Robyn Malcolm….who? Some New Zealand actress who thinks that the role of Gandalf in a new television adaptation of ‘Lord of the Rings’, should be played by a woman.
She bleats, “Those old legends, those old mystical stories, they’re so based within a patriarchal landscape”, Malcolm explained to New Zealand’s Stuff. “Why not look at the magic of a matrilineal world where the magical powerhouses are women?”
Why not? Well probably because it is just a piece of fiction written about eighty years ago, you daft cunt. Now I’m not some LOTR fanatic or ‘purist’. I read the book over forty years ago when I was a teen, but just fuck off with your tiresome gender-war bollocks, you cretinous Kiwi tosser.
Knowing the soppy New Zealanders, they’ll probably go along with it too, especially if their dopey Prime Minister Arden has anything to do with it.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
More femanazi shite from a total non entity.
Fuck off you silly little whore.
Ahh yes, we haven’t had one of these arguments for a while have we, not since the last prosaic call for a female Bond. I’m no fan of fantasy books but just fucking leave them alone, you sex-depraved feminist happy. If we bow to these cunts and genuflect to political cuntiness we’ll have Henry V as a tranny Pâki lezza, William Blake written in text, Nelson painted a wheelchair-ridden Dooshka-Dooshka, and James Bond as a mango.
Psh. Cunts in extremis.
At least Christianity is now so offensive to these perpetually offended grievance mongers that the debate as to whether god is a man or a woman has subsided. Irrespective if they decide to make a 1950s spy either a dorris or an F-nick minority out of some notion of “fairness” or “diversity” then I’ll never watch another bond film again. Where will it end? A re-make the great escape and cast a troupe of drag queens?
Gladys-ator (sans Russell Crowe) with a man-hater cast in the central role? I’d call it a whitewash if it wasn’t likely to offend. Makes my piss steam.
Do these creatures make statements of this ilk to be noticed or because they actually believe the bollocks they are spouting? Either way they are cunts of the first order.
I think it’s to get noticed when they are devoid of talent.. I never heard of the gormless bitch before this.
I’m not bothered about her stupid pointless opinions, but she looks a dirty mare and I’d give her one. I would keep quiet about it afterwards though.
Later, when chatting with her right-on, yeasty cronies, you’d be transformed into the Cunt Woman of Alcatraz.
I think it’s time Superwoman™ was played by a man.
…and a Martin Luther King played by a honky so white he’s almost blue.
Or Warwick Davies playing the big dark key with mystical powers, in the Green mile.
It looks a bit butch to me; maybe it’s actually Malcolm Robyn.
She looks like nico mcbain from Iron Maiden.
Maybe Rory “Wallace” Stewart…
Anne of green gables
Does the silly tart specify ethnicity?
If not I would like to suggest a blacked-up albino aborigine.
Fuck off cunt.
That is all.
I would just like to point out to Roybyn that the decline in western civilisation roughly coincidences with women being allowed to express an opinion.
“Why not look at the magic of a matrilineal world where the magical powerhouses are women?”
Because it would go into disgusting detail regarding lady plumbing and the characters would have to be blind drunk on prosecco?
What about that cunt Shakespeare. Henry V obviously a woman along with all those other kings. The Bard should be no-platformed, the cunt.
Gandalf, heavily bearded wizard,cunning and brave,i can identify, partly based on Odin the norse god(true) why should he be a woman?
If it buggs you Robyn write a book with a female version ..oh.
Thats it isnt it? You cant write!
And you dont have the imagination of JRR Tolkein who incidentally was a man.
Stop whining Robyn your below par get the tea on and shut the fuck up.
Are you a wizened and impressively bearded Northern mystic Miserable?
Pretty much LL, if Gandalf bulked up a bit, lifted weights down the gym, ate big dinners, and shaved his head, we’d be twins!
Why not? After all Old Will Shakespeare was a woman of Italian Jewish origin called Emilia Bassano. Or she may have been an anonymous black girl who had been sexually abused, according to an article in Atlantic magazine by a woman who suspects that Will´s codpiece concealed not a wrinkled little dick but an exotic dark vagina. No doubt rivals are already working to undermine this and prove that old Shakey was a tranny.
See for yourself how Will has become Wilma:
I haven’t seen Jason on here for a bit but I would like to nominate him in the lead role in “National Velvet”, That might equal the playing fields a bit.
Perhaps wuthering heights is due a remake too? we could scrap Cathy and write in a nice mix race Gay couple?
Rewrite Troy to have two mighty armies fight for 30 years for the right for their respective commanders to bugger a gimp
Write your own story then you mental bitch.
You can have all the main characters as wimmins, lezzas and have a few diverse and spacca ones too. Go for it.
I’m sure it’ll end up a classic and have several films made afterwards.
Sick of these cunts riding on the back of and then ruining classics with their ‘reinventing’ shite. Instead of making James Bond a black feminist woman, why not write your own fucking spy thriller with a female lead instead?
I’ll tell you why, it’s because nobody would give a shit! And it wouldn’t further their real agenda, which is promoting Marxism.
I bet Karl Marx was really Karla, which would explain very easily why Marxism is a load of UVM (unwanted vaginal mucus)…
What she’s actually saying is “I’m a cunt. You’ve never heard of me because I’m a talentless shite z-lister, but if I spew some feminazi bollocks, it’ll make headlines and hopefully the liberal twats that control Hollywood will notice me and give me lots of work, as they know that no matter how fucking shite I am, like-minded misandrists and libmongs will flock to support whatever dogshite film I end up in “.
Her book shall be called Lady Of The Arseholes.
Can’t wait.
Get fucked.
Jean d’arc was a gay trannie! true that! i read it in the grauniad!!
I’m still waiing for a re-make of The Battle Of Britain with female fighter pilots. Every Spitfire documentory has a female pilot from the ATA shoehorned in, and fair play to them for delivering all those aircraft, but, they weren’t in squadrons flying in combat, so, it’s only a matter of time before some wimmin bitch writes a version of history to suit her pathetic agenda.
The Nazis will all be men of course.
In moderation??????
You used the word ‘docümentary’. ?
Lord of the Rings shit , New Zealand (leading the world in all this accommodating minorities shit) shit, a woman calling herself Robyn shit, all in all a bag of shit, mind you if Lucy Lawless is still riding around on that horse wearing that short leather skirt I could be persuaded to go
This stupid Kiwi bitch deserves a good cunting, long overdue, should have done it myself. Here in NZ she pops up all the time with her virtue signalling bullshit; an embarrassment to all Kiwis… her and our fucktard of a PM.
good on your cricket team, proper ambassaders for NZ
I’ve heard Hollywood are planning a remake of Black Beauty with a pig in the title role.
Black Beauty…he was a dark horse…
Surely in the epic films Gandalf was played by a man “who is good with colours” so why not a woman? Load of old bollocks anyway. Who fucking cares what plays bendalf. Worlds falling apart around their ears and people are getting frenzied about a hobbits mate or something, fucking bollocks to the lot of them.
Brace yourself for more bullshit nearer Christmas. No doubt Coca Cola will portray Santa Claus as a lefty minority teenager from Deptford with learning difficulties.
Hold on a minute, maybe I quite like this zeitgeist. I mean, think of some ridiculous re-make proposition and make a quick buck publishing your non-novella on Amazon as a pdf just by writing the most repulsive and illogical thing you can think of.
Everything you ever watched and enjoyed as a child is now up for subverting into woke garbage.
Let’s insist on the portrayal of Santa as a Greek from what is now Turkey. Which is what he was. Damn few reindeer in Demre!
Well if Santa was Greek then obviously she would be far too lazy to deliver any presents and if the presents were plates they would be opened and smashed obviously.
Any reference made to actual Greeks is purely coincidental and your investment can go up and down, blah, whatever.
I think this woman needs a hard seeing to, no oil.