The Institute for Fiscal Studies

The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Below, their take:

‘Even a “relatively benign” no-deal Brexit would push UK debt to its highest since the 1960s, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has said. The think tank said borrowing was likely to rise to £100bn and total debt would soar to 90% of national income.

“The Government is now adrift without any effective fiscal anchor,” said IFS director Paul Johnson.’

IFS is based in London, natch.
Paul Johnson is Home Counties, ex Whitehall wallah with a PPE from Oxford. So, no actual work experience and from Remoaner central.

Their judgement must be true. We are fucking doomed.

No mention of the £39 billion for fuck all we must gift the EU. No mention of what the bankers did to the economy on their watch. No mention of the Treasury invariably being wrong. And particularly no understanding that a PPS degree is fucking worthless and ranks along with meeja and gender studies in it’s relevance.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

64 thoughts on “The Institute for Fiscal Studies

  1. A PPE is the posh persons equivalent of a GCE – it just means with daddy’s connections and a willingness to crawl up the arsehole of anyone deemed “important” the holder is entitled to a stress free, highly paid job, crawling to and for the great and the good. Look how many MPs have them and they are cunts to a man and woman. A great example is James Mary-Ann Purnell, failed MP, failed cabinet minister, failed coup co-leader, now one of the top “men” at the BBC, and all without having to apply for the jobs he has taken.

    You get the feeling Paul Johnson says what he is paid to say by the highest bidder

  2. When these cunts royally fuck us over for their own nest feathering, there will be a replacement in the role of chamber of commerce. I will appoint myself chief minister for the chamber of gas.
    Utter fucking bunch of scare mongering, self serving, lying, hateful, pansy rimming, tell-tale, spineless…

  3. Who knows? Perhaps they’re right?

    We’ve had every Tom,Dick and Harry spouting their views when the truth is that nobody can be sure how “Brexit” will affect the economy.

    • You are spot on Dick, but as the debate has become so polarised between the two sides, we will never be fed anything resembling a measured view.

      This is however, an accurate measure of the calibre of MP’s who run the show. Very depressing.

      • Absolutely. When you see a headline, the first thing you check is where it came from, so you can work out the bias. It’s a shame that there is no impartial organisation that could filter the bullshit from both sides, remove the political element, and just give the facts on each claim. I want the truth, not just cherry picked anecdotes to back up my position. Most cunts these days just want an echo chamber, any old crap that reinforces their particular ideology, and anything that challenges that is branded fake news.

  4. Is that him, Paul Johnson, in the photo? Wanky tie, pink shirt, grinning like a wanker who has just seen some bird’s underwear as she’s walking up the stairs…..yeah, must be. Is he, by any chance, related to the other Johnson…..the fucking arsehole about to sell us down the river today?
    Doesn’t matter……pair of cunts anyway

    • Tbh., Freddie, I hope that he does get it through. We were never going to be allowed the “clean-break” Brexit that I know that you favour. Rather this than the Remainers dragging things on with a new referendum (which would probably be fixed anyhow) and endless delays until the whole thing was kicked into the long grass. I agree with you that it’s a pretty shit deal but at least it’s a start…the only other option would surely be no “Brexit” at all.

      • Fuck me even one of the most arch and respected cunts on this site is ready to move on from Brexit. The Chinese water torture we have been fed over the past three years is finally breaking all of us.

        I am now going to Cunt Mark Carney (again) just to cheer myself up

      • Why does it matter if we only have 11yrs left as the climate doomsayers are saying?
        Spend,spend,spend, borrow,borrow I say, oh an 11years? So some ticking timebomb could slaughter some elites and never serve live!
        Most he’ll get is 11yrs! Result?

      • If it does get through, I think it will be followed anyway by a confirmatory ballot.
        I think this could end up as a no, with many brexiteers ironically turning it down. Many people will feel we’re better off staying in.
        We will finally achieve Brexit but it will happen in a few years when this stinking, evil empire collapses.

    • I believe our treacherous MPs will vote through this “second worst deal in history” with a majority of about 13 votes. Even the ERG, like the “bastards” before them who caved in over the Maarstricht Treaty, are now onboard.

      Remoaning cunts like Grieve and Hammond will vote for it (they voted all three times for May’s deal) so they can return to the Tory fold.

      MPs generally will probably calculate (especially in Leave constituencies) that if they vote for the Treaty it will see them ok through the upcoming general election – their constituents will not realise they’ve been sold down the river until months later, and then MPs can blame Johnson for lying and misleading.

      • Looks as though Andrew Bridgen is going for it RT. Traitor? Mark François. Traitor? Bill Cash. Traitor?

      • Not traitors Miles. They probably believe the game is up and it’s the best they’re likely to get without losing face.

      • You’ve called it right for some time now RTC.
        It’s a pity you’re not a betting man as you could now be IsAC’S own version of Warren Buffet.
        I’m seriously thinking of placing a bet today, based on your tip for a margin >10 on the vote, rather than my usual football bet.

      • Go for it Bertie! I’m sure you won’t be the only cunter to benefit from my astonishing powers of perception.

        NB: All calculations are based on the assumption that Sir Oliver Cuntwin’s spanner in the works amendment is defeated.

      • You’ve just given me a new idea for an avatar name change . . .”Bertie Blunt Punter Cunter.”

      • That gormless looking turd Dame Keir Starmer is currently up on his trotters waffling like only smellysocks can. He was preceded by a gaggle of cackling Labour wimmin crones and Caroline Lucarse.

        I think Boris has won me over now.

      • Hammond has ruled out voting for it, he reckons its hard Brexit in disguise! Shows how stupid that cunt is. Also, that turd Letwin is doing his best to derail it. It’s all bollocks, I’m sure it’s all about bring down Boris now, and remain obviously, regardless of the cost.

  5. Never had a physically demanding job in its life, just like all of the establishment cunts and their hangers on. These pricks think they are some type of Mystic Meg who know how it will play out which is bollocks. They sit on their arses all day ” polishing seats” and think they can see the future. In my world it is looking down the barrel of a gun. Them not me fucking CUNTS.

  6. You wouldn’t employ him to do your book keeping let alone take his advice on macroeconomics.

    Anyway, today is crunch day. Hopefully Boris will get his way, then we can turn our attention to a general election….

  7. I would just ask him to summarise all the IFS’s predictions since they have been in existence, against what has happened in reality. I think you’ll find they have got it wrong 99% of the time. Stupid cunt.

  8. After that Letwin cunt yesterday, only a military coup will sort this shit show out. Seriously!

  9. Anyone with a PPE from oxcunt is a major cunt responsible for fucking up this country at all levels. Whoever dreamt up this coarse should be run out of town on a rail with a red hot poker up their posterior.

  10. If you want advice on fiscal studies ask a bookmaker. Those cunts get their predictions so accurate that they rake in fortunes. If these cunts were any good they would be making shit loads by betting on their forecasts being right. All that we know is that they keep the profit for themselves and pass any debt onto us.

  11. Does anyone at all pay any attention whatsoever to these clowns?
    I suppose their sole job is to provide ammunition for the MSM.
    Propaganda by cunts for cunts.

  12. It’s always about money with these cunts. We’ve always know we’ll be subject to financial punishment if we ever actually leave – if only to teach us a lesson for disobeying the establishment. Any financial problems won’t be borne by cunts like these either fucking way…

    Fuck Off with your figures.

  13. When he was Chancellor, Geoffrey Howe remarked that “an economist is someone who knows 364 ways to make love but doesn’t know any women.”

    These twats couldn’t predict Friday on Thursday but reckon they know the size of the economy in 2030. Pfft.

  14. very surprised at event’s in London yesterday.
    first someone mentioned Ian Paisley was going to speak. ( I was expecting a zombie chuckle brother) and when he did turn up he used the U word!
    Haven’t heard Ulster mentioned for year’s.

  15. Thousands of white, middle class wankers are marching through Londonstabistan today in support of the “People’s Vote.”
    Events have overtaken them …..Boris has outmanoeuvred both them and us. If I were them i’d have a massive riot while i’m mob handed. The sight of these knobheads throwing plastic coffee cups and pret sandwiches at the coppers would at least make me smile on this day of treachery.

    • Just don’t get how they get the time, i”ll be spending most of they day under the car, if it wasn’t for the steering wheel most of those cunts wouldn’t know one end of the car from the other

  16. Not seen the details of Albinos deal but read that france can still fish UK waters, in this deal?
    So straight off hes stabbed the fishing industry in the back, the fishermen were the vanguard of leave the EU,
    They’re livelihoods getting robbed an they saw this as a way of stopping it,
    Feel so fuckin sorry for them,
    Hard,dangerous work as it is then sold out to the EU.
    Hope this country goes to fucking war with itself and those cunts in Westminster are slaughtered like the pigs they are.

  17. As others have said, the deal is shit but at the expensive of the alternative of dragging it out further, let’s just get it done. The EU Sorostitutes saying there won’t be an extension are just bluffing. Of course we know that the endgame in all of this amongst those that way inclined is to not leave at all. The rest of Europe needs to see that an ‘exit’ can happen, at least in some shape or form, before they will ramp up the demand for their own referendums. For the sake of the preservation of the European continent and it’s culture and peoples, we have to take the lead in showing that you can say ‘nein’ to the EU toss sorry despots, and not to diminish the disappointment of how compromised our terms will be, it is that over-riding PRINCIPLE that counts.

    Oh, and on topic whoever he is he’s a cunt.

    • There is part of me that says, ‘Just get it done’ too.

      It is an improvement on May’s deal but it’s still a bit shite. You know it’s better because Corbyn and the other libtards say it’s worse than May’s deal.

      Either way, I’ve had enough and hopefully we’ll either be leaving today with Boris’s deal or on the 31st on WTO.

      The problem is that Letwin is trying to get his pathetic revenge on Boris by throwing a great big spanner into the works, which Bercow, of course, quickly shoved up his ‘arris in a frenzy of orgasmic midget delight.

      • Fuck me the emotion on display with Tusk and Junker at the press conference the other day. How sad they were Albania couldn’t accede to ‘our’ European Union. See they talk of it in reverent tones. How was that done? They believe they are Europe. As above the most important thing for me is the UK making a chink in the whole edifice by Leaving.

      • I don’t know to what extent you think you are leaving Miles. It’s the equivalent of someone’s marriage breaking up after 46 years(bloody ironic that’s the length of my marriage) and still being forced to live in the same fuckin’ house as them.

      • Apologies to Mrs B for my post above.
        Any reference to the collapse of a 46 year old marriage was purely hypothetical.
        I am indeed thinking about renewing my vows.

      • Yeah that press conference. Tusk praising Juncker ‘my friend’. And I’m sure I heard him refer (or have heard him in the past) to our ‘precious’ European Union. That was always a true criticism of it as well that they’re all ‘second hand’ failed politicians. Failed politicians who find themselves with all the power! And Rees Mogg right when he said ‘blocs’ are so old fashioned, 19th century constructs.

      • A bit like the climate debate Bertie. I don’t know the science as it were. Or the intricacies of this new deal. But surely surely its the beginning of getting out. Nigel has supposedly gone through it last night in his speech article by article and said it is no good. Maybe he is right.
        I like Bridgen, François. If it’s good enough for them it good enough for me. (In the words of the song).

      • Boris is certainly betraying the DUP.


        Doubt it comes as any surprise to them though.

      • The only thing that gives me satisfaction if it is passed today, is how pissed off the hunchback will be knowing that it was basically her deal that Boris hijacked.
        Fuckin’ great! LOSER! LOSER!
        This cretinous woman couldn’t sell a pint to an AA meeting.

      • The hunchback is going to vote for it!

        Probably cos Boris and Rees-Mogg voted for her deal.

        “You scratch my hunchback, I’ll scratch yours.” ?

      • She is going to vote for it, yes. However, when the dust has settled and the history books written, it would be Boris’s legacy not hers.
        Percy assures me, she will be sick as a parrot.

      • When the history books are written the only mention the hunchback will get is for being ISAC Cunt of the Year 2018.

        Just heard that if the Letwin amendment is passed Boris will withdraw the vote on his deal today and have it later next week instead.

        So the agony goes on.

      • Mavis will probably vote for the deal because she had a great day yesterday – she went to DFS and came away with a full priced sofa ! What a result. And what’s more, she managed it without Oily Robbins helping her.

  18. That fucking old slag Delia Smith has forked out for coaches to bring loads of libtards from Norfolk to Londonistan today. That’s another sleb cunt on my hate list. Oh……and Norwich City on my football hate list, obviously.
    Never forgive, never forget.

    • Cant keep track of my HATE list, that fuckin big need a stackertruck to move it around.
      Easier to just hate em all, tends to be spot on.?

  19. OT but…

    What a surprise to see Bercunt start the proceedings today by allowing Letwin the cretin’s amendment to be voted on.

    It was the first thing out of his gob, the cunt.

    This means we could end up with yet another delay today.

  20. With a pasty face like that he’s never got out in the real world, just sat in a box with like minded cunts all his life fuck off you cock

  21. PPE is another media studies for posh kids degree. Broad and nebulous. It makes a better comparison than art history, because that has applications in antique dealing and museums.

  22. It’s nailed on that there’s an ‘expert’ somewhere who’ll say that this ‘expert’ is spouting a load of crap.
    I refuse to take anybody who looks as big a cunt as the geezer in the picture remotely seriously.

  23. It’s nailed on that there’s an ‘expert’ somewhere who’ll say that this ‘expert’ is spouting a load of crap.
    I refuse to take anybody who looks as big a cunt as the geezer in the picture remotely seriously.

  24. This cunt is almost as bad as the gold plated retard Mark Carney Bank of England Governor I think every prediction he’s made about Brexit has been proven wrong Doom and Gloom merchants.

    • He likes the deal. If ever there was proof that it’s a shit deal, it’s Carney’s approval.

      • Those Remoaner crooks at the CBI, IMF, and the World Bank like it too…

        During the referendum campaign, Caroline Fairbairn (director general of the CBI) said unemployment would go up by 800,000 just if the country voted Leave.

  25. Get them all in the HoC on monday – lock the doors – and set the place on fire – cunts

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