Mr Broccoli

Have any of you seen this cunt?!

If he was just taking the piss out of Extinction Rebellion and Transgender activists, it would be funny. That’s the mystery. Is he for real or is he just another attention seeking twat who’s desperate for his 15 minutes of fame?? But then again, in this day and age, I wouldn’t be surprised if the NHS start funding human to plant reassignment surgery. Here’s a bit of dialogue from his appearance on GMTV:

Piers Morgan: Do you have a job?
Mr Broccoli: I just grow.

Now surely there must be a screening process to see what this cunt was all about, before putting him on TV?! But, to be fair, he does look pretty similar to the other weirdo activists who claim to have a point. GMTV probably thought he was an actual activist because it’s so hard to tell them apart!!

Nominated by Cunt me in

EMERGENCY CUNTING for Extinction Rebellion, who have now decided to try and block off the tube by sitting on top of the trains – all the while inconveniencing even more people who need to work to survive. Even some of their usual allies like Welby and Citizen Khan are criticising them this time… not very bright are they

Nominated by The Rt Hon Earl Opinionated de Cunt

95 thoughts on “Mr Broccoli

    • I fucking hate Broccoli. Boil him in a steamer then pour gallons of super hot cheese sauce over the Cunt…then make Piers “up the arse” Morgan eat it. Now Fuck Off!

    • In my alternate media world. They would interview the cunt for a few minutes, then just attack the prick full on. Till security drags the interviewers off him still screaming ‘ we have not done with you yet you fucking cunt’. And that works for munchetty the other way. Just fucking Wade into the biased cunt.

      • Our country changed alot when the smoking ban came in ( or a few years before that?) If someone was talking bollocks, you were allowed and encouraged sometimes to punch the cunt. Since the advancement of social media, women have got involved in disagreements and protected the original cunt talking bollocks. Which leads to advancement of homosexuality. Maybe.

  1. No ideas who the vegetable is, appropriate though, vegetable. Re the cunt on the train, it’s nice to see that actual humans sorted him out, dragged him off and gave him a roughing up by all accounts. No filth around I see, they’d have pissed around trying to talk him down I suppose so well done commuters. I expect the rozzers are now looking for the person that dragged the twat off so they can charge him with something or other. Liz and Phil should be inviting him round for tea.

    • I do not condone or agree with Extinction Rebellions methods, whilst I do share their concerns. I think getting on tops of trains & tube trains is not the way to win people around to your cause, & I believe that public opinion is turning against them because of this.

      That all being said, I think that Tube staff or police should have removed this guy. The video I saw posted on Youtub showed frustrated computers pull him down, but then their seemed to be a mix of thugs putting the boot in, some people trying to calm others down & stop the violence, & a third group quite happy to stand by & merrily record events on their phone.

      I do not like seeing anyone ganged up on & subjected to violence – and the people voyeuristingly watching & filming are no better.
      I don’t like the way things are going today. We are on a slippery slope and need a course correction. Alas for my poor country 🙁

      • I hear what you say but personally I loved seeing them taking a pasting. Serves the fucking twats right.

        If you’re gonna put yourself out there by disrupting peoples’ lives and stopping them earning a living you get what’s coming to you.

      • I agree, it sends a message that these cunts who protest peacefully are not targeting the right people, it’s tough shit if the guy got a couple of digs but it could be seen he was kicking out when they tried to pull him off the train.
        They have no right to stop people going to work, it’s the same as someone blocking a doorway when you are trying to get through, no fucking right whatsoever.
        If the police won’t stop this shit then the public have a right to take action.

      • If these cunts truly believed there were only 11 years left before mass extinction they would be burning themselves to death in the street, like the Tibetan monks. That I would be cool, hur-hur…

      • ….’a mix of thugs putting the boot in,.

        Do you seriously think ‘thugs’ hovver around the tube hoping for a bit of trouble. I doubt if there were any ‘thugs’ there … but certainly plenty of pissed off commuters willing to give the Cunt a bit of a stomping for trying to fuck up their day ….
        The Cunt deserves all that he got, and was probably lucky there wasn’t any ‘thugs’ there. Let them Cunts try the same on the tube line after a London local derby football game.

      • … Just thinking to myself … can you imagine how much fossil fuels are used getting all them supporters to the grounds on a Saturday … and running them pesky floodlights. I suggest Extinction Rebellion target football stadiums on the weekend … I’d pay good money to the World Wildlife Fund to watch that !!!

      • Ooh that would be fun! Would love to see the Millwall lot go at ’em.

      • ‘boilsmypiss’ ; I don’t think ‘thugs’ hover around the tube, but if 100 people get on a tube with you, there is likely to be a thief, wife beater or thug among them, just as likely as a nurse, carer, or pacifist.

        I too saw the protester kick out as they pulled him down & agree that if he got a smack on the way down, it serves him right…But, once he was on the floor and surrounded, there is then no need for further violence. Of course people were frustrated & angry, but people get frustrated & angry at football matches when their team is getting pasted or a ref’s decision goes against them. Violence isn’t the way then, & it shouldn’t have got out of hand here.

        Lots of thing make me mad, but I don’t want to see mob mentality anywhere. It’s happened before with the student protests, race riots & miners strikes. Those are dark times & surely we don’t want to go back there. It’s my honest opinion & if I’m alone so be it.
        I decide my own compass & don’t get swept along with the flow of the river.

      • LoR … I go to work to put food on my table. If I don’t get to work on time, or not at all.. I either get my wages docked, or I don’t get paid. If some fucker is well aware they are deliberately making me late for work and they are looking me in the eye … I’ll knock fuck out of them.

        Have a nice day …

      • NO. Ive seen these cunts in action. Most of them are fucking rent a mob anarchists who deserve a good kicking.

      • I wish they would have brain damaged the selfish fucking cunt. Fuck the self righteous utter fuckwads for stopping people going to work. What kind of sjw has the utter disrespect to stop people going work. One who is a constant subsidised, ignorant CUNT.

      • I loved every minute of it. The “activist” was the first to put the boot in. Big mistake. He deserved a leathering.

    • Oh the police will want to make an example of the guy that grappled that fucking muppet off the train roof…
      Full investigation and lots of grandstanding from plod, expect to see him on crimewatch ” police are looking for this individual called the” vigilante” in respect of a serious physical assault on Claude de weatherwank of exstinction rebellion “
      A crowdfunded court case ?
      Fucking cunts!!

    • The guy on top of the tube, especially the suited one, looked a complete and utter KNOBHEAD. My main regret re an arthritic right knee is not being able to kick the shit out of cunts like this. If I were the head of ops at LT, I would NOT turn the traction current off; if one of these cunts falls and self-barbies, it would teach the twats a lesson.
      They don’t care about us, so why should we give a toss about them.
      Sod off.
      Excellent cunting, by the way.

    • totally agree, That bloke in the red puffer jacket (Mr Fucking Angry) needs a medal but he’s likely to get arrested and charged with something. (I’ll pay his fine) Been waiting for this. They talk about the great British reserve as if its some kind of virtue, Well it’s gone.

    • Forgotten about 1/2 hour later just snother fruitloop .I wonder if he had been assessed before being let loose on the air /could have been wearing a fucking suicide vest for all we know! That d liven this morning up or whatever its fucking called

  2. Fucking hell, do people really get out of the sack in the morning and watch shit like this?

  3. He failed to mention that global warming is the major reason that your average iceberg lettuce is now smaller than yesteryear….

  4. Oh, how I laughed when I watched that cunt being pulled off a tube train and being given a few digs.

    I knew it was coming! These cunts have been pushing their luck. I now see they gave cancelled their Gatwick protest as they probably realised that the rest of us are now very angry.

    If I had pulled that cunt of the train he would now need a wheelchair and a feeding tube.

    Fuck these despotic cunts. Fuck their holier than thou cuntitude.

    They try and shout down anyone who dares to disagree with them.

    I do not believe in their delusions.

    Fuck off.

    • Bet he knows what liquorice tastes like?!
      Oh, no got it muddled up, nevermind…

    • If the police and courts had dealt with the ER/Plane Stupid muppets in the first place then this would not have happened. However the limp approach to these twats has simply encouraged them. By all means protest but the desire to close cities for two weeks goes way beyond what any right thinking person would consider reasonable.

      • Too true. There’s a real analogy with a football game that kicks off. Unless the referee takes early action by booking players, then things get out of hand.
        The fuckin’ police’s initial reluctance to do anything has led people to take matters in their own hands.
        How long can the rug muncher in charge keep her job?
        We’re in the shit in this country mainly because nobody in any walk of life has the balls to impose discipline.

      • I wish that someone had just gone up to that woman (can I say that) glued to the train and just pissed on her.

      • The police led the Muslim community to the Tommy Robinson campaign in Oldham, and then allowed them to throw bricks, bottles, stones etc with no arrests. Work that fucker out.

    • Agree Krav. If they tried to ruin my holiday and i had a chance to get at least one of them alone , i would kick ten shades of shit out them.

  5. Carefully cut the broccoli into small chunks.
    Boil some water.
    Add broccoli and boil for three minutes.
    Drain well with a sieve.
    Scrape all of the shit into the bin.

    I despise broccoli.

    • Put two pots. Put broccoli one and a brick in the other. Boil until the brick is tender. Toss the broccoli in the bin and eat the brick.

      • Some nerk nearly poisoned / killed herself cooking beans in a slow cooker… Just buy tinned ones; they taste LOVELY with RED MEAT in a chilli con carne, and surely boiling fresh ones for five hours to get the toxins out uses a lot of fuel…??

  6. Mr Broccoli? Not cubbys son is it?
    Daft twat anyway, get him in mongos shower room.
    Enjoyed watching the stinky rebellion guy dragged off the train and battered, watched it a few times,
    Well done London!??
    I know some think it was wrong and dont condone violence, but i dont know any better, my ignorance is my excuse, loved it!
    More of this please!!

  7. I don’t know what world you cunts live in but in my world you act like a cunt and fuck people about you eventually , after being asked nicely to desist, get a fucking dig. Don’t like it don’t fucking do it.

    • Yeah, i don’t condone violence unless the recipient is an attentoon-seeking narcisstic cunt, so i’m with you on this Fred.

      • Mine was kept alive into her 90s by cheap gin and dreams of a return to public floggings and hangings.

  8. In the interview, he kept twitching and shouting out “broccoli” and “cauliflower.”
    I think he must have had a severe case of florets.

    • That was salad gold Blunty. He must have lots of emotional cabbage.
      (I bet JR has got a whole chapter on this shit)

      • Yes, LL. Apparently a form of that was voted best joke at the Edinburgh festival. Never been and never will if that’s the best they can manage!

  9. I feel sorry for anyone who watches Good Morning Britain. I understand the desire to wank over Susanna Reid, but Piers Morgan makes it a frustrating experience.
    Kate Garraway was more acheivable as Ben Shepard was as bland as a table lamp, and Kaplinsky was pure filth.

    Naga Munchetty looks like a boy.

    • The only good thing about PM is that he doesn’t take shit from these wanker even if he is a bit of a cunt!

    • Naga Munchetty looks similar to a dusky Rowan Atkinson in the first series of Blackadder

  10. What a fucking cunt, his whole piece is “give peas a chance”
    Yet another Media cunt trotted out on a shit ‘pun’ to distract the Strictly/Dancing On Ice/BGT/X-Factor morons from what is truly important

  11. I had some lovely broccoli last night, with mince and mashed potatoes.

    Btw, currently listening to Sir Nigel on his LBC show. Cunters won’t be surprised to learn that he considers Boris’s tweaked version of May’s Withdrawal Agreement TOTALLY unacceptable.

  12. Mr. Broccoli is the result of school bullies not doing their duty. In my day we would have knocked this Cunt to the ground,two of us would have grabbed one of his legs each and then dragged him, face down, the length of the rugby pitch,making sure to finally sprint either side of the goal post while still holding a leg each.

    The Cunt wouldn’t have been so keen on attracting attention to himself if he’d been properly educated.

    • You just reminded me of the time honoured practice of ‘posting’, Mr F. Usually reserved for the class idiot. Happened in my school aplenty.

      I recall that one of the twats in my year who was both an arsonist and organised a clandestine wanking club with his small circle of similarly-minded, ‘tarded friends, was subjected to a robust ‘posting’.

      • As described, RTC….grab a leg each,drag the Cunt along until veering apart either side of the post while still holding a leg apiece.

      • We had some other name for it…for the life of me I can’t remember what it was…that’ll bother me now,probably spend hours trying to think what we called it.
        Used to work wonders with the “Mr. Broccoli” type, I can remember that.


      • “Used to work wonders with the “Mr. Broccoli” type, I can remember that.”
        Did he end up in a vegetative state?

  13. I hope the cunt got a real good pasting by Joe Public just trying to go about their normal daily duties. These cunts that glue themselves to things, leave the cunts there, let the barmy fuckers stay out in the rain and cold all night. They’le soon change their tune, the fucking scrounging unwashed bastards.

    • Pity top of the train cunt didn’t get a proper pummeling into a vegetive state then he could have joined the broccoli kid on TV

      • You cunt you just made me spit my morning tea all over my phone.

    • Wait until they evacuate their bowels and bladder then leave them for a few hours until they politely ask to be given assistance to be released.

  14. Glue the bastards to the roof of the Trans Siberian express and then scrape the cunts off when they get to their destination. Then, if they’re still alive, stick them down a salt mine, never to see the light of day.

    • Glue yerself to a panda yer meat dodging sandal wearing knobhead!
      Hehe, what did he think was going to happen?
      All those people getting to work was going to clap? Bathe him in adoration?
      Gentle debate?
      “Hes down ! stamp on im”?

  15. I could wear my hips out kicking that broccoli cunt. They should stop his benefits, as he is obviously not seeking gainful employment, although I bet he’s fucking useless, as are all of those ‘professional’ protesters. As for the cunt on the train, good enough for the cunt. He’s a smelly hippy benefits scrounging cunt, who I would probably necklace just for that, but if I was getting my pay docked because I was late as a result of this twat, I would have to consider something more medieval to torture the cunt.

  16. No need for violence. Take his phone off him and ban him from soshul meejah. Then watch his tiny little brain slowly choke to death.

  17. I was wondering when ecotard critical mass would occur.

    Those XR cunts have been pushing their fucking luck for too long now and useless plod has been protecting them from what the public really want to do to them.

    Next time those sanctimonious cunts chain themselves across the slip road to a major airport, I beseech the public not to put the brakes on. Hit a fat one in the right spot and it will dismember the rest of the dumb cunts in the chain.

    I am gutted i wasn’t there this morning. That patchouli smelling cunt on the top of the train would have got a cup of extra hot ecologically sourced coffee with a dozen sugars right in it’s stupid hippy mush.

  18. I don’t care if he’s taking the piss or not. If he is, it’s not funny and he’s an arse-hat. If he’s not then that there just sums up this ‘movement’ of posh parent-funded wankers who have time on their hands to dress up and ‘rebel’, whether speciously or fulsomely.

    I was elated watching the video of that top-of-the-train twat getting a fucking good kicking. Every time I see the inanely grinning faces of middle-class ‘hippies’ banging bongos, I literally want to see a napalm bomb dropped on them. No RemainStream or DemoNcrat-dictated ‘entertainment’, calculated specifically to placate the zomboid palm screen-addicted masses, will ever give me more pleasure than seeing the faces of these morons contorted in confusion and dismay as they get their comeuppance. And if that comeuppance is physically violent, boo fucking hoo. These creatures are mentally deranged, and need to be deleted from humanity if there is any hope of it prevailing.

  19. Fucking total bunch of cunts on question time tonight. I thought it was another appearance by Eddie Izzard, but it’s some frumpy SNP Doris. Typical of her party, a right know it all single issue cunt. Izzard makes a more convincing woman too.

    • I think you can put anything in a curry. I’m not too keen on things being spicy hot.

      I’m quite partial to lamb rogan josh, and that yoghurty stuff with the small bits of cucumber.

  20. Personally I have no problem with mass extinction. In my experience humans are an appalling species.. .

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