Wimpey Homes

Wimpey Homes!

Buying up plots of greenfield, brownfield and commercial land on the outskirts of a village or small town near you.

These shareholder pleasing profit driven cunts are raping the local landscape down South and rapidly changing the local landscape in the name of profits, whilst labouring the already pressed local infrastructure. All ably assisted by the powers of local councils’ who under their gov sanctioned ‘Local plans’ are swiftly approving all such developments as fast as the planning board can stuff the well packed brown envelopes into their back pockets…

Wimpey have bought out local businesses here and swiftly bulldozed the entire plot, levelled it and prepped it for building, even delivering bricks to one site, all with no planning permission yet granted. Local business gone, jobs gone, high volume commerce site gone. Wimpey are just sitting on the now wasteland site waiting for planning permission..

Bunch of cunts, should have stuck to the burgers!

Nominated by Cuntry Cunt

72 thoughts on “Wimpey Homes

  1. People love this shit though so what can you do?

    Another breed of utter cunt are the people who move into their flimsy new rabbit hutch while the place is still an active building site…fucking hell

    • Happened down here too!
      Cunts moved on while next door was being knocked up.
      Looked nice to begin with, but after a lot a damp, boilers falling off walls, doors not shutting properly and the usual cracks in the ceiling. The houses now have the pikey grime look.
      Lovely plsce

  2. No cunt in local government seems to understand if you build hundreds of houses you need to provide extra GP’s, dentists and hospitals. they seem not to understand that people still breed – sometimes to repletion, get ill etc. This is a problem made worse in London by Saddick Khunt insisting that London becomes as over-populated as his home country. Bellway are terrible as well. I don’t think we have any Wimpy homes round here – Wimpy sounds a bit limp-wristed, not a brand I think I would trust just because of that name. I bet Dame Keir lives in a Wimpy home with chintz curtains

    • He would make an ideal Stepford Wife, mowing the front lawn Wimbledon style after a day at Westminster frustrating democracy.

    • My pet peeve is houses sprouting up with no regard to infrastructure upgrades. In my neck of the woods we have the River Trent as a problem. There is one single track bridge to cope with an every growing amount of traffic. Tailbacks of four miles are not uncommon with traffic queuing on a dual carriageway- dangerous as people come bowling along at 80 mph. When I raised this at a planning meeting the response was ‘ That is the responsibility of another department ‘. Whatever happened to joined up thinking or simple common sense?
      Cunts, one and all.

  3. They’re probably the sort of short-sighted cunts who build on flood plains as well, something else developers and councils seem to overlok or simply not care about.

  4. Taylor Wimps are certainly not the worst of the bunch. My company was commissioned by a water company to investigate sewer flooding at an ‘exclusive’ development of 6 properties (replacing a single property) in Surrey.

    I delved into the planning submission documents and found the property had not been built at the level that the planning submission stated specifically it would be to avoid sewer flooding.

    The owner told our surveyor that the developer was a shower of shit. From the photos my surveyor had taken, the brickwork looked like it had been laid with a shovel.

    The poor customer has been left with a house that suffers sewer flooding and technically does not have planning consent as is the departure of what has been built from the documents passed.

    Caveat emptor. The housebuilder in this case (can’t be named and shamed here) sounds like an Irish tarmac merchant, but is apparently a well respected housebuilder.


  5. And all this flying in the face of all the climate change bollocks!

    The term “Green Belt” means fuck all these days, and yet chunk by chunk it is taken away and developed on with housing, roads, retail and business units – because one bunch of lefty cunts are saying “we need more housing!”

    And yet other lefty cunts bang on about industrialisation; the environment, the local habitat, wildlife blah blah – all must be protected to save the planet.

    Old Greta Cuntstick will no doubt be livid; unless of course she wants to buy an exclusive mansion in SE England: will she want to live in the “cultural” heart Londonistan or out in the relative safety of the countryside on some freshly turfed Green Belt.

    Cunts, the lot of them!

  6. I must be careful here because I’m aware of at least one regular Poster who lives in this type of house.
    “Exclusive modern development”….a nasty,cheap,boxy collection of rabbit-hutches thrown up by the very migrants who he moans so hard about on land stolen from ‘de cute ickle bunny-wunnies”. It’s a shame really,he works away at his mundane paper-clip counting job for years to provide a nest for his family where he can “nurture” the “wee ones” away from prying eyes only to discover that the paper thin walls allow the neighbours to hear every yelp and gasp of excitement…never mind, he’ll just have to take them on nice,bracing bike-rides in the Countryside and hope that no nasty dirty yokel catches him playing “hide the organic carrot.” It’s really very brave of him to venture out into the wilds…just think..one of those animals that he cares so much about might have made a “poo-poo”….Oh,the horror,nasty,nasty germs,he’ll have to get back to his 25 year lifespan house and give himself and the kids a right good scrubbing after perhaps leaving a gate or two open to teach that farmer just how unfair it is that while he,a genius for our times,has nothing but a boring,ultimately pointless,life the Farmer has so much more….and most of it paid for by “Einstein’s” tax money going to the farmer in grants.

    Anyhow, we’re cubbing this week so I haven’t got time to waste….think I saw a badger sett too,think I’d better investigate it further.

    • Being an ignorant townie who has only ever been clubbing, I had to look up the term “cubbing”.
      Autumn hunting or “cubbing” is a way that fox hunters use to train young hounds how to kill foxes. Opponents argue that it should be banned as how can there be a need for training in something that is already illegal?
      I am not getting involved in this one as I am a townie who firmly believes in not interfering with a way of life I don’t understand. I have opinions but they are not strongly held. Perhaps somebody would like to nominate it for a cunting at a later date? Just saying.

      ever seen a rodenator in action?

      • boxed in his boxy house with boxy rooms boxy TV boxy settee boxy windows boxy doorways (well they’re maybe rectangular) boxed up furniture from IKEA with minimalist ‘clean straight lines’ boxes of trainers stacked neatly boxes of books (Mensa reading) boxes of little ornamental foxes he collects and cares so much about box-hedging round the little box shaped garden….outside.

      • Lovely to see you back Miles.

        Your input was greatly missed on last Thursday’s Greta Thunberg [2] cunting.

      • Afternoon RT. Yes I’m rolling back on dear little Greta. The hissy fit at the UN and talk of the ‘haters’. She had me bewitched for a while. Now I’ve come to my senses.

      • Admin -‘‘This is a device for eliminating burrowing pests I believe? We could do with ordering a few dozen for the House of Commons but I fear they’re so entrenched only explosives will do. That Skinner animal will hold his funeral in there.

  7. Theyre fuckin terrible, stairs that you cant get a wardrobe or divan bed up on moving in day, designed by couldnt give a fuck cunts, just get em up and as many as you can to a acre!
    No shops or amenities nearby.
    And ugly as jo swinson
    But the ramjams need houses when they get here after the dinghy ride so chop down that ancient woodland!
    Knock down that old building,
    Doesnt matter if a famous highway man lived there!
    No, Achmeds hungry and mums cooking curry for tea..

    • ..and don’t forget these cunts take priority over the local cunts who have been waiting years on the social housing waiting list, or scrimped and scraped saving up for a deposit!

      But none of that matters just so long as the snackbars get the best homes.

      • Saw it with my own eyes few years ago Techno!
        Did a job for the council, they put in new carpet, money on the leccy meter, and new shower, and a interpretor for them, asked us to take our shoes off, refused, health &safety goes both ways, was seething!
        Dont do this for the elderly, helped turn me a bit Rudolph Hess in my outlook to both lefties, councils, and the ramjams.

      • My dad was a phone engineer for BT and some peacefuls asked him for some work off the books. He quoted them over £250,000 as this is what it would have cost him in lost earnings and pension over the next few decades if his bosses had found out.

      • £250,000? At fuckin’ BT prices, there wouldn’t be a lot of difference then!
        Fuckin’ robbing bastards, especially BT Sport.

  8. Bellway and Wimpey appear to have used TRUMPTON As the template for their developments , endless rows of featureless houses with tiny windows to give the false impression of size , constructed in an intricate maze like labyrinth that would have impressed even king minos of Crete .
    With soundproofing obviously not in the building specifications you can her not only your partner farting downstairs but your next door neighbour dropping off a no2 !!
    Worse still with interest rates at historical lows which haven’t been passed on to many new buyers you can expect a knock at the door when they eventually rise to something approaching normality And you may find yourself looking down the end of 6% plus interest rate ……..

    • Can you imagine if the base rate went to the mid-90’s rate of 10 to 12%? Half the country would be homeless and house prices would plummet as properties were repossessed. Even indigenous white people might get a chance to own property.

      • True Moggie 63 but I doubt it would have to go anywhere near that , with base rates going anywhere from 0.25-0.75 % in recent years many lenders have been charging 3 even 4% over base , so say base has sat around 4-7% over last 20 years many mortgages could look anywhere from 8-11% !! And that would trigger a tsunami of repossessions!!
        The BOE predictions see base rates at 2.5 – 3% in the next few years? But as we’ve all seen before they cant predict with any real accuracy, there’s now talk of base rate drop back to 0.5 % ……

  9. Are these the houses i’ve read about where the garage is so small you can’t open the doors of the car? Makes a nice little shelter for your goats though.
    Plenty of room in the street to park your Uber. You pay me now mister plis…..I have papers.

  10. In fucking moderation .. again. Few swear words. Any post in excess of a few words goes straight in the shit bin.

    I give up posting on this site. A fucking waste of time.

      • Morning RTCP ?
        Paul M is feeling the wrath of the moderators……
        it’s an enigma wrapped in a conundrum

      • ?Morning Q!

        Paul must be well miffed. The time before last he went into moderation for using the word grîstle, as in ‘throbbing grîstle’.

        I wonder if this post will go through….

      • Things could change though RTC.
        Rumour has it that the mods are working on a new system of post Brexit moderation. Once we’ve left the EU, umlauts, circumflex etc. will all be banned!
        Could take another 5 years though as the Grieve is likely to appeal.

        we are not in the EU, we are off shore

      • Is that just a fancy way Admin of saying you’re based in the Isle of Man?

        No and its not fucking Sealand either.

      • It’s a pirate ship(non Somalian) based in the North Sea? Admin are helicoptered in at the start and end of their shifts.

        That’s a bit James Bond and also rather costly for a free site, But might run it by the boss.

      • Haha – it was the word “docüments”. You typed it twice!

        Remember – any word with cüm imbedded in it goes into moderation.

      • Utter shite!

        Utter shite! you say, well think of us poor fuckers all we see is disembodied comments popping up, when one goes into moderation we have to find the topic and the place in the topic it was supposed to go and then if its safe we approve it.
        Big hairy plums, I have always wanted to say Big hairy plums on the internet, I assume its rude.

      • Never mind Paul – Just like wanking in to the wind. . .
        “It’ll cûm back!”

  11. People gotta live somewhere, so may I suggest, India, Pakistan, Africa, European continent or wherever.

    It’s an easier move for many.

  12. All subsidised by us under the help to buy scheme which has seen a huge soar in builder’s profits and directors getting obscene bonuses.

    • I heard, or read, somewhere the other week that first time buyers are pretty much the only people NOT being helped by the scheme, but the rich are raking it in as usual. What does anybody expect from a so-called government initiative?

  13. I hate new builds, they look shite!
    Me & mrs miserable been looking at a few places to move bit more rural, and these keep popping up as suggestions,
    Fuck that!
    I like stone structures, Fred Flintstone had it right, last a lot longer, and i think a house needs 100 yrs to age, get a bit of character.

    • If Mr Fiddler has some old cottages on the estate he might let you buy one. Dogs welcome, no small children, no vegans and no peacefuls.

      • Problem is LL hed always be bollockin me for leaving gates open, an I feed foxes every night an a badger!
        Give them leftovers gotten so they know when im coming and wait,
        So does my dad, so doubt Fiddler would like the embarrassment in front of his mates chinless Charles an Gammon George of half tamed well fed foxes on his land!

      • Yes, this could be a problem with hunting season. After feeling good about caring for the wildlife the morning calm is broken by three dozen hounds barking and a distant throaty “Tally-ho cunts”.

  14. I’m sorry but I cannot agree with this cunting.

    We need Wimpy to build unaffordable housing (for OUR young adults) so that the government can rent them off private landlords to home this week’s Calais refuse that were deposited on the south coast.

    I mean, the M’Tembe’s of this world have standards you know!

    And this is under a Tory government. Just imagine how great and attractive our “free shit for doing fuck all” country will be under Comrade Steptoe and his band of merry Reds?

    Can’t wait!


    • Would you advocate Wimpey putting in a buffalo piss filled water hole at the heart of the estate to make the M’tembes feel at home ?

  15. Same problem where I live. Used to be a town of 20000 people but now I’ll be surprised if the figure isn’t well past 30000. All with the same two surgeries and one secondary school. Local infrastructure is at breaking point thanks to these cunts (think it’s Persimmon in our case).

  16. Off point….
    just watching sly news with smug fat cunt boulton asking conservatives Stephen crabb and Andrew Bowie why do you want a GE not loser vote 2 ?
    Fat cunt boulton says LV2 is a better solution and what’s the problem?
    Surly the answer is unless parliamentary numbers change LV2 even if won by leave would be blocked every which way by the remain dominated house!!
    So it would be a case heads we win tails you lose!!
    Tbh both are trying to explain that in a different way but the fat cunt won’t have it………..
    And before any cunt mentions it being made “legally binding” we have seen just how fucking easy it is to bend the law!!
    Remain really do believe leave are thick cunts……..

  17. These cardboard homes would be no use to me, what with my farts.

    One blast from my ‘arris and half the street would fall.

  18. Near me another building firm Affinity Sutton or Clarion as there now called because they needed to reinvent themselves because of the crap buildings and bad publicity they got.
    Their building 800 rabbit hutches to stuff all the unemployable Chavs into. Their will be no shops ,no community centre ,no Pub and no church, not that places of worship will be any good to them unless they nick the lead off the roof.
    Sounds like Dante’s inferno to me.

    • We dont serve hamburgers Spoons,
      But theres a vending machine on the next nomination.

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