Protesters (2)

Protesters and people who stop people going about their lawful business are complete cunts.

What those in positions of authority (Government and Police) have to realise is that if they fuck around with these protesters, the public will take matters into their own hands. I for one enjoyed watching that Extinction Rebellion cunt getting a kicking this morning….people on the DLR are miserable cunts to start with, so it must’ve been nice to kick that cunt senseless.

A few years ago, these actions would have been classed as potential terrorist activities. The leaders of these cunts flaunt and parade around with impunity while we have to listen to the reasons why the cunts aren’t in prison. This has gone too far now.

To summarise, these scroungers and benefit cheats should realise that without people going to work of a day they will not be able to buy their drugs, cigarettes and alcohol……idiots.

Nominated by Spanky Mc Spank

110 thoughts on “Protesters (2)

  1. That guy in China standing in front of a fucking tank is a real fucking hero, because given that it is China you just don’t fuck about with the authorities. But this guy did, and I don’t know if he still alive, but he gets 100% from me!

    As for the modern day protesters, especially the ER cunts, well they’re cunts because they just demonstrate in safe cities in safe countries. But will they do this kind of shit in Brazil, South Africa, Russia or China? Of course not! And you know why? Because the military in those countries are hard cunts and won’t stand any shit from cunts like ER!

    • That guy is considerably thinner and longer,Techno!
      Isnt that Tiananmen square?
      If so like you admire his pluck, but large price to pay, can be posted home through lettetbox now.

  2. A protester without a vote is a hero. Those with a vote that cannot barge their way to the front with a vote are cunts of the highest order.

    • Those with a vote that want to barge to the front Without a vote.With a vote , without , vote ……. Sorry drunk the champaign I had on ice. They are all cunts. Except for Nige.

  3. Great cunting.

    They were holding aloft banners which read ‘Business as usual’. The protests, in the words of their own leaders, aren’t about carbon footprints. They are about disrupting businesses and the general public to crash the economy.

    They are communist agitators. And the BBC are a disgrace for previously labelling critics of Extinction Rebellion ‘far right’

  4. Protesting is a fundamental right, being a cunt to the general public isn’t…..

    As the cunts on top of the tube at Canning Town found out!

  5. As Great Britain seems to be leading the rest of the world in reducing the impact of our existence on Mother Nature, any protests here reveal what a dick-headed bunch of morons these protesters are.

    Fuck off and protest in China or Russia. They’ll get a right caning there.

    As for the cunt who had a deserved kicking in the tube station, since when did electric trains emit fumes? If they’re no use I don’t see the point in converting to electric cars, and certainly not at £30000 a throw.

    • Or the middle eastern countries which are by far the worst offenders per capita as well as having appaling human and animal rights issues so as you say try protesting against the really bad countries.
      Also the UK while not perfect but certainly higher up than most places. Should be held up as one of the countries to emulate.

  6. Just watching the news and anti-Brexit supporters giving some of the Conservative MPs a load of mouth, not quite sure what is/has being said and I know there is quite a strong police presence (for what that is worth).
    Be interesting if anything short of nastiness is shouted at them and if the police would do anything about it.

    This now rotten to a core fucking joke of a supposedly democratic country is fucked.

    Fuck every single cunt that has put a spoke in the wheel of democracy.

    I hope these cunts get the same treatment that dickhead received when pulled off the top of the tube by pissed off commuters.

    • Mate, I fully concur with that. I know I sometimes go with the gas chamber scenario, but I whole heartedly believe these cunts should think they are going on some kind of holiday, and put exactly in where I say. They couldn’t give one single fuck about any of us. The sheer arrogance of these total CUNTS, drives me beyond sanity.

      • Know why mongo?
        They dont see people like you, me, as 3d living people.
        They never consider you have a family to care for, feelings, opinions, etc
        Your a donkey.
        Your there to do the heavy lifting, the dirty jobs,
        Your views arent important, theyre not interested in them, only their view.
        And theyre shocked when we turn round and say no!
        How dare you?
        Your like a dog thats suddenly started talking and they dont like it.
        Well fuck them,its time for a wake up call for the Giles,jojo,jules,Tarquins
        Of this land!

        Oh an agree pal-Gas Chamber!!

      • My original plan of being a normal person with my view of fairness and democracy was tainted by some fat leftist cunt shouting ‘NAZI’ in an old blokes face. I didn’t like the cunts anyway, but that fucking cunt turned my Buddhist way of life thinking person back into a human nature hating awful cunt. I was peaceful and happy. Now I want to be the fucking evil Nazi they claim I am. If I’m being called something I am not, I might as well be that person. Anyway it’s upset my karma. I’ll get a right bollocking from a monk, probably. Or he’ll say sometimes you have to fight for what you believe is good.

  7. Heartening to watch that video at Canning Town Tube Station where every cunt tried to join in giving that pair of ER cunts a good kicking. White cunts, brown cunts, black cunts, all pissed off by these posturing bed-wetters and their imagined divine right to fuck people about with impunity.
    (Wonder if B&WC was there? I’d ask, but he wouldn’t know nuffin abaaart it.)

    • I saw diversity at it’s greatest strength. All coming together to kick the shit out of a fucking middle class paid for protesting fucking cunt.

  8. I think the people should decide……

    with a fucking good ol’ fashioned slugfest

    lets have a fucking mass brawl and kick the fucking shite out of these undemocratic remoaning cunts,
    there will only be one fucking outcome,

  9. There’s nothing wrong with protesting or protesters if it’s done in a fair way and even better if it’s done with a dash of humour like those Fathers4justice a few years back dressed badly as Spider-Man. However, preventing people from going about their business is wrong and cunty behaviour. Receiving a kicking might give them pause but I doubt it.

  10. anti-brexit = anti-democratic – fucking cunts the lot of them.

    Jo Swineface is a cunt, Jeremiah Corbyn is a cunt, Hillary Benn is a cunt, Oliver Letwin, please let win is a cunt. SNP load of cunts – theey all deserve a good kickin’

    • Im not against protest but dont like ERs methods.
      Admire the mass trespass on Kinder Scout in the 30s that paved the way for
      ‘Rigjt to roam’.
      Up until then it was hard to wander in the hills if you were working class, and for people in manchester, Rochdale,Stockport etc, it was a holiday from the mills&factories.
      The wealthy landowners got the coppers and gamekeepers to give em a hiding with sticks, but unlike ER these were working men and they fought back, some of the gamekeepers who thought they hd a easy day twatting unarmed people with sticks lost the taste when they lost some teeth or had their nose broken.
      That paved the way for public footpaths in the pennines etc.
      Id of gone on that protest.

      • “Right to roam.” You better hope Farmer Fiddler doesn’t read that.

        Evening Miserable. Am right fed up tonight. Never mind, spag boll and ice cream for afters later.

      • Hi Rtc, yep me too mate.
        Naw Fiddler knows im all for walking in hills, to be fair I was brought up to honour the country code, close gates, stick to path, an never had anything but good outcomes when talking to farmers, but back then the rich landowners had the whole fuckin hills stitched up!
        Now it seems to work out ok for both landowners and hikers, apart from the odd daft cunt who spoils it for everyone.

      • A great example Miserable of a worthy and legitimate protest.
        Maxine Peake has already asked me if you’ll play the lead role alongside her in the film. Dick Fiddler has been signed up as the Evil Gamekeeper.

      • I thought so Bertie! Maxine peake? Corbyns cheerleader? No thanks!
        Me an fiddler could start a trend on here for performing arts, im obviously the handsome righteous rambler
        Fiddler can be the redfaced dick dastardly type trying to spoil things.

      • Peake in the peak district, bringing performance and socialism to the pennines.

      • Hey chaps, watching sounds of the 60s, an protest group peter,paul, and mary on,
        How fit was Mary!!!

      • Right To Ramble is wonderful. you’ve chosen a good example there, young man. Wealthy landowners/farmers can all fuck off. It’s our British right.

      • Thanks General, from first time as a 7yr old kid climbing that peak Ive loved it, taken my kids when they were little,
        And my fathers Ashes will be scattered there as will mine.
        Those hills are in my soul and no doubt many others, belongs to everyone.

      • Had two cups of coffee this morning my right knee hurts cold outside Cairo is the capital of Egypt I need a new smartphone…oh get to the point you say but I have a Right to Ramble.

      • After that was on…
        Upon the my oh my-Beefheart
        Delilah-alex harvey
        Roxette- dr feelgood
        Im not in love-10cc
        Wuthering heights-kate Bush
        Cheered me right up!?

      • Always on my drunken playlist Miserable -Roxette. That performance the band so tight. One of my other favourites of theirs- ‘Sneakin’ Suspicion’.

      • On mine too Miles, wilko Johnson was great on stage, as was lee brilleaux RIP
        Milk an alcohol reminds me of a pub I used to drink in, a mainstay of the jukebox.

  11. The anti Brexit rally that has happened in London today was another load of cunts with fuck all better to do on a Saturday. Even that broccoli cunt was there, enjoying his 15 minutes of fame, the prick. I saw them referred to as the ‘so called people’s vote campaign’, like they used to call the ‘so called Islamic State’. The organisers are saying that there are close to a million cunts protesting today. Not sure if the Abbott is doing the counting again, as they said that last time, and the reality was a quarter of that. Even if there was a million, does it have more validity than 17 million voters? I suppose if Abbott is doing the maths, maybe, although she seems to have had a hangover, as she fell asleep during the debate earlier. Poor cunts, working on a Saturday……

    • It is all cunts from the middle class………. I’ve just had my 3rd kid with a French bird last night and made my way down to haywards heath train station around 5 this afternoon and as I was looking for a chippy (none around but there is a waitrose) I saw a 60 year oldish cunt with bollox to brexit on his shooting jacket getting off the train. I was speaking French to my children but bearing in mind I’m a 6’6 15st skin head from tooting he started talking to me like I was a foreign div ‘what do you think about brexit, bad isn’t it?’ the reply he got was comical as I have thought my kids never to trust anyone from outside England and trust no cunt who don’t speak proper English like what I do!!!!! (I hope you see the joke) He was very surprised. And called me racist, what stumped him is that I’m call O’Neill with a French bird but very English being a South London cunt

    • well done the broccoli kid managed to stretch your 15 minutes of fame into two whole days, at this rate you’ll get your own BBC program, bet your cock is like a little green caterpillar

      • He’ll be the new Nadya if he comes out as an Mudslime lgbtwxyz broccoli. Be asked his opinions on everything from the correct ways to steam vegetables to how to make the fusion reactor a viable solution to solving the geo political problems effecting the planet.

    • Japstick, yo! Absolutely, there was no way there was a million people there! Liars! There were more people at the bloody council tax riots or Freedom to Party protest in 1990.

  12. It was good to see that cunt on the top of the tube train get a good kicking the other day. As for the cunt on big Ben, leave the fucker there, after a few nights of cold and pissing rain the cunt will soon come down. Same goes for the cunts glueing themselves to things. Fucking twats.

    • Yup just route the traffic around em and stick an abandoned vehicle sticker on them. “You have two days to remove this or we will remove it for you. If you are then still stuck to the road we will remove the piece of road with hammer drills and a fucking excavator”.

    • Military personnel stationed at all airports and ANY unauthorised persons airside near ANY aircraft who do not remove themselves from the vicinity of said aircraft after an adequate loud warning should be shot. You only need one terrorist to infiltrate these cunts and the outcome could be horrific.
      I’d go as far as all public transport and secure buildings too if it was my way.

  13. Broccoli Man is cool, I hope they make a film of him but Broccoli Man will probably have to be played by a person of colour, he will be Baked Spud Man maybe?

    • Well if it was hollywood /hey anything goe s most films are shit these days 20 mjn no name actors /crap plot and overkill cgi shit fest .this retarded twat would go a treat im sure.

  14. Talking of cunts, Albanias’ hopes of hitching it’s carriage to the gravy train that is the EU has hit the buffers. Both France and the Netherlands have done the decent thing and blocked their accession to the European Union, as they are worried about immigration issues. And rightly so. It seems that Albanians have freedom of movement already, as wherever there is money to be made through criminal activity, they are all over it. If you see the word Albanian in print, it’s usually accompanied by words like drug lord, or cashpoint thief, or people trafficker.
    Frau fuhrer Merkel has said she is disappointed with the delay, as her mission to flood Western Europe with the flotsam of humanity carries on. Tre Bon, frogs and clogs, and don’t let the old bag have her way.

    • There are fucking thousands of Albanians in West Yorkshire.

      They lead the way in fraud, car jacking, pimpimg, motoring offences, parking in disabled bays etc…promising candidates for a full membership of the EU

    • It’s all a fucking front. They’re just itching to let Turkey in and unleash moose-lambic HELL on the continent. They figure that dust will settle and they’ll gain control. Fucking hell, talking about narcissistic psychopathy and calculated risk. Soros really thinks that money can do anything, including subduing MURDERERS INDOCTRINATED FROM BIRTH THAT THEY ARE SUPERIOR AND MUST KILL EVERYONE WHO ISN’T THEM, aka male moose limbs.

  15. One does so hope the luvvies and daaahlings had a super time in London with this afternoons exertions, perhaps one ought now retire for a relaxing evening at some little bistro and try the tasting menu up to to 12 dishes I believe (with a vegan option) as for the wine cellar it’s been splendidly reinforced with some superlative Italian reds. words actually fail me with what I would like to do to those cunts

  16. These extinction rebellion cunts have been doing a slow cycle through Cardiff today, I reckon it it should be teargas and a Barton to the fucking teeth and all these cunts have achieved is pissing off hundreds of people and creating ten times the emmisions of all the cars having to do a slow crawl behind these cunts.
    Surely these fuckers have already added a massive percentage of extra emmisions into the atmosphere, all these attention seeking cunts have done is make things much worse, so well done you stinking dirty cunts…

    • The good thing about a lot of marathons &c. in Caerdydd is that a lot of these fatbastards usually drop down dead. Oh dear, how sad…

      As for emissions, the smell of hopeless farts springs to mind.

  17. Oh daaahlings forgot to apologize for not being able to make the London trip what with shopping, gardening, working under the car and just about to start the ironing (might give Jess Phillips a ring sure she wouldn’t mind doing a spot of ironing)

  18. Flabbopatamous being heckled at brexit demonstrations today wellvtheres a fucking surprize!flabbopotsmous told to stop drinking it affects the mind!more like stop eating ya fat bastard!and jacob rees mogg abused too with his 12 year old child/well what the fuck dou you expect when you have your own nanny 8 other kids(apparently)and live in a frigging mansion /hardly the voice of the working class .What a fucking joke

    • Rees-Mogg has never denied he is a toff and has a nanny for his kids. Compare that with Corbyn and his commie clique who are millionaires pretending they don’t have pot to piss in, and those old wimmin of both genders who so oppose private education,but provide it for their own little bastards.

  19. One of those dickheads who got on top of the train apparently is ‘professional protester’ Mark Ovland. You mean you get paid for protesting, you stupid cunt? He’s also been ‘training’ to be a Buddhist teacher for the past twelve years (fuck me, that’s a tough course) after experiencing a “profound mystical awakening” when he was 24 and living in India for a year as a monk. I suspect he had another “profound mystical awakening” when a load of Londoners kicked his bollocks up through his throat. Apparently he has been repeatedly arrested over the last two weeks. What the fuck are the police up to? Why are they taking this limp wristed approach to the fuckers? Put it this way, if the cunt was told beforehand he would get a damn good kicking if he got on top of that train, do you think he would have got up there? Of course he fucking wouldn’t.

      • Band called ‘rage against the machine’
        Used that image as a album cover.
        Striking act but..well, drama queen??

      • My tinnitus is really bad tonight. I blame Oliver Letwin. Think I’ll take a couple of mandies and get an early night… don’t want to be late for church in the morning.

      • I wish Dominic Grieve and Gaylord Adonis would do that – Adonis could rename himself Quang Duckie

      • That Buddhist monk in the Vietnam War Miserable? Now that was some protest. That took some ‘commitment’. To burn yourself to death.

      • Great minds RT. The other ‘funny’ story linked with that- it was the footage that Richard Pryor was watching when he set himself alight. Delusional on meth he thought he could withstand it. Made great comedy gold out of it.

      • Oh definitely Miles!
        But seemed bit pointless to me,
        Feel more sorry for the poor bugger who had to clean it up.

      • You’re right of course. More deluded than Pryor. Those Orientate are strange. Think of the Kamikazes. Western bravery is to give your life in war. Having said that…to do such a thing.

      • Richard pryor was a funny bloke, he had a gay affair with marlon Brando you know?
        Theres a bit in the film Stir Crazy where him and Gene Wilder are being sentenced for a crime they didnt commit, that makes me cry with laughter ever time I watch it!

      • Evenning Miles. I saw the Buddhist monks car last year — it’s been kept as a museum piece at the Temple he lived at. No idea why I am telling you this — it’s not that important ………………. anyhoo … ( hate that expression)
        It took a great deal of guts to feel so strongly about something that you protest by setting yourself on fire. On the one hand it’s daft as daft can be, but on the other one has to admire his guts. He also kept his car in very good condition — still very clean .. a fine example.

      • Ps — he had had the car for some time before he went up in smoke. It was already a good few years old so he had really looked after it. I suppose the other Monks did not use it afterwards and as it became a museum piece it would not have aged like other cars.

      • The thing about the footage he doesn’t flinch. He just sits there. Fuck me when you accidentally touch a hotplate of something you pull your hand away instantly.
        Maybe being a monk he had trained himself to enter some kind of trance.
        Hope you’re well CW.

      • Yes I think that’s it — the skill of detachment — grasshopper and all that. Well thanks Miles hope you are also.

  20. The protester in the top of the picture I think is doing for good reason.
    The protesters in the bottom of the picture I think are just doing it for the fame and Facebook bullocks.

  21. Think your right Spoons.
    I originally thought the top picture was you crossing road again, bloke driving tank gesturing for you to get out the way!?
    You well this evening sir?

      • Yes good thanks Spoons, just going taking the dog for its last walk then bed for me, have to shake the dog awake, on our bed snoring like a chainsaw next to missus!
        Nite all?

  22. Great cunting.

    I actually had to restrain myself today on the train back from Harrow (aka Little India) with my Mum, after escorting her on her weekly trip to get her hair done (Oh, the joy.)

    I spotted at least four fuckers in our carriage alone who had clearly been in attendance at that fucking Brexit protest today in London. I was interested to see that one of the fuckers had his placard inside a carrier bag, doubtless as he was worried that he might get a boot up his anal ring or a punch in the piehole from some irate random who spotted his cuntery.

    This particular bloke was a grey haired fucker who had the distinct air of Libtard, tofu and couscous-munching old hippy about him. His placard read:

    ‘WE ARE THE PEOPLE TOO’ with two EU flags beneath it, which both looked like they had been drawn by a 5-year-old (which they probably had, maybe the old hippy’s darling grandchild…..vomit)

    After today’s shenanigans with that cunt Letwin and yet another bastard delay, I have never felt such a strong urge to fucking head butt someone in my life as I did with him and his fellow cunts.

    Then another of the said cunts and his brat steamed up the train brandishing both a Union Jack and an EU flag. To say my tits were steaming is an understatement. I could have taken someone’s eye out with my ready to explode nipples.

    Fuck’s sake, when oh when will all of this utter cuntery end??? Extinction Rebellion, Remoaners…….I’ve had a fucking belly full of the cunts!!!

    • Well said Nurse. It sure gets on normal peoples tits all this nonsense. I cannot fathom how utterly pathetic our MP’s are – hard to believe. I guess we should not be surprised —- it’s like the same phenomenon when it dawns on most people near or past 50 that despite our earlier belief to the contrary , significant real life events are by and large in fact stranger than any fiction we have ever read.

  23. I want to start a movement called Rebellion Extinction. Where we get together and Death Wish-style just point blank shoot these cunts in the face. Oh my God I can’t sufficiently express my hate for the conceited faces of these deranged middle-class indoctrinated, bongo-drumming zombies. I would love to see a drone drop a nuke on them all gathered in one space – and yes, I am actively inciting drone owners to do that. They are an evil plague, the second most evil plague on the planet threatening the future of mankind besides Piss Slam.

  24. I think a few cunters here have hit upon whose fighting on which side in the new civil war in this country.

    It’s working people of all races; builders, couriers, shopworkers, deli-owners vs the largely white middle class of academics, politicians, corporate hacks and paid -for student footsoldiers.

    The police might not be on our side but i bet most of the military are.

  25. I for one enjoyed that Basil Faulty lookalike getting dragged of the train carriage roof, I can only hope that he is now wasting away in a coma after a decent kicking and some Eastern European is slam dunking his arsehole whilst is fellow care workers toss themselves off all over his stupid fuckin face.!

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