. will be working on 3d models of buildings this morning, fucked if I can put a cat in my comments though! 🙂 ? there you go I nicked one of MNC
Cheers admin!
If push comes to shove, highlight the item you want to nick in another persons post and copy paste into yours.
Haven’t seen anyone put a spl*t c*ck emoji up yet though (just kidding!!)
That’s not funny Day admin has still to return to duty after that one
That Santa looks a bit dark in hue….
Ah yeh but, no but – you still haven’t learned how to do links yet, Miserable!
Baby steps
Radiohead make interesting stuff but their politics has always had the odour of ‘wealthy, sanctimonious liberal’ about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had man-buns.
Stinky Conformism – the stormtroopers of neoliberalism.
Yep. That pretty much sums them up…
It would be kinder to kick some sense into these cunts now than let them set a new date for the end of the world in ten years time. A 2×4 round the back of the head might work wonders for this cunts reasoning.
Climate change has become the new “BogeyMan”… a new step on the path toward b the population accepting the ruination and obliteration of “Western Society”.
People may scoff at the idea of “The Kalergi Plan” but I genuinely believe that there is an organised and concerted design behind the destabilisation of The West….import millions of “low-grade” migrants,wreck the economy,set us on a path to accepting the end of “civilisation” through increasingly strident “Save the Planet…go back to living in caves” measures,vilify and demonise any dissent etc.
I don’t know if “Global Warming” is happening…probably is..but fail to see,until population growth is tackled,what good us reverting to the Stone Age will do.
Extinction Rebellion and this Andrew Medhurst are useful fools who,I have little doubt,believe in their cause. It is the people who put the real money behind such organisations who should be exposed.
We are on on the edge(personally I think that we’re over) of the precipice…not just through climate change but through a true epoch change.
I’m glad that I’m knocking on,I see nothing in the future but strife for “our” kind.
Whats the ‘kalergi plan’ Dick?
Morning by the way.
Morning,MNC…I’m running late this morning but will send a link tonight when I’ve got a bit more time….unless someone wants to do it for me,of course?
Morning Miserable, morning Dick.
It’s a conspiracy theory:
Here in Britain we just call it the Labour Party. Moring cunters.
Morning Rtc, morning LL.
Cheers Rtc ill have a look when get back from work, is it like the ‘replacement plan’?
Read that.
‘Replacement plan’ is similar, though not inherently antisemitic.
Radiohead – I confess to buying the Bends on CD when it was released in the 90’s. After listening to it, I wish I hadn’t- music to grow a beard to. Thom Yorke is a weasel-faced, miserable turd.
Medhurst is an oily looking cunt too.
They went downhill rapidly after that…”OK Computer”, regularly on best album of all time lists…. be bollocksed
These ER militants bang on about climate control and pollution and protecting “our children’s future” and blah blah blah, but they do all this in the safety of a relatively peaceful country.
They are nothing more than SJWs coming out to play in order to get their mugs on social media and or news media, and basically say “I was there!”
But again most of them probably don’t give a fuck about ER – just so long as once the protests are done with they can get into their cars and drive back to their nice warm homes, eat food, watch TV and update social media on their phones and tablets – blissfully unaware (or intentionally so) that cars, public transport, fuel, water, the materials that make their phones and tablets etc. all have to be made from somewhere, and by some process and usually by cheap labour in some far flung shithole on the other side of the world.
So they’ll bang on about how bad capitalism is on the one hand, while telling the world just how “right on!” they are on their Apple tablets and Samsung phones – two leading bastions of “evil” capitalism – on the other.
If they really want to turn back the clock and return to the Dark Ages with their half-baked (ha!) ideas of renewable energy, then let them get on with it… but in about 30 years time if you please, because I’ll be long dead to care. But gawd help them when they realise renewable energy is expensive, unreliable and will mean ruining even more of England’s green and pleasant land!
Fuck them all!
I was with one of these “green”, renewable energy providers for a year after the promise of (relatively) low fees; the green part from signing up seemed to consist of an email every 3 weeks or so saying how they apologised but the costs of sourcing energy had inexplicably risen and of course they would need to pass those costs on
Mr. Medhurst looks like a ponce – he has what I call the Dame Keir look- as if he spends too much time looking in a mirror and admiring himself, and a bit too fond of the Max Factor and hair products.
I suspect like the EU, ER’s accounts will never be signed off by a decent auditor. I will say no more, except can I have my “expenses” now Mr. Medhurst for not calling you a cunt?
But aren’t they all just cunts?
Cunts of the highest order?
That bloke is a po.of as well.
Mondays are not for me.More sherry.
I hoped I might be inspired and motivated by this cunting, as I have just been ordered to undertake my organisation’s 43-page (with subsidiary links and no possibility of skipping the cunts) e-training course in preparation for my annual appraisal, and I have lost the will to live.
But this cunting describes yet another corporate cunt whose minions invent reams of corporate bollocks in order vastly to complicate the lives of the serfs further down the food chain. And is mighty well rewarded for sabotaging the activities of whatever organisation they afflict. So this is all very familiar.
In favour of ER? You have my genuine sympathy. If you couldn’t get that to work without a hierarchy of inflated suits, you’re fucked.
Against ER? No further action is required. With or without your intervention, it will lose all credibility and die from the base up, from a surfeit of High Head Cunts. While the cunt capo di tutti cunt capi collars directorships on the strength of his abject failure.
“yet another corporate cunt whose minions invent reams of corporate bollocks in order vastly to complicate the lives of the serfs further down the food chain”
And to keep them in employment. Years ago we never had this bullshit and everything kept ticking along. If “Human Resources” got the chop, the smug bleeders would find themselves signing on every week till retirement.
Ah the good old days! When people knew what their job was, knew how to do it, and just did it. When initiative was fine if it got the job done. When what you did was not subject to continuous review by some 12-year-old cunt with an MBA who knew fuck-all about the job, or you. When there was a clear chain of command in which the guy above you had actually once done your job. When changing a spec didn’t involve three months of management meetings*… Memories.
Incidentally, in an outbreak of touchy-feely, Human Resources ‘teams’ across the land are changing their names to ‘People’ departments. No doubt still more of the cunts will be hired to drink coffee and issue contradictory opinions based on sessions with the ouija board.
* https://assets.amuniversal.com/455ecd60e14e0137cc29005056a9545d
Back in my day when I used to work for someone else, “Human Resources” were called “Personnel”
I later found out that the cost of changing the name, and updating all stationary, employee contracts for the department etc etc. was a cool £9500 (a lot of money for a smallish business back in the early 90s)
And yet, apart from a name change, the department still did exactly the same duties as before – so what was the fucking point!?
And to be honest I never really liked the name “Human Resources” – sounded too much like an item of food you’d find in a supermarket.
The founder, some Roger cunt – I forget his name – was selling his farm recently. The blurb went on about how many tractors he had (electric I assume). He says his farm failed due to “climate change”. In reality, I think he is a useless cunt of a farmer who probably didn’t use modern pesticides and fertilisers. The reality is that if we don’t use the inventions of man (including the internal combustion engine) then the planet will not support the population. So, who’s first up for death? ER? thought not.
Furthermore, the Government like all this environmental bollocks as it is just a way fo softening up us plebs for more tax rises in the nm of “saving the climate”. The reason they get away with it is that they (of whatever political party) have spent years making sure the masses don’t get much of an education. Hence, they are easy to manipulate.
Cunts all round.
“The reason they get away with it is that they (of whatever political party) have spent years making sure the masses don’t get much of an education. Hence, they are easy to manipulate.”
And that’s how “Liberalism” rules, there’s simply no need to involve itself in overt authoritarianism and start doing things like banning books when your voter base is functionally illiterate, distracted by a galaxy of glittery media baubles and posessed of a 15 second attenti…. ooh look… …I’ve been ‘freinded’…. OMG look at her nails…
You look at some cunts and think…
Fucking hellski! that’s 4 million years of evolution that brought us to this point and in 3 or 4 generations we will have sent the whole 4 million of them effectively down the shitter.
Forget worrying about fractional percentages of atmospheric CO2, Albedo effects, decadal oscillations, wanky computer modelled scenarios because this place will be a smoking, civil war scarred wasteland long before it’s warm enough to be growing vines in bastard Stornoway. Extinction cunts pffft I’ve shit ’em.
This bollocks will go on and on, if you think we have done Brexit to death it will be nothing in comparison.
All these Extinction types won’t be happy until all flights are grounded, the gas has been turned off and all petrol stations closed, even electric cars are getting slagged off by the green party because of particulates from brakes and tyres.
Ask Swinson why she needs to fly from Scotland to London, well the service on the train isn’t reliable or fast enough but the green (zippy) cunts can’t understand why people fly short haul in Europe rather than use the train. So Joe public takes a weeks holiday in Benidorm, 2 days to get there and 2 back by train, holiday is 3 days.
The Cunt above looks like a character out of Tin Tin.
Well what a surprise…some shifty Banker cunt is ‘lookig after ER finances’.
No doubt claiming his own expenses out of the pot.
There are so many mugs out there who will donate money to anything and also the smelly protester hippy cunts probably use these funds to supplement their benefits…I wonder if they declare them as an income.
The problem with the world is too many people and out of the people their are too many cunts.
I see pregnant women walking abaaaht who look at least 40…selfish I want my career first cunts, then you get the snackbars who breed and breed and breed…(no wonder they’re allowed more than one wife as the over bred wife cunt must be like a cave) and then you have the trash tracksuit wearing Poundland cunts.
With the advances in DNA we should make people who look like cunts, or are no hopers get tested for deficiencies and then get rid of them before they can inflict more of their weak gene’s on fine super gene specimens like myself who after all the evolution are the rightful heirs to the world.
Go fuck yourselves.
And then go fuck yourselves.
This is a cunt of old testament proportions.
Now if he kept their books and then fucked off with all the money the self righteous wankerati sent. Well that would be a cunt I could raise a manly fla gon to!
That’s right the story is not finished and the chance of his redemption remains…by heisting the lot and legging it. I’d pay in just to see that
Extinction Rebellion are a bunch of vacuous cans of cunt.
They’re not doing it for the good of humanity or for the good of the planet. They’re just p*ssing people off.
Excellent cunting, poster.
I would like to say this surprises me, but sadly it doesn’t. He is a classic example of just who the cunts are (and their social status) that make up the turdfest that are ER.
Middle to Upper middle class, airy-fairy, nowt-better-to-worry-about, fat wallet-ed, over privileged cunts of epic proportions who need to get a fucking life and find something REALLY worrying to fixate on, like getting through the month without having to use their overdraft or put it on credit.
Wouldn’t we all love to have the luxury of worrying about nothing more than how much hotter the planet is becoming and how much and how many cows fart fucking methane into the atmosphere?
Oh, isn’t it just so very benevolent of the cunt to give up that salary? The fact that he is able to as his bank account is doubtless bursting at the seams and he will never have to worry about work again seems to have escaped him. Plus, he can get pocket money from the cunts because he is a good boy and creating shit for hard working plebs.
Newsflash cunt: this is not a sacrifice on your part. This is a fucking luxury, you sanctimonious knob end.
I am sick of these cunts and their preaching, protesting and interruption of the daily life of citizens who are simply trying to make ends meet and support themselves and their families, where climate change is the very LEAST of their problems.
Just fuck off and die, you tossers.
Another well considered and truly indignant comment from the Queen of Cunting
The usual Soros rent a mob no doubt . Fuck the human race there aren’t many decent folks left anyway with all the pinko commie cunts, weak minded millennial twats , pooves, transformers, and effnicks it wouldn’t be that much of a catastrophe. There’s probably a great flood imminent anyway so roll on the apocalypse .
Hmmm if i didnt know any better seems more like the crafty bastard is on a good crack helping them with thier finances(lining his own pockets)snd could be a cunt pretending to be an even bigger cunt.!
Where do these people come from, there must surely be a factory pushing them out the door every five minutes all fashioned from the same identikit parts and possessed of a moral certitude as becomes these self styled guardians of social justice/cultural homogenization and climatic change. The cossetted liberal/ left elites have pretty well got the cultural debate corralled, woe betide anyone to even think about dissent, the same goes for social justice the Conservative party these days is more a Social Democratic party. Which finally brings us on to the last remaining front in it’s remorseless subjugation of everything it see’s as an affront to it’s emotional and learned (much more than you or I !!!!!) opinions how we interact with the environment, suffice to say the rest of us have got it wrong. Freedom of thought, freedom of choice not any more, let the enlightened eco- evangelists show you the way. Total reliance on the electric grid (carbon neutral) to heat, power and transport just about everything in a couple of decades, totally not feasible given this countries record on infrastructure projects. So how happy campers do we attain these ridiculous self imposed targets, non other than getting on the liberal lefts favourite hobby horse coercion and taxation. Car ownership will be severely curtailed (use probably limited to short term rental/leasing) green taxes on flights far in excess of ticket prices (coercion). No doubt this will affect those with the means less so, but we will be grateful in that they will be able parade virtuous foresight in having saved us lessor mortals from such wickedness. So get your bicycle clips at the ready and get pedaling and if you do happen to get splashed by one of those all electric BMW SUV’s as it passes by, not to worry it will probably be only a couple of extinction rebellion executives on their way to strategy meeting on food rationing
all ya need to know about extinction rebellion