A Regal cunting with full Hollywood choir please, for failed actress turned Princess Meghan, who tells anyone who might be watching in a TV documentary that she is a vulnerable and struggling mum:
Has this plain and pricey woman been listening too much to ‘Woman Sour’ and made herself believe she is raising a sprog alone in a high rise flat, on minimum wage?
I am sick to the back teeth with these “royal” ponces who will come out with any fucking shit to get themselves quoted in the newspapers. You can have some sympathy for her being married to Harry the wanker, but she knew what she was taking on, and you can say the same for carrot top.
What this pampered trollop needs is a fucking pep talk from Prince Philip, and to keep her gob shut, perhaps a visit from Air Miles Andy to invite her to suck his overused dick.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Meghan Markle aka Mrs Hewitt Windsor…
The poor little soul is complaining that no one has asked if she is ok. She is struggling being a new mum and newlywed. It must be a fucking struggle in that 2.5 million pound refurbishment house with fucking loads of lackeys to powder the kids nappy rash and make your meals, wash your clothes and no doubt run your fucking bath. What a CUNT. She claims that she is the South African (no doubt black) girls sister and can relate to them. Here is my suggestion why don’t you give up your lifestyle and go live in Soweto with your sisters for a fucking year you total cunt. See how hard life really is. In fact six months in a seaside council estate in Blackpool should help her adjust to being a new mum – there are fucking loads of them there. I would happily have a few wankers taking pictures and writing the odd story on me and my old man for a life of unabashed luxury and privilege on the tax payers tab.
The only fucking chore she has is giving the ginger one a nosh now and again.
Nominated by Cuntsince1066
I’d stick my tongue up her Royal arsehole…
God save our gracious… Go fuck yourselves
She probably has a well payed flunky for that B&WC. Back in medieval times there were royal arsewipers, ‘Groom of the Stool’ I believe. I bet Charles still has one off the books.
As a loyal subject I am ready to step to the plate… Or Royal Meghan arse. LL.
Bet Andy does! Just starting to bud in the bra dept, wears a grange hill costume.
I wouldnt! But i can think of a few other women who i would /&this spoilt bastard aint one of em
Even after a vegan, tofu thunder flump?
I care little for the Royals – don’t hate them, yet don’t have any interest in them – but this cunt and the half-blooded carrot-topped tosspot are fucking inescapable at the moment.
The cunt giving her and Harry PR advice right now should be fucking beaten into a vegetative coma. It’s truly a sign of lacking self-awareness when you can live one long first-class millionaire existence, and then moan about how ‘hard you’ve got it’. Hush up cunt, and just wave to the veterans on Remembrance Day like you are supposed to.
Worse still is Harry who seemingly has no reserve on how much he is willing to flog his late mother’s memory just to get some positive spin – from copying her staged landmine ‘walk’ to citing ‘fear the same harassment is happening to his wife’. And the less said about his hilariously hypocritical environmental posturing, the better
A very simple solution Harry, me old cunt – you want less public scrutiny? Shut the fuck up.
I think I preferred Harry when he was dressing up as a nazi and lunging for journalists.
She has the class of a farmer dripping soup down his threadbare jumper and the gratitude of rescued Gimmigrant complaining of meagre benefits and their small free house.
Somebody should have advised a caveat to young Hewitt, “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have married and lived with the cunt for the rest of your life.”
Am sure they are a side-show to distract the sheeple from politics.
Horry and Moggun, just FO&D.
‘She has the class of a farmer dripping soup down his threadbare jumper ‘
LMFAO ? ? ? ? ? ?
In all seriousness she is a soppy cunt. Totally up her own arse typical Americunt, she has been listening to Arry and his mental health whinging too much. Are you telling me she gets up 3 times a night to see to her baby…I’d bet she doesn’t, is she struggling to pay bills, go shopping and going without… Nah. What a needy cunt… I saw her say her ‘British’ friends said Arry’s nice but the press will ruin her life…seems to me her trashy family are doing a good enough job of that.
What Meghan needs is a good pounding from myself and a few slaps abaaaaht the face with my stained schlong afterwards.
What a cunt.
I’ve never had a problem with the Royals, to be honest, but I wholeheartedly detest this hateful mong-faced smelly fucking cowbag Meghan. Absolute cunt. Fuck off.
PS you’re a fucking shite actress an all.
I’m pro-monarchy (purely as I would NEVER want a President Blair or his ilk), but this cunt and the ginger one are turning me Republican.
You’ve just seen the power and influence the monarch has – zero. At least with an elected leader we could vote the cunt out. I have a lot of respect for her maj, and would if she was a charwoman. She’s a decent sort married to a complete cunt. Once she goes, surely it’s time to get rid of these leeches
Hairy should automatically be included in all Meghan cuntings. She was (well) advised not to marry him, and I have no doubt whatever that the Family strongly advised him not to marry her. (American? Divorcee? Actress? WTF’s wrong with Letitia Sloanington-Broodmare? Pull y’self together, lad.)
Hairy’s had a relapse of the ishoos he had when Mum died, apparently. Cunt’s 35, ffs. And there are many worse ways to go than pissed in a car while out on the razzle with your significant other. Cunt hasn’t worked out that marrying controversially (and magnificently) and bleeding all over the MSM might just possibly whet the press reptiles’ appetites. And neither has his self-regarding virtue-signalling in-clover-for-life wife.
Actually, I rather like them, cunts that they are. Compared with Bercow. But that’s another cunting.
You can certainly see that Harry is his mother’s son – full of self-pity, verging on paranoia. What a pity that Mjr Hewitt didn’t do the decent thing – then he would have just been a commoner, marrying somebody even commoner than him.
Feel sorry for her I do, hard working new mum, dads a deadbeat, inlaws are fuckin germans,
Hubbys always crying about his mam,
What a life, scrimping & scraping to make ends meet.
Look luv, cheer up lifes hard, i was lucky i grew up on a council estate, had it easy, an after a day humping heavy shit up an down stairs i often think as my body aches with fatigue
“Poor old meg will be sitting down to cold caviar”.
An I have a little weep for you.
They do say that Charles know what it’s like being brought up on a large estate, where shooting is common-place!
Humping heavy shit up and down stairs?
You lucky bastard. We never dreamed of having stairs to hump up. Just a rickety ladder.
Right little snowflake arent I??
Anyway what you on about?
A Ladder?
Was they moving into a fuckin tree house?
Ricketty ladder? Luxury!!
What did you have Helmit? Knotted rope to shin up?
Climbed up the brickwork??
We had to use a greased scaffold pole. And if it wasn’t properly greased, “there’s your P45, chum.”
Weeping, whining , pussy whipped snowflake ginger bastard. The boy Hewitt is a template for every millennial emasculated so called man in this country. It’s only a matter of time before this neck beard little twat starts wearing make up and dressing his son in gender neutral clothes. He’s a fucking disgrace.
I have a suspicion you’re not much of a fan of Harry’s?
When he sees his Mrs whining yet again about some manufactured grievance, the brat is crying and he has to attend some charity fundraiser for Wimminz of Colour’, his mind must surely wander to the time he was shitfaced and playing naked billiards with some Las Vegas slappers and wonder where did it all go wrong?
That just made me laugh so much I think I little bit of pee come out ???
You’d be fucked up if you had to call jug ears dad all your life, when everyone else already knows who your real daddy is.
Just another example of how the standards for this country have fallen!
Fuck knows what Madge thinks; and I suspect the Duke would love to take her up the Pall Mall, but quite frankly the young generation of Royals are a bunch of whiny cunts (except for the Duchess of Cambridge – I would definitely stick my tongue, fingers and any other appendage up her arsehole!)
** Am imagining a lesbian lovefest between Meghan and Catherine (now where is my wanksock!?)
The Queen must absolutely despair with this pair of twats.
I’m not anti monarchy but when the Queen goes, sweep the present lot away and choose a new bloodline.
I want to see Black and White chosen and ensconced at the Palace – someone with a taste and appreciation for the good life.
I think im better suited than BWC!
Bout time the North had a arse on the throne!
BWC will have white powder all over the table, and be lecherous to the servants.
No ,big bearded northern king, gravy for the poors chips!
A proper king whos happy to swing the axe with traitors.
No fancy throne for King Miserable then? You will have to have one made from the bones of the Brexit traitors down the road at Westminster.
Yeah a throne of remainers skulls like mr Burns!
Sorry BWC your chance has passed,
New kid in town and his reign will be bloody and glorious!
You have missed your calling Miserable and should have been around 1200 years ago as a Viking raider. Bjorn to Cunt.
All hail Miserable King Henry IX…. ?
And for a good arsehole too!
Elton John up for queen and definitely good for arsehole
Whats that mean Helmit?
And married to the supelative Mrs. Ethel Shroake, of 393a High Street, Leytonstone.
Monarchy for the millenials. What a complete let down the worst generation are. For fucks sake shut your gob, wave , open things or fuck off to Africa. Cunts.
I’ve more time for her than that Cunt of a husband. She is what she obviously always was…a “woke”,right-on,publicity-hunting,bit-part American actress on the lookout for a wealthy husband…and she hit the jackpot. Good luck to her. She managed to snare an extremely well-connected,wealthy, congenital idiot. All she has done is expose what a whiny,entitled,two-faced dolt Harry actually is.
I hope she takes the Cunt for every penny,fucks off back to America and leaves mong-lad destitute and heart-broken in some mud-hut in BongoBongo land where he can whine on to the natives about his slapper of a Mummy and tough life to his heart’s content. Hopefully they’ll sharp sicken and shove the twat into a boiling cauldron quickly.
Fuck them.
Horry is more of a piss-pot than the jackpot !
My God this woman is pathetic, privileged, virtue signalling, hypocritical.
Take Harry, on yet another private jet, and go and live in the USA.
I can see her eventually fucking off back home and taking the kid with her. She’ll have it made over there, flogging her stories in print and on tv. They’ll treat her like royalty, know what I mean?
Harry Wales or whatever his name is? (These Royals seem to make it up as they go along) is a complete overhyped cunt. His Mrs is an attention seeking scumbag She is never happy unless She’s in the limelight then moans about press ingress into their private lives Both of them love to preach about the environment and the damage We are doing to it but are quite happy to jet all over the World in private jets belonging to other people The best one I’ve heard is they are both taking a year off (from what ?) and moving to Africa good riddance fuck off
This um bongo drinker needs to fuck right off back to the plantation. That cotton ain’t gonna pick itself.
Ole man river.
Oh, and take St Doreen of the Lawrence with you.
Sanctimonious bitch.
Poor Harry Hewitt… after all this time he still can’t face up to the fact that his narcissistic, publicity hungry, slag of a mother died as the result of getting into a car with a drunken frog lush who thought it would be fun to play tag with the paparazzi.
Instead he chooses to blame today’s tabloid press.
Word of advice to the privileged parasite and his slightly coloured mummy substitute: If you can’t stand the heat, get off the publicity seeking Merry-go-round you cunts.
Evening RTC. Must agree completely. I think this pair must just ignore any guidance given by advisors. How many times do we hear that if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging?
I think this pair are deliberately trying to get themselves thrown out of “The Firm”. I’m in favour, as long as no redundancy money is involved.
Just been moderated Ruffy. I defy even you to know what caused it! When it comes back, perhaps you’ll have an idea?
So deflated by the going ons in the commons and the courts that despite Meghan and the minor Royals the Queen is a comforting bulwark.
I appreciate everyone’s feelings on the royal family but they don’t register on my list of cunts just now.
Both have gone out of their way to criticize most facets and institutions of this country and apart from visiting Grenfell umbongos and the like, not chosen to visit up north not that I would give a fuck, so it’s somewhat of a suprise you get called out is it, just shows how stupid you are, half a brain shared between the two of them . Duchess of Cambridge is class, luverly
Gold digging old scrubber. Apparently this pair of freeloaders are having six weeks “off” to recover from the stresses and strains of parenthood and media attention (attention they sought themselves). Fucking lazy over privileged bastards.
See the stress theyre under!
Shes pale and wan,
His hairs dropping out by the day,
Them cunts in Chernobyl kept their barnet longer than Hewitt jr
It’s jolly hard work having to take 4 private jets in 11 days to tell the world about climate change. Not to mention the exhaustion involved in taking flights to see fellow sub-primate Serena Williams playing tennis.
Hypocrisy on steroids.
Always remember when David Attenborough met Serena, sat in that rainforest in the congo, her whole family sat round, was lovely.
Diane Abbotts troop made a mint from the PG Tips adverts.
I’ve never been anti royal before, but the last couple of years has started to change my mind. And, it’s all because of these pair of cunts. I’m sick of the sight of them. I have no interest or sympathy for the cunts, and this continually whining about the press in the press is gripping my shit. I’ve had a pretty shit year, but I’m of the opinion that there are people I know who have had it far worse than me, and it helps put my shite into some form of perspective. I’ll save my sympathy for folk who don’t travel on private jets, so fuck off.
The ginger cunt travelled by private jet more times in one month than I can afford to travel locally by bus, and he feels fucking hard done by? How fucking thick is this twat?
Speaking of freeloaders did you see that Labour cunt, Bryant, demanding money for childcare because he had to work on Saturday? The bare faced front of these parasites takes my breath away. That’s a cunt who needs booting out.
Tbh, I’ve no time for any of them, apart from Kate. Don’t need to tell fellow cunters what I’d stick my tongue up given half the chance.
When the Queen carks Kate should ascend the throne and the rest of them can fuck off and join a travelling freak show for sheeple’ pleasure.
If Phil the Greek is still ticking when it happens, he could go and host Question time for something to do…
Skip over Charles and Will, and make that little six-year old fucker George VII when Betty kicks the bucket. The fame and prestige will overpower him, he’ll have colossal teeny tantrums, and consequently go all Game-Of-Thrones on plebs and birds alike. We’ll be an ugly, utilitarian, mundane republic, even more corrupt than now, before you can say, “accident of birth.”
Im wondering why charles is still shagging a horse(camilla) even while diana was alive where was he
Oh thats right in the stables with camilla !giving it er up the arse talk about fucking dysfunctional all of em!
Like so many of you on here, I’ve always been in favour of the monarchy but the ginger bastard and egg-plant wife are a couple of complete cunts with attitudes so typical of today’s fucked up twatty generation. “Me, me and other things about me!” In the words of the legendary Mr Fiddler, fuck them.
One of the worst things about this slag was her refusal to meet the Tango Man. Who the fuck does she think she is? Royalty don’t get to choose who they shake hands with, it’s their job to lick foreign arse. But virtue signalling points come first with this old whore. Her Maj must have been furious. I can see her now…”Oh Philip that coloured girl is such a fucking bitch. Can’t we make Harry Viceroy of India or something?”
“No dear, we don’t own India anymore. That little Gandhi chappie fucked it all up, remember?”
Tango Man is almost a level-headed member of society compared to that family of inbred dysfunctional fuckwits. If they weren’t royalty they would have been on The Jeremy Kyle Show long ago, starting with the ginger wanker getting DNA tested.
Well he is now!
How quickly the mighty fall in the world of the libtard.
This Cunt and her equally Cuntish, wet wipe of a husband, genuinely believe that they are hard done to and hard working. Yes, touring Africa with miriad flunkeys must be such a fucking strain.
Some people did Africa the hard way, and this Cunt and her ginger topped knob aren’t fit to lick their boots.
Get To Fuck.
This Hollywood right -on woke lefty shit was never going to work in the Royal family.
Harry is doomed. He should have married any number of girls called Cressida or some such who are brought up to suck Royal cock, wave nicely and keep schtum.
He’s in for more of the ‘menral health issues’ he keeps ranting about. Silly cunt.
Now I am informed our Harry likes a bit of polo, and I am further informed that said game attracts lots of luscious, lubricious luverlys, so how come you end up with this rotten apple, talk about making bad choices in life, given the opportunities to straddle some fine lithe young filly called Felicity or similar, thick as mud
That is a disturbing question. Could it be that The Family consciously decided that the spare heir to the heir might as well show the peasants a lead in promoting diversity? Perhaps we should be thankful she isn’t a Somali…
I can only assume that Markle the Sparkle reeled the ginger dew-drop in with some novel bedroom tricks, e.g. but not limited to; tongue up the arsehole, spooge guzzling, arse to mouth and tea bagging.
This piqued his interest and the small head then took over in the driving seat. Fuck knows why else he would have married it. There is something contrived about her tragedy that Hewitt Jr can’t resist that takes him back to memories of doe eyed mummy.
I agree, I reckon Markle is plotting the path to divorce. She will take the sprog back to the USA, hawk her story on Yankee Doodle TV and live out her life in luxury with a selection of toy boys hung like horses.
You mark my words.
I wonder if she’ll try to claim a chunk of Buckingham Palace.
I’ll certainly Markle your words :-p
Trailer Trash.
I have tried very hard all my life to be fair and unprejudicial but this cunt really does set off my Gingest valve. I have never heard anything quite so dumb as whinging about media attention in the media. Max Clifford I ain’t but I can tell you if you don’t want to be in the media so much you could try not going to war with the fucking media all the time. What a cunt…What a brace of cunts. One can only imagine what kind of pathetic wetness we are in for when child of such colossal drips makes it to adulthood.
Megan Mangle is the ultimate gold digger, the attention seeking tart will go to any length to get what she wants, so get ready for the royal divorce, how long does she have to be married before she can take Harry to the cleaners, or do I see a car crash in her future,I bet the blow jobs have stopped, the thrill is gone and Harry boy will probably be caught dunking his ginger nuts into the next attention seeker…
Im not sure she has always been so pathetic. She could be getting inspiration from the female serfs who populate the duchy. Sussex is full of manipulative, pampered cry-baby bints