Owain Wyn Evans

I’d like to give this regional weather reporter a fuckin’ good cunting.

Now, he might not be known by many and that’s why a quick look at the clip below will put you in the picture:


This notorious shirtlifter is also known to people in Yorkshire and the Midlands. He’s a fuckin’ mincer of the highest order and makes Tom Allen look like Charles Bronson. When he’s giving the forecast, his fuckin’ arms are waving all over the place.

He said “I do camp it up sometimes doing the weather, but I don’t even notice I’m doing it, when I’m waving my arms around”.

After reporting on a Fun Run, one of the other presenters asked him would he join in to which he replied “I can’t really run”. You would you cunt, if I stuck this red hot poker up your arse. And don’t stop till you and your boyfriend get back to Wales where you can wait for the next cold front to kick you in the cunt.

Nominated by Bertie Blunt Ubercunt

124 thoughts on “Owain Wyn Evans

  1. Dunno who he is tbh, something bit odd wi weather men isnt there?
    Storm denier Michael Fish looked like he should be on the register,
    Fred Talbot is on the register!
    I liked them midgêts who did the weather by trampoline, cant remember what on but liked that.

    • L!VETV on the seminal satellite broadcasts. “The worlds bounciest weather”.
      Bloody hell that seems a long time ago now. The station also brought to your screen the stalwart ‘Spanish Archer’.

      If anything the programming has got worse.
      I need a drink.

    • Did you ever catch Italian Stripping Housewives on Bravo channel some years back? Fucking funny dubbing. Nice tits on most of them too, as I recall.

      • I don’t remember stripping Italian housewives but now you bring it up I’ll certainly be googling it

    • I’m going to side with the goat fucking peacefulls on this (fuck me what has this world come to). Sling the mincing fucking freak off a tall building. Fucking bent

    • So many bods do the weather these days.. Must be hard work.
      Back in the day there was maybe three..?

  2. ITV Welsh News has some high-pitched, squeaky little cunt called Owain, sounds like a circular saw going through tin. Voice is so irritatingly sing-song, that he could synthesise a whole male-voice choir.
    No, hang on…he’s defo a soprano.

  3. Fucking hell Bert.
    I had to look at the link to see who this cunt was, and damned near put my fist through the screen.

    A worthy cunting.

  4. I think we’re going to have to get used to all this diversity bollocks!

    It wouldn’t surprise me if some badly dressed tranny did News at Ten (no doubt making some lame comments about Big Ben’s dongs!)

    Weather forecasters are all cunts and chancers anyway! The only job where you can give a prediction, and if you get it wrong you don’t lose your job!

    As for this cunt- well I guess the only showers he likes are golden ones!


    Golly gosh, I’ve got the horn for Priti Patel (I wouldn’t mind blowing some snowflakes up her holes!)

  5. It’s better than watching that amputee bird doing the weather waving her naked stump around while your chewing on a spare rib. Why does she have to do that ?

    • Oh yeah forgot about stumpy!!
      Cant focus on weather can you?
      Its hypnotic that stump.

      • Wonderfully…inclusive of you, Unkle Terry. Very communidee-spirited.

        Am sure B&WCunt would get his tongue up her exhaust.

        I’d be up Veraswamy like a rat up a Delhi drainpipe.

      • I knew a bloke in the ’70s who used to seek out amputees to have sex with. He was otherwise relatively normal from what I could tell.

        I wonder if Ms Stumpy gives Cuntstable Cuntbubble the horn?

      • I bet stumpy gives good anal stumping, right up to the elbow.
        You just know she has been asked to stump a few arseholes!

  6. Disgraceful theatrical gesticulations. You don’t see Weather girl Lucy Martin waving her arms around

  7. Oooh hello! So this is Tin Tin’s day job. There is some chubby bird called Sara Blizzard on East Midlands local weather.

      • Is she one of your lizard people again Miserable? Is that the sound of black helicopters? I’m getting my tin foil hat on.

      • Hehe, get one of those turquoise shellsuits like stable genius David icke they deflect the lizard mens thought rays! ?

  8. Thankfully he has fucked off from Look North so I don’t have to see this mincing twat anymore.

    • While us on the other side of the boarder have to put up with the mincing little fanny.

  9. Hold the front page!!!……raving iron gets job on BBC telly!
    As Windsor Davies would have said…”such a luvvly boy.”

  10. Weather presenters are all a bit on the batshit crazy side. Maybe it is because Meteorology is so fucking boring, it drives them scatty as fuck.

    That bloody Sian Lloyd is a classic example. She is off her cake, that woman, The mere fact she saw fit to bump genitals with that pervy weirdo, Lembit Opik says it all!!

    I can see why a poof may be drawn into this weather presenting malarkey though. They can amp up the abject horror when torrential weather is on its way. They love a bit of bloody drama, that lot.


    • Lembit Opik, a name so feckin bizarre that he MUST be related to Meryl Streep.

      Morning Nurse !

      • Morning HBH!

        Definitely. His name always reminds me of either a Russian prison or a dental appliance…..urrrrghh.

      • Indeed…
        Meryl Streep (linguistically only) seems like something to be sucked or swallowed. Am sure you understand the necessary “caveat” !

  11. That’s a comedy skit right the video clip ? No way is anyone naturally born to talk and gesticulate in such a over the top camp manner.

    Being from da South I have had the great honour to never have seen
    this creepy over acting fudge monkey.

    You can tell he is defiantly a power bottom in whatever partnership he finds himself tied up and ball gagged in.

    • Who the fuck wants to see a cunt like this on their tv screens? I’d rather he didn’t have the pleasure, but this taffy ponce needs one of those christmas trees shoving up his arse.

  12. Richard Quest is a mega-wanker financial reporter on CNN who makes hand-flapping weathermen look positive subdued. He is a caricature English twit out of Monty Python – gangly, specky, toothy, moving about like a puppet that has got out of control of its master´s strings and looks like one of Mad magazine´s Don Martin cartoon figures. He doesn´t talk so much as spray spittle and bray in a hoarse voice that sounds as if someone has scrubbed his voicebox with iron wool.

    He is also gay (of course) with a taste for rough trade. The New York Post reported about 10 years ago that “CNN personality Richard Quest was busted in Central Park early yesterday with some drugs in his pocket, a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot, law-enforcement sources said.”

    Rope around the neck tied to the genitals. Mmmm. Anyone ever tried that?

    • Yeah me.
      But only to stop tripping over my foreskin,
      Everyone liked my new scarf.

    • “Rope around the neck tied to the genitals. Mmmm. Anyone ever tried that?”…..

      I have now.

      • And? On a rating of 0 to 10 what would you give it? No rope in my place. Just a few bits of string and an old shoelace.

      • It wasn’t too enjoyable when I went for a piss…fucking near drowned myself.

      • Why on my own,Mr. Gusset. I’m no pervert.

        Luckily I was already dressed in my formal evening attire, …posing pouch,dickey-bow tie,stiletto heels,ball-gag and nipple clamps so the bowline knot presented very few problems.

      • Why on my own,Mr. Gusset. I’m no weirdo.*

        Luckily I was already dressed in my formal evening attire, …posing pouch,dickey-bow tie,stiletto heels,ball-gag and nipple clamps so the bowline knot presented very few problems.

        *Removed the offending word “per@ert”

  13. Another 13 scroungers……..Er……hard working tax payers rescued in the Channel by our wonderful “Border Force.” (stop laughing you cunts)
    About time this Welsh poof started predicting massive storms at sea. You never know it might come true. Only chance we’ve got of stopping the bastards anyway.

  14. I’ve long suspected that these Gay weather presenters are using some kind of code to communicate with other Gays and arrange their debauched orgies of depravity. I asked that Alan Turing to held me decode their sinister messages but he told me that he too was a Raving Rump Rider…and dead…very,very dead.Undeterred, I have therefore been forced to try and decipher the meanings myself….

    Scattered Showers…A piss party
    Light Frost…Bukkake Party
    Heavy Frost…Bukkake Party where coloured gentleman feature heavily
    Full Moon…. self-explanatory
    Cold Front….Flasher’s Party for the “smaller” Gay
    Warm Front..Flasher’s Party for the “larger” Gay
    “Chance of Snow”….drug-fuelled Party
    “Lightening and Thunder “… Flash photography at Scat Party
    ” Chance of Flooding”……the mind boggles,tbh.

    Obviously,the pointing is indicating where these immoral gatherings are to take place. I have written to the BBC to demand that they put a stop to it but,typical BBC,they have ignored my findings.
    The Gay Depravity marches on unchecked. It’s a fucking disgrace.

    • Bumholia’s forecast for tomorrow.

      “A heavy frost first thing with a cold front bringing scattered showers with a stiff breeze with a chance of snow”.

      At least we don’t have ‘Tornado Alley’ over here .

      • Bumholia was hit by a particularly nasty cyclone last month.
        Bumhole Gulf was badly affected and reports say it will need rebuilding.

  15. Jesus H… Does the Beeb employ anyone who’s not a monumental, mincing manfat-masticator ?

  16. Yep this faggot is on our weather He’s as bent as a nine Bob note If you asked Him for change you’d probably get it in 3 pound notes.

    • I respectfully ask for another phrase!the insinuation is bad enough without ragging on a cultural icon (bob) for those of us only nearly 40

  17. Speaking of cash ?
    Prince Andrew 57 million making him the third richest Royal Where’s the cash come from and why are we still paying for his upkeep ? ?

    • I asked him at Glitter the musical he reckons hes good one the fruitmachine George.

      • He receives an annual dividend from RSPCA:

        Royal Society of Procuring Culpable Adolescents.

  18. How come bandits are so knowledgeable about the weather anyway?
    Seem the indoor type apart from Hampstead heath,
    If it was a grisled old sea captain or a lighthouse keeper youd instantly believe them!
    Its either a bandit waving his arms or a register type in a homemade jumper.

  19. Bandits are not like us outdoor types MNC I agree they are indoor types not liking the cold weather Probably why I never take any notice of what they say when they come on the box in their pink shirts

    • Agreed George, those posh blokes as well who wear pink jeans!
      No shame, dunno where youd even get pink jeans, or why youd even want them?
      Not my go to colour when after clothes!

      • When I was a teenager I had this cool pair of white jeans. My dear old Mum put them in the wash with some red shit and they came out pink. I was fucking furious!
        “There’s nothing wrong with them……they’re just a different colour that’s all.”
        I didn’t have the words to explain what was wrong with them. Women eh?

      • Haha! Did you wear em freddy?
        To please yer mum?
        Cuttin a dash down goldhawk rd??
        My mum made knitted me a jumper when I was about 19yr, tried her hardest but one arm longer than the other an a bleedin 48in neck!
        I wore it couple of times an pretended I liked it, its my mum!
        But felt a right cunt. ♿

      • No I never did. But I just reminded myself that, around that time I played for a Sunday League team. We had these crappy old shirts which, originally must have been red, but had been washed so many times they had turned pink. When we trotted out of the changing rooms ( a dilapidated old shed with a single cold water tap) the opposition would be rolling on the floor laughing at us. No wonder we got spanked week after week.
        Happy days. ?

  20. suprised nobody hasn’t mentioned Keeley Donovan (look North) luverly, always nicely dressed, bet she’s a pocket rocket

    • I’d French-kiss her arsehole after she has just taken a huge shit – filthy slag

      • And of course Yanet Garcia the Mexican weather girl, has a far broader and more natural appeal than a try-too-hard biter.

  21. This Cunt will be spending a lot of time in Canal St. in Manchester. I bet his arse is like a blood orange on a Monday morning.
    Dianne Oxberry is sadly missed.
    Fuck this gay shit.

  22. Campness is a performance, and it’s fucking old. There’s nothing making gay blokes act like a self-parody.

    • There’s a certain level of camp which is fun; early Bond and stuff like Flash Gordon. The camp of Rocky Horror is gruelling and cringeworthy.

  23. I didn’t realise they had weather up North. I just assumed it was a wet windy misery. Interesting!

    • Its wild, darkly moody, an powerful,
      Like us northmen to be honest,
      Oh and prone to strong wind.

      • Strange but magical!
        Food so lovely itd make a fat man weep!
        Misty mountains, beer thats from gods personal barrels!
        And the folk are funny and friendly!
        Yes its truly the playground of the gods.

      • Pies, Yorkshire Curd Cakes and Ainsley’s Ginger Buns. Sadly, just a memory for me.

        It’s raining goats and camels here in Cardiff…
        (The local Imam’s remix of a Spice Girls number, I believe…)

    • ignore the above, shot my load onto the wrong thread its above in Michael Barrymores pool party

  24. That blonde Wendy Hurrell always gave me the cream horn.

    I would love to fondled her bare, oiled-up titties.

    Sorry, but I am a colossal p3rvert. But most of you already know that.

    • I note you have avoided spelling the P word here. I presume that is a trigger word which explains why my comment about the Right Honourable Sir Oliver Letwin MP never appeared.
      He still is one though. I’m sure the rent boy in St James’s Park could testify to that.

      • Indeed Freddie, the P word is a no no for the profanity guard. Safer to throw a few similar looking numbers or an asterisk in there to avoid your post disappearing into the Bermuda Triangle

        Letwin is a plum who expects everyone to swallow his version of the 5am story. Arsehole like a bag of chopped liver, U’d wager.

      • Fuck me senseless – you’re right! pérvert is a trigger word.

        Better use the American spelling ‘prevert’ next time…

    • Nowt wrong with that im never out the fucking brothel these days .best thing ever invented WOMEN!

  25. Ah, the lovely Debbie……74 now and looking a bit rough. The last time I saw her was at Kew Gardens when she was about 67/68 and she was fucking hot that night, trust me.
    Unfortunately she has turned Extinction Rebellion so she can go and fuck herself.

    • Depresses me when see people i liked do daft shit, that anti brexit march yesterday, had that mong Geldof there but right behind him was Glen Matlock from the Sex Pistols!
      Another one reluctantly in miserables bumper book of HATE.

      • That is so sad Miserable. How many of those libtard millennial fuckwits would even know who Glen Matlock is? That is fucking depressing. Not your fault obviously. We need to know which of our youthful heroes have turned cunt.

      • Luckily ive always liked Roger Daltrey and Morrissey!
        Johnny Rotten is pro brexit as well.

        Ringo Starr ? Didnt know that.

      • Sky News tried to stitch up Daltry over bands touring in Europe after Brexit. Reporter thought he would be another EU luvvie stooge…big mistake.

      • To give Roger Daltrey his due hes always been a bloke who thinks for hisself and not swayed by others.
        He was pretty clean living during the 60s an 70s when the rest of the WHO
        Were getting hammered.
        Imagine being sober sat next to a drunken manic keith Moon?!

      • Apart from anything else, most of them are pro Remain because they currently don’t need docümentation to work in EU countries.

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